Top 2 Games Similar to Fly City Helicopter 3D Choper

Passenger Ship Simulator 1.0
Get ready to drive a passenger water bus,'A3Dpassenger transport simulation'. In federation of islands,acountrythat consists of plenty of island travelling is done notbyroadwaysbut by seaways, passengers travel through water buses.Oneof itsreal life example is Venice city where travelling withinthecity isby water bus which is a pleasure especiallyfortourists.In current era when space is being explored by spaceship andmanhasreached in space, it is a wonderful experience to steeramodernwater bus that cruises in deep blue ocean. As 3/4 ofourearthconsists of water so from the ancient time sailingthroughdeepoceans is one of the main transportation source like acruiseship.Also arrival of summer have turned the touriststowardsislands.Handling big ships and their parking at port isreally acombinationof technique and experience. Titanic with all ofitsinnovativedesign and technology drowned in deep sea duetonegligence ofCaptain who was cruising it. So be carefulalthoughit is a smallship or speed boat but you have to showyourskilfulness.Game Play:You have to pick and drop passengers, tourists from oneislandtoother, from one shore to other with small passengertransportship.All game levels are time oriented because time ismoney so youhaveto pick and drop promptly within limited timeperiod. Yourskillswill be judged at parking area as you have topark the cruiseshipin specific parking bay without bumping toparking deck. As itis a3D simulator game and luckily its controlsare very smooth andsoftso you will enjoy when cruising in open deepsea. Sound effectsofwater and sea wind will take you really in deepocean.salient featuresReal sea port environment with stunning 3D graphics.Soft and smooth controls so that easy tounderstandandmanoeuvre.Immersive sound effects and gameplay.Time oriented multilevel challenging game.
Airplane Airport Parking Sim3D 4.1.3
In the various airport and runwaysaroundtheworld it sometimes become difficult to even park anddrivetheplane through the airport. Mostly plane crashes occurredontheairport due to lack of training and understanding of thathowoneshould navigate the plane within the airport and runways.Thegameis a specially designed driving plane simulator wheretheupcomingpilot will get the training of parking planes oftherunways andairports. The game offers over 40 driving challengestomake surethat the user understand the basic concept ofplanecontrol. Whileflying a plane the basic factor involved intheflight isaerodynamics and altitude during the flight thepilotreceivesmultiple messages from the control room and airtrafficcontroltower to avoid emergency landing and maydaysituations. Buton theground the factors involved become verydifferent.Helicopters,planes, safety cars, trucks, towing vehiclesorstaircase truckscan make a labyrinth that you need to getyourairplanethrough.Let’s explore various other features which makes thegamemoreinteresting:✈️️ The game offers multiple planes✈️️ Commercial Jet✈️️ Private jet✈️️ Boeing✈️️ Canadair✈️️ Civil aircraft✈️️ Passenger aircraft✈️️ Realistic environment of airports and runways.✈️️ Extremely Accurate Driving Sim Engine✈️️ Challenging Level Design.✈️️ Ultra Realistic Graphics✈️️ High definition display✈️️ Multiple controller options with both buttons on screenandtiltoptions✈️️ Real 3D environments, with multiple camera views✈️️ Various camera angle and view with 1st person and3rdpersonmode✈️️ Extreme precision driving simulator✈️️ Park according to the arrow in the parking place✈️️ Accurate physics involved in the gameplay✈️️ Acceleration and brake pedals✈️️ Gear shift✈️️ Realistic plane sound effects (SFX)✈️️ Specially developed and designed visual effects (VFX)✈️️ Different airplane to drive and park✈️️ Smooth and easy controls.Parking the plane is not easy it requires gooddrivingskills.Explore the World of airport airplanes and learnparkingskills.Parking an huge plane is not so easy, face thedifficultiesofplane parking on the right slots. After landingyouraircraftsafely on the ground, flight control will give youtherightdirections where you need your airplane safely withoutanydamage.The asphalt of an airport is always full of planes andotherthingsso the tarmac around the gates can be a reallabyrinth.Afterlanding your aircraft safely on the ground, flightcontrolwillgive you the right directions where you need yourairplanesafelywithout any damage.Get that aeroplane out of the hangar and start to live thisdayjob.Make sure you don't crash the plane into any obstaclesorcones oryou'll fail the level.