Learn To Success - LTS Apps
English short love stories 3.0.0
Do you love to read love stories, this app for you. Get inspiredwith the love stories of fantastic people! Express your love withthe help of these love stories and impress your better half. 100%Offline Story - Beautiful Design . Application contains Story :Romeo and Juliet. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert . Lancelot andGuinevere. Salim and Anarkali. The last goodbye , Hugs and Kisses.I love you but I lost you, I lost every thing. I'm Sorry. Just afriend. Time is love. Love Despite the Distance. Someone that Iused to know. From Friends to Lovers ... Try it ! I hope you it !
TOEFL Vocabulary 3.0.6
Having a good vocabulary knowledge will be very helpful inimproving your English skills, special for writing, readingcomprehension and listening as well. So that getting moreconfidence in speaking English to communicate with foreign people.Work through the entire tests and games inside, play and do itagain and again, you can see how well you’ve done. You can choose aspecific topic to listen, remember and do the relevant exercises orexciting mini-game after that. Practice little and often isdefinitely the best way to improve your vocabulary. This will bethe first important step for preparation of TOEFL exam in future.Getting a high score is easier than ever with TOEFL Essential Words- English based learning languages application. TOEFL EssentialWords' features: * More than 5000 vocabularies which are dividedinto 40 topics will be described in detail with usage tips, shortdescriptions as well in kind of flashcards UI design. * On eachtopic, ideas are categorized so that learners can practice andsummarize easily. * Two kinds of practice test: writing test andlistening test, with two types of each test. * In-app mini-gamesnot only help in testing your memories but also getting a lot offuns and feeling relaxed, therefore increase learning efficiencytoo. * Should learn from context to expand your vocabulary, gaincomprehension quickly. * Bookmark manager allow keeping track ofyour progress so that you can go back to specific content later. *Translation and the text-to-speech in-app feature will help inimproving your pronunciation and vocabulary learning skills. * Thelock screen in-app feature makes the app get ready whenever yourphone awakes. * Check just how much progress you make with thesimple answer result sheet after each test. This app can also beused as helpful learning material for the TOEFL test, IELTS test,TOEIC test, GRE test, GMAT test, SAT test as well.
Funny Stories 2.0.1
Funny Stories - Free - Offline 100% Reviewed the best bilingualjokes collected online from various sources. + Just entertainmentmedium hone English language skills, helps to relax after workhours. + There is a full translation to help understand the meaningeasily. + The comical situations in each story helps users memorizephrases in English conversation. Let yourself experience youroffline applications. I wish you fun and learning withapplications.
Phrasal Verbs Dictionary 3.0.3
Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Application support learn Phrasal VerbsFree - 100% Offline - 3000 vocabulary collection arrange in 100lesson - Vocabulary pronunciation support Lock Screen function-Mini game 2 mode practice - 2 mode Vocabulary practice SupportTOEFL test , IELTS test, TOEIC test, GRE test, GMAT test, SAT test- Daily vocabulary. - 600 essential for the toeic. - Vocabulary ofIelts exam. - Vocabulary of Toefl exam.
Logical Reasoning 3.3.3
In recruitment process of most of companies, logical reasoning isone of important parts which every qualify candidates have toprepared for. So, what is logical reasoning? Logical reasoning is akind of using precondition or premises to arrive at validconclusions. When you have bad premises, you will get badconclusions. However, if you have no idea about it or don’t knowhow to enhance your logical thinking skills. Don’t worry, ourLogical Reasoning application is definitely what you need. Withvarious systematic series of logical questions, lots of usefultips and tricks, lots of practice tests from all levels which becarefully prepared for giving more effective and easier in bothstudying and thinking; will guide you to archive your passionatecareer in future. These general critical thinking test will expandyour analyzing thinking, improve solving problems abilities andhelp preparing yourself for competitive exams like CAT, RRB, SSC,MBA, IBPS , CSAT, SBI, SSC, AIPMT, GMAT, SAT, MAT,etc…Additionally, this testing experience is very helpful for yourcareer tests, interviews, IQ competition or any brain challenges infuture. Logical Reasoning’s major features: * There are 4 principalcategories : Logical, Verbal, Aptitude and Test (online test, dailytest, etc…). * We offer huge collection of logical practice testswith more than 80 topics (+3200 logical reasoning question, 760aptitude logical questions, +3200 verbal ability questions). * Tipsand tricks for each categories with in-app formulae list. * Theanswers are explained immediately after you make a choice of eachrelated question. * Getting better results with in-app answerutility(fifty-fifty). Can even be able to see the right answer withexplanations if you have not any idea. * You can also bookmark yourquestions to enable quick access in future. * Many kind of testssuch as online test, daily test, etc…Particular statistics at theend of tests will be described clearly your performance, therefore,totally revealing your strength and weakness. * Free for everyone.* Friendly graphical user interfaces. * You will find the darktheme toggle switch by going to Settings and just enable dark modefeature to make it work. * No internet connection required. Thisapp supports difference topic Logical Reasoning: + Alphabetreasoning + Alphabet series + Alphabet tests + Analogy + Antonyms +Arithmetic signs + Arithmetical reasoning + Artificial language +Blood relation + Calendar + Coding and decoding + Decision making +Essential parts + Find the odd + Letter and symbol series + Letterseries + Logical reasoning + Logical sequence of words +Number sequence + Number Series + Odd letter group + Odd man out +Odd numeral + Odd numeral pair/group + Odd pair of words + Odd word+ Ranking Quiz + Sentence completion + Sequence of words + Seriescompletion + Situation reaction + Verbal ability + Verification oftruth + Word formation + Brain training This app supportsdifference topic Aptitude: + Ages + Area + Averages + Banker'sDiscount + Boats & Streams + Calendar + Clock + CompoundInterest + HCF/LCM + Height & Distance + Logarithms + Mixtures+ Numbers + Partnerships + Percentages + Permutations + Pipes +Probability + Profit & Loss + Races & Games + Ratio &Proportion + Simple Interest + Stocks & Shares + Time &Distance + Time & Work + Trains + True Discount + Volume &Surface This app supports difference topic Verbal Ability: +Antonyms + Change of Voice + Closet Test + Complete Statement +Comprehension + Idioms & Phrases + Order Sentences + OrderingWords + Paragraph Formation + Selecting Words + Sentence Correction+ Sentence Formation + Sentence Improvement + Spellings + SpotErrors + Substitute + Synonyms + Verbal Analogies
Vocabulary Builder Cards 3.0.3
Vocabulary Builder - English vocabulary daily Application supportlearn common vocabulary Free - 100% Offline - Photo word learning.- 5000+ vocabulary collection. - Flashcard. - Vocabularypronunciation support. Lock Screen function -Mini game 3 modepractice Support TOEFL test , IELTS test, TOEIC test , GRE test,GMAT test , SAT test - Daily vocabulary. - 600 essential for thetoeic. - Vocabulary of Ielts exam. - Vocabulary of Toefl exam.
English Idioms and Phrases 3.0.1
English Idioms and Phrases Application helpful to learn Idioms ,Phrases and Proverbs in English very easily and effectively . Free- 100% Offline - 10000+ idioms collection arrange in 26 subject -Vocabulary pronunciation support Lock Screen function -Mini game 2mode practice Support TOEFL , IELTS , TOEIC , GRE , GMAT , SATtrainning
Proverbs and Sayings 3.0.3
Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Application support learn Proverbs ,Phrasal Verbs and Idioms Free - 100% Offline - 100 Proverbscollection arrange in 10 lesson . - Vocabulary pronunciationsupport. Lock Screen function -Mini game 2 mode practice - 2 modeVocabulary practice Support TOEFL , IELTS , TOEIC , GRE , GMAT ,SAT trainning - Daily vocabulary. - 600 essential for the toeic. -Vocabulary of Ielts exam. - Vocabulary of Toefl exam.
IELTS Test 3.1.1
IELTS Practice Test pleased to offer a free IELTS practice test toanyone who registers for IELTS in university or just have an abroadinterview in future. The practice test includes an overview of thetest format with a variety of sample questions and answers, toassist you in preparing for the real IELTS exam. We offer 200practice tests and more than 2000 available given questions dividedinto different related topics. * Listening, reading comprehension,writing, speaking skills can also be enhanced as well and help youlearn vocabularies faster. * You may take note of all sections ofthe exam, keep track of your progress by bookmark manager so thatyou can go back to specific content later. * The lock screen in-appfeature makes the app always on top whenever your phone awakes. *An in-app text-to-speech feature can help in improvingpronunciation skill at all levels of proficiency. * Flashcarddesign, friendly GUI and very easy to use. * The particularstatistic which has clearly described the testing progress will bedisplayed after you’ve finished your test. * Thousands ofvocabularies with full definitions, common grammar rules, commonphrases, verbs are also included. * Multi-languages and translationfeature are supported. IELTS Practice Test can also be used ashelpful learning preferences for the TOEFL test, TOEIC test, GREtest, GMAT test, SAT test as well.
English Grammar 3.1.0
Grammar English app is developed to improve your English grammaraccuracy. Work through the practice tests will help in expandingyour knowledge and challenge your mature in common grammar rules.There are two sections in this app: grammar section (study guide)and practice test section. Main features: * Grammar section has 22grammar rules from basic to advanced with the full explanation ofusage, notice and also tips & tricks about English grammar. *Practice test section contains over 5000 test questions dividedinto different related topics. * Flashcards style design, a veryeasy to use and friendly GUI. * Bookmark manager allow keepingtrack of your progress so that you can go back to specific contentlater. * Translation tools and the text-to-speech in-app featurewill help in enhancing your pronunciation and vocabularies learningskills. * The lock screen in-app feature makes the app always ontop whenever your phone awakes. * Check just how much progress youmake with the particular statistics after each test. * +10000Practice Test with Reading test, Sentence test, Incorrect Wordtest, Synonyms test. * Listening feature with +2000 listeningsamples. Topic’s content: * Time * Question Tags * Question Words *Comparison * Gerunds and Infinitives * Some or Any * Much or Many *For or Since * Too or Enough * So or Such * Few or Little * Alreadyor Yet * Present Simple * Present Continuous * Presentperfect * Present Perfect Continuous * Past Simple * PastContinuous * Past Perfect * Past Perfect Continuous * Future Simple* Future Continuous * Future Perfect * Future Perfect Continuous *Articles: A/An/The * Prepositions Of Place: In At On * PrepositionsOf Time: In At On * Personal Pronouns - Subject * Personal Pronouns- Object * Personal Pronouns - Subject or Object * PossessiveAdjectives * Possessive Pronouns * Reflexive Pronouns This app canalso be used as helpful learning material for the TOEFL test, IELTStest, TOEIC test, GRE test, GMAT test, SAT test as well.
English Essays 3.0.6
English Essays collection is an offline app that helps read andimprove your English Skills. There are 25+ Essay categories. Thisapplication provides you with thousands of latest topic essays from300 to 1000 words. Using this application student can learn how towrite an essay and how to perform on stage. This application willbe helpful for both IELTS academic/IELTS general students and TOEFLEssays. Essay Collection App Contains: - 1000+ Essay English - 500+stories - Support for IELTS, TOEFL exam - Beautiful design - Easilyto use - Essay For Everyone Essay types: - Persuasive Essay -Expository Essay - Descriptive Essay - Narrative Essay - How toWrite an Essay Thanks for downloading it.
3000 common English words 2.0.2
3000 common english words - 3000 common english words - 3000 oxfordvocabulary - 3000 basic english words The application supports thevocabulary needed for the English exam Free - 100% Offline EnglishDictionary: - Synthesis of 3000vocabularies usually occurs in English exams divided into 300topics - Each vocabulary comes withstandard pronunciation. - For example,attach a meaningful translation. Lock Screen Features - Learn from time to time, every time youunlock the screen. Mini games help keep you entertained whilelearning to avoid boring Exercises include: - Vietnamese meaning: display Englishwords and 4 Vietnamese answers. - Rememberenglish: shows Vietnamese meaning and 4 answers is englishvocabulary. - Writing: displayVietnamese meaning with English pronunciation requires the user towrite the correct English words. 50 Basic English Grammar TOELICTOELIC TOEFL Preparation Support - CommonEnglish Vocabulary. - 600 words toeicvocabulary. - Common ielts vocabulary. - Vocabulary toefl needed.
English Slang Learning 3.0.4
English Slang Learning Application helpful to learn EnglishSlangvery easily and effectively . Free - 100% Offline - 6000+slangcollection arrange in 26 subject - Vocabulary pronunciationsupport- Beautiful design. Support TOEF test , IELTS test , TOEICtest,GRE test , GMAT test, SAT test - Daily vocabulary - 600essentialfor the toeic - Vocabulary of Ielts exam - Vocabulary ofToeflexam.