- App naamOne Word Substitution
- Naam of
- PubliceerdatumDec 3, 2019
- BestandsgrootteUndefined
- BenodigdhedenAndroid 4.0.3
- Versie2.1
- OntwikkelaarPraveen Yuva
- Installaties-
- PriceGratis
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- Google Play Link
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One Word Substitution- Grammar 7.14 APK
“One word substitutes” are the words that replace group of wordsora full sentence effectively without creating any kind ofambiguity.- Helpful for increasing English Grammar verbal abilityorvocabulary. - Users can move to learn Words ofSimilarPronunciation (Confusing Words) with meaning The MajorImportantFeature of the App are :- 1. One Word Substitution 2.EnglishConfusing; Words 4. What is Idioms & List of Idioms 5.VariousEnglish Grammar Exercises with Answer on:- (a) WordVocabulary Ex.with Ans. (b) Similar Pronunciation / Confusing Words- Exercises(c) Sentence Correction Practice Exercises (d)Preposition Uses& Practice Exercises (e)One Word SubstitutionTest Series (f)Active-Passive Voice Uses & Practice Exercises(g) Translation- Hindi to English (h) Translation - English toHindi 6 .Tense -Noun 7. Adjective - Adverb 8. Verb Forms With HindiMeaning 10.Letter Writing Helping Words / Sentences - Official andSocialEvents 11. Phrases & Words Used In Offices (प्रशासनिकवाक्यांश)(Eng. & Hindi) 12. हिन्दी में कार्यालयी पत्र लेखनसहायतार्थवाक्य 13. Bed Time With Your Kids (stories for Your Kidsin Hindiand English) 14. Antonyms with Hindi Meaning 15. Our Mother!!(Special Content) - 'One Word Substitution app is quite helpfulforpreparation of various exams like GATE, GRE, MBA, TOEFL ,BankPO/Clerk/SSC other English papers etc - Further more a url( ) displayed for the user foronlineeditable letter writing with option to print the same. Theuser maypaste this url ( ) in browser fortheironline easily writing editable letter – applications. Thiswillhelp you to access other learning tools of
One Word Substitution 1.34 APK
This is the best One Word Substitution Quiz Android App. This appcontains 800 one word quiz questions for you to learn. One WordSubstitution are also known as One Word for Many. Let see the mainfeatures of the app below. Main features of the app: 1. PRACTICE:Here you can practice all the 800 one word substitution given inthe quiz. Each practice section contains 25 one word. Master allthe 800 one word questions. 2. PLAY QUIZ: After practicing one wordquestions given in the PRACTICE section you can try PLAY QUIZsection to assess your learning. There are currently 800 one wordsubstitution questions in this section for you to play. Each quizhas 10 questions and each question has 4 answer options. You willbe given 25 second for answering a question. Out of 4 answeroptions select the one which you think is the right answer. Afterattempting all the 10 questions you will be presented with detailedresult. You must answer 9 questions correctly to proceed to thenext level. After playing a One Word Substitution quiz you will bepresented with the following options- * Play Again: You can playthe quiz again. * Review Answers: You can review all the answersgiven by you along with the correct answers for each 10 questions.In this section you can BOOKMARK any questions which you think isimportant for you to learn later. *Share Your Score: You can shareyour score with your friends on WhatsApp or Facebook. 3. BATTLEQUIZ: In this section you can play online quiz battle with otheronline users. If no online user is found then you can play quizwith a ROBOT. 4. LEADERBOARD: In this section you can see yourposition among other users of the app. The position are givenMonthly as well as All Time. See the INSTRUCTION page if you haveany difficulty in playing One Word Substitution quizzes. Don'twait, download the app right now and start building your knowledgein One Word Substitution.
One word substitution in Eng. 1.6 APK
“One word substitutes” as the phrase indicates itself are the wordsthat replace group of words or a full sentence effectively withoutcreating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences. Oneword can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and canhelp in writing or communicating precisely. In this app, there are503 substitutions with their Hindi meaning. The substitutions havebeen given in alphabetically order. Learning these is beneficial inimproving word power and also good in spoken English.