Top 10 Apps Similar to Fingerprint Test

Tes Sidik Jari 1.0.6
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Aplikasi tes sidik jari untukmengetahui:- Dominasi Kepribadian Diri- Type Kecerdasan- Jurusan Kuliah- Penyakit mentalApplicationsfingerprinttests to determine:- Dominance Personality Self- Type Intelligence- Major- Mental illness
Tes IQ & Kepribadian 12
Test your brain's abilities with various puzzle games.
Tes Jurusan Kuliah 3.1.8
Superlink ID
Tes Jurusan Kuliah adalah tes yangbertujuanuntuk membantu lulusan siswa SMA untuk menentukan jurusankuliahyang sesuai dengan kepribadian, bakat dan minatnya. TesiniSoal tes terdiri atas 42 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionSubject test is atestthat aims to help graduates high school students todetermineappropriate subject to the personality, talents andinterests.These testsAbout the test consists of 42 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Kejujuran 3.1.9
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Tes Kejujuran adalah tes yang bertujuanuntukmengetahui tingkat kejujuran Anda.Soal tes terdiri atas 15 soal pilihan ganda. Jujurlah dalammenjawabsoalnyaVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionHonesty test is atestthat aims to determine the level of your honesty.About the test consists of 15 multiple choice questions. Behonestin answering becauseVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Kepribadian Dominan 3.1.9
Superlink ID
Aplikasi Tes PsikologiDominasiKepribadian.Terdiri atas 12 Pertanyaan untuk mengurutkan skala prioritas.Hasil tes akan langsung bisa dilihat dan didownload.Ver 1.1- First Release- Tombol Share to Facebook dan Twitter- Tombol Download Hasil Tes- Free Version with ads.Ver 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionPersonalityPsychologyTest Application Domination.Consisting of 12 questions to sort priorities.The test results will immediately be seen and downloaded.ver 1.1- First Release- Button Share to Facebook and Twitter- Button Download Test Results- Free Version with ads.ver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
CSI - Fingerprints 2.2.1
Gary Howard
Ever wondered how fingerprints are used in solving crimes?
Duolingo English Test 2.8.0
** Selected by Google as one of the bestappsof the year **Get recognized for your English fluency today.• Take a 30-minute exam that tests your English reading,writing,speaking, and listening abilities.• Get a precise score and an official certificate to enhanceyourrésumé.• The Duolingo English Test is trusted by leadinginstitutionsaround the world, including Harvard, Uber, and theGovernment ofColombia.• Add your score to LinkedIn with one click. Duolingo is atopcertification on LinkedIn among professionals.• Duolingo scores are correlated with other majorassessmentslike the TOEFL and IELTS, which can cost up to US $250.TheDuolingo English Test costs only US $49.Discover your English fluency now!-------------------------------Find more information at: http://englishtest.duolingo.comSend any feedback to
Tes Psikologi Kepribadian 1.2
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Tes Psikologi kepribadian adalah tesyangbertujuan untuk mengetahui Tipe Kepribadianmu.Soal tes terdiri atas 24 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterPsychology ofpersonalitytests are tests that aimed to determine yourpersonalitytype.About the test consists of 24 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Personality Test 1.1.1
Superlink ID
Personality Test is a test that aimstoidentifythe type of personality.Test consists of 12 questions.
Busuu: Learn English
Learn English Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation bySpeaking,Writing & More