Top 17 Apps Similar to Greeley Stampede

Rodeo Sports Wallpaper 1.0
Quickstart Apps
Beautiful Rodeo Sports wallpapers.Stunningandawesome HD wallpaper backgrounds of Rodeo Sports. Allthewallpapersincluded with this app are 100 percent FREE and wedonot sellanything in app. All of the inluded RodeoSportswallpapers are freefor your use. Swipe through our largeselectionof Rodeos images andselect one as your wallpaperbackground image!Its as simple asthat! A Very handy and fun app forall ages!
Line Dance 1.1
Want You To Learn How to Line Dance?Line dancing is a form of synchronized dancing in which dancersarearranged in rows, or lines, facing either in the same directionoreach other.No need to sit out line dances anymore. The most FamousChampionline dancer teaches you all the right moves in theseapplicationdance videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoLine Dance:1- How to Do the ""Good Time"" Line Dance2- What Is Line Dancing?3- What Is Basic Pattern Structure in Line Dancing?4- How to Find the Beat in Line Dancing5- How to Use Step Sheets to Learn Line Dancing6- How to Choreograph a Line Dance7- What Does Tag, Restart & Out of Phrase Mean inLineDancing?8- What Is Syncopation in Line Dancing?9- Where Can You Line Dance?10- What's the Line Dancing Lifestyle?11- Line Dancing vs. Square Dancing12- How to Do Leg Lifts in Line Dancing13- How to Do Basic Line Dancing Heel Movements14- Hop vs. Jump in Line Dancing15- How to Do a Vine Action in Line Dancing16- How to Do Ball Change Actions in Line Dancing17- How to Do Turns in Line Dancing18- How to Do Touch Steps in Line Dancing19- How to Do Triple Steps in Line Dancing20- How to Do the Charleston in Line Dancing21- How to Do Hip Movements in Line Dancing22- How to Do Rodeo Kicks & Figure 4s for Line Dancing23- How to Do Solid Steps, Camel Walks & Slides inLineDancing24- How to Do a Shuffle Step & Polka Step for LineDancing25- Shorty George, Boogie Walks & Scissor Steps inLineDancing26- How to Line Dance to Cotton Eye Joe27- How to Do the CC Shuffle Line Dance28- How to Do the Sleazy Slide Line Dance29- How to Do the Wobble Line Dance30- How to Do the Cupid Shuffle Line Dance31- How to Do the Cowboy Boogie Line Dance32- How to Do the Tush Push Line Dance33- How to Do the 2-Step Line Dance34- How to Do a Basic Turn in Closed Position for LineDancing35- How to Do a Basic Ladies Outside Turn in Line Dancing36- How to Do Laces in Country Couples Line DancingDownload it for free! and join a line dance.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
Rodeio Show 0.1
A HISTÓRIA DO RODEIOCriado em 2001, através de uma parceria entreseuidealizadorJaime Thalles, a Prefeitura de Betim, o vereadorMarcãodoUniversal, Cláudio Company Art, JC Shows e Rádio MillenniumFM,oRodeio Show em seu primeiro ano de existência já mostravasuaforçajunto à comunidade da área de abrangência. Mesmocomasdificuldades do 1º ano como acontece em qualquer eventocomoeste,a 1a edição do Rodeio Show do Teresópolis e Imbiruçu foiumgrandesucesso, reunindo nas 04 noites mais de 15 milpessoas.No ano 2002 o evento ficou impossibilitado de acontecerdevidoavários fatores.Em 2003 e nos anos que se seguiram a festa se tornoutradição,sendorealizada ininterruptamente, reunindo milhares depessoas semnenhumregistro de violência.Alem da grade de shows escolhidos com a participação dacomunidadeede acordo com a realidade financeira do evento,diversosnomesconsagrados já passaram pelo evento, como Latino,CesarMenotti eFabiano, Eduardo Costa e outros.A valorização da cultura local é um diferencial noevento,realizandoparalelamente o concurso Garota/Garoto RodeioShow e oFESTIVAL DEGRUPOS DE DANÇAS E GRUPOS CULTURAIS DA REGIÃO,ondedurante a tardedo domingo acontecem apresentações de dezenasdegrupos da região ede outras partes da cidade. Com ritmosvariados,HIP-HOP, RAP, BALET,AXÉ, DANÇAS FOLCLÓRICA, dentreoutros.HISTORY RODEOCreated in 2001 through a partnership between itsfounderJaimeThalles, the Betim City Hall, Marcão Universalcouncilor,ClaudioCompany Art, JC Shows and Radio Millennium FM, theShowRodeo inits first year of existence already showed theirstrengthtogetherthe catchment area of ​​the community. Even withthedifficultiesof the 1st year as in any event like this, thefirstedition ofRodeo Show of Teresopolis and Imbiruçu was agreatsuccess,bringing together the 04 nights more than 15thousandpeople.In 2002 the event was unable to take place duetovariousfactors.In 2003 and in the years that followed the partyhasbecometradition, being held continuously, gathering thousandsofpeoplewith no record of violence.Besides the chosen grid shows with the participation ofthecommunityand according to the financial reality of theevent,several namesalready established visited the event asLatino,Cesar Menotti andFabiano, Eduardo Costa and others.The appreciation of the local culture is a differentiatorintheevent, performing alongside the Girl contest / Boy RodeoShowandOF DANCE GROUPS FESTIVAL AND GROUPS CULTURAL REGION, whereintheafternoon of Sunday held presentations of dozens ofregionalgroupsand other parts of the city. With varied rhythms,HIP-HOP,RAP,BALET, ASHE, FOLK DANCES, among others.
Calgary Stampede 2016 2.0.9
The official app of The Greatest OutdoorShowon Earth! Make the most of Stampede 2016 with the officialStampedeapp. Yahoo!
Iguinho Narrações 1.0
Glaucio Miranda
Ouça versos com uma das maiores vozesdoRodeioNacional Iguinho ou Wylghor Rodrigues.Alguns versos de autoria propria.Listen verses withoneofthe greatest voices of the National Rodeo IguinhoorWylghorRodrigues.Some verses of own authorship.
2015 Kicker Country Stampede 2.0
Country Stampede
Country Stampede is a four-day countrymusicand lifestyle event held in Manhattan, Kansas, at TuttleCreekState Park. This mobile application provides essentialinformationrelated to Country Stampede. You can find the full listfor theevent schedule, which includes the main stage andTuttlevilleartist performance times, and gate times for each day.We're gladto have you at our event and hope you have an incredibleandmemorable Country Stampede experience with us!
Brawley Cattle Call Rodeo 5.63.0
Join the Brawley Cattle Call Rodeo community and enjoyeverythingthat the rodeo has ready for you. Get the latestinformation forthis year's Cattle Call Rodeo including events,ticket informationand much more. Sign up for the Cattle Call Rodeocommunity, connectwith other rodeo fans and share updates before,during and afterthe rodeo events. Check in to your favorite placesat Cattle CallArena and share your Instagram photos for everyone tosee. CattleCall Rodeo takes place every year in Brawley, CA atCattle CallArena. The events feature a roster of cowboys andcowgirlscompeting on a variety of events including a wild horserace,bareback riding, steer wrestling, barrel race, saddle bronc,teampenning, tie-down roping and the ever popular bull riding.CattleCall Rodeo began in 1957 and has given Brawley citizens notonly aseries of events and entertainment for the whole family, butalso apark and arena to be proud of.
Reno Rodeo
Reno Rodeo
The official Reno Rodeo app, access to realtime news, maps andmore.
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo 6.3
The 2020 San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, right atyourfingertips! You'll find interactive grounds maps, a dailyeventschedule, information about parking and how to win tickets,ourentertainment lineup and much more!
Barrel Race Events 1.0
Nationwide calendar of barrel races.Jackpot,rodeo, and futurities.
2015 North Idaho Fair & Rodeo
Your own portable guide to ‘Dive Right In’tothe 2015 North Idaho Fair & Rodeo. Get up to date accessonevent schedules, entertainment, arena shows, concertsandmore!
Official app of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo!
Dixie National Rodeo 4.5.5 Apps
The Dixie National Livestock Show and Rodeoisthe largest professional rodeo east of the Mississippi River.TheDixie National Rodeo is produced by Smith, Harper, and MorganRodeoCompany and hosted in February by the Mississippi FairCommissionin Jackson, MS. The mobile app gives you the latestupdates andinformation on rodeo events, livestock shows, concerts,schedules,tickets, and weather alerts at the Dixie National Rodeo.Use our app to:- Receive important news via push notification- Check out upcoming events- See featured concerts- Listen to & purchase music from our featured acts- Use our car finder to never forget where you parked yourcar- Send in pictures & audio clips- Connect via social media- and more!
Mane Attraction 4.1.1
Wearing their colors of Bright YellowandBlackor the Patriotic colors of Red, White and Blue, theManeAttractionRodeo Performance Team provides an exciting additiontorodeos,parades and competitions. Spectators applaud theprecisionof thepounding hooves of the fast paced horses, carryingflagsandexploding in the arena to the loud, upbeat music. Alwaysacrowdpleaser, the Mane Attraction provides color and flash toanyevent!The team just finished performing our 20th seasonin2014,starting the year with an exhibition performance attheNorthwestEquine Expo in Albany, Oregon. We have always madeacommitment tothe members that the focus would be a socialridinggroup whodesires to perform at rodeos and competitions andhave agreattime, but also has a winning attitude! We have beenverysuccessfulat attaining these goals, and wish to continue todoso.
Auto Rodeo Wallpaper 1.0
Quickstart Apps
Beautiful Auto Rodeo wallpapers.Stunningandawesome HD wallpaper backgrounds of Auto Rodeo. Allthewallpapersincluded with this app are 100 percent FREE and we donotsellanything in app. All of the inluded Auto Rodeo wallpapersarefreefor your use. Swipe through our large selection ofAutoRodeoimages and select one as your wallpaper background image!Itsassimple as that! A Very handy and fun Auto Rodeo appforallages!
Texas Hammer
Texas HammerCom seu conceito musical e estilístico bem formado, seusshowsinterativos, repertório atualizado e com a preocupação desempreagradar ao público, a Texas Hammer está em constanteascensão,conquistando cada vez mais fãs, inovando a cada showe,principalmente, fazendo com que suas músicas, calcadas noestiloCountry, caiam no gosto do público e façam parte da vidadaspessoas.Formada no ano de 2011, a Texas Hammer fez seu primeiro show nodia25 de agosto daquele ano, no rodeio de Barretos, no palcodoBerrantão. Uma estreia em grande estilo!Seis integrantes iniciaram essa trajetória sendo eles, GutoViegas(vocal/violão); Emerson Santos (vocal/guitarra/banjo);HenriqueRegiani (contrabaixo); Fabio Fruet (bateria); MarlonBezerra(guitarra) e Anderson Dutra (violino). Músicos experientes,que jáse conheciam e tocavam juntos em outros projetos ebandasanteriores.Com essa formação, os “Brutos”, como são conhecidos, conquistaramacena country paulista em pouco tempo devido à altíssimaqualidademusical da banda, à energia que é transmitida durante osshows etambém à preocupação em transmitir através de suas músicas esuapostura, a essência rural que nos dias atuais está umpoucoesquecida. Essa combinação de fatores fez com que a bandaagradassea pessoas de todos os tipos, de todas as idades, de todososgostos. Um verdadeiro fenômeno!Mesmo com pouco tempo de caminhada, a banda resolve ousar e, em14de Setembro de 2012, grava um CD ao vivo, produzidointeiramentepela própria banda, na cidade de Guarulhos-SP, noFestival CountryLive, realizado na casa de shows Gaivota Sertanejo.No dia dagravação houve presença maciça dos fãs da banda, que,vindos devárias regiões, inclusive de outros estados do Brasil,lotaram acasa, e isso contribuiu para que o CD se tornasse umgrandesucesso, um acontecimento que entrou para a história dacenacountry do Brasil. Esse CD traz um repertório voltado paraacountry music, com músicas de artistas de renome como JohnDenver,Garth Brooks, Billy Currington, entre outros. Nesse trabalhosedestacam também as músicas “Minha Direção” e “Quando oAmorAcontece”, os dois primeiros “singles” de autoria da banda,quetiveram e continuam tendo ótima aceitação perante o público,sendocada vez mais cantadas nos shows da banda.Com o sucesso desse CD, a Texas Hammer ganha de vez o respeito eocarinho do público, sendo aclamada como a melhor banda countrydoBrasil naquele momento. Uma responsabilidade muito grande paraumabanda com pouco mais de 1 ano de vida.Em Abril de 2013, após algumas mudanças na banda, GutoViegas(vocal/violão/teclado); Emerson Santos(vocal/guitarra/banjo);Henrique Regiani (contrabaixo) e Fabio Fruet(bateria) continuam ajornada da banda, lançando o "single" "EntreEla e o Rodeio", queagradou em cheio aos fãs da banda, com sualetra de temática rurale seu arranjo instrumental imponente. Umsalto de qualidadevisível, que foi o prenúncio do novo trabalho dabanda, que viria aser lançado no inicío de 2014.E assim foi feito! Após meses de muito trabalho, em Janeiro de2014a Texas Hammer lança no mercado o seu segundo álbum,intitulado"Hey Texas". Gravado e produzido pela própria banda emestúdio, éum trabalho musicalmente muito rico, com influênciasdiversas deoutros estilos musicais, mas que respeita a propostasonora que abanda se propõe a fazer desde o seu início. O CD vemagradandomuito aos fãs, se tornando um verdadeiro sucesso. Asmúsicas "AtéNunca Mais", "Então Volta" e "Minha Direção" (música doprimeiroCD, regravada em estúdio) vem sendo tocadas em rádios detodo oBrasil e exterior.Atualmente, a banda se encontra em turnê, divulgando o CD"HeyTexas" por todo o país. E mais novidades virão,podemapostar!Texas Hammer: a banda que traz um novo conceito de música paraoBrasilTexas HammerWith their musical and well formed stylistic concept,itsinteractive shows, updated repertoire and with the concerntoalways please the public, the Texas Hammer is constantly ontherise, gaining more fans, innovating every show andespeciallymaking your music, sidewalks in Country style, hit thepublic tasteand are part of people's lives. Formed in 2011, the Texas Hammer played their first gig on25August of that year, the Barretos Rodeo in Berrantão stage. Adebutin style! Six members started this course they are, Guto Viegas(vocals/ guitar); Emerson Santos (vocals / guitar / banjo); HenryRegiani(bass); Fabio Fruet (drums); Marlon Bezerra (guitar) andAndersonDutra (violin). Musicians experienced, who have known eachotherand played together on other projects and previousbands. With this training, "Gross," as they are known, wonthePaulista country scene in a short time due to the highmusicalquality of the band, the energy that is transmitted duringtheshows and also the concern to convey through your music andyourposture , the rural essence that nowadays is a littleforgotten.This combination of factors led to the band trying toplease peopleof all kinds, of all ages, of all tastes. A truephenomenon! Even with little time walk, the band decides to dare,andSeptember 14, 2012, record a live CD, produced entirely by thebandin the city of Guarulhos, SP, Country Live Festival, held inthevenue Seagull Country. On the recording there was amassivepresence of fans of the band, who come from variousregions,including other states of Brazil, they packed the house,and thiscontributed to the CD became a great success, an event thatmadehistory the country scene in Brazil. This CD brings arepertoirefocused on country music, with songs from renownedartists such asJohn Denver, Garth Brooks, Billy Currington, amongothers. In thiswork also highlights the songs "My Direction" and"When LoveActually," the first two "singles" written by the band,which hadand still have great acceptance with the publicincreasingly sungwith the band's concerts . With the success of this CD, the Texas Hammer winseveryrespect and affection of the public, being hailed as thebestcountry band in Brazil at that time. A great responsibility foraband with just over 1 year old. In April 2013, after some changes in the band, GutoViegas(vocal / guitar / keyboard); Emerson Santos (vocals / guitar/banjo); Henry Regiani (bass) and Fabio Fruet (drums) continuethejourney of the band, introducing the "single" "Between It andtheRodeo", which pleased in full to fans of the band, withitsrural-themed lyrics and its imposing instrumental arrangement .Ajump visible quality, which was the harbinger of the new workofthe band, which would be released in early 2014. And so it was done! After months of hard work, in January2014the Texas Hammer churns out his second album, "Hey Texas."Recordedand produced by the band in the studio, it is a musicallyrich workwith diverse influences of other musical styles, but withregard tosound proposal that the band intends to do from thebeginning. TheCD is very pleasing to fans, becoming a realsuccess. The songs"Until Never," "Then Return" and "My Direction"(the first CD music,re-recorded in the studio) has been played onradio stationsthroughout Brazil and abroad. Currently, the band is on tour, promoting the album"HeyTexas" across the country. And more news will come, youbet! Texas Hammer: the band that brings a new concept of musictoBrazil
Agenda Macanudo Gaúcho 0.0.2
Macanudo Gaúcho
Agenda sempre atualizada de rodeios ebailescomprogramação, informações de contato, inscriçãoepremiações.Always updatedscheduleofrodeos and dances with programming, contactinformation,descriptionand awards.