Top 21 Apps Similar to Hindi astrology numerology

Hindi Astrology 1.4
This app gives all rashi character details & numerologyfromyour birth date.
Numerology : Ank Jyotish 14
Know about yourself with Numerology in Hindi
Numerology Vedic Free 1.4
Numerology App with predictions based on Modern / ancientVedicNumerology.
Numerology 8.5
Daily, Weekly, and Yearly Numerology 2023 Predictions onNumerologyapp
YourSelf 2.73
Numerology and astrology in one app! Learnmoreabout yourself, family and friends through numerologyandastrology.
Name se Jane Apna Bhavishya 0.0.3
This is one of the interstingappwhichtellsabout your future just by your name.Enter your name ,and know about your upcoming future.Free and works offline.
Numerology 1.3
Mario Salai
This is a small app that uses HansDecozNumerology system which is one of the best numerology systemever.Numerology can help you in understanding yourself on deeperlevelso you can see clearly who you really are and what areyourstrengths, talents or weaknesses.Calculate Relationship compatibility, Life Path,Expression,Personality, Karmic Lesson, Birth Day and Hearth'sDesire numbersand find out more about yourself for free.No adds, no banners, just pure information for you tolearn,explore and evolve.
Simple Name Numerology 1.2
Calculate your name numerology number and find the traitsassociatedwith it
Astrology & Horoscope 2.9
Horoscope with accurate calculation and predictions based onvedicastrology.
Universal Numerology 1.2.1
Universal Numerology is first andforemostanumerological research tool. The goal is to enable you tousetheSystem of Universal Numerology on your own. So you havetolearnand devote some time and effort. Don't expect thecookbookstyledelineations to be true, however you can find themalso.Why Universal Numerology?Because this numerology system is independent of anycalendarsanddoes not rely on the notion of time. Rather, theconcept liesininformation, so it can be used in every culture.Please report any bugs and crashes either throughcrashreporter,or via email. If possible and applicable, pleasealsosupply thedata you worked with (no names required), and whatyoudid.NEW IN VERSION 1.3- Re-added Comparison module. It's now possible to compare upto10events with each other- Updated database schema (hopefully this won't case crashes).Ifthedates for previously saved data disappear, it's not a bug.Ifyousave them again, or if you save new data, the dateswillre-appear,and you will also be able to search for dates inthedatabase, notjust names.- Added two new examples- Added description about Chosen Numbers- Minor GUI changesNEW IN VERSION 1.2.1- Re-wrote the behavior of Dynamics- A half circle gesture (from right to left) on the grid canbeusedto quickly undo dynamics- Recorded a short demo videoNEW IN VERSION 1.2- Major redesign. Pending features will be implemented onceIhavethe time.
Numerology guru 1.2
This application will allow our users toknowabout their psychology,destiny,relationship,best suitedprofession,specific karmic advice for them,their health,luckynumbers for themetc using date of birth.This also has a feature i.e a person can check compatibilitywithanother person by providing date of birth and name.This application is powered by Waispro Technologies Pvt Ltd.Developers:-Sargam,Mandip and DeepakUpdated By sargam
Numerology Reading Calculator 1.0
Numerology Calculator gives you afreeNumerology reading. The Numerology Calculator will defineyournumerology profile by calculating your various numerologynumbersand helping you in learning what these numbers represent andwhatcould be forecast about your future from these numbers. Enteryourname and date of birth and get a free Numerology reading.Numerologists believe that each number has its effect inaperson’s life and nature. There are various forms ofnumerologythat make use of name, birthplaces and date of birth ofthe userfor generating predictions and forecasts. The greatGreekmathematician Pythagoras, regarded as "The father ofnumerology",once famously postulated that “the world is built uponnumbers".According to Numerology, everything in this universe canbeexpressed using numbers or in other words the entire universe isanelaborate expression of numerical patterns and forms.This Numerology Calculator 2014 is an accurate tool forprovidinga detailed numerology profile for you. The profilecontain variousnumbers representing various aspects of your life.These numbersconvey a detailed picture of what you may face in thefuture and howluck and fate are going to affect your life.Numerology Calculatorreading helps you understand the cosmicnumerological pulsations andtheir connections with your life andthus gives you a profounderawareness about your life.Numerology identifies the hidden significance of numbers andhowvarious numbers affect your personality. Numerology Calculator2014calculates a bunch of numbers based on your inputs. Thesenumbersare Life Path Number, Bio Rhythm Number, Destiny Number,Innerdream number, Lucky number, Soul Number etc. All thesenumbers, inone way or other, shape the character of a person.The basic summary of the process behind this tool is asfollows.The calculator first calculate your destiny number, lifepathnumber, lucky number, soul number etc. by evaluating yourbirthdetails. Secondly the Numerology Calculator 2014 identifiesthefrequency of appearance of a specific letter in your name andusesthis information to calculate some of the other numbers inyourprofile. The letters in a name are always arranged in aspecificpattern. Based on the number of times of occurrence, theletters ina name are classified either as odd or as even. Then thenumber ofodd and even letters in both names are compared togenerate thereport.In Numerology the letters of the alphabet can beassociatednumbers. Using this principle, we can analyse a name andgenerateits equivalent number representation. Two of the mostwidely usedsystems for generating alphabet to number conversionsare: TheChaldean system and the Pythagorean system. In Chaldeansystemevery letter is associated with a unique vibration. Theseuniquevibrational value of letters are used as the basis forassigningnumbers to that specific letter. In the PythagoreanSystem, numbersare assigned to letters by sequence.Get a detailed numerology profile in 1 minute flat! Use thefreeonline Numerology Calculator 2014 and get a free numerologyprofileright now. Just fill in your name and birth day details.Thecalculator only uses the characters and letters in your nameanddate of birth for generating a personalized numerology profileforyou. The profile report and its readings will give your new anewperspective towards life and your character and will enable youtoface life with a positive attitude and let you overcomeyourweaknesses and achieve success.
Numerology Tips & Techniques 0.0.5
Numerology predicts future by using the numbers of your birthdate& name.
Soulmate Numerology 1.1
Unlike the olden days, choosing a spouse or a life partnerhasbecome simple, thanks to the advancements made by themodernscience. But to find the most suitable and compatible partnerisstill a far cry! Not going into the complexities of the humanmindand its craving for an ideal soulmate in life, we present hereanNumerology App which will help our readers to choose therightpartner. Using the methods that are unique, simple andinvented bythe author after analysing hundreds of cases, this Appwill helppeople who are in search of ideal marital or conjugal orloverelations, ensuring compatibility and long lastingrelationship.Marriages may be made in Heaven, but they should notlead us tohell! Well, go ahead with our Soulmate App and enjoy itsheavenlybliss!
Chaldean Numerology Calculator 1.1.1
Numerology Calculator is a simple and précised app which dealswithtwo different types of numerology. 1) Chaldean Numerology2)Pythagorean Numerology Here, you needs to give your name asinputand in turns our app gives you the numerological number of thenameentered. And, important feature is that you can get thenumbercalculated for your name in both types by just switchingbetweenthem. Chaldean Numerology: Chaldean numerology is one of thethreemain methods of numerology used today, along withKabbalahnumerology and Pythagorean numerology. The Chaldeannumerologymethod is perhaps the oldest form of numerology known,with itsorigin in ancient Babylon. At that time, Babylon wasinhabited bythe Chaldeans. Today very few people realize that theChaldeanswere a group of people, not just a numerology term. WhiletheKabbalah and Pythagorean methods base their formulas on thenumbersone through nine, Chaldean numerology aims on one througheight. Inthis method, the number nine is a holy number and isseparated fromother numerical vibrations, except for when it is thesum of allvibrations in question. In addition, this particularnumerologymethod bases numerical values on vibrations rather thanwhere aletter falls within the alphabet. PythagoreanNumerology:Pythagorean numerology is by far the best known andgenerally usedby modern numerologists. Many numerologists todaycontend thatwhile Chaldean numerology is much more accurate, theywill agreethat the Pythagorean system is much easier to learn,understand,and practice. The Pythagorean system of numerology takesits namefrom Pythagoras who was an ancient Greek philosopher. Thebasisbehind Pythagoras’ numerology is that there is arelationshipbetween everything and numbers. He believed that theuniverse couldbe explained through numbers going as far as to claimthat throughthe use of numbers, order can be created withoutconfusion.Pythagoras studied under the ancient Jewish mystics aswell as theGurus in India both cultures are also known to have usedforms ofnumerology. Pythagorean numerology is often referred to asWesternnumerology as well as Modern numerology. As mentioned, itisgenerally used system of numerology, most likely as it is easytomaster. Finally, Most people in current world, much liketheirancient counterparts, use the science of numerology to gaininsightinto their lives, their pasts, and their upcomingfutures.Numerology is also an outstanding way to increase insightintoother people. Pythagorean numerology can help you achievethesegoals in addition to helping you understand what types ofpeopleare most compatible with you and why. Numerology is somethinggoodto learn about relationships, friendships, family, lovers, andevenco-workers. And with our app installed, you can enjoy betweennamesand numbers... App Developed by Hashprompt Softwares-
Sky Raptor: Space Shooter 2.4.2
Alien shooters are invading. Join Sky Raptor to save the Galaxy!
Daily Rashifal (हिन्दी)
Cherish your daily life by getting daily horoscope updates toyourmobile.
Numerology 1.0
MJG Apps
Know your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge.
Numerology 1.0
This application is very easy to useanduser-friendly which does not require Internet connectiononcedownloaded. It gives you destiny calculation to findyourcharacteristics - keywords - lucky colors - future plans -lovelife - lucky stone and colors - many more. Many more featuresareon th way to shine your future.Features:~ Destiny Name Calculations~ Destiny Number Calculations (Date of Birth)~ Lucky Colors~ Famous People~ Person's Characteristics~ Person's Personalities Keywords~ Person's Lucky stones and colors~ Person's Love life~ Person's Overall personality.
Best Jyotish App in Hindi 2.1.1
Raftaar Jyotish is an Astrology ApplicationinHindi. This is a Free App which gives you various highqualityservices for your daily Astrological requirements e.g.1. Customised Horoscope – Daily, Weekly, Monthly andYearly2. Rashifal 20163. Kaal Chakra – Shubh Kaal and Rahu Kaal4. Location Centric Pooja Kaal5. Help Directions6. Easy NavigationIn addition to your own astro predication, Raftaar Jyotishletsyou to check horoscope of your family members and friends too.Youmay also share these results with them through social mediatoolavailable in the app.About Raftaar: ‘’ is the largest HindiInfotainmentportal and Hindi content aggregator in the world.
Horoscope of Birth 4.431
➕Daily information update ➕Types of horoscopes: general,love,career and horoscope health ➕Quote of the Day ➕Compatibilitycheckon the zodiac sign ➕Biorhythms and widget to themwithnotifications ➕Fast, easy and pleasant interface / design foruse➕Available horoscope for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for aweek➕All information in the application by birth date only ➕PageofNumerology ➕Themes for every taste ➕Customize the applicationforyourself ➕Smooth animation ➕Share button ➕A reminder of readingahoroscope ➕Widget showing the remaining time before the birthday+button for reading the horoscope────────────────────────────────"Horoscope of Birth" - a new uniqueapplication, which has noanalogues! 📣All in the application isavailable (free of charge) by100%, in it you can easily get thenecessary information about whenand in what area of life you needto pay attention, how to keepattractiveness for the opposite sex,to save health, good relationswith relatives and close people, tomake the right decision forevery day. 🎂 This application will letyou know how many days areleft before the birthday, and how manydays of your wonderful lifeyou have already lived. 💕 Love horoscope- will display the maintrends of the day and help build yourrelationship with a partner.And also allows you to look further anddevelop the plot of yourlove story. 💰 Horoscope career - willreveal to you many secretsthat you would like to know about theprospects at work, be able toplan your activities, relying onsuccessful and dangerous for youperiods. Money, experience andknowledge, relationships withcolleagues, career growth, the threatof fine or firing ... Buildyour future yourself! 🍏 Horoscope ofHealth - will giverecommendations on how best to monitor thehealth, what to look forfirst and for what to take care ofyourself. 💘 You can also checkthe compatibility of your zodiac signwith any other, and choosethe key to interact with it. 🔢 Thanks tonumerology you can findout your future, and also get a clue whenmaking importantdecisions. Allows you to determine the nature, lifeexperience andultimate goal. Astro forecast for all signs of thezodiac: ♈ Aries♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏Scorpio ♐Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces