Top 13 Apps Similar to Ultimate EMF Detector Pro

Ultimate EMF Detector Special 1.3
MRE Programming
A new feel on the powerfull Ultimate EMF Detector.
Ghost Tracker EMF EVP Recorder 1.5.12
3-in-1 Ghost Detector App with EMF Meter, EVP Recorder &MotionDetector
Ultimate EMF Standalone 1.6
MRE Programming
The Standalone version of the EMF Detector . The differencefromthefree and Pro versions is that the standalone is justtheadvancedmeter as requested by the community. This version doesNOTcontainthe classic and the simple variants. If you want themyoushoulddonwload the free or the Pro version.The detector isasACCURATE asthe sensor of your device. The StandAlone has: TheProhas: -->Noads -->Recorder to save data to text fileforlater use on acomputer -->3 sound alerts: Max, Spike andRadar-->Vibrationalert -->Variable sampling rate -->Afewbackgrounds and skinsfor the detector. Use this simple apptodetect electromagneticfields and metals and amaze yourfriendswith what your phone cando. Watch out because some peoplebelievethat sudden changes in theEM field might indicate thepresenceparanormal entities :p. The newthemes offer the usergreateraccuracy, graphs of the displayedreadings and even theability tocalculate and show the auxiliaryfield H which iscalculated fromthe magnetic field. The simpletheme makes it easierforinexperienced users to measure and studymagnetic fields. Youcanuse this app to measure and study magnetismandelectromagnetism,the earths geomagnetic field and more. It canbeused as a detectornot only for EMF but also for magnets,metals,devices and even (assome people believe) entities andghosts. Thisapp uses themagnetic sensor(compass) of your phone anddisplays thereadingwith a line of LEDs and a classic needle meter.You canswitchbetween units of measurement (uTesla and Gauss) andchangetherange of measurement from the settings. -------->NOTEthatthisapp uses the magnetic sensor. If your phone doesn'thavethissensor the app is NOT going to display any measurements.Ifyouopen the app and the readings are 0 it means that thisappcan'twork on your phone. Please uninstall the app and dontleavebadreviews.Also avoid getting your phone nearpowerfulelectricaldevices like power transformers since you mightdamageit. Use atyour own risk. Thank you.<-----
Necrophonic 1.18
ITC application for Spirit Communication and EVP Research
Entity Sensor Pro-EMF Detector
The original Android EMF/EVPdetector/recorder.Highest customer feedback and reviews. Don'tsettle for less on yournext ghost adventure.Your phone has an EMF sensor in it! Use it on your ownghostadventure!We use your phone's magnetic sensor (electronic compass) to readthelocal magnetic field and record the results!This works just like special purpose EMF Detectors that cost uptoseveral hundred dollars, and are used on the paranormal TV showstofind ghosts, except with this app, you can save theresults.Displays and records EMF and EVP data of your surroundings.Records audio for EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) analysis.Records and saves the EMF readings to a data file that canbedisplayed in a graph on your phone or computer.Can also be used to measure and record strong magnetic fieldsaroundyour home or office.See web site for more information on data file formats.**The base app now also includes the Android Wear watch app.ReadEMF settings directly on your watch! Keeps running even withthescreen off, and buzzes when increased EMF activity issensed.**--------------------------------------------------Optional Enhancement Modules:- Recording Trigger option. (Android 2.1 and above) AllowssettingOn / Off trigger values to start and stop recording EMFandEVP.- Media Enhancement option. (Android 2.2 and above) Addscamera,flashlight, high quality EVP recording (MP4), and immediateEVPplayback buttons to the main screen to allow takingpictures,turning on the LED Flashlight without leaving the app, andplaybackof last EVP while still recording. (Flashlight might notwork onall devices)- Google Drive Integration. Automatically uploads your EMF,EVPAudio and picture files to your Google Drive account. UploadstheEMF (.csv) files as spreadsheets so you can easily graphtheresults right in the Google spreadsheets program.- Vibration Detect option. Shows a motion detector icon witchsensesslight motion or vibration in your phone. This allowsadditionalmethods to interact with entities. The Motion sound canbe toggledon/off by pressing the motion icon on the screen.--------------------------------------------------Visit our very active FaceBookGroup: your EVPs and read other people's experiences.--------------------------------------------------
Ultimate Ghost Detector Real 1.8
MRE Programming
Powerful tool for paranormal investigations with real EMF andEVPrecorder
Spirit Talker 4.1.6
Spotted: Ghosts
Can spirits manipulate our devices to communicate with us?
Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Exelerus Apps
Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developedforexciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lotofeffort into making the app easy to use, so that bothprofessionaland enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunterscan enjoyit.If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic"leftbrainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition,you areprobably better off avoiding this app.Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective nameforthe sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordingsandreminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually foundinrecordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is consideredbymany to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts,spirits,demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a formofInstrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coinedbyprofessor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level,andalso incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. Aswithtraditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be bothinvitingand sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generatesaudiblespeech by detecting meaningful phrases and words togetherwithproperties such as gender, age and current mood ofthecommunicating entity. We continuously improve the app, basedonuser feedback, and use it during our own paranormalinvestigationsas well.*** Features **** A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for thenoisegeneration and shown on the TV screen.* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to togglebetweenmodes.* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you cansort,share and delete.* Record your encounters with or without the microphone ofyourdevice.* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer(tapto toggle).* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to performfurtherstudies by visualizing the audio and changing theplaybackrate.* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with thetouchof a button.* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings whensomethinginteresting is encountered.* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entityhasbeen detected.* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.* Share your recordings with friends and family.*** Languages ***Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch,French,German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish and Turkish*** Contact/Support **** Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start thein-appguides.* Reach us by email, our supportsite, or use the buttons ontheSettings screen.* Twitter* Facebook* Google+* Mailing list* The Ghost Radiowebsite:*** Usage **** Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after justacouple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, andmayinitially not detect any patterns at all or may even give youfalsepositives.* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation andspeechquality should be improved.* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your devicesoensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight patternacouple of times).We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated bytheparanormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanksfordownloading!DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but wecanoffer no guarantee that you will get specific results by usingit.Since the results of this app haven't been scientificallyverified,it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Pleaseuse itresponsibly.
Deadwave 1.3.8
Paranormal EVP, Ghost Box, Spirit box, ITC, Haunted,Spiritcommunication device
"Ghost Voice Catcher" AUTO EVP 1.8
NEW GHOST HUNTING TECHNOLOGY! A totally NEW way to conductEVPsessions!
Messages From Spirit Oracle
Get hundreds of messages for daily guidance from your SpiritGuides!
Ghost Radar®: LEGACY 3.5.12
Spud Pickles
Spud Pickles™ presents Ghost Radar® for Android!!!
Spiritus Ghost Box 1.8
Spiritus Ghost Box is an Audio and Visual ITC tool forparanormalresearch.