Top 39 Apps Similar to BITSTAMPS

Magic Stamp 1.15.2
Park Technology
A unique stamp card experience with no QR codes, no IDs and nofaff.
Pocket Stamps Collection 6.7
Damiano Vellucci
Collect your stamps, identify and manage them on your mobiledevice.
Stamp-Manager 4.41
STM-Support Team
The modern tool for stamp collectors - with stamps from over60countries
Bills Manager Free
Download "Bills Manager" and get notify about upcomingbills(Incomeor Expense). Now you don't have to worry aboutforgettingto payyour bills while you go about your busy schedule!.KeyFeatures: ➢Quick overview on application launch. ➢ CalendarViewfor betterunderstand. ➢ Search payment by category or payee.➢Identify thestate of bills by individual marker on dates.➢ReceiveNotifications of upcoming bills. ➢ Add bills with NO END.➢Add,Editand Delete Recurrent bills. ➢ Use the built-incalculatorto quicklycalculate payment amounts. ➢ Add payee and viewpaymentsmade inmonth wise. ➢ Select when to receive notification,i.e ondue date,1 day before, 2 days before or 3 days before billduedate ➢ Simpleand Easy to use. ➢ Easy data entry. ➢Passwordprotected.
Ownbit: Cold & MultiSig Wallet 4.31.1
Ownbit is a safer place for cryptocurrency and gives youmorecontrol of them: Offline creation of Mnemonics, SegWit, PrivateKeyexport and import, UTXO customization, Cold Wallet,OfflineSigning, MultiSig, and more... - You own your private keysThemnemonics, seeds (used to generate private keys) of Ownbitwalletare encrypted and stored on the phone side. The private keyiscompletely under your control. In addition, you can controlmoreaspects of your wallet. - Secure and easy to use MultiSigSupportBTC, ETH, ERC20, LTC, BCH, BSV, DASH, DOGE and DGBMultiSig,Convenient for you to manage assets with others. TheMultiSigdesign follows common standards and are proved to besecure. -Offline Cold Wallet Turning the phone network off or inflight modeto enable Cold Wallet functions. By collaborating with aWatchWallet, the Cold wallet can perform offline signing andsendtransactions safely and easily. - Merchant Wallet Helpmerchantsaccept Bitcoin & Crypto online payments.
Ally Card Controls 1.0.4
Ally Financial
Control how, when and where your card is used. Set up andmanageyourAlly Bank debit card preferences right from your phone.OurCardControl app lets you take control of your Ally Bank debitcard– soyou can define when, where and how your card is used.Onceit’sdownloaded, you’ll be able to track specifictransactions,customizeyour settings, manage notificationpreferences and somuch more.Features Card on/off setting: If youturn the card off,we won’tallow purchases or withdrawals until youturn the cardback “on”.Establish spending limits and merchantcategories: Youcan allowtransactions up to a certain amount totrack spending andpreventfraud. Transactions can also becontrolled and monitoredfor specificmerchant categories like gasstations, departmentstores,restaurants, entertainment, travel andsupermarkets.Location-basedcontrols: Using your phone’s GPS, theMy Locationfeature can limittransactions to merchants locatedwithin acertain range of yourphone’s location. You can alsorestrictpurchases made in a specificregion and denyinternationaltransactions. Transaction pushnotifications: We’llsend anotification whenever you make a purchaseor your cardwasdeclined, and you’ll have plenty of custom optionsto choosefrom.We also send the notifications in real time, soyou’ll alwaysknowexactly when the activity took place. Moredetails  • OurCardControls app is free – your mobile carrier’smessage and dataratesmay apply • Compatible with Android; Android4.0 or higherPleasenote: This isn’t a travel notification app andis for yourAllyBank debit card only. © 2021 Ally Bank, Member FDIC
Eclair Mobile 0.4.16
Eclair Mobile is a next generation, Lightning-readyBitcoinwallet.It can be used as a regular Bitcoin wallet, and canalsoconnect tothe Lightning Network for cheap and instantpayments.This softwareis based on eclair, and follows the LightningNetworkstandard.
AFCU Card Guard™ 1.0.7
With Card Guard from America First, your Android device putsyouincontrol. Using America First Card Guard, you candeterminewhereyour Visa® cards can be used and where they can’t.You’ll settheamounts, locations, merchants, and/or transactiontypesyourAmerica First cards will process. Control or alertchangestakeeffect instantly so you can make changes on the go.•Receivereal-time alerts anytime your card is authorized ordeclinedorcreate them based on your preferences. • Lock your cardwhenyou'renot using it and turn it on when you're ready to pay. •Setadollar threshold that limits your card transactions toanamountyou specify. • Define a geographic location where yourcardswillwork or select My Location to authorize charges in thevicinityofyour Android device. • Specify which kinds ofmerchantsortransaction types can clear your account. America FirstCardGuard- Security you control™
Crypto Currency Converter 1.8.0
The currency converter with live data from more than 5000cryptocurrencies and over 40 fiats. 💶 Currency converter: Themainfunction of this app. Convert crypto currencies into each otherorinto "analog" exchanges. The converter can also show youexchangerates between to non-cryptocurrencies. 💸 PerformanceMonitor: Listsall the exchange rates of your favoritecryptocurrenices. This wayyou are always aware of any changes. 💙Favorites function: None ofus can oversee all available currenciesin the world. So just pickout the ones you are intersted in. ✅Amongst other currencies, thisapp supports Bitcoin, Ethereum,Tether, and Ripple. 🇪🇺 Refinca is aEuropean start-up. 📝 We wouldlike to learn from your experiences.So please share any thoughts,remarks, or really anything elseabout our app with us by simplymailing us to💻 Learn more:
Amex Go 2.0.10
American Express
Now you can pay for business purchases on-the-go —withouthavingtoborrow your boss’s Card or use your own money andwaitforreimbursement. Download the Amex® Go app to receive aVirtualCardfrom your employer. Use it for all business purchasesthatshouldbe paid from your company’s corporate account. USE THEAPPTO: •Pay for on-the-go purchases either in another app, online,oroverthe phone such as food delivery or ride-hailing •Easilytracktransaction details and monitor your Card balance •Activateyourphysical Card HOW TO USE THE CARD: Pay forbusinesspurchasesanywhere American Express® is accepted—up to theamountauthorizedand within policy. (Contact your ProgramAdministratorfor businessexpense policies.) Use within the dateslisted underthe “CardInfo” tab, as any transactions outsidethistimeframe—ortransactions exceeding the remaining balance—willbedeclined. GETCARD DETAILS Use the “Card Info” tab to locatetheCard’s BillingZip Code, Expiration Date and Security Code asneededfor onlineand in-app purchases. GET STARTED When yourProgramAdministratorinvites you to American Express Go™, you’llreceivetwo emails inyour inbox—a welcome email with instructions onhow todownload theapp, and a separate email containing yourenrollmentcode toregister. NOTE In order to register and use theAmericanExpress Goapp, your company must be an American Express Gocustomerand musthave issued you a Virtual Card. (If your company isnot anAmericanExpress Go customer, please ask your company'stravelmanager toget in touch with his/her American ExpressAccountManager).
Gmoggls - Loyalty Card Wallet 3.8.0
Gmoggls - the digital and environmentally friendly wallet foryourloyalty cards
ZEBEDEE Wallet 11.0.0
The ZEBEDEE Wallet is your bridge into virtual economies. ItisaBitcoin Lightning wallet made specifically to connectwithgames.We make using bitcoin fun and familiar. Our smartcameraidentifiesmost QR codes, simply swipe right and scan togetstarted. We willguide you through the steps. Each ZEBEDEEWalletaccount comes witha unique gamertag. This is like your IDforpayments and messagesin virtual worlds. Use it to send andreceivetransactions and GIFsbetween players and other ZEBEDEEgamers. USA-- Users from NY, FL,WI, HI states are blocked fromaccessing thewallet at this time.
German Empire's silver coins 1.4
Almaz Khayrullin
Silver coins of the German Empire from 1871 to 1918.
Datamine Discover Mobile 3.4
Stop using your bulky field tablet and start using your mobiletocapture data!
Republic Services 4.40.0
The Republic Services app allows you to manage yourRepublicServices account.
Super Stamp
Super Stamp
Loyalty cards made digital, so you don't have to carry theminyourpocket all the time, or forget them the next time youvisityourfavorite coffee shop, pizza place or an ice creamparlor.Addmultiple loyalty cards in you app wallet, Get DigitalStamps&Redeem Rewards with Super Stamp Partners!
Capital One T&Easy 3.8.1
With T&Easy℠ from Capital One®, managing your corporatecardishassle-free. As a cardholder, you can view accountbalancesandspend limit, keep track of pending and postedtransactions,andreceive notifications when your card is charged orwhenit’sdeclined. T&Easy lets you lock and unlock your cardifyou’renot traveling or making purchases frequently, or ifyoususpectfraudulent activity. Plus, sign in is quick andeasyusingfingerprint or SureSwipe®. To learn more about CapitalOne’ssuiteof corporate paymentsolutions,visit
Bitcoin Paper Wallet
Paper Wallet allows you securely generate bitcoinaddressandcorresponding private key. HOWTO: 1) Write downgeneratedprivatekey and address. 2) Send bitcoins to the address.3) ???4)PROFIT!!! You can CHECK BALANCE using any public serviceorbitcoinclient.Forexample: and OFFLINE SPEND coins from your paperwalletwithoutrevealing your private key! Features: * Privatekey/addresspairsgeneration in WIF, Mini, Brain Wallet and BIP 38(encrypted)formatsfor Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. * Support forBech32 SegWitaddresses* SegWit transactions support * Private keyspasswordBIP38encryption/decryption/password changing * Fullyofflineoperationand no disk writes for super-security * Abilitytogenerate bitcoinspending transactions using almost anyexternalprivate key * Youcan set change address and extra minerfeemanually * Automaticcalculation of miner fee * QR Code scannertoenter private keys,address and payment amount * Shows all QRCodesfor your keys andaddresses * You can store your private keyinthird-party app *Wallets printing * Accepts raw transactionsandjson to retrieveunspent outputs * Robust and verifiedrandomnumber generator *Thoroughly tested Project sources, testsandresources: This appislicensed underthe MIT license.
My Budget Pro With Sync 2.0
Thanks For Your response :) Manage your finances directlyonyoursmartphones. Note : Users with old android versionarefacingproblem with In-App purchase, Up on their request weareprovidingnew paid app. Paid app is same as free version withallfeaturesunlocked. 1M+ downloads in 6 months. We appreciateyourtrust, andwe’ll do our best to continue to give you the kindofservice youdeserve. Thanks again, for your business. My Budgetisan expensemanager app that combines an accounts manager,expensemanager, abill reminder, a checkbook register and a budgetplanner!You canassign a category to your transactions in order togetdetailedstatistics and helpful insights. Track andmanagedailytransactions quickly & easily! Businessexpenses,personalexpenses, travel expenses etc can all be managedrapidlyusing MyBudget simple and intuitive user interface.Synchronizingdatabetween Multiple devices. Supports 20+ LanguagesFeatures: -Recordincome and expenses easily - Multiple Accounts -SyncbetweenMultiple Devices - Assign categories - Detailed Stats-ManageCategories - Receive notifications of today bills-DifferentThemes - Security : Pattern Lock and Password Lock-ExportTransactions - View Transactions of a particularaccount,categoryor contact - Export Transactions of a particularaccount,categoryor contact - Separate View for overdue bills (onhomescreen, swiperight to view overdue bills) - Home Screen Widgetforeven fasterexpense management & tracking. Addtransactionsstraight fromthe home page once you enable the widget -great fordaily expensetracking! - View Transactions of a particularbudget.Exporttransactions of a particular budget - Monthly budgets-160+Currency Symbols & Custom Currency - Associate yourexpenseandincome entries with your accounts and accuratelytrackaccountbalances. - Create backup so you never lose your data.-DifferentWidgets : Summary Widget, Monthly Widget, Quick Add-CurrencyFormats - Date Formats - Currency Separator :Millions,Crores -Import Excel Data - Reminder snooze option wasavailable -SD CardBackup Restore - Search Permissions : - Write toSD cardpermissionto export payments - Internet permission fordropboxbackup/restore- Vibrate to remind payment Supportedlanguages:English, català,čeština, dansk, Deutsch, ελληνικά,España,Suomalainen, Français,Magyar, italiano, 日本語, 한국어,Nederlands,Polskie, Português,Pусский, Svenska, ไทย, Türk,український, 中文,Tiếng Việt, Română,Melayu, Lietuvi, Norsk, Српски,Slovene,Slovenčina, български,Filipino, Indonesia, Bosanski MyBudgetFacebook Page : Note :You canuse In-Apppurchase in free app or purchase full version.Both areone timepurchase only. You don't need to purchase again andagain.Pleasemail us if you have any issues or queries. Please ratetheapp andencourage us.
Trader Radar - Insider Trade News 2.2.0
Twofingers Apps
Trader Radar helps you use the knowledge of insiders toyouradvantage when investing. Each new director's dealing isreporteddirectly to your device within minutes, brings you thecurrentcharts for the share and allows you to recognizeinvestmentopportunities at a glance. (* see below) Get an importantadvantageover other investors free and without sign-up. SINGLESOURCE OFINFORMATION Successful investment made easy: Researchthedirector's dealings of the past months and years andfindmeaningful patterns in the investments of insiders. Filtertradesby index, volume or security type to find the perfectinvestmentopportunities for you. Browse the latest headlines foreach companyand analyze the stock charts and fundamentals directlyin the app.Currently available for US and Germany based companies.Anextension to other markets is already planned. ALWAYSUP-TO-DATEReceive a notification on your device upon release ofnewdirector's dealings. You can also enable notifications only fortheindices you are interested in. Manage your personal watchlistandget separate notifications for your favorites (premium only).EASYACCESS No need to bother with sing-up. Get started straightawayand profit from the knowledge of insiders now. * Theinformation inTrader Radar is for informational purposes only anddoes notconstitute investment advice of any kind. Your investmentsarealways at your personal risk and could even lead to loss ofyourinvest in the worst of cases. Trader Radar is not responsibleforany losses occurring due to investment decisions madeuponinformations found in this app. Terms ofuse:
Republic Bank Caribbean 1.0.0
Welcome to the Republic Mobile Banking app! This appisspecificallyfor Republic Bank customers in Anguilla,Dominica,Grenada, St.Lucia, St. Maarten, St.Kitts and St. Vincent& theGrenadineswho are former Scotiabank customers. This appisdesigned to makeyour everyday banking experience simplerandbetter, whether you’reon a smartphone or a tablet. Withaninternet connection, you canview account activity, paybills,transfer funds, update youraccount settings and more,anywhere,anytime! - Simple navigation(one-touch access to yourbankingactivity from the main menu) -Easy to use (the calendarorganisesyour future-dated accountactivity in just a few, quick andeasysteps) - Transaction Alerts(monitor your account activitybyenabling push notifications) -FAQs (get help with ourFrequentlyAsked Questions) Safe and Secure.Republic Bank iscommitted toensuring that your information is safeand secure. TheRepublicMobile Banking app is a part of ourcommitment to provideyou withonline and mobile banking servicesthat are easy to use,convenientand always secure.
RBC Connect 96.3.0
RBC Connect U.S. Investor Mobile RBC Connect provides atimelyandefficient way for investors who clear and custody assetswithRBCCorrespondent and Advisor Services to accesstheiraccountinformation, as well as market information, seven daysaweek, 24hours a day. To provide another access point for clientstocheckhigh demand information on their accounts(i.e.balance,performance summaries, investment holdings,andtransactions),clients may use the Smartphone mobilityfeature.ACCESS RBC Connectis available to clients free of charge.Clientsmust first registerto use the service. Simply sign in usingthesame user ID andpassword you set up for Investor Connect orRBCAdvisor Connectdesktop access, or complete registrationbyenrolling in InvestorConnect or RBC Advisor Connect. Toregister,please contact ClientSupport Services at 1-800-933-9946.You canalso register by goingto forRBCCorrespondent Services clientsor forRBCAdvisor Services clients andselect the “Register Now” buttonfromthe Welcome page. SUPPORT TheClient Support Service Deskisavailable toll-free at1-800-933-9946 weekdays from 8 a.m. to10p.m. ET and Saturday from10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Clients cancallthis number for assistance.
CoolBitX Crypto 2.24.0
CoolBitX is proud to present the only Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin,Ripple, Bitcoin Cash mobile cold storagecryptocurrencywallet.Welcome to the future of hardware wallets.This app (madefor theCoolWallet S -- the second generation card) isthe mostconvenientand secure way to store, receive, and sendyourcryptocurrencyassets. By combining top-of-the-line securitywithabsolutemobility, your BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, and BCH has neverbeensafer andeasier to use. Tested and trusted since 2016, withtensofthousands of wallets sold, use the wallet and app totransferandreceive digital assets from tens of millions ofpeopleandthousands of merchants across the world. This app alsoprovidesthecurrent US Dollar value for your storedcryptocurrencies. Youcancreate and manage multiple wallets and sendand receivedigitalassets. CoolBitX Crypto Highlights: ✓ StoreDigitalCurrency:easily store digital currencies like Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin,Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash directly on the cardfrom app. ✓Secureyour Money: CoolBitX Crypto encrypts and storesyour privatekeysin an isolated, offline environment fortified by asecureelementchip (Common Criteria EAL5+ certified) inside thecard. ✓Take yourCryptocurrency Anywhere: send and receivecryptocurrencywhenever,wherever, and with whomever you want.Conveniently sendyour walletaddress via email, social media, or QRcode. ✓ 100%Wireless: withadvanced Bluetooth technology,efficiently transferyour assets toone of the world's most secureenvironments. ✓Privacy and Control:offers you total end-to-endcontrol over yourdigital assets.CoolBitX never stores, has accessto, or sells anypersonal,financial, or secure data. Be your ownbank. ✓ Durabilityand LossPrevention: your card can take wear andtear.Completelywaterproof, it can flex, drop, be stepped on, evenbecomelostwithout ever compromising your investments. ✓ Free toUse:CoolBitXwill never charge you to send or receivecryptocurrency.AboutCoolBitX CoolBitX is a Taiwanese FinTech firmfounded in 2014byhardware security experts specializing inmanufacturing USpatenteddigital asset hardware and developing smartcontractsusingblockchain technology. Please contact us atinfo@coolbitx.ioforany issues or questions you may have.
Logix Banking 1.5.0
Welcome to banking on the go at Logix! With accountmanagement,billpayment, eDeposit and card alerts all in oneconvenient app,bankingfrom your smartphone is about to get smarter.The Logixmobilebanking app provides a host of key features,including: •Pay Bills- Manage/add payees and set up automatic orone-timepayments. •Manage your Logix cards - Get alertsandfreeze/unfreeze your cardsin real-time! • Mobile Deposit -Easilydeposit checks into youraccount using the camera onyoursmartphone. • Convenient accountviews - See a snapshot of allyouraccounts (shares, loans, CDs) anddrill down to see details ofallactivities. • Enhanced Security -Your information isalwaysprotected – keeping all your bankingactivities safe andsecure! •And so much more ... Welcome to asmarter banking app.Welcome tosmarter banking.
Genisys Card Controls 1.7
Genisys Card Controls – Full control over your debit andcreditcardusage in a way you’ve never had before • Manage how, whenandwhereyour cards are used—on your own terms. Genisys CardControlsenablesyou to set controls regarding the transactiontypes,geographicrules, and the merchant types where your card canbeused. • Turnany card on, or off—in seconds. It’s as simple asatoggle. Perfectfor safety, security… and those scary momentswhenyou’re not quitesure where your card might be. • Ensure youarethe only personusing your cards. GPS capabilities can eitherlimitwhere your cardis used—or assure it’s only able to be usedwhenwith you. • Turnyour cards into active budget participants.Setdollar limits fortransactions, and receive alerts whenthoselimits are beingreached. No more worrying about going overbudget!• Receive alertswhen suspicious activity is suspected. •Stopfraudulent activitybefore it even happens with the alertfeature.Based on yourpreferences, Genisys Card Controls can sendyou areal-time alertwhen your card is used outside of yourchosenpreferences, givingyou the power to deny the transaction orturnyour card off. Alertpreferences can be set by: • Location –basedon where thetransaction occurs • Transaction type – based ontypeof transactionat point of sale • Merchant type – based on thetypeof merchantwhere the transaction occurred • Threshold – basedonthe thresholdamount set by the user (i.e. – transactions over$500receive analert)
Cheddar Up 1.12.0
Cheddar Up, Inc.
Collect money online for anything with Cheddar Up.Collectgrouppayments without the hassle. Cheddar Up allows you tocreateanonline collection page in seconds and share it via textmessageora link. Anyone can pay – without needing an accountordownloadingan app. Use Cheddar Up to collect money onlineforthings like ateacher gift, troop dues, events,teampayments....even onlinesales. With Cheddar Up you can collectformore than just payments.Request extra information (t-shirtsize,contact info, etc.) orcollect for multiple items. CheddarUp’spayment + formfunctionality means there’s no need for checks,paperforms, ortrips to the bank. Need to collect point-of-salepayments?We haveyou covered. Cheddar Up's POS functionality allowsyou toacceptin-person payments with ease. WHY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDSLOVEUS: -Create online collection pages on the fly – for free -Collectforevents, donations, group gifts, dues – anything - Addformstocollect extra information - Customize your collectionpagewithimages and branding - Accept credit cards, echecksorcash/check -Collect from a group with detailed payer tracking-Withdraw fundsdirectly to your bank account Love us? Leave usareview. Sendfeedback and recommendations for improvement
PFCU4ME Mobile 5.7.09
PFCU Mobile
PFCU Mobile Banking enables you to do your banking and payyourbillson the go! Simply use your mobile device to access thePFCUMobileBanking app and access your account when it ismostconvenient toyou! - Check balances 24/7 - Viewpendingtransactions - Create,approve, cancel or view fundstransfers -View transaction history -Send and receive securemessages -Access branch hours and locationinformation - Pay Loans- Makeremote check deposits
ProPay – Accept Credit Cards 5.3.0
Securely accept credit card payments on your phone or tabletusingProPay’s credit card processing app. Accept payments from allmajorcredit card brands (Visa, MasterCard, Discover andAmericanExpress) at rates as low as 1.99% per transaction and nohiddenfees. Card Processing Solutions • Quickly process creditcardpayments at low rates with a mobile card reader • Manuallyentercard numbers if you aren’t near your card reader • Securelystore acustomer’s payment information to be charged for futurepurchases •Accept a credit card payment when you don’t have datacoverage andprocess it as soon as you get back into coverage • Evenmoreprocessing options are available with your ProPay accountonline: • Access your funds with a ProPay Prepaid debitMasterCard •Quickly transfer funds to your bank account within themobile appMonitor Your Business • Check your available and pendingaccountbalances • Review pending, completed and declinedtransactions •Refund or cancel transactions • Manage transfers toyour bankaccount. Additional Features: • Include sales tax andallowcustomers to add a tip to their order • Capture yourcustomer’ssignature and then e-mail them a receipt. The ProPay Appallows youto access all these features from any compatiblesmartphone ortablet and is available for all ProPay Merchants.Compatibility andRequirements: - ProPay account required. If you donot have anaccount, sign up at - Certain features ofthe ProPayApp require an active ProtectPay Online subscription. -The ProPayJAK is currently compatible with the majority ofAndroid/iOSsmartphones and tablets. For a complete list ofcompatible devices,please visit the following websitelink: or sign up for an account today at www.propay.comBydownloading this application, you agree to ProPay’s Terms ofUsefound on the followingwebsite
Ally Invest Forex
Ally Financial has been a market leader in the global currencymarketsforover a decade. Mobile gives you access totrade on arangeof markets including currencies, commodities andindices*with accessto live quotes, interactive charts, marketanalysis,customizablewatch list, rate alerts and more -- all atyourfingertips. Keyfeatures: • A wide range of simple andadvancedorder types •Advanced charting that includesintuitivecandlestick, bar or linecharts with advanced drawingtools andtechnical indicators,historical data, time frames fromminutes toyears, pinch-to-zoomfunctionality and smooth scrollingfor anoptimal browsing experience• Comprehensive trade ticketthatincludes required margin, andprojected P&L of yourcontingentorders • Real-time rate alertsand customized watch lists•Actionable market insights and researchprovided by ourGlobalResearch Team and real-time news delivered byReuters •Acomprehensive Economic Calendar • Account managementfeatureslikefunding and withdrawals, reporting tools and more•Customersupport from Sunday 10 AM ET to Friday 5 PM ET*Availableproductsmay be restricted due to residency. Spot gold andsilvercontractsare not subject to regulation under the U.S.CommodityExchangeAct. Foreign exchange (Forex) products andservices areoffered toself-directed investors through Ally InvestForex LLC.Ally InvestForex LLC, NFA Member (ID #0408077), acts asanintroducing brokerto GAIN Capital Group, LLC ("GAIN Capital"),aregistered FCM/RFEDand NFA Member (ID #0339826). Your forexaccountis held andmaintained at GAIN who serves as the clearingagent andcounterparty to your trades. Forex trading involvessignificantrisk ofloss and is not suitable for all investors. SpotGold andSilvercontracts are not subject to regulation under theU.S.CommodityExchange Act. *Increasing leverage increases risk.
FlashCourse: Learn About Stocks, Bonds, and Money 1.4.11
FlashCourse gives you fun, fast, free courses aboutmoney,investing,stocks, bonds, crypto, banks, saving,budgeting,mortages, realestate, student loans, credit cards,options,futures, derivativesand so much more. No ads, nosubscriptions -ever. The most commontrait among the world'swealthiest people isthis - all of themunderstand money andinvesting. Yes, they knowhow to make money. Butthey also know howto invest money. Theyknow how investing works.They have a plan,and they stick to it.This can't happen withoutknowledge aboutfinance - but there's oneproblem... Learning aboutmoney andfinance...kind of sucks. Yep,we said it. It's superboring. It'stry, it's riddled withfinancial jargon and terms barelyanybodyknows. Most of the greatfinance and investing tools outthereeither require you to alreadyknow what you're doing, OR theytakeadvantage of the fact that youdon't. ...Until now.WithFlashCourse, you can join THOUSANDS oflearners interestedinlearning about money and finance such asstocks, bonds,futures,options, bitcoin, ethereum, the history ofmoney, banks,taxes,budgeting and more – no matter how muchexperience and timeyouhave! FlashCourse makes learning the basicsof money andinvestingfun and engaging with animated content toteach you whatyou want tolearn, quick quizzes to test yourunderstanding, andachievements tokeep you motivated. And best ofall, it's FREE! Weget it. You loginto your online bank account atWells Fargo, Chase,Citibank, BOAor...wherever... and you'reinstantly hit with a waveof depression.You work SO hard - butyour account balance just isn'tquite whatyou thought it would beby now - right? If a journey of athousandmiles begins with asingle step, a journey towards buildingwealthbegins with learningabout money and investing. FlashCoursemakes iteasy, fun and free.As a short, 5-minute part of your dailyroutine,you can learnabout stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, futures,options,bitcoin,ethereum, municipal bonds, or any other type ofsecurity.Fun,animated courses include: • Stocks from Scratch(bakery theme)•Bonds, James Bonds (secret agent theme) • BitcoinBananas(jungletheme) • Futuristic Futures (robot theme) • TheHistory ofMoney (ajourney through time) • The Raging River of Money(whitewaterrafting theme) • The Magic of Ethereum (halloweentheme)•Litecoin, Camera, Action (movie set theme) •BlockchainCowboys(old west theme) • Common Stock Circus (circustheme) ...andDOZENSmore! All free. Yes - totally free. No catch.Want tounderstandwhat you're seeing on that ticker on CNBC orBloomberg?FlashCoursehas your back. Want to see your accountbalance onRobinhood,Fidelity, Etrade or TD Ameritrade grow?FlashCourse canhelpeducate you. Want to be able to have asimple,intelligentconversation about various topics in financelikebuilding a stockportfolio, hedging with options, or what theheckVanguard is?FlashCourse is there for you. FlashCourse is thebestand most funway to learn about money and investing in just5minutes a day.Keep track of your progress, unlock achievements,andjoin agrowing army of thousands of learners. --- Our PrivacyPolicyandTerms of Use are availableat you have anyquestions,don't hesitate to get in touch with
TRASTRA: Crypto Wallet & VISA Card 2.3.0
TRASTRA is offering 50 EUR cashback on all purchases over 50EURmadewith TRASTRA Crypto Card. You spend it - we refund it,it’sthatsimple. Use promo code BTCBACK1, spend 50 EUR onanyonline/offlinepurchase and get back 50 EUR in BTC! Offer endsSept30th, 2021!Welcome to the world’s #1 crypto wallet & VISAcardsolution:TRASTRA! Buy and spend Crypto IN SECONDS! No bankaccountneeded!TRASTRA - the world’s leading Crypto Debit Cardprovider.Why YouNeed TRASTRA: ✔️ #1 Crypto To Euro Exchange ✔️Buy, SellAnd StoreThe Most Popular Cryptocurrencies Instantly ✔️BTC, ETH,XRP, LTC,BCH Wallets -​ Send And Receive Digital MoneyGlobally ✔️Cash OutCrypto At Any ATM All Around The Globe WithoutFees WithYourPersonal TRASTRA VISA Card ✔️ Get A Personal IBANWithoutNeeding ABank Account. ✔️ Purchase cryptocurrencies at thelowestrate with abank transfer ✔️ Exchange Cryptocurrency To EuroAndVice Versa AtThe Best Rates ✔️ High Withdrawal LimitsAndIncredibly Low Fees ✔️ 0Fees for Euro Transaction And 0 CardLoadFees. ✔️ Fast KYC And 24/7Support Buy And Sell Bitcoin AndOtherCrypto 💸 New tocryptocurrency? No Problem. Buy cryptolikeBitcoin, Ethereum,Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ripple withease.Deposit cryptocurrencyin your wallets or fund your VISA cardwitheuro to start trading inseconds! Sell crypto or exchange BTCtoEUR, ETH to EUR, LTC to EUR,XRP to EUR and BCH to EUR with justafew taps and get an overview ofall transactions in youraccountactivity log. The Most PopularCryptocurrencies 💱 Choosebetweenthe most popular cryptocurrenciesBTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and XRPandstore them in dedicated Bitcoin,Ethereum, bitcoin Cash,Litecoinor Ripple wallets. Coming soon USDC!Stay tuned forexcitingcryptocurrency announcements. Top-NotchSecurity 🔒 TRASTRAutilizesthe latest security technology to secureusers’ crypto& fiatassets. Activate 2FA and use Multi-Signatureto keep youraccountand funds safe. THE VISA TRASTRA CARD 💳 The VISATRASTRACARD cardis issued by Contis. It is available in Euro andlets youwithdrawcash at any ATM. Get a personal IBAN without anybanksacting as anintermediary! The TRASTRA VISA card has 3DSecurity forsecureonline transactions and its PayWave integrationallowsforcontactless NFC payments. Spend anywhere where VISA, POSorePOSare accepted. Link your card to Google Pay or SamsungPayandmanage IBAN account and crypto wallets in one app! HighCardLimits📈 Spend up to €8,000 and cash out up to €300 at any ATMperday. Noweekly, monthly or annual limits! Lightning-Fast KYC⚡TRASTRA hasthe fastest and most straightforward KYC process.Getverified tounlock the full potential of TRASTRA! ReliableSupport 🎧Oursupport team has the task to help every single TRASTRAclienttoget the most out of our services. In case of problems,questionsorinquiries, make sure to contact support atsupport@trastra.comoruse the chat widget at Join theblockchainrevolutionand download the TRASTRA App today!
Guac - Save While You Spend 1.5.3
Saving money with Guac in 3 Easy Steps 1. Guac syncs withyourbank.Securely authorize your checking bank to sync directlywithGuac.Guac is as safe as it is simple. Guac is FDIC insured.2.Create AGuac Fund. Saving for a trip, new car, watch orsomethingto fallback on? Guac funds are easy to set up, you'll justneed todecidewhat you're saving for and how much you'd like tosave,we'll takecare of the rest. 3. Achieve & Purchase yourGoalswhile earningCash Back. Our easy to use app transfers asmallpercentage of yourdaily spending into your Guac funds,empoweringyou to save whileyou spend. Once you achieved your goalutilizethe Guac Marketplaceto make your purchase & Earn CashBack!
River Rewards™ 1.6
Get ready to cast a line and reel in delicious deals.
OWNR Bitcoin wallet and Visa card. Blockchain, BTC 1.30.0
OWNR is a cryptocurrency ecosystem devised for cryptocurrencyusers,businesses and developers. Buy, sell, send, store andexchangecrypto in one free app: BTC, BCH, ETH, ERC-20 tokens, LTC,Dogecoinand others. Manage all crypto and Visa card in a singleapp, swiftlyand simply. Top up the card balance with BTC, ETH andothercryptocurrencies at favorable rates. Transfer crypto to yourcard topay and withdraw cash money from ATMs around the world.Visa cardfeatures in OWNR WALLET app: - Exchange 4 cryptocurrencytypes tocard in EUR - Monthly fees: 1.50 EUR - Purchase limit upto 5000 EURper month - Low transaction and service fees - Carddeliveryworldwide - Withdraw cash from ATM globally OWNR is alicensedmulti-asset crypto wallet created to deliver a simpler andsmootherexperience. OWNR is an official partner of Bitfinex. Youcanpurchase crypto with a bank card inside your Bitfinextradingaccount using OWNR payment solution Features: - Buy cryptowith abank card. Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay are accepted. Paywith USdollars, Euro and others - Buy and sell crypto via SEPA/Swifttransfers, which is especially convenient for businesses.Justcontact us to discuss the wire payment details - Continuoustokenautodiscovery: no need to add ERC-20 tokens manually -Multipleaccounts for coins - Asset autodiscovery: restore anywallet, andall your assets will be available instantly - Pricewidget forcrypto assets - Restore HD-wallets with any seed phraselength(12/15/18/21/24 words) - Built-in exchange - Balanceandtransaction updates - Forced address allocation - 24/7technicalsupport inside the app - Bech32 supported - SegWit forfastertransactions and with lower fees - Testnets for developers(BTC,BCH, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZCASH and others) Features forbusinesses: -Cryptocurrency purchase gateway + API - Sell crypto toMastercardcards (OCT/MoneySend) - Visa prepaid/virtual/gift cardsforbusinesses. Partner portal and API for card issuance andmanagement- Crypto-to-crypto exchange service with API integration- OTCdeals in any volume Upcoming features: - Rates history -Onboardingwith testnet coins - Trading strategies from marketprofessionals -Price and trading signals Digital assets currentlysupported: BTC,BCH, BSV, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZCASH, Dogecoin, Tether(USDT), allERC-20 tokens. The list is being expanded. Privacy andsecurity atthe heart: - Only you sign the transactions and own yourprivatekeys – we do no store them on our servers - PIN, Touch ID,Face ID,BIP-39 password - No KYC and no registration to use crypto– wevalue your privacy and time Crypto made simple Make useofblockchain technology regardless of your background incrypto.Whether you are a trader, a developer or you are buyingbitcoinsfor the first time, with OWNR wallet your experience willbe smoothand easy.
Carefull: Protect Older Adults' Money & Credit 1.8.1
Carefull helps you organize and protect a loved one'sfinances.It'sa second set of eyes specifically for older adultmoneymatters,protecting 24/7. Includes: ● Credit report andidentitytheftprotection backed by $1M of identity theft insurance.● Bankaccountand credit card monitoring for Senior fraud,scams,mistakes andmisuse. ● Analyzes spending and bills, monitorscreditreports andcan even freeze credit if needed. ● Get alertsaboutissues that maybe problems, then communicate, resolve them andgettips on how toplan the path forward. FEATURES ● Creditmonitoringand identitytheft protection with $1M of identity theftinsurance.Continuousmonitoring of identity, privacy and credit.Carefulltracks changesto credit reports that could be dangerous -like newaccounts anddetects leaks an illegal selling of yourpersonal,financial andcredit information on the web. ● Financialmonitoringand alerts.Carefull analyzes your loved one’s spending,bills,account balancesand due dates. If something looks unusual,you’llget an alert viatext and email. ● See their entirefinancialpicture. Connect yourloved one’s accounts, and we’ll showyou thefull picture withinseconds. See what money is coming in andgoingout, which bills arecoming up and how much is left in thebank. ●Keep others in theloop. If you’re coordinating with siblingsorprofessionals, you canadd them to your “Circle” ofsupport.Collaborate in our app andresolve issues together. ● Getguidance& advice. The CarefullCommunity that includesfinancialcaregiving experts to receivesuggestions about topics likehow toprotect your loved one fromfraud, how to help them save moneyandhow to ensure that you’reprepared for whatever happens astheyage. HOW IT WORKS ● Securelyconnect your loved one’sfinancialaccounts to enable smartmonitoring and start receivingalerts toyour phone and email inbox.● Carefull analyzes eachtransactionand money movement, and alertsyou to things that lookfishy orlike potential fraud. That couldmean: stores with largeamounts ofspending, unusual cash paymentsor transfers, ortransactionsinvolving new people or places thatlook different orsuspicious. ●See your loved one’s bill scheduleall in one place —what hasrecently been paid and what’s coming up.If it looks likeanythingis running late or has accidentally beenpaid twice, we’lllet youknow. ● You have the option to invite yourloved one orotherfamily members into the app if they ordinarilyparticipateinconversations about financial matters. Then, when anissuearises,you can share and collaborate within the app, andyour“Circle” isthere to help resolve it. SECURITY Security is topofmind,especially for caregivers. Carefull connects tofinancialaccountsusing bank-level security. Our systems are neverable tosee orstore your credentials (usernames and passwords), andwemaintainread-only access to analyze transactions and sendalerts.Weprotect your data as if it were our own and use it onlytoprovideour services. We will never sell it. Here’s howweprotectfinancial information: ● Carefull will never have accesstoany ofyour loved one’s financial account login orpasswordinformation.That information is all managed through ourpartnershipwith Plaid— a company that enables us to connect to yourfinancialaccounts.Plaid is used by most banks and personalfinancemanagementapplications in the US—including Venmo, ChimeandBetterment—toallow you to connect accounts from otherfinancialinstitutions. ●Encryption: Carefull uses bank-level256-bitencryption to storeand transmit your data over the internet.Learnmore athttps://www.getcarefull.comFAQ:
KrakAPI 2.4.5
KrakAPI allows to: • Check your kraken balance in one click•Placeyour buy/sell orders (limit, market, stop-lossandtake-profit) •Trade with leverage (margin trading,open/closepositions) • Trackyour kraken open/closed orders • Followkrakenmarkets in real time• Access data and advanced charts foreachtrading pair (incl.ask/bid) • Read news from specializedpress(Bitcoin, Ethereum,Altcoin and Blockchain) With KrakAPI youwill beable to trade andmonitor following coins from krakenexchangeplatform: Bitcoin(XBT), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC),EtherClassic (ETC), Gnosis(GNO), Iconomi (ICN), Augur (REP),Melon(MLN), Dogecoin (XDG),Lumen (XLM), Monero (XMR), Ripple(XRP),Zcash (ZEC), BCH, EOS,DASH, USDT, ATOM, QTUM, Tezos (XTZ),Cardano(ADA) Available Fiatcurrencies : EUR/USD/GBP/CAD/JPY KrakAPIis notan official krakenapplication.
Bitcoin Checker 2.46.1
Aneonex Software
Bitcoin Checker is a FREE app to track the most recent pricesofyourfavourite currency pairs (on over 100 supported exchanges)inmanycustomizable ways (such as rich notifications,Text-To-Speechvoiceannouncements, Home and Lockscreen widget ormultiplealarms). Datamodule (containing exchanges and currencypairs) isOpen Source andavailabale onGitHub:
Jaxx Liberty - Trade Crypto 2.6.4
Decentral Inc.
Jaxx Liberty is the world’s leading multi platformblockchainwallet,allowing users to create and manage multipledigital assetsand send,receive and trade cryptocurrencies likeBitcoin,Ethereum, Litecoinand Dogecoin simply and securely. Inaddition tobeing acryptocurrency wallet gateway to over 90digitalcurrencies, JaxxLiberty users can manage theirblockchainportfolio, track marketprice information, follow news,and tradeor buy crypto assets - allfrom a single app. Jaxx Libertyis THEgateway to all thingsblockchain! Why Jaxx Liberty? •Viewbalances, see transactionhistory and view detailed cryptoassetinformation while managing 90+cryptocurrencies from asinglewallet • Connect to third partyintegration partners likeChangellyand Simplex where you can buy andtrade digital assetslikeBitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin,Digibyte and dozens ofothersupported cryptocurrencies • View yourentire portfoliobalance orcryptocurrency holding, follow individualdigital assetsor tokensand track historical value changes in oneunifieddashboard • Trackpricing information across top 100 cryptoassets,compare pricechanges and follow trends • Track balanceandtransaction dataacross multiple blockchains using oureasy-to-useBlock Explorer •Get daily blockchain headline news andupdates froma range oftrusted sources from Jaxx Liberty's newsportal •Receiveimmediate, tailored support directly in the app whenyouneed itHere are just some of the cryptocurrencies JaxxLibertysupports:Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash(BCH),Litecoin (LTC),Dash (Dash), ZCash (ZEC), Ethereum Classic(ETC),Doge (DOGE),DigiByte (DGB), Tether (USDT), Basic AttentionToken(BAT) and manymore. World-Class Security and IndustryStandardProtocols: Werespect your privacy, so we never have accessto (orknowledge of)your wallet and digital assets — only you do.JaxxLiberty is anon-custodial blockchain wallet, which means thatonlyyou own thekeys to access your crypto assets. Our walletusesindustrialstandard wallet data generation (BIP39) andderivationprocesses(BIP44). Sensitive information like your BackupPhrase andPrivateKeys are stored only on your device and neverleave it. Youare inexclusive control of your wallet and shouldnever give outany ofyour wallet security information to anyone (noteven us!).Tofurther protect user data, we take extra securitymeasuresbyencrypting core wallet data using bank gradeencryption(AES-256encryption enhanced by 5000 rounds of pbkdf2passwordhashing)after each password is set. Be sure to have yourowncustompassword set for further encryptionefficacy.HierarchicalDeterministic (HD) address generation furtherincreasesuserprivacy wherever feasible. For more information,visitwww.jaxx.ioor follow Jaxx Liberty on Social Media:Facebook:/JaxxWalletTwitter: @jaxx_io Instagram: Jaxx Liberty today and carrythe verybest indecentralized Blockchain technology with you,wherever yougo.
MoneyWiz 3 - Personal Finance 3.7.5
MoneyWiz is the ultimate finance management application lovedbythousands! We have it all: • worldwide online banking supportwithautomatic transaction categorization and access to over16,000banks in over 50 countries, • crypto, forex and stocktradinginvestment accounts with automatic trades sync, •cross-platformsync with native apps for your desktop and mobile, •manualtransaction entry & bank statement import for those whopreferto do manual bookkeeping, • powerful budgets,transactionscheduling, financial forecasts and reporting, •translated intomore than 20 languages, support for all worldcurrencies,multi-level custom categories, and so much more withover 600features! MoneyWiz is often referred to as the “go-to”applicationby our customers. Tired of comparing financeapplications?Exporting data from one app to another to find theperfect one?Trusted by hundreds of thousands of customers, MoneyWiztruly isthe final destination for everyone seeking to organizetheirfinances. Launch it, grab a beverage of your choice andstartactually enjoying working with your finances! HOT OFF THEPRESS!CRYPTO SUPPORT! Our latest release includes support for forexandcrypto-currencies. MoneyWiz is now the firstfinance-managementapplication to fully support crypto-currenciestrading on top of analready powerful feature set. You’re now ableto see your entireportfolio, latest prices and your current networth - all in onebeautifully organized workspace! SO HOW EXACTLYDO WE MAKE FINANCEMANAGEMENT EXCITING AND ENJOYABLE? YOUR DATACOMES TO YOU! With theOnline Banking feature you don’t need toenter data manually (butyou can!). Just connect to one of thethousands of banks we supportand relax while MoneyWiz downloads andautomatically categorizestransactions from your checking, creditcard, savings, investment,forex and crypto accounts! On top ofthat, MoneyWiz usesproprietary AI algorithms to learn from yourchanges, so the moreyou use it the better auto-categorizationbecomes! Not a fan ofautomatic online sync? Need to transfer datafrom another app?We’ve got you covered! You can still enter manualtransactions withease as well as import your transactions in formof CSV, QIF, OFX,QFX and MT940 files! CROSS-DEVICE SYNC THAT WORKSYou can use ouramazing SYNCbits syncing service to ensure that youhave your datawith you at all times, on all devices! It allows foroffline usetoo, and automatically detects internet connection tosync anychanges made while offline. YOUR DATA STAYS YOURS Weprideourselves in our privacy-oriented approach. Any use ofonlineservices is optional but if you do decide to use them, restassuredthat your data is protected with the best safeguards andencryptionmethods available. Just take a look at our PrivacyPolicy! Yourlocal data also can be locked down with a PIN code(supported byfingerprint or facial authentication). DEDICATEDSUPPORT TEAM Oursupport team is one of the most frequentlymentioned complimentscustomers leave in the application reviews -and we couldn’t beprouder! SUBSCRIPTION & PRIVACY NOTICE We donot impose a limiton the number of accounts, budgets, regular orscheduledtransactions you can create in MoneyWiz. However, you willneed theMoneyWiz Premium subscription if you wish to sync otherdevices viaSYNCbits and/or use the Online Banking feature. Yoursubscriptionswill automatically renew each month (or year,depending on plan)and your credit card will be charged through yourGoogle Playaccount. You can turn off auto-renew at any time fromyour GooglePlay account settings. PrivacyPolicy: Terms ofUse: