Top 12 Apps Similar to Negocios Rentables

Google My Business
Google Inc.
Show the world you are open for businessonGoogle Search and Maps. With Google My Business, you canverifyyour business information, manage customer reviews, getcustominsights on how customers are interacting with yourbusinessonline, and build your brand.- Update business name, address, and hours- Upload photos of your business- Manage and respond to customer reviews- Custom insights on where and how many people are searchingforyou- Notifications when customers are talking about yourbusiness- Manage multiple locations from one dashboard, and invite otherstomanage your listingPermission Notice- Location: Needed to use your current location as yourbusinesslocation- Contacts: Needed to auto-complete email addresses wheninvitingothers to manage your listing- Storage: Needed to access photos taken at yourbusinesslocation
Ideias de Negócios 1.2
Sebrae Nacional
Você quer se tornar um empreendedor masnãosabe por onde começar ou que negócio abrir?O Sebrae fez diversos estudos sobre mais de 440 IdeiasdeNegócios, fazendo um raio x sobre tudo o que você precisasaber:espaço físico adequado, número de empregados,equipamentosprincipais, valor do investimento, entre outros.Conheça mais sobre cada negócio e tome a decisão sobre onegóciocerto para você.You want to becomeanentrepreneur but do not know where to start or what businessopen?Sebrae has done several studies on over 440 BusinessIdeas,making an X-ray on everything you need to know: adequatespace,number of employees, major equipment, the investment,amongothers.Learn more about each business and make a decision abouttheright business for you.
Como hacer un Plan de Negocios 1.0
¿Tiene una gran idea de negocios pero nosabesdónde empezar? Aquí te transmitimos nuestros conocimientosparaque, yendo paso por paso, armes tu negocio y que éste seaprósperoy exitoso. Esperamos que te sea útil.Do you have agreatbusiness idea but do not know where to start? Here we extendourknowledge so that, going step by step, armes your business andthatit be prosperous and successful. Hope you find it useful.
Emprendimiento 1.1
¿Buscas Emprender? ¿Quieres iniciar conalgúnEmprendimiento? ¿Quieres iniciar tu propio negocio paso apaso?Hola soy Mel Entrepreneur y sucede que el camino delemprendedor NOes sencillo, tiene muchas curvas y hay momentos en loque eseufórico o devastador, tendrás muchos errores y ademástendrás quehacer muchos sacrificios, otras personas siempre estaránahí paradecirte que es una mala idea o que no puedes hacerlo,quizás que nisiquiera deberías intentarlo; pero ¿Qué crees? quesolamente¡depende de ti! de que tomes la decisión que vas a serexitoso y espor ello que en esta aplicación se muestran losrecursos paraEmprender e iniciar con tu propio negocio, ¡solo da tuprimer pasoahora! y el resto del camino irá apareciendo a medida dequecamines con esta aplicación.Looking undertake?Youwant to start with some Entrepreneurship? Want to start yourownbusiness step by step? Hi I'm Mel Entrepreneur and it happensthatthe path of the entrepreneur is not easy, has many curves andthereare times when it is euphoric or devastating, have manymistakesand you'll have to make many sacrifices, others will alwaysbethere to tell you that is a bad idea or that you can not dothat,maybe you should not even try; but what do you think? only uptoyou! You make the decision that you're going to be successfulandthat is why in this application resources to undertake andstartyour own business is, given only your first step now! and therestof the way will appear as you walk with this application.
Fiverr - Freelance Service
One marketplace. Hundreds of services. Unlimited possibilities.Allon Fiverr.
BORN2INVEST - Business News
M6 Ltd.
The best business and finance news fromthemost trusted sources in 80 words or less.Updated throughout the day, Born2Invest is a professionallycurateddigest of business and finance news summaries from themostreputable news organizations around the world.TOPICS COVERED BY OUR BUSINESS NEWS DIGEST:Prepared by an in-house team of journalists, Born2Invest coversawide spectrum of topics, such as investing, economies andglobalmarkets, trending business news, as well as industry updatesontech, real estate, media, and personal finance. Born2Investalsoprovides in-depth coverage on precious metals and mining(e.g.silver, gold, nickel) as well as luxury goods and services(e.g.collectibles, travel, auto). Finally, we also offer agrowingselection of targeted business videos.Stay on top of the latest news and financial affairs of theworld.Digest features include news by category, fluid navigation,elegantinterface, easy bookmarking, and localized appversions.Want to read news only about specific topics? Just selectthecategories you are interested in. You can also read businessinover 20 native languages, all from within the sameapplication.Just switch your language inside the settings, that'sit!Born2Invest – the best business and finance news in yourpocket!Enjoy.
BiznessLeague, Local&Small Biz 2.0
Do you want to have access to the mostrelevantmarket information?Do you want to have access to the most tailoredbusinessintelligence so you can take the best management decisionson whereto locate a new business, whether investing or not moremoney inyour business or whether to follow or not adiversificationstrategy?.Bizness League lets you perfectly control your historicalsalesrevenue data and keep track of your income evolution whilealsobeing the first REAL-TIME market information platform.• FREE and CONFIDENTIAL for managing all type of local andsmallbusinesses (restaurants, stores, services, freelancers,etc).Would you like to know how your specific market or industryisgrowing? Would you like to know exactly how your business ranksinyour market sales revenue RANKING?INACCESIBLE INFORMATION nowhere else: the growth of themostinteresting markets and industries for you, those ofbusinesseswith similar products / services or within the samegeographicalarea. Anytime, anywhere on your mobile.Bizness League’s platform operation is intuitiveandstraightforward. Thanks to its collaborative technology,users,once a month, enter their SECURE and CONFIDENTIAL salesrevenuedata and gain direct access to the most complete salesreport andmarket information thanks to the aggregated informationof the restof users. VERY SIMPLE, BUT VERY POWERFUL.As you can change your benchmark and choose amoregeneral/specific market both at geographic and industry level,arich process of systematic contrast is generated.The mostobjectiveinformation. For example, if you own or manage afast-foodrestaurant, you may switch among all your relevantmarkets:• From the most general industry:o the market of all hospitality businesses in your country• …to your most specific market:o the market of all fast-food restaurants in your post/zipcode.It is suitable for all business activities. Platform’s userwillknow if similar businesses are growing more in other countryorcity locations, if fastest-growing businesses are those inotherclose niche markets or if best performers are those businesseswithlarger/smaller size (both in number of employees and retailspace).As you can see the most valuable report for taking decisionssuchas scaling-up your business, investing strategies,recruitmentprocesses, diversification plans or localize a newbusiness.Our app is fast and very easy to use, but above all, itisconfidential as outlined in our FAQs and Privacy Policy.• Other users will not have any access to your real salesrevenuedata or any other information from your account. Your salesrevenuedata will be only a tiny and undifferentiated part ofaggregated andanonymized market statistical results. Statistics ofall yourmarkets as a whole.• No user has incentives to report false data as he wouldmissout on all functionality: for example, both his full salesreportand access to the priceless insight of how his businessexactlyranks in all his markets.Visit our website for more details: or write ane-mailto togiveus any kind of feedback.Up until now, one of the biggest advantages enjoyed bybigcompanies has been the access to market information.But,#ThisCanBeChanged as Bizness League is rebalancing the powerofsmall businesses thanks to its professional and reliablemarketinformation.To really know how your business is doing. Do not followonlyyour intuition, because data is everything.Apptimize your business!
LegisComex 1.0.17
Legiscomex es una aplicaciónespecializadaennegocios internacionales, que cuenta coninformaciónestratégicapara desarrollar operaciones comerciales enesteámbito.Ofrece los recursos apropiados según las necesidadesespecíficasdecada uno de los sectores involucrados en esteproceso,comoexportadores/importadores, agentes aduaneros,transportadoresyagentes de carga, aduanas y prestadores deservicios, entre otros.Para una consulta óptima, nuestra información estádivididaencinco secciones:Logística: información y recursossobretransporte,almacenamiento, distribución e infraestructura,asícomoherramientas útiles para el adecuado desempeño delasoperacioneslogísticas.Entorno mundial: Artículos e informes especializadosencomerciointernacional sobre temas coyunturales, que lepermitenactualizarsus conocimientos en la materia.Normativa: información jurídica con las novedades másrecientesennormativa de comercio exterior de Colombia.Mercados y oportunidades: Reportes con temasrelevantesdelcomercio exterior de la región, experienciasempresarialesyhábitos de consumo, entre otros. Informaciónestratégicaparaidentificar oportunidades comerciales.Últimas noticias: actualización permanentesobrelosacontecimientos más importantes del ámbito mundial.Legiscomexspecializesininternational business application, with strategicinformationtodevelop business in this area.Give appropriate to the specific of each of the sectorsinvolvedinthis process, as exporters / importers, customsbrokers,carriersand forwarders, customs and service providers,includingresourceneeds.For optimal viewing, our information is dividedintofivesections:Logistics: Resources and Informationtransport,storage,distribution and infrastructure as well as usefultools fortheproper performance of logistics operations.Global Context: Articles and specialized in internationaltradeontimely themes, which allow you to update your knowledgeonthesubject reports.Regulations: Legal information with the mostrecentdevelopmentsin foreign trade regulations Colombia.Markets and Opportunities: Reports with relevant issuesofforeigntrade in the region, business experiences and habits,amongothers.Strategic information to identifybusinessopportunities.Latest news: constantly updated on major events worldwide.
Hide Pictures & Videos 7.8
★ Welcome to the ultimate privacy apponGoogle Play: the FotoX - Hide Pictures & VideosNever get caught off guard with sensitive material on yourphone.Hide and protect your private Photos and Videos in privateGalleryand securely backup your data in the Cloud. Shareprivatedata among multiple devices. Use Fake Crash dialog tomimicapplication error.Take control and keep your private stuff really privatewithFotoX.Main Features:★ Hide Pictures, photos and Videos.★ Private Gallery: Store your private pictures, photos and videosinFotoX Gallery. You can take a photo directly from the FotoX,importphotos from Android gallery or simply “Share” any picture orVideoto FotoX. Once in the FotoX, all your private data will besecuredand invisible to other Gallery apps.★ Fake Crash dialog unlock. Mimic that your app has crashed.★ FotoX cloud (premium) enables you to securely store allyourprivate Images and Videos in the cloud and to transfer thedatabetween multiple devices. Moreover if you lose or changeyourdevice, your private data is safe with us. Simply install FotoXappon a new device and restore the entire private content withasingle click.★ Break In Attempts. Every time someone enter wrong pincode,creates wrong pattern, or face recognition fails, FotoX appwillrecord and store this attempt.★ Stealth Mode. This option enables you to completely removeFotoXicon from your device making the application invisibletoothers.★ Advanced Security. Once this option is activated, no one willbeable to uninstall the FotoX except you. Normal uninstallprocedurewill be disabled.★ Password Recovery. In case that you forget your pin codeorpattern you will always be able to reset existing lock andregainaccess to FotoX app.Privacy: SMSROBOT LIMITED will never rent or sell YourPERSONALINFORMATION. We appreciate your enthusiasm for our productsandservices, and we promise not to abuse that trust. We makethispromise because we understand just how much you value yourprivacy.You can check our privacy
Liderazgo 1.1
¿Sabes realmente lo que es ser unlíder?¿Quieres ser un líder? ¿Ya eres un líder y quieres seguirmejorandocomo líder? ¿Sabías que el liderazgo es Influencia y NOposición?¿Sabías que existen diferencias notables entre ser un jefeporposición y ser un líder por naturaleza?¡Es posible para TI ser un líder! ser un líder está al alcancedecualquier persona, sólo que existe una condición: Adquirirloshábitos que tienen los líderes eficaces ya que el liderazgoesINFLUENCIA y NO posición.Cabe mencionar que el liderazgo NO tiene que ver con laposiciónjerárquica de un cargo que se ocupa, si no de influirpositivamentepara el bienestar de un grupo de seguidores y conayuda de estaaplicación se mostraran esos hábitos, además conocerásy teconvertirás en un gran líder para influir positivamente enlasociedad. En caso de que ya seas un líder y ya tengasseguidores,esta aplicación te ayudará a ser un mejor líder a basede secretosy con más recursos para el liderazgo eficaz.Lo que aprenderás:- Diferencias entre jefe y líder- Cómo ser un líder- Secretos para ser un buen líder- Más recursos de liderazgoDescarga esta aplicación para que aprendas el arte deinfluirpositivamente a base de un liderazgo eficaz.Do you really knowwhatbeing a leader? Want to be a leader? Already a leader and wanttokeep improving as a leader? Did you know that leadershipisinfluence and NO position? Did you know that there aresignificantdifferences between being a boss and being a leaderposition bynature?It is possible for you to be a leader! being a leaderisavailable to anyone, only that there is a condition: To acquirethehabits that have effective leaders and that leadership isinfluenceand NO position.It is noteworthy that the leadership has to do withthehierarchical position of a position held, if notpositivelyinfluence the welfare of a group of followers and withhelp of thisapplication will be displayed those habits also meetand become agreat leader to positively influence society. If youalready are aleader and you have followers, this application willhelp you be abetter leader based on secrets and more resources foreffectiveleadership.What you will learn:- Differences between boss and leader- How to be a leader- Secrets to be a good leader- More resources leadershipDownload this app for you to learn the art of positiveinfluencebased effective leadership.
TabShop: POS & Point of Sales 212
Efficiently manage sales & invoicing with TabShop's POS app.
PayPal Zettle: Point of Sale 7.10.2
Zettle by PayPal
The free PayPal Zettle app is the point of sale (POS)thatempowersyou to start, run and grow your business. Fromacceptingany typeof payment to tracking sales, PayPal Zettle turnsyourphone ortablet into a complete mobile POS system andregister.Whetheryou’re running a coffee shop, clothing store orbarber shop,PayPalZettle is the one app you need to sell smarterand sell more.Nomonthly fees, no set-up costs and no lock-incontracts. ThefreePayPal Zettle app comes with a range of greatfeatures: • Speedupsales with an intuitive product library andcheckout • Acceptanytype of payment - cash, credit/debit cards andcontactless •Addthe Zettle Reader to accept Visa, Mastercardandcontactlesspayments - including Google Pay • Customize receiptsandprint,text or email them to your customers • Collectcustomers'emailaddresses and craft campaigns to build greatrelationships•Collect sales data and use easy-to-understand reportsto growyourbusiness • Create multiple staff accounts totrackindividuals’sales • Benefit from a wide range ofintegrationsincluding Xeroand Quickbooks, as well as specialist POSsolutionsfor restaurant,retail and health & beauty environmentsHow do Iget started?1. Download the PayPal Zettle app and sign upfor anaccount 2.Order your Zettle Reader, with rapid delivery(2-3working days) 3.Start taking card payments Zettle Reader andDock:The new ZettleReader and Dock are quick to set up and easy touse,allowing youto accept all major credit cards andcontactlesspayments -including Google Pay. A clear pricing modelwithout fixedcosts orfixed contracts. The Zettle Reader meets allrequirementsfrom thepayment industry and is EMV-approved and PCIDSS-compliant.