1.1 / January 27, 2012
(1.7/5) (3)



Wish you could reprogram your mind like software engineersreprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN!

With our unique MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you canstart making deep internal changes to your life - TODAY!

Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third of yourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment by re-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!

Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easily transformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life!

The real secret to migraine relief permanently is YOUR mind.

If you are constantly struggling with your migraines and areseeking a permanent solution for migraine relief then please readon.

If you have tried all the diets, pills, exercises and other fadsand gimmicks then finally you may have come to realize that thereal secret lies within YOU and the thoughts that control YOURbehavior.

It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround.

Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and has beenproven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound and permanentchange.

Hypnosis can not only eliminate stress building up within youand motivate you to be less anxious about impending migraines, butcan also go directly to the negative root of your migrainecondition.

Tackling at its core the issues and circumstances that surroundyour migraines. Peeling away the layers until finally you can seeclearly the way forward without looking back.

If your Physician has told you there is no cure to yourmigraines then they is a real possibility they are a result ofstress, anxiety or other negative aspect in your life.

Your conscious mind maybe battling your subconscious for controland the migraine is a result of that battle.

Imagine not feeling anxious or stressed all the time. Imaginebeing totally free from migraines. Imagine being proud of yourfreedom from migraines and the way YOU have mastered YOUR SELF.Imagine a new YOU.

Imagine achieving your dreams. Accomplishing your goals andsucceeding in your vision. Finally!

Our MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recording are specifically designed tobe listened to at bedtime, when the user can listen, as they fallasleep.

Together with hypnotic speech patterns that remove negativethoughts, attitudes, habits and behaviours, listening whilstasleep, when our conscious mind is naturally subdued, allows ourrecordings to gain access and speak directly to the subconsciousmind. Creating the perfect conditions for rapid and profoundchange!

Randy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20 yearsexperience in the field.

Randy has hypnotized the likes of John Travolta, Tony Curtis,Sean Penn and many others from all walks of life.

His satisfied clients also include many well-known corporations.He has performed for companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Coca-Cola,Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many other satisfied clients.

You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful and youdeserve to be free of migraines.

These are things you have probably never said out loud toyourself, something that you may not truly believe. If you canchange the way you think, then you can change the way you live.

There is no effort on your part, you simply listen, relax andfall asleep. You will notice an amazing change in how you feelimmediately and soon the changes in your life will be so dramaticthat your family and friends will be amazed.

They will want to know your secret and beg you to tell them whatyou are doing.

You can simply say - it is not what I am doing, it is what I amthinking!


  • App naam
    Migraine Relief
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    January 27, 2012
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Versie
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    Sleep Learning
  • Installaties
    50 - 100
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    Visit website Email stevecload7@gmail.com
    4/40 Francis Flats South Barrack Gibraltar
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Sleep Learning Meer...

Lose Weight 1.0.5 APK
Sleep Learning
Each recording combines the pioneering, deeperlearning strategies of Dr. Milton Erickson andNeuro-Linguistic-Programming together with the ancient wisdom ofmany religious, philosophical and mystical traditions - and hasbeen intricately conceived to liberate the positive,life-transforming energy of your deeper mind!Initially conceived by Dr.John Grinder and Richard Bandler,Neuro Linguistic Programming has been demonstrated in numerouspsychological studies to provide effective techniques both forinducing positive emotional states and for replacing self-defeatingbehavior patterns with more attractive and life-enhancingalternatives.Robert Siegel, author of these NLP Hypnosis Programs, hascreated a series of hypnotic recordings which irresistibly lure thelistener on a journey inwards... to the metaphorical realms of theunconscious mind. Using tales and legends compiled from the world'sancient cultures, the listener's conscious mind becomeseffortlessly absorbed in the entrancing narration, the skillfulweave of hypnotic language patterns and metaphorical scenariosensuring that the listener's unconscious mind receives highlybeneficial suggestions for encouraging positive change!Having been a professional hypnotherapist for many years, andaware of the many styles and interpretations of hypnosis, RobertSiegel's presentation is one of the magical storyteller -entertaining, captivating and mesmerizing. Included are all theideal components for creating in the listener numerous potentialsfor learning and change. These programs are not the 'run of themill' standardized processes that seem to proliferate; instead theyenhance Robert's status as a highly talented and creative hypnoticauthor.The power of Ericksonian hypnosis is not to beunderestimated,You will be pleasantly surprised how effortless this process is- because you consciously don't have to do anything except turn onyour NLP Hypnosis Program and sit or lie back comfortably, allowingyourself to be guided within your inner mind adventure.The programs are made to be interesting, informative andpleasant to listen to in your conscious mind - but the real work isbeing done in your subconscious with the NLP techniques!Combining these innovative approaches, the NLP Hypnosis Programsgenerate within you a thoroughly positive life perception:naturally.The Higher Self that is YOU - recognizes these truths and guidesyour mind towards more productive and life-affirming behaviorpatterns.
Sleep Hypnosis Make Money 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING AT BEDTIME - UNLOCK THEPOWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOU SLEEP *** MINDSOFT™SLEEP HYPNOSIS Wish you could reprogram your mind like softwareengineers reprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN! With our uniqueMindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you can start making deepinternal changes to your life - TODAY! Start using YOUR brain'sfull potential. Reclaim a third of your life for self-improvementand personal enrichment by re-programming YOUR mind while yousleep! Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easilytransform core inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life! MONEY &PROSPERITY The real secret to attracting and accumulating money andwealth permanently - is YOUR mind. If you are constantly strugglingwith money problems and are seeking a permanent solution forcreating wealth and prosperity in your life then please read on. Ifyou have tried all the ideas, plans, schemes and other fads andgimmicks then finally you may have come to realize that the realsecret lies within YOU and the thoughts that control YOUR behavior.It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround. Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and hasbeen proven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound andpermanent change. Hypnosis can not only eliminate your hiddensubconscious feelings of negativity and poverty surrounding moneybut can also motivate you to start thinking positively to grow richand begin unleashing your true innate abilities and potential formanifesting real wealth and prosperity in your life. Tackling atits core the issues and circumstances that hold you back fromaccumulating wealth. Peeling away the layers until finally you cansee clearly the way forward without looking back. Imagine notfeeling poor all the time. Imagine money flowing to YOU inabundance. Imagine being proud of your new found wealth and thestatus that that brings. Imagine a new YOU. Imagine achieving yourdreams. Accomplishing your goals and succeeding in your vision.Finally! MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSIS Our MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosisrecording are specifically designed to be listened to at bedtime,when the user can listen, as they fall asleep. Together withhypnotic speech patterns that remove negative thoughts, attitudes,habits and behaviours, listening whilst asleep, when our consciousmind is naturally subdued, allows our recordings to gain access andspeak directly to the subconscious mind. Creating the perfectconditions for rapid and profound change! HYPNOTHERAPIST TO THESTARS Randy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20years experience in the field. Randy has hypnotized the likes ofJohn Travolta, Tony Curtis, Sean Penn and many others from allwalks of life. His satisfied clients also include many well-knowncorporations. He has performed for companies like Microsoft,AT&T, Coca-Cola, Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many othersatisfied clients. LEARN TO LET GO You deserve to be happy, youdeserve to be successful and you deserve to be rich These arethings you have probably never said out loud to yourself, somethingthat you may not truly believe. If you can change the way youthink, then you can change the way you live. There is no effort onyour part, you simply listen, relax and fall asleep. You willnotice an amazing change in how you feel immediately and soon thechanges in your life will be so dramatic that your family andfriends will be amazed. They will want to know your secret and begyou to tell them what you are doing. You can simply say - it is notwhat I am doing, it is what I am thinking!
Martial Arts Master 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING ATBEDTIME - UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOUSLEEP ***MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISWish you could reprogram your mind like software engineersreprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN!With our unique MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you canstart making deep internal changes to your life - TODAY!Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third of yourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment by re-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easily transformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life!MARTIAL ARTSThe real secret to succeeding at martial arts permanently is YOURmind.If you are constantly struggling with your mind focus and areseeking a permanent solution for mastering martial arts then pleaseread on.If you have tried all the books, meditations, exercises andother fads and gimmicks then finally you may have come to realizethat the real secret lies within YOU and the thoughts that controlYOUR behavior.It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround.Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and has beenproven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound and permanentchange.Hypnosis can not only eliminate the feelings of being out of thezone and motivate you to sharpen your focus inward, but can also godirectly to the root of your martial arts condition.Tackling at its core the issues and circumstances that surroundyour martial arts focus. Peeling away the layers until finally youcan see clearly the way forward without looking back.Whatever your martial art, there is much more than knowing thephysical moves. Any Master must first master his mind. Then andonly then, can he hope to master his body and his moves. The taskis easy when it is done before.Imagine not feeling unfocused or not in the zone all the time.Imagine being totally aware yet strangely detached from YOUR self.Imagine being proud of your martial arts ability and of the way YOUfocus. Imagine a new YOU.Imagine achieving your dreams. Accomplishing your goals andsucceeding in your vision. Finally!MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISOur MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recording are specifically designed tobe listened to at bedtime, when the user can listen, as they fallasleep.Together with hypnotic speech patterns that remove negativethoughts, attitudes, habits and behaviours, listening whilstasleep, when our conscious mind is naturally subdued, allows ourrecordings to gain access and speak directly to the subconsciousmind. Creating the perfect conditions for rapid and profoundchange!HYPNOTHERAPIST TO THE STARSRandy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20 yearsexperience in the field.Randy has hypnotized the likes of John Travolta, Tony Curtis,Sean Penn and many others from all walks of life.His satisfied clients also include many well-known corporations.He has performed for companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Coca-Cola,Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many other satisfied clients.LEARN TO LET GOYou deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful and youdeserve to master your inner art.These are things you have probably never said out loud toyourself, something that you may not truly believe. If you canchange the way you think, then you can change the way you live.There is no effort on your part, you simply listen, relax andfall asleep. You will notice an amazing change in how you feelimmediately and soon the changes in your life will be so dramaticthat your family and friends will be amazed.They will want to know your secret and beg you to tell them whatyou are doing.You can simply say - it is not what I am doing, it is what I amthinking!
Overcome Problems 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING ATBEDTIME - UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOUSLEEP ***MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISWish you could reprogram your mind like software engineersreprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN!With our unique MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you canstart making deep internal changes to your life - TODAY!Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third of yourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment by re-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easily transformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life!PROBLEM SOLVINGThe real secret to solving problems permanently is YOUR mind.If you seem to be constantly struggling with problems in yourlife and are seeking a permanent solution for problem solving thenplease read on.If you have tried all the books, meditations, exercises andother fads and gimmicks then finally you may have come to realizethat the real secret lies within YOU and the thoughts that controlYOUR behavior.It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround.Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and has beenproven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound and permanentchange.Hypnosis can not only eliminate the feelings that some thingsare unsolvable but also can open your mind to the amazing newopportunites that problems offer in life. Going directly to theroot of your feelings of being bogged down and the internal blocksthat may exist there.Tackling at its core the issues, circumstances and negativethinking that can surround your problems. Peeling away the layersuntil finally you can see clearly the way forward without lookingback.Imagine not feeling indecisive all the time. Imagine notprocrastinating. Imagine being the person that people turn to foradvice and help with decision making in times of stress. The onewho can solve problems rather than create them. Imagine being proudof your decisions and of the incisive mind that YOU possess.Imagine a new YOU.Imagine achieving your dreams. Accomplishing your goals andsucceeding in your vision. Finally!MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISOur MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recording are specifically designed tobe listened to at bedtime, when the user can listen, as they fallasleep.Together with hypnotic speech patterns that remove negativethoughts, attitudes, habits and behaviours, listening whilstasleep, when our conscious mind is naturally subdued, allows ourrecordings to gain access and speak directly to the subconsciousmind. Creating the perfect conditions for rapid and profoundchange!HYPNOTHERAPIST TO THE STARSRandy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20 yearsexperience in the field.Randy has hypnotized the likes of John Travolta, Tony Curtis,Sean Penn and many others from all walks of life.His satisfied clients also include many well-known corporations.He has performed for companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Coca-Cola,Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many other satisfied clients.LEARN TO LET GOYou deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful and youdeserve to be able to see problems for what they are - opportunitesfor growth.These are things you have probably never said out loud toyourself, something that you may not truly believe. If you canchange the way you think, then you can change the way you live.There is no effort on your part, you simply listen, relax andfall asleep. You will notice an amazing change in how you feelimmediately and soon the changes in your life will be so dramaticthat your family and friends will be amazed.They will want to know your secret and beg you to tell them whatyou are doing.You can simply say - it is not what I am doing, it is what I amthinking!
Connect With Your Higher Self 1.0.5 APK
Sleep Learning
CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF - GUIDEDVISUALIZATIONWhat do you think your life would be like if you could connectfully to the wisdom of your Higher-Self?Do you want to be MORE Intuitive?More INSPIRED?Do you want to Find SOLUTIONS to the obstacles and difficultiesthat are currently blocking your DREAMS and aspirations?If so, then get ready to take a relaxing and healing journey andmeet with your Higher Self and other guides.What is Your Higher-Self?Your Higher-Self, is your MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SPIRIT, an ascendedmaster and is the BEST VERSION of YOU that you can be and havebeen. Your Higher-Self knows all the SOLUTIONS to the difficultiesand challenges that you face and also knows your TRUE POTENTIAL. Heor She has already achieved any GOOD THING, that you have everwanted to achieve.Your Higher-Self has overcome any obstacle you have yet toovercome. Who wouldn't want to have a fuller and better connectionto their Higher-Self?Introduction to the audioThis audio is a creative visualization exercise, accompanied bynatural healing sounds and my voice guiding you through anincredible journey.This audio mp3 will guide you through a journey to access yourhigher-self guidance, some people call this their inner wise personor inner-teacher It also appears as your In-Tuition andIn-Spirit-Ation When I have done this exercise in my groupworkshops, people have found this journey incredible For exampleone guy was told by his higher-self a date when he would meet withhis soul-mate.Please note: This is not a hypnosis audio, you are in controland conscious of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Howeverbecause it is an exercise involving relaxation and visualizationyou should not drive or operate machinery whilst listening to thisaudio.One of the times that we are best able to access ourinner-teacher or intuition is when we are dreaming or day-dreaming.Have you ever had the experience when you didn't know the solutionto a difficulty or what decision to make and so you decided tosleep on it to find that when you woke up, you had a better ideaabout what you wanted or needed to do.This is because our dreams enable us to access thoughts andideas that our logical thinking pushes away. In many of our dreamswe are able to access our higher-self. Very often on waking, dreamsdo not make logical or practical sense but they do give us a senseof how we feel and what we need to do.Creative visualization is a form of relaxed and imaginativethinking it is a bit like choosing to dream about something andknowing that you are dreaming It is not the same as hypnosis whichuses suggestion. It is different from dreaming in that you are notasleep, you are fully awake.Because you are taking this guided visualization whilst awakeyou are able to connect fully to your Higher-Self.What do you think your life would be like if you could connectfully to the wisdom of your Higher-Self?How would you be able to transform your own life and the livesof others to?TAKE THIS JOURNEY AND FIND OUT!
Sleep Hypnosis Time Management 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING AT BEDTIME - UNLOCK THEPOWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOU SLEEP *** MINDSOFT™SLEEP HYPNOSIS Wish you could reprogram your mind like softwareengineers reprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN! With our uniqueMindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you can start making deepinternal changes to your life - TODAY! Start using YOUR brain'sfull potential. Reclaim a third of your life for self-improvementand personal enrichment by re-programming YOUR mind while yousleep! Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easilytransform core inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life! TIME MANAGEMENT Thereal secret to unlimited and abundant stress-free time permanently- is YOUR mind. If you are constantly struggling with managing yourtime and are seeking a permanent solution for creating enough timefor leisure as well as work in your life then please read on. Ifyou have tried all the ideas, plans, schemes and other fads andgimmicks then finally you may have come to realize that the realsecret lies within YOU and the thoughts that control YOUR behavior.It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround. Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and hasbeen proven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound andpermanent change. Hypnosis can not only eliminate your hiddensubconscious feelings of lack, surrounding time, but can alsomotivate you to start thinking positively to manage your timebetter and begin unleashing your true innate abilities andpotential for manifesting as much time as YOU need in your life.Tackling at its core the issues and circumstances that hold youback from realizing that time is your friend not your enemy andthat you can have all the time in the world - for YOUR SELF.Peeling away the layers until finally you can see clearly the wayforward without looking back. Imagine not feeling stressed all thetime. Imagine not rushing around achieving little. Imagine beingproud of your time management skills and of the way YOU can achievethem in a peaceful and calm way. Imagine a new YOU. Imagineachieving your dreams. Accomplishing your goals and succeeding inyour vision. Finally! MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSIS Our MindSoft™ SleepHypnosis recording are specifically designed to be listened to atbedtime, when the user can listen, as they fall asleep. Togetherwith hypnotic speech patterns that remove negative thoughts,attitudes, habits and behaviours, listening whilst asleep, when ourconscious mind is naturally subdued, allows our recordings to gainaccess and speak directly to the subconscious mind. Creating theperfect conditions for rapid and profound change! HYPNOTHERAPIST TOTHE STARS Randy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20years experience in the field. Randy has hypnotized the likes ofJohn Travolta, Tony Curtis, Sean Penn and many others from allwalks of life. His satisfied clients also include many well-knowncorporations. He has performed for companies like Microsoft,AT&T, Coca-Cola, Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many othersatisfied clients. LEARN TO LET GO You deserve to be happy, youdeserve to be successful and you deserve to have time be yourfriend. These are things you have probably never said out loud toyourself, something that you may not truly believe. If you canchange the way you think, then you can change the way you live.There is no effort on your part, you simply listen, relax and fallasleep. You will notice an amazing change in how you feelimmediately and soon the changes in your life will be so dramaticthat your family and friends will be amazed. They will want to knowyour secret and beg you to tell them what you are doing. You cansimply say - it is not what I am doing, it is what I am thinking!
Migraine Relief 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING ATBEDTIME - UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOUSLEEP ***MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISWish you could reprogram your mind like software engineersreprogram computers - NOW YOU CAN!With our unique MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordings you canstart making deep internal changes to your life - TODAY!Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third of yourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment by re-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easily transformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life!MIGRAINE RELIEFThe real secret to migraine relief permanently is YOUR mind.If you are constantly struggling with your migraines and areseeking a permanent solution for migraine relief then please readon.If you have tried all the diets, pills, exercises and other fadsand gimmicks then finally you may have come to realize that thereal secret lies within YOU and the thoughts that control YOURbehavior.It is time to try something different. Something that works.Something that works from the inside out and not the other wayaround.Hypnosis is a powerful modifier of human behavior and has beenproven in numerous studies to affect rapid, profound and permanentchange.Hypnosis can not only eliminate stress building up within youand motivate you to be less anxious about impending migraines, butcan also go directly to the negative root of your migrainecondition.Tackling at its core the issues and circumstances that surroundyour migraines. Peeling away the layers until finally you can seeclearly the way forward without looking back.If your Physician has told you there is no cure to yourmigraines then they is a real possibility they are a result ofstress, anxiety or other negative aspect in your life.Your conscious mind maybe battling your subconscious for controland the migraine is a result of that battle.Imagine not feeling anxious or stressed all the time. Imaginebeing totally free from migraines. Imagine being proud of yourfreedom from migraines and the way YOU have mastered YOUR SELF.Imagine a new YOU.Imagine achieving your dreams. Accomplishing your goals andsucceeding in your vision. Finally!MINDSOFT™ SLEEP HYPNOSISOur MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recording are specifically designed tobe listened to at bedtime, when the user can listen, as they fallasleep.Together with hypnotic speech patterns that remove negativethoughts, attitudes, habits and behaviours, listening whilstasleep, when our conscious mind is naturally subdued, allows ourrecordings to gain access and speak directly to the subconsciousmind. Creating the perfect conditions for rapid and profoundchange!HYPNOTHERAPIST TO THE STARSRandy Charach, is a Canadian hypnotherapist with over 20 yearsexperience in the field.Randy has hypnotized the likes of John Travolta, Tony Curtis,Sean Penn and many others from all walks of life.His satisfied clients also include many well-known corporations.He has performed for companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Coca-Cola,Disney, IBM and Xerox, and many, many other satisfied clients.LEARN TO LET GOYou deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful and youdeserve to be free of migraines.These are things you have probably never said out loud toyourself, something that you may not truly believe. If you canchange the way you think, then you can change the way you live.There is no effort on your part, you simply listen, relax andfall asleep. You will notice an amazing change in how you feelimmediately and soon the changes in your life will be so dramaticthat your family and friends will be amazed.They will want to know your secret and beg you to tell them whatyou are doing.You can simply say - it is not what I am doing, it is what I amthinking!
Back Pain Relief 1.1 APK
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENING ATBEDTIME - UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILE YOUSLEEP ***Wish you could reprogram your mind like software engineersreprogram computers? - NOW YOU CAN!With our unique self-help MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordingsyou can start making deep internal changes to your life -TODAY!Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third of yourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment by re-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!!Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easily transformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changes thatdramatically improve the quality of your life!Ease back into a better tomorrow - take control of your backpain and live pain free!Back pain can be debilitating, making your day to day life seemlike a burden rather than a blessing. Sleep can be disrupted,walking becomes painful and simple tasks throughout your day cancreate too much pain to complete.If you have been suffering from back pain and have been given noreal answer to your problem then perhaps you need to ask yourself“What could be wrong in my life?”. The answer to this question maybe the solution to your pain.Is It All In Your Mind?Back pain is the most common complaint among humans in the UnitedStates. Nine out ten people experience back pain at some point intheir lifetime.The spine is compromised of a network of nerves, muscles,tendons, and joints that can radiate pain throughout the back aswell as the extremities.Millions of Americans each year visit their physicians in hopeof relieving their back pain.Eighty five percent of all back pain sufferers show nophysiological cause. For many the back pain results frompsychosocial factors such as work related stress, dysfunctionalrelationships, repressed anger etc. etc.Back pain that has not resulted from an injury or other illnesscan be impossible to treat effectively as the real root cause iswithin you.Your physician may prescribe pain medication to provide limitedrelief but can offer no real longer term cure.Take Control of Your Back PainBefore you spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on visits to yourdoctor, chiropractor or therapist, take a moment to considerwhether there maybe other issues in your life that you can beresolved - by taking control of your mind!Your mind maybe the root cause of your back pain but can also bethe power tool to rapid change and relief from your ailments.Taking the time to realize that your subconscious mind may bemanifesting the stresses in your life through back pain can lead toa very rewarding release from not only your back pain but is alsothe first step in the healing process for your life.Your next step involves making the changes in your life and inyour mind to breakout from the prison your body has become.Using positive reinforcements to enhance your minds naturalability to heal YOU are able to release the stress, relieve thetension and allow YOUR SELF a healthier and happier life!Simply by unlocking the power of your subconscious mind throughSleep Hypnosis mind re-programming you can unleash the mostpowerful and effective treatment for your pain.With hypnosis, you are able to retrain your mind to its naturalhealing state at its root (your subconscious), and begin thepositive journey to healing!This is a completely natural way to reduce and even eliminateyour pain. No dangerous drugs, nasty side effects, or invasivetreatments.Retrain your mind to allow your body to relax, relieve tensionand create better circulation thereby eliminating the root cause ofyour back pain.The freedom of a life without back pain can be yours, you holdthe key and the ability to change! Get the tools you need to beginenjoying life again!With the relief from back pain, you will be able to live a fullyactive life and enjoy each day as it was intended!