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NIV Bible for Study Free 1.0
The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation ofthe Christian Bible. Biblica (formerly the International BibleSociety) is the worldwide publisher and copyright holder of theNIV, and licenses commercial rights to Zondervan in the UnitedStates and to Hodder & Stoughton in the UK. Originallypublished in the 1970s, the NIV was updated in 1984 and 2011, andhas become one of the most popular and best selling moderntranslations.This version is free!
Biblia Reina Valera 1960 1.0
La Reina-Valera, también llamada Biblia deCasiodoro de Reina o Biblia del Oso, es una de las primerastraducciones de la Biblia al castellano. La obra fue hecha a partirde la traducción de los textos originales en hebreo y griego y fuepublicada en Basilea, Suiza, el 28 de septiembre de 1569. Sutraductor fue Casiodoro de Reina, religioso español convertido alprotestantismo.2 Recibe el sobrenombre de Reina-Valera por haberhecho Cipriano de Valera la primera revisión de ella en 1602. LaReina-Valera tuvo amplia difusión durante la Reforma protestantedel siglo XVI. Hoy en día, la Reina-Valera (con varias revisiones através de los años) es una de las biblias en español más usadas porgran parte de las iglesias cristianas derivadas de la Reformaprotestante (incluyendo las iglesias evangélicas), así como porotros grupos de fe cristiana, como la Iglesia Adventista delSéptimo Día, La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los ÚltimosDías, los Gedeones Internacionales y otros cristianos nodenominacionales.The King James, alsocalled Bible of Cassiodorus Queen or Bear Bible, is one of thefirst translations of the Bible into Castilian. The work was donefrom the translation of the original texts in Hebrew and Greek andwas published in Basel, Switzerland on 28 September 1569. Histranslator was Cassiodorus Queen, Spanish religious converted toprotestantismo.2 nomitaded King James for making Cipriano deValera's first review of it in 1602. The King James was widelypublicized during the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenthcentury. Today, the King James (with several revisions over theyears) is one of the bibles in Spanish most used by most of theChristian churches stemming from the Reformation (includingevangelical churches) and other Christian faith groups such as theSeventh-day Adventist Church, The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, the Gideons International and othernon-denominational Christians.
NLT Bible Study Free 3.0
The NLT Bible Study Free at your fingertips toread, learn and share God’s Word anywhere, anytime. The New LivingTranslation (NLT) is a translation of the Bible in to modernEnglish. Originally starting out as an effort to revise The LivingBible, the project evolved into a new English translation fromHebrew and Greek texts. Some stylistic influences of The LivingBible remained in the first edition (1996), but these are lessevident in the second edition (2004, 2007). As of November 2013,the NLT is the third most popular English version of the Biblebased on unit sales according to the Christian BooksellersAssociation.
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan Songs 1.0
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (born 9 December 1973)isa Pakistani singer, primarily of Qawwali, a devotional music of theMuslim Sufis.If you love his music you must download this free appcreated special for all his fans.In a subordinate role with hisuncle Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, working in collaboration with EddieVedder, of the American rock band, Pearl Jam, Rahat contributed tothe soundtrack of the 1995 Hollywood film, Dead Man Walking. In2002, he worked on the soundtrack of The Four Feathers incollaboration with the American composer of orchestral and filmmusic, James Horner In 2002, Rahat guested with The Derek TrucksBand on the song Maki Madni for Trucks' album, Joyful Noise. In2011, his vocals were featured on the soundtrack of Mel Gibson'sApocalypto.
Hebrew Bible for Study Free 2.0
Hebrew Bible for Study Free app presenting theWord of God as a unified Jewish book. This bible connects Jews withthe Jewishness of the Messiah, and non-Jews with their Jewishroots. Also you can read daily devotional and listen biblemessages, share your thoughts, encourage to others through commentsand content and verses through Facebook. Hebrew Bible (also HebrewScriptures or Jewish Bible; Latin: Biblia Hebraica) is the termused by biblical scholars to refer to the Tanakh, the canonicalcollection of Jewish texts, which is the common textual source ofthe several canonical editions of the Christian Old Testament.These texts are composed mainly in Biblical Hebrew, with somepassages in Biblical Aramaic (in the books of Daniel, Ezra and afew others).The content, to which the Protestant Old Testament closelycorresponds, does not act as source to the deuterocanonicalportions of the Roman Catholic, nor to the Anagignoskomena portionsof the Eastern Orthodox Old Testaments. The term does not commentupon the naming, numbering or ordering of books, which varies withlater Christian biblical canons. The term Hebrew Bible is anattempt to provide specificity with respect to contents, whileavoiding allusion to any particular interpretative tradition ortheological school of thought. It is widely used in academicwriting and interfaith discussion in relatively neutral contextsmeant to include dialogue among all religious traditions, but notwidely in the inner discourse of the religions which use its text.Download Now, It's Free and 100% Recommended!
Daily Devotionals Free 2.0
Get spiritual Bible quotations delivered dailyto your android device! You receive FREE Bible scriptures, verses,passages and uplifting devotionals 365 days a year. Need aspiritual lift? Feel life spinning out of control? DailyDevotionals Free will help you clear the way to clarity one messageat a time.Enjoy these special features:• Devotionals from Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, CharlesStanley• Get devotionals for women, bible verses, scriptures, passages,Psalms and more• Share with friends via FacebookBrighten your day. Get a fresh perspective. Stay involved andgrow your faith in Jesus. It’s easy with this app!Get it now, it’s FREE!
ESV Bible for Study Free 2.0
The English Standard Version (ESV) is anEnglish translation of the Christian Bible. It is a revision of the1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version that employs an"essentially literal" translation philosophy.ESV Bible is reaching for you to build a deeper and more heartfeltrelationship with you.Enjoy a fresh relationship with Christ as you consider the manyways He has chosen to communicate with us. Peace and hope are to befound in His simple words. Download the ESV Bible for free!
Biblia Cornilescu 1921 1.0
Biblia Cornilescu 1921 este o aplicatiegratuita si usor de folosit, fiind foarte utila în activitatea destudiu biblic elementar, pregatirea unei predici, lecturareaBibliei si multe altele. Am creat aceasta aplicatie pentru a putealectura Biblia Cornilescu fara o conexiune la internet si pentru aveni in intampinarea tuturor credinciosilor. Tot aici puteti gasiversetul zilei sau diferite rugaciuni cum ar fi Rugaciunilecopiilor, Rugaciuni la biserica, Rugaciuni pentru Impartasire,Rugaciuni ortodoxe, Rugaciuni - Farmece si deochi, Rugaciuni laboala si suferinta, Rugaciuni la praznice si sarbatori, Paraclise,Psalmii si altele! Aveti posibilitatea de a partaja pe Facebook cuprietenii si familia versete, rugaciuni, psalmii totulgratuit!KJV 1921 is a free andeasy to use, very useful in the work of Bible study elementary,preparing a sermon, Bible reading and more. We created this app toread KJV without an internet connection and to meet all believers.Here you can find the verse of the day or different prayers prayerssuch as children, prayers in church, Prayers for shared OrthodoxPrayers, Prayer - and the evil eye charms, prayers to disease andsuffering, prayer and celebrate feasts, chapels, Psalms and more!You may share with friends and family on Facebook verses, prayers,psalms all free!
Easy to Read Bible Study Free 2.0
This Easy to Read Bible Study Free app offersan easy way to read the God words. Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) Bibleis an English translation of the Bible done by the World BibleTranslation Center. The ERV uses the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia(1984) as its Old Testament text with some readings from the DeadSea Scrolls. Also, it follows the Septuagint when its readings areconsidered more accurate. (The Septuagint is the ancient Greektranslation of the Hebrew scriptures.) For the New Testament, theERV uses the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (fourthrevised edition, 1993) and Nestle-Aland Novum Testament Graece(twenty-seventh edition, 1993).The content app:ERV BibleBible StudyDaily PrayerBible MessagesEncouragement for TodayGod bless you!
JW Bible for Study Free 1.0
The app si created for Jehovah's Witnesses toaccess Bible material for free. JW Bible contains whatever you needincluding JW books,videos,Bible teachings,messages and othermore things. Download for FREE!
Catholic Prayers App 1.0
This application offers you the chance to findyour inner peace through all catholic prayers, accompany you andguide you at any time to follow the path that leads you to theLord. These prayers will strengthen you and bring you closer toGod, Almighty. Find catholic prayers that help us in the mostdifficult times and that always accompany us. . It includes belovedbasic prayers like the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Rosaryprayers, as well as other revered prayers, including prayers forthe sick, prayers for strength, prayers for children, and more. Webring this app to help you recite your favorite prayers anywhere,as well as share them through Facebook to families andfriends.Download this free app now.
World English Bible Study Free 1.0
The World English Bible is an update of theAmerican Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible, published in1901. A custom computer program updated the archaic words and wordforms to contemporary equivalents, and then a team of volunteersproofread and updated the grammar.The World English Bible claims tobe one of the few English-language Bibles custom translated to beunderstood by most English-speakers worldwide, eliminating the needfor data-processing based or computer operating system-specificinternationalizations. The New Testament was updated to conform tothe Majority Text reconstruction of the original Greek manuscripts,thus taking advantage of the superior access to manuscripts that wehave now compared to when the original ASV was translated. Thestyle of the World English Bible, while fairly literallytranslated, is in informal, spoken English. The World English Bibleis designed to sound good and be accurate when read aloud. It isnot formal in its language, just as the original Greek of the NewTestament was not formal.
Daily Prayers & Blessings App 1.0
Daily Prayers & Blessings App for KindleFire HD contains 365 daily prayers and blessings, each based on apassage from the Bible. This app will offer to her users many waysto practice spirituality, offering blessings, prayers anddevotions. This app can significantly improve your life and yourrelationships, you become much more at peace with yourself and whenyou discover facets of your own nature that you did not know werethere. An inexhaustible resource from which we can draw, prayeroffers strength and light for times of doubt; clarity and guidanceduring moments of confusion; security for in-between times ofchange and upheaval; and energy for rebuilding after loss. DailyPrayers & Blessings App is designed to help you know Godthrough word and image.
KJV Bible for Study Free 1.0
The King James Version (KJV), commonly knownas the Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is anEnglish translation of the Christian Bible for the Church ofEngland begun in 1604 and completed in 1611.In 1612, the first KingJames Version using Roman Type was issued. This quarto version isonly second to the 1611 folio KJV. This free app contains all youneed to know and learn about KJB Bible.
Kids Bible Study Free 2.0
Available now for Android smartphones andtablets, Kids Bible Study Free is always completely free!Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kidsexplore the big stories of the Bible. Kids Bible Study Free is adelight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to returnagain and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’sWord. Download now!
Catholic Bible for Study Free 1.0
The Bible is all around us. People hearScripture readings in church. Now you can have on your androiddevice free. The Church encourages Catholics to make reading theBible part of their daily prayer lives. Reading these inspiredwords, people grow deeper in their relationship with God and cometo understand their place in the community God has called them toin himself. Install this app right now and have all that at yourdisposal! Reading the Bible is not like reading a novel or ahistory book. It should begin with a prayer asking the Holy Spiritto open our hearts and minds to the Word of God. Scripture readingshould end with a prayer that this Word will bear fruit in ourlives, helping us to become holier and more faithful people.Obvious you have prayers in our app, bible messages and dailyreadings to learn the God word!
Abida Parveen Songs 1.0
This free app si created special for all herfans.Abida Parveen is a Pakistani singer of Sindhi descent and oneof the foremost exponents of Sufi music (Sufiana kalaam). She isheld as one of the world's greatest singers.She sings mainlyghazals and her forte, Kafis, a solo genre accompanied bypercussion and harmonium, using a repertoire of songs by Sufipoets.Parveen sings in Urdu, Sindhi, Saraiki, Punjabi and Persian.She is arguably considered one of the finest Sufi vocalists of themodern era with a career spanning over four decades. Parveen isbest known for her songs Yaar ko Humne from the album Raqs-e-Bismiland Tere Ishq Nachaya which is a rendition of Bulleh Shah's poetryShe was a judge on the musical show Sur Kshetra. Pakistan's secondhighest civilian award the Hilal-e-Imtiaz has been bestowed uponher.
Sfanta Scriptura 1.0
Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură se referălaScripturile sacre din iudaism și creștinism. Aceste scrierisuntcompilații ale unor documente separate (numite „cărți”)scriseîntr-un interval de timp de circa 1000 de ani. Se presupunecă ceeace creștinii numesc Vechiul Testament, ar fi rezultatulactivitățiia circa 100-150 scriitori diferiți, provenind dincărturarii aflațiîn serviciul conducătorilor politici și clericalidin regateleIsraelului și Iudeei antice. Cărțile acestea au fostadunate însecolele I-II d.Hr. pentru a forma prima Biblie ebraică,Tanach sauHamikrá iar mai târziu, cu adăugirea Evangheliilor și aunor cărțisuplimentare, Biblia creștină, sau Sfânta Scriptură, careconțineatât Vechiul Testament, cât și Noul Testament. Prima parteaBibliei creștine este numită Vechiul Testament. VechiulTestamentreprezintă în mare traducerea grecească (sau din aceastaîn altelimbi) a textului sacru ebraic așa cum era el prin secol IIî.H. Oîmpărțire cu origine evreiască pe criterii funcționale aVechiuluiTestament îl împarte pe acesta în Legea ("Legea luiMoise","Pentateuhul", adică primele "cinci cărți" ale Bibliei),Profețiiși Scrierile Sfinte. A doua parte a Bibliei creștine estenumităNoul Testament.The Holy Bible referstothe sacred Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. Thesewritingsare compilations of separate documents (called "books")written ina period of about 1,000 years. It is assumed that whatChristianscall the Old Testament, the result of the work of about100-150different writers, scholars from serving in politicalleaders andclergy of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judea.These bookswere collected in I-II centuries AD to form the firstHebrew Bible,Tanach or Hamikrá and later, with the addition of theGospels andsome additional books, Christian Bible, or HolyScripture, whichcontains both the Old Testament and New Testament.The first partof the Christian Bible is called the Old Testament.The OldTestament is in large Greek translation (or of it inotherlanguages) Hebrew sacred text as it was the II century BCAdivision of Hebrew origin on functional criteria of theOldTestament divides him in Law (the "Law of Moses", "Pentateuch",iethe first "five books" of the Bible) Holy Prophets andtheWritings. The second part is called the New Testament oftheChristian Bible.