Top 18 Apps Similar to 每日易經占卜

iChingDecode 1.3.7
I Ching is an ancient Book which we called Book ofChanges.Itcontained a divination system which is widely used inAsia fromthepast to present. This app is designed to provide asimple methodofdivination using I Ching and give us an easytounderstandexplanation of the result.
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
LianYong Lee
Do you feel hesitated? Do you feel helpless? Throw 筊 (toss thecup)and ask the gods for a fortune to solve your puzzles! Raiseyourhead three feet, there are gods on them, don't do all evil,allgood will follow.
大帥集團開運坊 占卜算命易經星座塔羅運勢財運運氣八字愛情抽籤
【20160205版本更新通知】-----------------------新功能:1.(活動)配合農曆春節活動,即日起每日登入送10點開運點數,希望大家能有美好的一天!2.(活動)進入遊戲後,會出現活動介紹畫面3.加速開頭動畫,免等那麼久了!4.賴紳洲老師聯絡方式中的FB網址,可以直接連結網頁修正:1.修正米卦結果字數太長會被截掉的問題2.修正進入遊戲連點會出現全白畫面的問題-----------------------【賴紳洲老師專業命理】-----------------------易經米卦占卜、風水堪輿、姓名學、紫微斗數、內在指引、前世帶領、開悟卡牌占卜、定期咨詢(長期陪伴)、生命關係排列、團體咨詢、身心靈核心問題解析、合作關係配對解析、家庭咨詢、企業咨詢、企業顧問。----------------------- 【了緣老師專業命理】-----------------------修仙道法、手相、面相、易經占卜、諸葛神數占卜、姓名學、風水堪輿、紫微斗數、藏密、淨土法門、禪宗。----------------------- 【大帥集團開運坊五大特色】-----------------------【專業】聘請資深老師,命理準確性UP!【運勢】隨時隨地掌握開運小技巧,搏得好人緣!【生活】詳細指引人生方向,困擾迎刃而解!【心靈】默念心靈花語,正向能量大提升!【簡易】畫面清新爽朗,命理直覺超簡單!----------------------- 【預約諮詢聯絡方式】-----------------------有想約老師占卜、諮詢、氣功、風水、工作坊、教育訓練等等,可直接加入預約專線用LINE,連絡陳小姐LINE1:@CKW3828FLINE2:Victorbig2015WeChat:Victorbig2015Facebook粉絲團(賴紳洲):社團(大帥集團):【相容性】-----------------------相容:Android 2.4以上版本(建議安裝Android 4.0以上版本會比較流暢)-----------------------
iTarot (Tarot Divination) 3.12
iTarot is an orthodox divination using 78 Tarot cards
簡單又神準的問事app~諸葛靈驗神籤~是透過易經特殊的擲爻方式,提供11種問事的選項及詳細的說明;此程式透過互動的方式;只要您誠心必能指引您得到問題的解決方向.如有任何的問題歡迎聯絡開發人員,如果覺得神準請推薦給朋友~~FB 粉絲團: 粉絲團 專頁: simpleandquasi-divine things app ~ ~ Zhuge efficacious sign of Godthroughthe I Ching Yao throwing a special way to ask it to provide11kinds of options and detailed instructions; This program isaninteractive way; as long as you will be able to guide yousincerelydirection obtained problems.If you have any questions please contact the developers, iftheyfeel God quasi please recommend to a friend ~ ~FB fan group: fan group specialpage:
易經占卜-周易預測算命占卜 1.6.0
【易經占卜簡介】周易占卜送你精準流年預測!事業,財運,桃花,流年運程不再錯過!猴年伊始,易經占卜整年運勢,讓你過個吉祥年!不要總在事后才說“如果…就好了!”“早知道…就好了!”,世界沒有如果,沒有早知道,卻有占卜可以助你預知一二!【周易占卜特點】1,文王演八卦,包羅萬象而盡精微!2,多種八卦類型選擇,全方位預測人生!3,隨身攜帶,遇事占卜,趨吉避凶!【我們在這里等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:【臉書】每日新鮮命理咨詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:customer@linghit.comIChingdivination[Introduction]I Ching divination fleeting give you accurateprediction!Career,wealth, peach, fleeting fortune never miss!Monkey beginning, I Ching divination fortune throughout theyear,soyou have a lucky Year!Do not always in hindsight to say "if ... enough!" "I hadknown...enough!", If not the world, neither earlier, see,divinationcanhelp you predict or two!I Ching divination [Features]1, King Wen speech gossip, all-inclusive and do subtle!2, a variety of gossip type selection,comprehensiveforecastlife!3, carry, failing divination, fortune![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations tohelpyouanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing!:Http://[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerologyconsultyourfortune to help you smoothly!:Https://[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome toinformusand we will do everything possible toimprove!
姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
Liang Cheng Lee
愛卜卦(繁簡) 1.03
arnold Yeh
愛卜卦,這個卜卦軟體是根據太極生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象生八卦的易經原則,加上周文王演譯八卦而成六四卦,結合命理名家的卜卦方法,周易的解釋加上現實情境。完全符合現代人的需求。有了愛卜卦就不需要到處問別人,只要簡單幾個步驟就能得到結果。。愛卜卦目前設計了:運勢,愛情,財運,事業,願望,婚姻,投資,謀職,健康,家運,買賣,考試,跳槽,股市,旅遊,訴訟等16種不同的情境。除了針對所卜出的卦象做解釋之外也根據不同情境做說明。適用android 2.1以上版本。此版本為免費,所以會加上廣告,以後會推出正式版本,還請多多指教。本版本支援繁簡體中文
Blue Tea Tarot 藍茶塔羅 1.0
算命大全 - 姓名 星座 財運 五行 秤骨 宮度 流年運程 2.2.3
WnW Studio
***預測結果僅供參考***[特色與功能]- 掌握未來財運趨勢 擬定最佳理財策略- 小心別觸犯理財大忌- 輕鬆掌握吉時與吉方- 了解姓名的意涵、五行與釋意- 徹底分析天格、人格、地格、外格與總格- 了解您的星座屬性與守護行星- 分析您的性格、愛情與事業表現- 掌握您的幸運數字、幸運色、幸運日- 多種查詢模式任您選擇 - 姓名算命、星座算命、財運預測、生肖五行算命、流年運程、生命數字、秤骨算命、宮度算命[注意事項]- 因為古字與現代字的差異,可能出現筆畫、英文的誤差,並非資料庫發生錯誤,請您放心算命!如有建議或指教歡迎來信也請您不吝給予評分衷心感謝您的使用歡迎大力分享本app
起名大師-起名 改名 解名 算命 八字 4.9
想過給您的孩子起一個優雅富有文化內涵嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給孩子帶來一生的健康快樂和財富嗎?想過或者改一個好的名字,能夠讓身邊的人重新認識你嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給您帶來事業的成功,感情的甜蜜嗎?所有的問題,當您選擇使用靈占起名的時候,都將迎刃而解。靈占起名採用雲技術,有百萬之多的好名字,每個名字都精雕細啄,不僅考究名字的發音,還講究名字的涵義,使名字優雅富有內涵,令人過耳難忘,印象深刻。不僅如此,靈占起名更是考慮名字對人的合理作用,仔細分析名字對每個人在每個年齡階段的影響與作用,分析其凶吉變化,使名字不僅僅是名字,而是您幫助事業有成,感情順利的命理好名!選擇靈占起名,選擇最好的名字,選擇最好的人生。Thought to your childfroman elegant rich cultural connotation it? Wanted to give thechild'sname in line with numerology to bring a lifetime of healthandhappiness and wealth?   Thought a good name or change, allowingnewunderstanding of the people around you? Thought in linewithnumerology name can bring you career success, emotionalsweetit?   All questions, when you choose to useaccountsnamed Spirit, when all will be solved.   Ling accounted named cloud technology, therearemany millions of good names, each name carved small peck, notonlyelegant pronunciation of the name, but also pay attention tothemeaning of the name, so the name of the elegant richconnotation,people who heard unforgettable impressionprofound.Moreover, the spirit named account name is considered alegitimaterole for human beings, a careful analysis of the names ofeveryonein the impact and the role of each age, and analyze theirLuckchanges, so the name is not just the name, but you can helpthecause successful, smooth feeling good name numerology!   Select spirit named account, choose the bestname,choose the best life.
三世書論命 1.21
Walter Choy
The III book on the life, fortune-telling
Let's I Ching - Divination 2.0.1
"Let's I Ching" , a simple and complete free I Ching Android appofdivination.
《五千易读》易经中医,风水命理,弘扬中华传承文化 7.0.0
CodeBoys Studio
稱骨算命 1.2
本程式集合了袁天罡稱骨歌的解說供各位參考。This program combinestheYuan Tiangang song called bone commentary for yourreference.
易爻 CY_20231102_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.