- App naamDurak LiveGames
- Naam of Pakketnaamru.livegames.durak
- PubliceerdatumMarch 10, 2017
- BestandsgrootteUndefined
- BenodigdhedenAndroid 4.1 and up
- Versie3.03
- OntwikkelaarNanoFlash LLC
- Installaties10,000 - 50,000
- PriceGratis
- CategorieCard
- OntwikkelaarVisit website Email Privacy Policy127566, г.Москва, Алтуфьевское шоссе, д.44, оф.49
- Google Play Link
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Durak LiveGames 1.12 APK File
Publiceerdatum: 2016 /3/27Benodigdheden: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)Bestandsgrootte: 46.5 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)bestands-SHA1: 89387e6787cd23605ce9f14a39a6a9e8f87aca6c
NanoFlash LLC Meer...
Durak LiveGames 3.03 APK
* Games only with real people* Free, without advertisement* Chat, friends, gifts and achievements* Durak Throw-In and team play 2x2* Durak Passing and Pile-UpPLAY WITH A.I. CHARACTERS* Durak Throw-In, Passing, Pile-up* Durak 2x2 Throw-In, 2x2 PassingADVANTAGES:* Free points every hour and every day* Advanced system of achievements* Ratings and user tops* Private tables with password* Low prices for additional points* Quick game mode* Simple one-touch authorization- Game Center,- social networks,- LiveGames account or- guest mode* Detailed rules of each game* 3 kinds of chat in the game* Active support service* Actions and promotions from project Administration* Possible connection via WiFi, 3G, LTEYou should familiarize with project rules before playingMore than 10 000 000 people already play on, joinus!
Энциклопедия игр от LiveGames 1.06 APK
Самые полные правила и описания популярных карточных инастольныхигр. Бесплатно. Разберитесь в тонкостях знакомых игр илиоткройтедля себя что-то новое!В приложении представлены такие карточные игры как -Абракадабра,Аброаста, Авинас, Ази, Акулы, Аленкин, Алкорт, Альянс,Анандис,Анархия, Афоня, Бабочка, Баккара, Балаган, Банк, Барбу,Баржа,Басра, Батальон, Бауэршнапсен, Безик, Белка, Белот,Бирюльки,Блекджек, Блинчик, Богач, Бой быков, Бонки, Бонус,Бостон, Бочки,Брандельн, Бридж, Бриск, Брук, Брэг, Брюс, Бульот,Бум, Бунакен,Бура, Буркозел, Бурлото, Буррако, Бурэ, Валеты,Вверх, Ведьма, Верюне верю, Взрыв, Взять, Виктория, Винегрет,Винт, Вист, Витрина,Владение, Внимание, Война, Вормс, Восьмерки,Вошь, Все пять,Всемогущий, Вслепую, Вчетвером, Выборы, Вэнси,Гильотина, Глек,Головоломка, Голый, Гопнички, Горб, Горка, Грабуш,Губернатор,Дайтона, Дамка, Датская игра, Двадцать, Двести, Деберц,Девятка,Детектор лжи, Детонатор, Джамбо, Джокер, Джукре, Джумми,Дикс,Домино, Дон, Дорогие масти, Дрейфус, Дурак, Дуэль, Дымоваятруба,Египетский Рэтскрю, Ерошки, Еши, Жаба, Жилетка, Жопа, Жора,Заговор,Заключенные, Зверинец, Зеваки, Зеленая поляна, Злоба,Играй и плати,Измена, Империал, Индивидуалист, Кадриль, Казино,Кайзер, Какея,Калабраселла, Каллабра, Калуки, Канаста, Кандидат,Каре, Квартет,Кемпс, Керосинка, Кинг, Китайская десятка, Клещи,Клуб самоубийц,Козыри, Козырная семь, Колики, Коллектор, Коммит,Конец 320,Конструкция, Кончинка, Копилка, Король, Косяк, Кража,Криббедж,Крокет, Крылья, Крыса, Кузанаста, Кукушка, Кункен,Курица, Ла крап,Лавина, Ландскнехт, Леопард, Лесенка, Линге-лото,Литература, Лоба,Ложки, Лок, Лоо, Лотерея, Магистр, Мазок, Макао,Макиавелли,Манилла, Манни, Марьяж, Марьяпусси, Масти, Масть,Мельники,Метаморфоза, Мизерка, Милле, Митч, Мичиган, Мушка,Мчащийся демон,Навалка, Наверх, Накладка, Напалм, Наполеон,Насилие, Несторс,Нимби, Ноль, Ньюмаркет, Огурец, Одиннадцать,Окинава, Око,Окрыленный, Оракул, Осел, Отдай, Оттава, Очко, Падан,Пайют, Палки,Пан, Пандорен, Панк, Паркет, Парцеллус, Педро,Пексесо, Пень,Перекур, Перец, Перико, Петух, Пи, Пикет, Пики,Пинокль, Пирамида,Побег из тюрьмы, Поддавки, Поезд, Покекс, Покер,Полицейский,Понтис, Понтун, Поттл, Пощечина, Президент,Преимущество, Премьер,Преферанс, Приготовленные, Пристав, Пробка,Прогрессия, Проказник,Проклятие, Проныра, Пропущенка, Простак,Противовес, Пьяница,Пятнадцать, Пять сотен, Разбой, Разгильдяй,Разиня, Разори соседа,Рамми, Рамс, Ранг, Раунды, Реверси,Революция, Редуду, Ремень, Репа,Ристиконтра, Рокэуэй, Ромашка,Ромме, Рубашка, Рука дьявола, Рука инога, Рыба, Сабо, Сапер,Свинец, Свинки, Свинья, Сека, Секвенция,Семерик, Семнадцать, Скат,Скачущий демон, Скитгаб, Скопа, Скорость,Слобберханс, Смазка,Смесь, Смех до упада, Снап, Солнышко, Соло,Сомневаюсь, Сорок одно,Сотня, Спар, Спекулянт, Спекуляция, Спит,Спитцер, Спички, Сплит,Сплунк, Спойл файв, Старая дева, Старшина,Стереть, Сто одно,Столкновение, Сторток, Стуколка, Стушевка,Сундучки, Суре, Сутенерыи мотыги, Суэка, Сэвэн ап, Табланет, Табу,Таро, Телесине, Теннис,Терц, Тетка, Толчок, Тонг Итс, Тонтин, Тонь,Торговля, Трактор,Трейкорт, Третями, Треугольник, Трефовая дама,Трефы, Трибелло,Тридцать одно, Тринадцать, Тринька, Три листика,Трынка, Тузату,Тысяча, Тянивоз, Удар, Ульти, Ураган, Фаланга,Фантан, Фастфуд,Фибоначчи, Фокстрот, Фофаны, Фрап, Футбол,Хазенпфеффер, Хант,Хвастовство, Хлюст, Хоггенхаймер, Хоккей,Хутопуси, Цареубийство,Цыган, Цыганка, Чемберлен, Червы, Чернаякрыса, Черная Мэри, Черныйворон, Черный Петр, Черт побери, Честьсамурая, Четыре роялти,Чикаго, Чинквэй, Чмых, Чухны, Шалашик,Шалун, Швеллер, Швиммен,Шипшед, Шмат, Шпее-а, Штосс, Экарте, Экви,Элевзис, Элузие,Эпидемия, Эпсом, Юкер, Юрдон, Ямайский снайпер,Янив, Яхта, Ящик, имногие другие, а так же настольные игры - Нарды,Шахматы, Шашки,Домино, Кости, Уголки и т.д.Themostcomplete description of the rules and popular card and boardgames.Free. Understand the intricacies of familiar games, ordiscoversomething new!Annex presented such card games like - Abracadabra,Abroasta,Avinas, Azi, Sharks, Alenkina, Alkort Alliance, Anandis,Anarchy,Athos, Butterfly, Baccarat, Balagan, Bank Barbu, Barge,Basra,Battalion, Bauershnapsen, Bezique, Squirrel, Belote,Spillikins,Blackjack, pancakes, rich man, Bullfight, Bonk, Bonus,Boston,Barrels, Brandeln, Bridge, Brisk, Brooke, Bragg, Bruce,Bulot,Boom, Bunaken, Borax, Burkozel, Burloto, Burrako, Bure ,Jacks, Up,Witch, I believe I do not believe, explosion, Mark,Victoria,Vinaigrette, Screw, Vista, Showcase, Property, Warning,War, Worms,Eights, Louse, all five, the Almighty, Blind, four,Elections,Vance, Guillotine, Glek, Puzzle, Naked, Gopnichki, Hump,GorkaGrabush, Governor, Daytona, Little Lady, Danish game, twenty,twohundred, Debertz, nine, Lie Detector, detonator, Jumbo,Joker,Dzhukre, Jumma, Dix, Domino, Don Expensive suits, Dreyfus,TheFool, The Duel, Chimney, Egyptian Retskryu, Yeroshka, Yeshi,Toad,vests, Ass, Jora, Conspiracy, Prisoners, Menagerie, Gawker,greenfields, rage, play and pay, Betrayal, Imperial,Maverick,Quadrille, Casino, Kaiser Kakeya, Kalabrasella, Kallabra,Kaluki,Canasta, PhD, Kara, Quartet, Camps, kerosene stove, King,Chinesedozen, Pliers, The Suicide Club trumps trump seven,Colic,collector, commit End 320, Design, Konchinka, Piggy King,Cant,theft, Cribbage, Croquet, Wings, Rat, Kuzanasta, Cuckoo, ginrummy,Chicken, La specks, Avalanche, Landsknecht, Leopard,Ladder,Ling-Lotto, Literature, Loba, Spoons , Lock, Loo, Lottery,MastersDegree, Smear, Macao, Machiavelli, manilla, Manni,Mariage,Maryapussi, suits, suit, Millers, Metamorphosis, Mizerka,Millet,Mitch, Michigan, Fly Racing Demon, Navalka, Up, Cover,Napalm,Napoleon, Violence, Nestors, Nimba, Zero, Newmarket,Cucumber,Eleven, Okinawa, Eye, Inspired, Oracle, Donkey, Give,Ottawa, Pointincident, Paiute, Sticks, Pan, Pandora, Punk, Parquet,Partsellus,Pedro Pekseso, Stump, smoke break, Pepper, Perico,Rooster, Pi,Picket, Spades, pinochle, Pyramid, Jailbreak, giveaway,train,Pokeks, Poker, Police, Pontes, Pontoon, Pottle, slap,President,Advantage, Premier Preference cooked, stick, Cork,progress,Prankish, Curse, Weasel, Propuschenka, Gaby,counterweight,drunkard, fifteen, five hundred robbery, slobs,Razin, bankruptneighbor Rummy, Rams, Rank, Rounds, Reversi,Revolution Redudu,Belt, Turnip, Ristikontra, Rokeuey, Chamomile,Romme, Shirt,devil's hand, arm and leg, Fish, Szabo, Minesweeper,Lead, GuineaPig, Seca, Sequence, Semerik, Seventeen, rays leapingdemonSkitgab, Osprey, speed Slobberhans, lubricant mixture, Laughtillyou drop, Snap, Sunny, Solo, I doubt Forty-one hundred,Spar,speculators, speculation, sleep, Spitzer, Matches, Split,Splunk,Spoil Five, The Old Maid , Sergeant, Erase, hundred oneclash,Stortok, knocker, Stushevka, Chests, Sura, pimps and hoes,Sueca,SEVEN up, Tablanet, Taboo, Tarot, telecine Tennis Tertz,aunt, pushTong Its, Tontine, Ton, Trade, Tractor Treykort, thethird triangleof clubs Spades, Clubs, Tribell, thirty-one,thirteen, Trinka,three leaf, Trynka, Tuzatu, Thousand, Tyanivoz,Blow, Ulta,Hurricane, Phalanx, Fantan, Fast Food, Fibonacci ,Foxtrot, Fofana,Frapa, Football, Hazenpfeffer, Hunt, Brag, jerk,Hoggenhaymer,Hockey, Hutopusi, Regicide, Gypsy, Gypsy, Chamberlain,Hearts,Black Rat, Black Mary Black Crow, Black Peter, Damn, Honorof theSamurai , Four royalty Chicago Chinkvey, Chmykh,Chukhno,shalashika, Little Man, Channel, Shvimmen, Sheepshead,Shmat,Spee-a, Stoss, Eckart, Equi, Elevzis, Eluzie, epidemic,Epsom,Euchre, Yurdon, Jamaican sniper Yaniv , boat, box, and manyothers,as well as board games - backgammon, chess, checkers,domino,corners, etc.
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Durak Online HD APK
Meet the big update Durak Online HD forAndroid 4.x and 5.x!Improvements and new features:- Completely new design and graphics (supporting high-end FullHD+devices)- Smooth animation of cards, discarding card swipe.- Optimized battery use- Comfortable list of tables (tables no longer flicker)- Convenient filters of tablesAs before, the game update supports the following modes of gameplay and features:- Throwing or Passing game mode- Play at the tables from 2 to 6 players- Set the speed of the game- Setting up access to a table: public / private / password- The system of friends and socializing- Table chat- SmiliesThousands of players play online Fool by JagPlay every day - it'stime to join! :)
ДУРАК онлайн, офлайн бесплатно 1.0.2 APK
Карточная игра ДУРАК - классическая хорошоизвестная карточная игра Дурак. Делайте ваши ставки ииграйте!Варианты игры:- подкидной дурак- переводной дурак- игра в парахКоличество игроков: 2, 3, 4Количество карт в колоде: 24, 36, 522 варианта управления картами:- перетаскивание- двойное касаниеРазличные варианты карт и обложек, синхронизация данных междуустройствами игрока (для зарегистрированных игроков)FOOL Card Game - aclassic well-known card game fool. Place your bets and play! Game Options:- Snap- Transfer fool- A game in pairsNumber of Players: 2, 3, 4Number of cards in pack: 24, 36, 522 card management options:- drag and drop- Double-tapDifferent versions of maps and skins, synchronization of databetween the player device (for registered players)
Kaartspel Populaire apps Meer...
Digimon Heroes! 1.0.52 APK
Digimon Heroes is an exciting and free cardgame where you collect, fight and evolve more than 1,000 of yourfavorite DIGIMON characters! Join the card battle adventure, buildyour teams, and conquer your enemies all over the Digital World ofFile Island.Match cards to fight, heal and execute epic combo moves in unique,strategic Digimon battles. Evolve your Digimon or use fusion topower them up, and launch even more massive attacks!• STRATEGIC MATCH-3 CARD BATTLES- Match Command Cards to form chains and devastate yourenemies!- Play cards of the same color to fight, heal and unleashultra-powerful moves!- Fight alongside your favorite Digimon Heroes• COLLECT YOUR FAVORITE DIGIMON- Digimon champions from common to legendary – Collect over 1000 ofyour favorites!• DIGIFUSE, DIGIVOLVE AND LIMIT BREAK- Evolve your Digimon to more powerful forms- Digimon fusion powers up your favorite characters- Break through your Digimon’s limits to unleash their fullpotential• EPIC BATTLES AND SPECIAL EVENTS- Fight your way through File Island and push your team to itslimit with epic events and challenges!- Battle heroes and take on incredible challenges in analways-evolving online worldDigimon Heroes is the ultimate strategic card game, with all ofyour favorite Digimon in the fray! Collect cards, battle enemies,and evolve your Digimon to combat the ultimate enemy on FileIsland!Download Digimon Heroes and join the card battle today!Note: Digimon Heroes! is free to download and play but there arein-app purchases available. If you do not wish to use thesefeatures, you can disable in-app purchases in your device’ssettings. In-app purchases are available via the Shop within thegame. Please refer to In-App Purchases for price tiers.A network connection is required to play.For more information on BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc:Checkout out our website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: to our Youtube channel: and play other BANDAI NAMCO games!:• PAC-MAN• PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX©2015 Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation. © SCG Characters LLC. DigimonHeroes! and all related logos, characters, names, and distinctivelikenesses thereof are the exclusive property of Toei Animation andSCG Characters LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used UnderAuthorization.©2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.Published and distributed by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc.
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UNO ™ & Friends APK
UNO™ & Friends: Fast Fun forEveryone!UNO™, the world's most beloved card game, introduces a new freesocial experience!Playing UNO™ with friends, family, and the millions of fansworldwide has never been easier! Join one of the largest mobilegaming communities and enjoy a free multiplayer experience,brand-new game modes and tournaments that let you shout ""UNO!"" ona whole new level!GAME FEATURES:√ Easy to learn, difficult to put down!√ Play in Tournaments and become an UNO champion!√ Team up for the win in 2vs2 UNO!√ Use Boosts & Companions to diversify your strategy!√ Level up your UNO Companions and unleash their powers!√ Create custom games and invite your friends to play!√ Challenge millions of UNO fans worldwide!_____________________________________________You can download and play this game for free. Please be informedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency, which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or by deciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with real money.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performed usinga credit card, or other form of payment associated with youraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Play accountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit card number orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting the authenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google Play Store Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases) andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutes orNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorized purchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protection turned on ifyou have children or if others could have access to yourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethird parties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcan disable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-based advertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can be found in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google > Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connect tothe Internet.___________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like uson Facebook at to get more info aboutall our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy: of Use: License Agreement:
Solitaire APK
Solitaire by MobilityWare is the original Solitaire game forAndroid devices! Klondike Patience has never been better! Join over100 million users playing our Solitaire for Android! Our version ofSolitaire is free and is the most popular in the Play Store! Trainyour brain with our Daily Challenges for a new Solitaire experienceeach & every day. Download now to play the best classicSolitaire card game on Android now! SOLITAIRE BY MOBILITYWAREFEATURES: Fun Addicting Games of Classic Klondike & PatienceSolitaire ♠ Play different versions of Klondike solitaire,including draw 1 card Klondike Solitaire or classic draw 3 cardKlondike Solitaire! ♠ Winning Deals: Never let the challenge of thegame get too great! But beware, you will still have to find theright moves to beat the challenge! ♠Try all the addicting uniqueways to train your brain with the classic game of Klondike! PlayChallenging Games & Unlock New Challenges Each Day ♥ Challengeskeep the classic game of Klondike solitaire new every time. Neverrun out of new puzzles and ways to train your brain! ♥ Always Free- Play unlimited games every day for a unique, challenging game!Classic Games, Modern Options ♣ Statistics tracker: track yourprogress across several games of Klondike, and study your playstyle to get even better at solving puzzles! ♣ Customize the cards& tables to play with your own style! ♣ Play online or take thechallenge offline with random deals. No WIFI required to playanywhere for free! ♣ Remove the Menu and Status bar to makenavigation easier on Devices which utilize Android’s Navigation Bar(requires Android 4.4 or above) Multiplayer & Leaderboards ♥Brag about your scores and show off to your friends with theleaderboards included in game! ♥ Race against the world when youplay with others in multiplayer! Train your brain and solve eachDaily Challenge to receive a crown for that day. Earn trophies eachmonth by winning more crowns! Play our Daily Challenges andSolitaire free! The game is ad-supported, but only between deals.We don’t put ads on your playfield. LIKE US on Facebook
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Sauspiel Schafkopf 1.2.1 APK
Mit Sauspiel Schafkopf kommt die besteKartenspiel-Erfahrung auf Dein Android-Gerät. In der gemütlichenvirtuellen Wirtschaft erwarten Dich Tag und Nacht über 300.000Mitspieler an den Spieltischen. Sauspiel, Wenz und Solo, wann Duwillst, wo Du willst und so viel Du willst!Nie war Kartenspielen so einfach und intuitiv: Tippe mit demFinger auf einen der vielen Spieltische und Du bist sofort mittenim Geschehen. Klicke auf den Chat und sende ein Servus an DeineMitspieler, wähle Dein Spiel indem Du einmal über das Displaystreichst und schiebe wie am echten Tisch mit der Hand Deine Kartenin die Mitte des Spieltisches!With Sauspiel Sheepsheadthe best card game experience comes to your Android device. In thecozy virtual economy like night and day expect over 300,000 playersat the tables. Sauspiel, Wenz and solo, when you want, where youwant and as much as you want!Never play cards was so simple and intuitive: Tap with yourfinger on one of the many poker tables, and you're instantly in themiddle of the action. Click on the chat and send a Hello to yourfellow players, choose your game by you once streichst via thedisplay and move as on a real desk with the hand your card in themiddle of the table!