Top 4 Apps Similar to Pineal Gland Activation Plus

Chakra Recharge 1.0.3
Activate your pineal gland (organ) andthirdeye (chakra) with the frequencies contained within this freeapp.Featuring the 15-minute pineal gland activationfrequencyprogrammed to the exact tone at which a healthy pinealglandfunctions. This activates the organ if stagnant andwillrehabilitate a malnourished pineal gland.Also featured in this app is the third eye guidedmeditation.Once you have listened to the pineal gland activationfrequency,opening your third eye guided meditation will gentlyawaken thethird eye chakra.This 11 minute guided meditation will magnify your thirdeyechakra and regain a healthy exchange of chi at thischakracenter.Headphones are required to hear the tones and frequenciesusedthroughout this app.With Love,Shane Burke - Founder -
Vital Tones Ajna Chakra 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd
Vital Tones Ajna Chakra is abrainwavetherapyfor activating Ajna Chakra.The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel ordisk.Inyoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheelsofenergythroughout the body. There are seven main chakras,whichalign thespine, starting from the base of the spine throughto thecrown ofthe head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagineaswirling wheelof energy where matter and consciousness meet.Thisinvisible energy,called Prana, is vital life force, whichkeeps usvibrant, healthy,and alive.Ajna, is known as the third eye chakra and is linked tothepinealgland which may inform a model of its envisioning.Thepineal glandis a light sensitive gland that produces thehormonemelatonin whichregulates sleep and waking up, and isalsopostulated to be theproduction site of thepsychedelicdimethyltryptamine, the only knownhallucinogenendogenous to thehuman body. Ajna's key issues involvebalancingthe higher andlower selves and trusting inner guidance.Ajna'sinner aspectrelates to the access of intuition. Mentally,Ajnadeals withvisual consciousness. Emotionally, Ajna dealswithclarity on anintuitive level.Vital Tones Ajna Chakra consist of 2 sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Every session is customized and stimulates different partsofthebrain.The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!Enjoy your explorations.
432Hz Meditation 0.1
Different healing frequencysformeditation,pineal gland (third eye) activation and DNA repair.Powerful meditation music.Features:• Free to use• Youtube videos
Manifestatie Meditatie 3.2
Hypnose Master
Opsomming voordelen vandezeMidbrainManifestatie Meditatie:- Snelle meditatie voor ontspanning- Helpt iets wat u wilt manifest te maken- Speciale binaural achtergrond muziek voor diepe ontspanning- Helpt de hersenen te stimuleren + ontspannen- Deze meditatie activeert uw midbrain (middenhersenen)- Gedachten worden steeds sneller manifestbijregelmatiggebruik- Al resulaat na 1x meditatie binnen enkele dagen/weken.- Regelmatig gebruik activeert wonder vermogenszoalsgenezen,voorspellen, alwetendheid, etcMidbrain Manifestatie Meditatie is een meditatie diegebruikmaaktvan een speciale mantra om iets wat u wilt in hetlevenmanifest temaken. Dit is gebaseerd op eeuwen oude kennis vandeyogis. Veelmensen gebruiken deze technieken tegenwoordig metveelsucces. Dezemeditatie heeft als bijkomend voordeel dat uwmidbrain(middenhersenen) geactiveerd word. Dit heeft een blijvendeffect.Hetmidbrain word ook wel de psychic brain genoemd of ookwelGodbrain.Uw midbrain activeren helpt dan ook om wonderen tekunnendoen.Hoe vaker u deze meditatie doet, hoe meer uwmidbraingeactiveerdword en hoe sneller uw gedachten (vanuit uwmidbrain)manifestzullen worden!Dit is feitelijk de enige mediatie die u nodig heeft omuwmidbrainte activeren. In deze meditatie focussen we ook op ietswatwemanifest willen maken in ons leven.Dit is een hele krachtige methode om dingen naar onstoetetrekken en onze intuitie te vergroten. Op wonderlijkewijzezullenineens dingen gebeuren of de juiste mensen op ons padkomenom zodatgene wat we willen uit te laten komen en werkeijkheidtelatenworden. In feite word u weer één met het Goddelijke in uenkunt ualles weten wat er te weten valt en wonderen vangenezingdoenetc.Deze meditate geeft daarnaast ook de algemenevoordelenvanmeditatie. Zo zult u meer ontspannen worden en heefthetpositieveinvloed op uw lichaam. Uw denken word helderder. Uvoelt ubeter enheeft meer energie.Als achtergrond muziek word gebruik gemaaktvanspecialezogenaamde "binaural klanken", die uw hersenenstimulerenen totontspanning brengen om zo het effect van demeditatieteversterken.Tags voor zoektermen:meditatie, meditation, mantra meditatie, mantrameditation,manifestmeditatie, midbrain meditatie, ontspanning,hersenenactiveren,pineal gland activeren, hersen activatie, pinealglandactivatie,gedachtenmanifestatie, gedachten kracht, mind power,ohmmeditatie,ohm mediation, ahh meditatie, ahh meditation,liefdevinden,voorspellen, alwetendheid, goddelijkSummary benefitsofthesemidbrain Manifestation Meditation:- Fast meditation for relaxation- Helps something you want to manifest- Special binaural background music for deep relaxation- Helps stimulate the brains relax +- This meditation activates your midbrain (center brains)- Thoughts are getting faster manifesto with regular use- All by applying after 1x meditation within a fewdays/weeks.- Regular use activates miracle powers ofhealing,predict,omniscience, etc.Midbrain Manifestation Meditation is a meditation that usesaspecialmantra to something you want to manifest in life. Thisisbased oncenturies-old knowledge of the yogis. Many peopleusethesetechniques today with much success. This meditation hastheaddedadvantage that your midbrain (center brains) isactivated.This has alasting effect. The midbrain also become thepsychicbrain or alsocalled God brain.Activate your midbrain also helps to be able to domiracles.Themore you do this meditation, the more your midbrainisactivatedand the faster your thoughts (from yourmidbrain)manifesto willbe!This is actually the only mediation that you need toactivateyourmidbrain. In this meditation, we focus on something wewanttomanifest in our lives.This is a very powerful method to attract things tousandincrease our intuition. Miraculously suddenly things willhappenifthe right people come our way as to what we want to havecomeoutand let be adaptability of work. In fact, you become onewiththeDivine in you, and you know everything there is to knowanddomiracles of healing etc.This meditate also displays the overall benefits ofmeditation.Soyou will be more relaxed and have a positive impacton yourbody.Your thinking become clearer. You will feel better andhavemoreenergy.Background music is made using special called"binauralsounds"that stimulate your brains and to bring relaxationin ordertostrengthen the effect of meditation.Tags for search terms:meditation, meditation, mantra meditation,mantrameditation,manifesting meditation, midbrain meditation,relaxation,activatebrains, activate pineal gland, brain activation,pinealglandactivation, thought manifestation, mind power, mindpower,ohmmeditation, ohm mediation ahh meditation, ahhmeditation,findlove, predict, omniscience, divine