1.1 / February 10, 2016
(4.5/5) (8)


Just Klondike Solitaire card game, 100%free(no in app purchases or something like that) and playablewithoutinternet connection
Do you want just a simple and classic solitaire card gameyourandroid phone or tablet? download this game and you willnotregret


Casting Apps Meer...

Free audiobook classics 3.2 APK
Casting Apps
Enjoy free audiobooks from librivox.org (worldbiggest public domain audiobooks collection) in an easy andfriendly way. Fiction, non fiction, fairy tales... all classics...all for free, with this responsive app (it will adapt interfaceaccording your device screen size)Download the audiobooks you want and listen them when you prefer,with or without connectionOur app also automatically save your progress in youraudiobooksNew audiobooks will be added every few days (you will receive anotification when this happens) so sit, listen and relax, andremember, if the audiobook is downloaded, you will not needinternet connection in order to listen it
Just Baccarat 1.1 APK
Casting Apps
Just a simple and 100% free Baccarat cardgame,playable in mobile and tablet, you can play with orwithoutconnection (no data connection is needed) and with no inapppurchases or hidden charges, just baccarat
Audio cuentos para niños 1.3.6 APK
Casting Apps
Audio cuentos infantiles, totalmente gratis yen español con voz humanaSe añaden cuentos nuevos frecuentemente y la app envíanotificaciones en ese casoEs responsive (se ve bien en móviles y tablets) y es 100%gratisContiene anuncios "family safe"ATENCIÓN:Usa esta app con wifi o tarifa de datos plana, ya que cadacuento ocupa muchos megas y si tu operador te factura según consumode datos puede accarearte un sobrecosteAudio fairy tales, freeand in Spanish human voiceNew stories are added frequently, and the app then sendsnotificationsIt is responsive (looks good on mobile and tablets) and is 100%freeContains adverts "family safe"NOTE: Use this app with wifi or flat data rate because each storyoccupies many megabytes, and if your carrier bill according toconsumption data you can accarearte overcharged
Remedios caseros 2 APK
Casting Apps
Selecciona la dolencia o enfermedad y obtén unlistado de los remedios caseros más efectivos para dicha dolenciacon nuestra app, totalmente gratis, adaptable a todos los tamañosde pantalla, y actualizada con nuevos remedios frecuentementeMUY IMPORTANTESi está embarazada debe tener mucho cuidado al tomar cualquier tipode medicamento o hierbas ya que muchos de éstos podrían ser nocivospara el bebé.Si es alérgico a alguna medicina o comida siempre fíjese bien enlos ingredientes de cualquier remedio. Por ejemplo, si es alérgicoal maní, el aceite de cacahuate usado para suavizar la piel, podríaocasionarle alguna reacción.Si va a tratar a un niño o a un bebé es mejor que siempre consultecon un médico primero. El organismo de un niño es muy delicado ymuchos remedios caseros no son recomendables para lospequeños.Si usted está tomando alguna medicina prescrita por su doctor debeasegurarse que no vaya a tener ninguna interferencia con el remediocasero. Lo mismo si usted está tomando alguna hierba o suplemento,no olvide decírselo al doctor antes de empezar a tomar algúnmedicamento nuevo.Siempre use el sentido común y haga caso a sus instintos. Si no sesiente confortable con el remedio o tiene dudas mejor no louse.Si tiene síntomas tales como mareos, dolores inusuales, sangrado,etc. y usted no sabe qué los está ocasionando, lo mejor es acudir asu médico para asegurarse que no tenga alguna enfermedadseria.LIMITACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDADLa finalidad de "Remedios caseros" es meramente informativa, por loque no sustituirá a ningún examen, diagnóstico ni tratamientomédico profesional. Antes de iniciar un tratamiento nuevo o deintroducir cambios a un tratamiento existente, acuda a su médico oa otro profesional sanitario cualificado. No se retrase a la horade acudir al médico ni muestre indiferencia ante lo que éste lediagnostique basándose en la información recogida en esta web.Ninguna información relativa a la salud recogida en "Remedioscaseros", incluida la información sobre terapias a base de hierbasy demás suplementos dietéticos, se encuentra regulada ni ha sidovalorada por las autoridades sanitarias, por lo que la informaciónaportada no deberá emplearse para diagnosticar, tratar, curar niprevenir ninguna enfermedad sin la supervisión de un médico.Además, No garantizamos la veracidad, relevancia, regularidad oexactitud de los datos proporcionados. Por ello, recomendamos quelos usuarios consulten a un médico para un diagnóstico adecuado ypoder obtener respuestas a sus consultas personales. Se declinacualquier responsabilidad a este respecto.Select the condition ordisease and get a list of the most effective home remedies for thisailment with our app, totally free, adaptable to all screen sizes,and frequently updated with new remediesVERY IMPORTANTIf you are pregnant you must be very careful when taking any typeof medication or herbs since many of these could be harmful to thebaby.If you are allergic to any drugs or food always look closely at theingredients of any remedy. For example, if you are allergic topeanuts, peanut oil used to soften the skin, it could cause areaction.If you are treating a child or a baby is always best to talk with adoctor first. The body of a child is very delicate and many homeremedies are not recommended for children.If you are taking any medicine prescribed by your doctor shouldmake sure not going to have any interference with the home remedy.The same if you are taking any herb or supplement, be sure to tellyour doctor before you start taking any new medications.Always use common sense and heed their instincts. If you do notfeel comfortable with the choice or have doubts better not useit.If you have symptoms such as dizziness, unusual pain, bleeding,etc. and you do not know what is causing all, it is best to seeyour doctor to make sure you do not have a serious illness.DISCLAIMERThe purpose of "Home Remedies" is merely informative, so it willnot replace any examination, diagnosis or professional medicaltreatment. Before starting a new or changes to an existingtreatment treatment, consult your doctor or other qualified healthprofessional. Do not delay when seeing a doctor or showindifference to what he diagnosed based on information collected onthis site. No information concerning the health pickup "homeremedies", including information about herbal therapies and otherdietary supplements are regulated and has been valued by the healthauthorities, so that the information provided should not be used todiagnose , treat, cure or prevent any disease without thesupervision of a physician.Also, we do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, consistencyor accuracy of the information provided. We therefore recommendthat users consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and to getanswers to your personal queries. We decline all responsibility inthis regard.
Dice for RPG games 1.0.0 APK
Casting Apps
Multiple dices for RPG or generaltableboardgames, select which you want and roll themAvalaible dice models:- D2- D4- D6- D8- D10- D12- D20- D30- D100Merge them as you want, pick up as much as you want and rollthedice
I Love my Chromecast 4.0 APK
Casting Apps
Do you love your Chromecast?feed it with newgames and apps every dayWe add new game and apps for Chromecast every day, with our freeapp, discover recent and new games and apps for your belovedChromecastAlso we have a section with recent news and discussion aboutChromecast (via reddit)
Diva & Divina 1.0 APK
Casting Apps
Noticias para chicas divas y divinas dehoyendía: moda, famos@s, belleza...Todo ello de forma totalmente gratuita, actualizado adiario,categorizado en apartados y con un diseño moderno yadaptable tantoa móviles como tabletsUna revista del corazón en forma de app y 100% gratisNews for divas anddivineday Dehoy girls: Beauty ... fashion, famos @ sAll completely free, updated daily, categorized into sectionsandwith a modern design and adaptable to both mobile andtabletsA gossip magazine as app 100% free
Just Solitaire 1.1 APK
Casting Apps
Just Klondike Solitaire card game, 100%free(no in app purchases or something like that) and playablewithoutinternet connectionDo you want just a simple and classic solitaire card gameyourandroid phone or tablet? download this game and you willnotregret