Smart Browser, Photo Gallery, QR Scanner, Coloring Apps
Smart Browser - Free, Fast, Best Private Browser 1.4.1
Swipe Browser is a free web browser for android devices withFastDownload, Data Saving, Ad-Block functionality, and helps youaccessmusic, video, cricket information with smooth experience. Youcanvisit many cricket sites to support your team, and watchcricketlive stream, and check out match scores on Swipe Browser.You canalso check your train status, train ticket booking,seatavailability, and other train enquiry on Swipe Browser.BrowseFaster: ★ By removing trackers and ads, Web pages may requirelessdata and load faster. Browse like no one’s watching. The newSwipeBrowser automatically blocks a wide range of onlinetrackers.Beautiful Themes: ★ Swipe Browser includes a variety ofcolorful"Swipe" themes to match your desktop or personality, withexcitingnew themes coming soon.
Private Browser - Smart Browser, Privacy Browser 3.5.2
Private Browser is a privacy browser and safe browser, itbrowseprivately for everything, private search and privatebrowsing.Private browser is also a smart browser and fast browserforandroid. You can browse web page quickly, because it is bestfreeprivacy browser. Private Browser is also a mini browser,becauseits size is so small. Private Browser is a free web browserforandroid devices with Fast Download, Data Saving,Ad-Blockfunctionality, and helps you access music, video,cricketinformation with smooth experience. You can visit manycricketsites to support your team, and watch cricket live stream,andcheck out match scores on Private Browser. You can also checkyourtrain status, train ticket booking,seat availability, andothertrain enquiry on Private Browser. Browse like no one’swatching.The new Private Browser automatically blocks a wide rangeof onlinetrackers — from the moment you launch it to the second youleaveit. Easily erase your history, passwords and cookies, so youwon’tget followed by things like unwanted ads. “Private browsing”onmost browsers isn’t comprehensive or easy to use. PrivateBrowseris next-level privacy that’s free, always on and always onyourside. Automatic Privacy : • Blocks a wide range of commonWebtrackers without any settings to set • Easily erases yourhistory —no passwords, no cookies, no trackers Browse Faster : • Byremovingtrackers and ads, Web pages may require less data and loadfaster.
Photo Editor - Photo Collage, Gallery, Edit Photos 1.2.7
Photo Editor - Photo Collage Maker , Photo Gallery, EditPhotos"Photo Editor - Photo Collage Maker , Photo Gallery" is thebestphoto collage layout tool and make funny photo grid andcollageeffects. "Photo Editor - Photo Collage Maker , PhotoGallery" helpyou create perfect picture collages and InstaCollages. You canpick layout you like best, edit collage withfilter, sticker, textand much more. "Photo Editor - Photo CollageMaker , Photo Gallery"is also one of the best photo frame and imageediting app, you canedit image and photograph very easily. KeyFeatures: ★ Photo FilterEffects ★ Draw and Paint on photo ★ PhotoSplicing and PhotoCollage ★ Add Text on your photo ★ Add Stickerson your photo ★Tens of Photo Grid Layout Templates ★ Photo Galleryand PhotoEditor ★ Camera and Photography ★ Save and Share Photowith Friends
Best Gallery Pro - No Ads, QuickPic, Photo Gallery 2.1.0
Best Gallery Pro is Ads Free. "Best Gallery Pro - PhotoManager,Album, Photo Gallery" is one of the best photo manager appand bestgallery app for android. It's so beautiful and powerful. Ioftenuse it to manage my pictures and photo folder. "Best GalleryPro -Photo Manager, Album, Photo Gallery" is also a hd gallery andphotovideo gallery, you can viewer hd photos & hd videoseasily."Best Gallery Pro - Photo Manager, Album, Photo Gallery" isalso asmart gallery and gallery pro in all the photo gallery apps.youcan find any functions what you want. "Best Gallery Pro -PhotoManager, Album, Photo Gallery" is also a quick gallery andphotoeditor. you can edit image & filter image. So , let it beyourphone gallery and gallery software, download the app galleryforfree and enjoy it right now. Key Features: • Gallery photoeditor –crop, rotate, resize, draw, filters & more • Quicklysearchimages, videos & files • Open & view many differentphotoand video types (RAW, SVG, panoramic etc) • A variety ofintuitivegestures to easily edit & organize files • Availablein 32languages • Mark files as favorites for quick access •Recoverdeleted photos & videos from the recycle bin •Togglevisibility of files to hide photos & videos • Createacustomizable slideshow of your files • View detailed informationofyour files (resolution, EXIF values etc) • Nounnecessarypermissions required
Best Gallery - Photo Manager, Smart Gallery, Album 2.1.8
"Best Gallery" is one of the best photo manager app and bestgallery app for android. It's so beautiful and powerful. I oftenuse it to manage my pictures and photo folder. "Best Gallery" isalso a hd gallery and photo video gallery, you can viewer hd photos& hd videos easily. "Best Gallery" is also a smart gallery andgallery pro in all the photo gallery apps. you can find anyfunctions what you want. "Best Gallery" is also a quick gallery andphoto editor. you can edit image & filter image. So , let it beyour phone gallery and gallery software, download the app galleryfor free and enjoy it right now. The gallery is an excellent,feature-rich app for organizing your photos, protect your photos,organize them, display them slide-show style, share photos viaemail or social networks. It is a smart gallery, format galleries,collection Gallery with this android Gallery. The gallery is afast, light and private HD photo gallery and photo manager app. Thegallery is the android galaxy gallery for image & video viewingfor Galaxy user, Gallery App is an offline gallery for gallerymanager, simple gallery & android gallery. This is the Fast,light and modern gallery with special animated gallery looks foryour phone. so, Galerie is also called as "Quick Gallery". This isone of the smartest and well-designed gallery replacements for thebuilt-in phone gallery, with the help of this intelligent mobilegallery app that displays all your best photos in a systematicmanner you can manage everything album so easily. Key Features: •Gallery photo editor – crop, rotate, resize, draw, filters &more • Quickly search images, videos & files • Open & viewmany different photo and video types (RAW, SVG, panoramic etc) • Avariety of intuitive gestures to easily edit & organize files •Available in 32 languages • Mark files as favorites for quickaccess • Recover deleted photos & videos from the recycle bin •Toggle visibility of files to hide photos & videos • Create acustomizable slideshow of your files • View detailed information ofyour files (resolution, EXIF values etc) • No unnecessarypermissions required Gallery view is moto image gallery and pixelgallery app that can be used to show simple photos, album viewer,moto photo gallery and obraz. Gallery Manager is gallery simple,android gallery, photo explore, galery photo album with folders.You can easily see multimedia, photo gallery, Photo folder, photosapp, foto and picasa albums. You can view your image & videowith the fast and cool way through the smart Gallery used andrecognized in Galaxy! if the smart Gallery is installed, you canexperience the new Gallery feature of the newly launched greatgalleria, photography galleries, quick photo, dato, photo album appfor your mobile.
Barcode Scanner - QR Code Reader, QR Scanner, Code 1.1.3
QR Code Reader - Barcode Scanner, Fast QR Scanner is the fastestQR/ Barcode scanner out there. QR Code Reader - Barcode Scanner,FastQR Scanner is an essential app for every android device. Theappfree for android is most updated version , more powerful ,morereliable , one of the best QR code reader / Barcode scanner /QRcode generator to scan QR code or make QR code in the world .QRCode Reader - Barcode Scanner, Fast QR Scanner is extremely easytouse; simply point to QR or Barcode you want to scan and appwillautomatically detect and scan it. No need to press anybuttons,take photos or adjust zoom. Key Features : - Ultimatestability ,minimal crash rate. - Perfect aspect ratio of scanningzone. -flexible scanning zone to scan remote QR code on TV. - QRcodegenerator to make QR code . - Lightning speed QR code scannertoscan QR code. - Ultra low updating frequency. - Powerfulhistoryfunction with management feature.
QR Code Reader Pro - Barcode Scanner & QR Scanner 1.0.3
QR Code Reader Pro is QR Scanner Pro Version and Barcode ScannerProVersion. QR Code Reader Pro is Ads free. QR & BarcodeScanner isthe fastest QR / Barcode scanner out there. QR &Barcode Scanneris an essential app for every android device. Theapp free forandroid is most updated version , more powerful , morereliable ,one of the best QR code reader / Barcode scanner / QRcode generatorto scan QR code or make QR code in the world . QR& BarcodeScanner / QR code reader is extremely easy to use;simply point toQR or Barcode you want to scan and app willautomatically detect andscan it. No need to press any buttons,take photos or adjust zoom.Key Features : - Ultimate stability ,minimal crash rate. - Perfectaspect ratio of scanning zone. -flexible scanning zone to scanremote QR code on TV. - QR codegenerator to make QR code . -Lightning speed QR code scanner toscan QR code. - Ultra lowupdating frequency. - Powerful historyfunction with managementfeature.
Fast Browser - Private Browser 2.1.3
Fast Browser is a very beautiful browser , its so powerful thatyoucan find any functions what you want ! Fast Browser is also asmartbrowser and secure browser , because it has privacy andincognitomode, so you can secure browsing web page. Fast browser isalso amini browser, because its size is so small . Key Features :1、VerySmall , Only About 3MB size. 2、Safe and Secure Browsing ,Privacyand Incognito Mode. 3、Block Ads and Saving Data. 4、AddfavoriteWebsite to Bookmarks 5、More Tabs is Support 6、Add Websiteto HomeScreen 7、Find Something in Page 8、Reader Mode is cool forsomeonelike reading