Top 37 Apps Similar to Cheats For Clash Royale Prank

Chest Simulator for CR
This is a non-commercial fan-generatedonlineapp for Fan Content purposes only, limited to displayingandidentifying Clash Royale as permitted by Fan Chests, Tournament, Legendary and Epic Chests are all hereforyou to open for free!Chest Simulator for Clash Royale simulates the odds ofcardsdropping from all 11 chests in Clash Royale and this mightjust bethe app where you can try your luck!Apart from opening chests, you can collect cards and upgrade themtoMax Level to see how powerful they are!How many Super Magical Chests does it take to drop anElectroWizard? Is it possible to get a Legendary card from WoodenChests?How many cards and coins are needed to upgrade a Dart Goblinto themaximum level?Chest Simulator for Clash Royale might just have allanswersprepared for you!Features:- 70 Cards: Dart Goblin, Executioner, Battle Ram and GoblinGangincluded- 11 Chests simulator: Wooden, Crown, Silver, Golden,Magical,Giant, Super Magical, Epic, Legendary, Tournament,Clan- 10 Arenas from Goblin Stadium to Legendary ArenaDisclaimerThis is Not an official chest simulator for Clash Royale.Allreferences to "Clash Royale" in the app name and descriptionaresolely for the purpose of identifying the app for potentialusers.No trademark infringement is intended.This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’s
Cheats For Clash Royale -Guide 1.0
This is a unofficial application madebyClashRoyale fans. It include all the tricks and many tips thatwillhelpyou to gain Gems for Clash Royale.Unofficial app made by Clash Royale fansUsing this app you can generate 'x' amount of gems and goldorunlockfree chests.Simply put the desired amount in the respective boxesandhitgenerate button.- This is not a CHEAT or HACKDisclaimer/Legal Notice :This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it.We made this App only as a FREE FAN APP with no cheats,onlyforthose who wants to enjoy the game.If there is any trademark or copyright violation that doesnotfollowwithin the fair use, please contact us and wewillimmediately takeaction on it.For more information see Supercell’s Fan ContentPolicyat
Craft Royale MCPE map 1.0.3
Ramhan Fahit
This map definitely reminds you something,butwhat? This is what you have to find out. This Minecraft map isforPvP, meaning you can play with real MCPE gamers in real time. Itisdivided into two sectors for two teams: red and blue ones. Youwillneed to choose the preferable team and set the name foryourself atbeginning of the battle. Each team has 3 towers whichthey shouldprotect from enemy. Also, your goal is to destroy theother team’stowers one by one. Deploy the blocks (like cards inoriginal ClashRoyal game) and use them for attacking theenemy.Download this Minecraft map and enjoy the battle. Our applicationiseasy to be installed, same as MCPE maps downloader.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
gems for clash royale prank 1.0
saber najjah
Jouez-vous aux jeux Clash Royale? Est-cequelacollecte de gemmes de clash royale voussembledifficile?Voulez-vous télécharger clash royale avec desgemmes?Voulez-vousdans le haut du leaderboard tout en jouant à cejeuétonnantsimilaire à l'affrontement de clans appelé clash, maisvousn'avezpas assez d'or et de pierres précieuses pourconstruirevotrevillage et d'autonomiser vos clans. Donc vous aurezbesoindetélécharger notre application nommée clash royalegemmesgratuiteou gratuit Gems clash royal broche même clash ofclansgems.Cette application est le guide, les trucs et les astucesquevoustrouverez dans le magasin. Si vous aimez apprendre surclashroyaleou même clash donc cette application est faitepourvous.Donc vous devez télécharger notre application "GemsClashRoyalPrank" sur votre appareil et obtenir un nombreillimitéderessources pour jouer votre jeu préféré affronterdemanièreconfiante, donner à votre clan et être royale et leleaderdesgemmes. Vous serez célèbre et le numéro un dansl'affrontementdesclans. Notre application vous permet de fournirgratuitementvotrecompte dans le jeu Clash of Clans, gold et blackelixirelixirgratuitement et sans limitation. Cette applicationvousdonneégalement des débats royales et des chocs de royale.Notre application est la meilleure, et l'application topautourdesgemmes coc ou gemmes Royale choc qui vous aide àconstruirevotrevillage.L'utilisation de notre application est très simple et facile:Tout d'abord, vous devez télécharger nos gemmesd'applicationclashroyal du magasin. Après cela, suivez lesdirectives simplessurl'application.Après cela, vous choisissez le montant voulu pour l'or etpourlespierres précieuses, puis choisissez le montant que vousvoulezduclash royale poitrine.C'est tout, une fois que vous faites que vousobtiendrezlesressources que vous vouliez pour l'affrontement desclansetobtenir des gemmes 2017.Cette application vous aidera à jouer à ce jeu incroyableetvousdonner quelques trucs et astuces exceptionnels àcesujet.✺✺ NOTE ✺✺Remarque: c'est une application Prank et nous ne trichonsaucunjeu.C'est juste pour plaisanter avec vos amis etvotrefamille!Cette application n'est pas un hack pour clash royale. Ilnedonnepas de gemmes ou de ressources à votre compte coc.✺✺ DISCLAIMER ✺✺Le contenu, les images utilisées dans cette applicationouGooglePlay ne sont pas affiliés, endossés, parrainésouapprouvésspécifiquement par Supercell et Supercell n'estpasresponsable.Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous à lapolitiquerelative aucontenu des Clash of Clansetses logossont des marques déposées de Supercell.Do you playRoyalClashgames? Is the collection of royal gems clash seemsdifficult?Wantto download royal clash with gems? Do you want thetop oftheleaderboard while playing this amazing game similar to theclashofclans called clash, but you do not have enough goldandpreciousstones to build your town and empower your clans. Soyou'llneed todownload our free application called clash royal gemsGemsFree orpin royal clash same clash of clans gems.This application is the guide, tips and tricks you find inthestore.So if you like learning about Royal clash or evenclashthisapplication is for you.So you need to download our application "Gems Clash RoyalPrank"yourdevice and get unlimited resources to play your favoritegamefaceconfident manner, giving your clan and be the leader androyalgems.You will be famous and number one in the clash ofclans.Ourapplication allows you to provide your free account inthegameClash of Clans, gold and black elixir elixir for freeandwithoutrestriction. This application also gives you theroyaldebates andRoyal shocks.Our app is the best, and applying top around coc gems orRoyalshockgems that help you build your village.Using our application is very simple and easy:First, you need to download our application royal gems clashofthestore. After that, follow the simple instructionsontheapplication.After that, you choose the amount desired for goldandpreciousstones, then choose the amount you want theroyalchestclash.That's it, once you do that you get the resources you wantfortheclash of clans gems and get 2017.This application will help you to play this amazing game andgiveyousome special tips about it.NOTE ✺✺ ✺✺Note: This is a Prank app and we will cheat no game It'sjustjokingwith friends and family.!This application is not a hack for Royal clash. It gives nogemsorresources to your account coc.DISCLAIMER ✺✺ ✺✺The content, images used in this application or Google Playarenotaffiliated, endorsed, sponsored or approvedspecificallybySupercell Supercell and is not responsible. Formoreinformation,refer to the Content Clash of Clansandits logoare registered trademarks of Supercell.
Random Clash Royale Deck 1.11
* Tired of choosing what card should be putinyour deck, what card should be not?* Want a fair / crazy play with your friends?It's time for making some really random decks.Enjoy your fun time!FREE.* This app is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by ©SuperCell creator of Clash Royale.All the Clash Royale Images and content are taken from theClashRoyale Fan Kit and are under Supercell's Fan* This app can not update your deck in Clash Royale or cheatcardfor you!
Pro Cheat For Clash Royale 1.0
Arpas Dev
If you are new in Clash Royale and youneedhelp or a fool? Well you've come to the right place!Are you a fan of Clash Royale? This application is madeforyouA very useful application for all users clash royale.Learn how to use this cheat appThe main features of this guide:- Tips for Gems- Strategy- Tips and Trick- Free Gold- Battle Deck- CheatsDisclaimers:In making the application cheat unofficial guide, we assertitsrights under the "Fair Use" by United States copyright law. Ifyoubelieve that there has been a contravention of yourproprietaryrights, please email details to us. Described in thisapplicationare trademarked and owned by their respectiveowners
Guide Clash Royale 1.4
TnV studio
Clash Royale is very easy to play andgetstarted with. Even if you haven't played any similar gamesbefore,you will get the hang of it in only a short time playing.Howeverunderstanding the basics before you start any gameareimportant.Guide Clash Royale have top 8 tips/tricks/cheats you need toknowwhen you play Clash Royale. You can find more tips if you keepitupdate. We are building and bring more tips, tricks, guide formanylevels so that you can easily get over all levels.Keep update for more level tips.Disclaimer / Legal Notice:This app was built by a fan of Clash Royale game.This application is not an official application ofClashRoyale.
Tenemos muchos MAZOS disponibles para todaslasarenas de Clash Royale.Solo abre la aplicación MAZOS ROYALES busca tu arena, escoge unMAZOy práctica hasta alcanzar la gloria con esta herramientacreada paralos FANS de Clash Royale.Tenemos barajas que han llevado a la gloria a muchos jugadoresenlas diferentes arenas y ahora las traemos a ti con lasrespectivasexplicaciones y uso adecuado de cada MAZO.Son 9 arenas y sabemos que amas este juego como nosotros asíquepara cada arena tenemos MAZOS que inclusive han sido testeadosparacomprobar su efectividad, recuerda que este juego tiene milesdeposibles combinaciones algunas efectivas y otras no mucho peroesun placer poder ayudarte en este camino a la gloria en lasarenastop.Características:- Muchos MAZOS.- Explicación de cada MAZO.- Muy buenas estrategias.- Variedad de MAZOS.- Diseño SimpleQue Ofrecemos? O que puedes encontrar en nuestra Apps:- Mazos de batalla clash royale- Mazos de clash royale- Los mejores mazos de clash royale- Generador de mazos clash royale- Mazos para clash royale- Clash royale mazos para jugar- Clash royale mazos aleatorios- Mejores mazos de clash royale.Torneos Clash Royale:En hora buena hemos agregado Torneos de Clash Royale haciendoaunesta app más completa, llegaran notificaciones cuandotengamostorneos disponibles y traemos estas características:- Torneos Clash Royale.- App torneos clash Royale.- Torneos para clash royale.- Clash Royale torneos- Torneos de Clash Royale.Para que disfrutes de nuestros torneos de Clash Royale yformesparte del salon de la fama de MAZOS Royales!Claro esta APPS esta en crecimiento pronto agregaremosmasestrategias, consejos y ayudas integrales que permiten queunjugador pueda practicar y perfeccionar sus destrezas enlaarena.Clash Royale es un juego de mucha estrategia y eso lo convierteenun magnífico juego digno de tanta admiración, y nosotroscreamosaplicaciones integrales como herramienta para losjugadores.AVISO!Esta APP no está asociada a SuperCell y todos losgráficosreferentes al juego pertenece a sus creadores.We have manyHARNESSavailable to all arenas of Clash Royale.Just open the application searches your HARNESS ROYALES sand,choosea deck and practice to achieve glory with this tool createdfor fansof Clash Royale.We have decks that have brought glory to many players indifferentarenas and now we bring you with explanation and properuse of eachGAVEL.They are 9 sands and we know you love this game as we do soforevery sand have decks that have even been tested foreffectiveness,remember that this game has thousands of possiblecombinations someeffective and some not much but it's a pleasure tohelp you thisway to glory in the top arenas.Characteristics:- Many mallets.- Explanation of each GAVEL.- Very good strategies.- Variety of mallets.- Design SimpleWhat we offer? Or you can find in our Apps:- Mallets battle royale clash- Mallets clash royale- Best decks clash royale- Generator mallets clash royale- Mallets clash royale- Clash royale decks to play- Clash royale random decks- Best decks clash royale.Clash tournaments Royale:In good time we have added tournaments Clash Royale doing eventhismost comprehensive app, notifications when we arrivedtournamentsavailable and bring these features:- Tournaments Clash Royale.- App tournaments clash Royale.- Tournaments for clash royale.- Clash Royale tournaments- Clash tournaments Royale.To enjoy our tournaments Clash Royale and become part of the HallofFame harness Royales!Of course this is growing APPS soon add morestrategies,comprehensive advice and aids that allow a player topractice andperfect their skills in the arena.Clash Royale is a lot of strategy game and that makes it agreatgame worthy of such admiration, and we createintegratedapplications as a tool for gamers.NOTICE!This APP is not associated with SuperCell and all graphicsrelatedto the game belongs to its creators.
Clash Wallpapers HD 4.0
ArtWall Studio
Fanart Clash of Clan Wallpapers HDProvide 1000+ HD Clash of Clans Wallpapers and Clash Royale foryourdevice: Baby Dragon, Barbarian, Wizard, Pekka, Bomber, Goblin…allheroes, awesome screen background, everything about and ClashofClans Wallpapers and Clash Royale Wallpapers.FEATURES:✔ Clash of Clans Wallpapers HD, Clash Royale Wallpapers HD✔ Optimized battery usage.✔ Unique design.✔ Make your favorites list.✔ You can Download any Wallpaper you want.✔ You can Share to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest,Tumblr,Flickr, Stumble, Instagram… with your friends.Download and Enjoy the amazing heroes you like best.Share this app to your friends who love Clash Royale or ClashofClans like you.We look forward to hearing your feedback.DISCLAIMER:This app is made by clash of clans fans, and it is unofficial.Thecontent in this app is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by any company. This app is mainlyforentertainment and for all clan of clan and clash royale fanstoenjoy these Clash Wallpapers.
Guide for Clash Royale 1.0
clashof inc.
*** THE APP FEATURED BY CLASH ROYALENOW100%FREE ON ANDROID!!! ****** NOW WITH EXCLUSIVE DAILY TOURNAMENTS ***This is a simple and living Guide for Clash Royale, updateddailytohelp users with new happenings on Clash Royale world.This App has following features.Clash Royale Basics: Clash Royale is very easy to playandgetstarted with. Even if you haven't played any similargamesbefore,you will get the hang of it in only a short timeplaying.Howeverunderstanding the basics before you start any gameareimportant.This guide includes basics such as AppRequirements,Various cardsand and More.Clash Royale Tips & Tricks: Many users around theworldshareTips and Tricks; this will help you to become a trueClashRoyalemaster.Clash Royale Deck Building: - Proven strategies andvariouscharactercombinations.Clash Royale Cheat Sheets: - Help the users to play faster.Clash Royale Latest Updates: Latest news fromClashRoyaleworld.Please note that this app does not contain any ClashRoyalegemshacks, downloads links or Clash Royale apk filedownload.
App Royale 2.1.7
App Royale contains tools to control and facilitate your gameinCR.FEATURES: - Deck organizer: with it you can save andquicklyrestoreall your decks to never lose them and not depend onthelimit of 5that the game has. - Profile data: with it youcanmanage multipleaccounts and see your profile data, includedyournext chests andnumber of chest to get every special chest. Wehopeyou like it, anysuggestion is welcome!
Sound Effects for Clash Royale 3.2
All available sound effects for clash royale. Listen yourfavoritesound now! If you found any bugs, please email ourdeveloper emaillocated at the bottom of this page. Your help willbe greatlyappreciated and the fixes will benefit many others usingthe app!Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwisenoted.Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights oftheirrespective publisher and its licensors. All rights reserved.Thiscontent is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’s Fan
Guide Clash Royale - Cheats 1.0
HR Studio
This app is that the Best GuideForClashRoyaleFind the simplest tips and tricks during this guide andgoClashRoyale in no time.If you follow this superb guide, you may become areallyillustriousplayer with no would like of any king ofcheatsClashRoyale hack tourge unlimited diamonds,Gold and acquire panjandrum membership, you may realizeallinfosassociate degree resources here during this app.The aim of this app is to assist you improve your ClashRoyalegameplay and go Clash Royale terribly quickly.This is thee right tool to spice up yourClashRoyaleresources.In this app you'll be able to find:-How to earn and pay the gems!-Detailed decks for each arena.-All the the cards with their strengths,weaknessesandstatistics!-The chest order... watch for the enormous Chestandbegincounting!-Many tips and tricks to win each game!-The random deck generator!-A tool to match the cards!-All the card's counters!This guide app is unofficial app and notassociated,affiliated,endorsed, sponsored or approved by ©SuperCellcreator ofClashRoyale.All the Clash Royale pictures and content ar taken fromtheClashRoyale Fan Kit and ar beneath Supercell's Fan
Trucos Clash Royale 3.0.0
Aplicación NO Oficial, norelacionadacomercialmente con Clash Royale.De los creadores de Clash of Clans, llega Clash Royale, unjuegomultijugador en tiempo real protagonizado por tuspersonajesfavoritos de Clash, además de por nobles y muchos otroselementos.Consigue y mejora una gran variedad de cartas de lastropas, gemas,hechizos y defensas del juego.Trucos Clash RoyaleTanto si eres nuevo en el juego y quieres conocer como funcionaelmismo, además de conocer algunos trucos y ayudas, como sillevastiempo jugando pero quieres perfeccionar tus habilidades eneljuego, aqui tienes disponibles los mejores trucos y consejosparaClash Royale que puedes encontrar para llegar más lejos eneljuego.Diversos trucos para conseguir Gemas y Cartas, y lasmejoresdefensas para que utilices al jugar.Con Trucos Clash Royale conseguirás avanzar más rápido que nuncaentu juego favorito!Más información en applicationNO,not commercially related Clash Royale.From the creators of Clash of Clans, Clash Royale comes areal-timemultiplayer game starring your favorite characters fromClash,besides noble and many other elements. Get and improves avarietyof letters of troops, gems, spells and defenses game.Clash Cheats RoyaleWhether you're new to the game and want to know how itworks,besides knowing some tricks and tips, as if you take time toplaybut want to hone your skills in the game, here you haveavailablethe best tips and tricks for Clash Royale you can findgettingfurther in the game.Various tricks to get Gems and Letters, and the best defensesforyou to use when playing.With Cheats Clash Royale will get to move faster than ever inyourfavorite game!More information
Chest Clash Royale simulator 1.0
The best chest simulator for ClashRoyaleforfree!Tournament, Epic or even legendary chests! Open the trunkyouwantfree of charge!Electro Wizard, Clone and Elite Barbarians! All 66 cards arehereforyou to collect and upgrade to the maximum level!Download Chest Simulator now and be the first to collectallClashRoyale cards!Chest Simulator Clash Royale is anon-commercial,non-commercial,fan-only application for Fan Contentonly, limitedto the displayand identification of Clash Royale aspermitted bythe Fan ContentPolicy. We respect the Supercell brandand do notcharge any feesor create new products or content. Formoreinformation, pleaserefer to the Supercell fan CONTENT POLICY and Diclaimer:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This content is not affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorspecificallyapproved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. Formore information, please refer to theSupercell fancontent is not an official chest simulator for ClashRoyale.Allreferences to "Clash Royale" in the description are onlyforthepurpose of identifying the application for potentialusers.Thereare no trademark violations.Characteristics of the simulator:- Wood, Crown, Silver, Gold, Magic, Giant, SuperMagic,Epic,Legendary, Tournament- 9 arenas included- Simulator 12 chestsFrom the Goblin stadium to the legendary arena- 66 Info Cards- No need for Internet
Clash Card Maker 1.3.0
Clash Royale Card Maker is tool whichletsyoucreate Clash Royale new cards. Would you like to winanygamebattle – than build your own unique deck!Clash Royal Card Maker can be useful for studying thepossibleusageof any card. Improve your Clash Royale strategy byusing suchcardand deck builder.Improve your imagination and win any Clash Royale Arena!Createyourown Clash Royale legendary cardsCard Creator will help you create your own Clash Royalecardwithoutmuch efforts. The cards created look like the cardsinClash Royalegame. It’s possible to add lots of customcardattributes with a setof predefined attribute icons. You canalsosave your created cardsin the built-in "Card Library" towatchthem later on.KEY FEATURES- Card Library- Editor of Card Icons with zoom, pan, scroll and crop.- Predefined card attributes- Custom card attribute- Export and share newly created cards. Show it to yourfriendstofind even more tips for Clash Royale game!Moreover, if you want to improve your skills both in ClashRoyaleandClash of Clans games you can download more of ourapps:Clash of Royal deck analyzerChest trackerClash Royale deck builderBattle Result Predictor for Clash gamesOthersP.S. We love Royal Clash games and hope you will enjoy ourapp.Wedon’t have any cheats or hacks for Clash Royale! Have funwithyourfavorite CR characters: mysterious Wizard,unbeatablePekka,sinister Witch, frightful Skeletons, Mighty Giant,fearlessPrince,powerful Barbarians, tricky Archers and cutest BabyDragonand manymore! Explore magic spell cards (Rage, Rocket,Arrows,Freeze), usewisely your building cards (X-bow, mortar,goblin hutetc.)========Disclaimer========This app is a Clash of Royale guide for game.This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’sFanContentPolicy:, background, popup belong to Supercell
Chest Clash Royal 2 SIMULATOR 4.01.25
The Chest Clash Royal Simulator (fan appforClash Royale) is a helper tool used to :-1) Find out your current chest position in the Chest Cycle.-2) Tell you what is the next four chests.-3) Tell you how many more chests until the next Golden Chest,GiantChest and Magical Chest, as well as the shortest time to getthosechests.The First, we need to know that the chest drop in Clash Royaleisnot random, but follow a fixed sequence or fixed cycle. ExcepttheSuper Magical Chest, Epic Chest and Legendary Chest, which isdroprandomly and depends on luck.And Before start the Chest Clash Royal Simulator, you have toknowyour current chest position in Clash Royale. For experienceplayerthat played Clash Royale for a long time, you probablyalreadyforgot how many chests you opened so far. Fortunately, thisapphave a built-in function "Chest Position Finder" that able tohelpyou find out your current chest position.How to use Chest Position Finder ?Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles, openthisapp and click the button of the chest that you've justreceived.Normally around 5-30 chests is needed to find out thecurrent chestposition. You will be informed once your current chestposition isdetected.How to use Chest Clash Royal Simulator?Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles, openthisapp and click "I Got A Chest" button (Except Super MagicalChest,Epic Chest and Legendary Chest). This Chest Tracker will showyouthe next four chests and tell you how many more chests untilthenext Golden Chest, Giant Chest and Magical Chest.=========================Characteristics of the simulator:=========================- Wood, Crown, Silver, Gold, Magic, Giant, Super Magic,Epic,Legendary, Tournament- 9 arenas included- Simulator 12 chestsFrom the Goblin stadium to the legendary arena- 66 Info Cards- No need for Internet- Easy to use.========Disclaimer========This app acted as a guidance app for the game Clash RoyalebySupercell. This is unofficial and not associated by Supercell.AllChests images, background, popup are belong to Supercell. Formoreinformation, see Supercell's Fan ContentPolicy
💎 Chest Clash Royal Simulator 1.4
How many Super Magical Chests does ittaketodrop an Electro Wizard? Is it possible to get a LegendarycardfromWooden Chests ? How many cards and coins are needed toupgradeaDart Goblin to the maximum level and make knowsomeinformationabout different type of chest ?Chest Simulator for Clash Royale might just have allanswerspreparedfor you About clash royale and different typeofchestWhat are you waiting for :Clash royale Chests, Tournament, Legendary Chest and EpicChestsareall here for you to open for free the Chest!Chest Simulator for Clash Royale simulates the odds ofcardsdroppingfrom all 11 chests in Clash Royale and this mightjust bethe appwhere you can try your luck to win the Chest ofClashRoyale !Apart from opening chests, you can collect cards and upgradethemtoMax Level to see how powerful they are!●Obtain chest in Clash Royale is not a lucky thing, followsafixedrotation. With this app you can calculate and trackyourpositionin the Chest Rotation and you know what will beyournextchestThe chest drop in CR is not random, but follow afixedsequence/cycleof 240 chests. However, the Super MagicalChest,Legendary Chest, andEpic Chest are still random with verylowchance to get. Therefore,this helper tool cannot be used totrackthose rare chests.**Before start the Chest Clash Royal Simulator, you have toknowyourcurrent chest position in Clash Royale. For experienceplayerthatplayed Clash Royal for a long time, you probablyalreadyforgot howmany chests you opened so far. Fortunately, thisapphave a built-infunction "Chest Position Finder" that able tohelpyou find out yourcurrent chest position.Features- 70 Cards: Dart Goblin, Executioner, Battle Ram andGoblinGangincluded- 11 Chests simulator: Wooden, Crown, Silver, Golden,Magical,Giant,Super Magical, Epic, Legendary, Tournament,Clan- 10 Arenas from Goblin Stadium to Legendary Arena- Find out your current chest position in the Chest Cycle.- Tell you what is the next four chests.- Tell you how many more chests until the next GoldenChest,GiantChest and Magical Chest, as well as the shortest time togetthosechests.How to use Chest Position Finder?Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles,openthisapp and click the button of the chest that you'vejustreceived.Normally around 5-30 chests is needed to find outthecurrent chestposition. You will be informed once your currentchestposition isdetected.How to use Chest Clash Royal Simulator?Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles,openthisapp and click "I Got A Chest" button (Except SuperMagicalChest,Epic Chest and Legendary Chest). This Chest Trackerwill showyouthe next four chests and tell you how many more chestsuntilthenext Golden Chest, Giant Chest and Magical Chest.DisclaimerThis is Not an official chest simulator for ClashRoyale.Allreferences to "Clash Royale" in the app name anddescriptionaresolely for the purpose of identifying the app forpotentialusers.No trademark infringement is intended.This is a non-commercial fan-generated online app forFanContentpurposes only, limited to displaying and identifyingClashRoyaleas permitted by
Mazo arena 7 Clash Royale 6.8
No puedes salir de arena 7?El mazo mas completo de arena 7 lo encontraras solo aqui.Disfrútalo mientras puedas.Clash Royale los mejores mazos.You can notleavesand7?The most complete deck beach 7 you will find only here.Enjoy it while you can.Clash Royale top decks.
Gems for Clash Royale Prank 3.0
It turns out that to resort to them isnotnecessary. Instead to download gem generator for Clash Royaleprankyou can just use the promotions and bonuses offered by someprivateservers when you connect to them. This option is best forthose whoare starting to play. To facilitate your search, here area fewexamples from English-language Internet, because sometimes notallapps translated into English. So, often users are interestedincheats for gem hacks for clash royale prank . Finally, we allusedto shorten the name of the game using chest simulator forclashroyale hacked version so you can search. The beauty of cardsisthat they literally do not need translation – you can take theappin any language and just watch as prioritized on the playingfield.Good luck in the game!Then this is the best option for development and properprotectionof the village. But to collect trophies, this option isstrictlynot suitable, because in this case the town hall needs tobe theopposite of inside and still protected. Thus is only halfthebusiness, then you need to think, to prioritize, andagaincalculate all the special slot calculator. When choosing therightcard for the game take into account one simple factor: why isityou? For resources or trophies? You want to develop the villageorto attack neighboring settlements? Your card should matchyourintentions. For example, if your card coc town hall outsidethewalls, such a principle allows you to get a shield for 12hours,until the enemy will “Rob” the town hall.The main part of the rules describes how to use the cards ofdeckgenerator for clash royale card generator when buildingvillages,defense and attack. Also there are special applications,theso-called the best hack for clash royale hack prank wherecollecteddatabases created by other players. I must say that noonespecifically to sit and wrestle with how to come up with abetterbase so often in these applications simply collectedthoseembodiments where the arrangement complies with the rules. Youcanchoose out those chest hack for clash royale chest prank whichwillreally work in each case, it is necessary independently.So, you may need – that is, the same card we are talking about.Inaddition, they are sometimes called free cheats for clashroyalefree gems hack – because access to them could be via the appandthrough the browser. Absolutely gorgeous invention for thegameusing free gems hack clash royale random deck generatorthatcalculates resources and time. It is not against the rules, onthecontrary, this application is part of a healthy and coolgamingstrategy. We began to wonder, what is a free gems for ClashRoyalechest tracker at all so we tried to find what is a hackedversion,and find similar options for strengthening their ownstrategieswithout using them.
Tips Clash Royale 1.2
TnV studio
Supercell's Clash Royale is war gaminginmicrocosm, and our Clash Royale tips and tricks will help you beasmash on the battlefield, whether you're a new player or anoldhand.Two sets of towers face each-other on a single-screenbattlefield.Players use elixir to dispatch troops, aiming to fighttheir way toa tower and do it some serious damage. Although asimple game tograsp, Clash Royale has depth and nuance.This app have top 20 tips/tricks/cheats you need to know whenyouplay Clash Royale. You can find more tips if you keep it update.Weare building and bring more tips, tricks, guide for many levelssothat you can easily get over all levels.Keep update for more level tips.Disclaimer / Legal Notice:This app was built by a fan of Clash Royale game.This application is not an official application ofClashRoyale.
This is Best Chest Simulator forClashRoyale!Tournament, Epic or even Legendary Chests! Just open any Chestyouwant without waiting or spending a single gem!Electro Wizard, Clone and Elite Barbarians! All 66 cards areherefor you to collect and upgrade to the max level!Download Chest Simulator now and be the first to collect allcardsin Clash Royale!This is a non-commercial fan-generated online app for FanContentpurposes only, limited to displaying and identifying ClashRoyaleas permitted by Fan Content Policy. We respect Supercell'sbrandand do not charge a fee of any kind or create any new productsorcontent based on that. For more information see Supercell’sFanContent Policy: 10 Chests SimulatorWooden, Silver, Golden, Magical, Crown, Giant, Super Magical ,Epic,Legendary, Tournament- 9 Arenas IncludedFrom Goblin Stadium to Legendary Arena- 66 Cards Info- No Internet RequiredDisclaimerThis content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell's Fan is NOT an official chest simulator for Clash Royale.Allreferences to "Clash Royale" in description are solely forthepurpose of identifying the app for potential users. Notrademarkinfringement is intended.
SB Tool Game Hack Joke 1.1.87
lucky hack pro
SB Tool Game Hacker it fun app to havefunwithyour friendsPlease note : this app it is just a prank app for fun notrealhackapp its a joke***DISCLAIMER ***If there is any trademark or copyright violation that doesnotfollowwithin the Fair Use, please contact us and wewill immediately take action on it.this is not official app,not associated or affiliated withsbgamehacker or any of their partnersSB Game Hacker Toolitfunapp to have fun with your friendsPlease note: this app is it just a prank app for fun notrealhackapp its a joke*** DISCLAIMER ***If there is Any trademark or copyright infringement ThatDoesnotfollow dans le Fair Use, please contact us and weAction will take time immediately on it.this is not official app, not associated or affiliated withsbgamehacker gold'any of Their Partners
Howari 17
Do you get a kick out of the chance toplayClash Royale? This application is helpful to adherents ofthediversion at any level - here methods, tips, cheats fortheamusement Clash Royale , it's altogether gathered in ourHaidee.Helpful tips Clash Royale Cheats Free viewed as the best ofeveryone of those that are spoken to in the worldwide system.ClashRoyale Game Guide takes care of the issue of clients ofthediversion, with them need to adapt to, and beginner andexperiencedgamer to win the Clash Royale Game. Get joy from it anda guide fornothing. This guide Clash Royale Boundless Clash Royaleclans AndCoins is the best informal guide Clash Royale Hack fromthe systemsof the diversion, full entry, tips, and then some! Rightnow, witha manual for Clash Royale play will be available toexhortationfrom top players on the amusement, so they don't have tolook theInternet. With us you will learn precisely how to playbetter,completely every one of the privileged insights of theamusement.This guide Clash Royale Amusement 2 genuinely help youget alimitless number of fun. Given that you're an aficionado oftheamusement Clash Royale maps Clash Royale map then this guideyouwill like! On account of your affection for Clash Royale Game2amusement, our specialists have assembled the vital dataandcreated an impression. Guidelines Clash Royale Coins containstipsand traps of the diversion, the section of the amusement,wellordered guide. Elements of the guide for the diversion ClashRoyale: You will have the capacity to gather the balls and utilizeyourcapacity to gather more gold rings. Hyde Clash Royale TipsCheatsdiversion is intended to have the capacity to help playthisintriguing amusement Clash Royale New Version Of 2017.Thedirection gave is planned just to fun, additionally toencouragewell known recreations. It is an entertaining toy fortablets onAndroid, where players will see a phenomenal plot andintriguinggameplay. Passing levels conceivable and on cruisers andin autos,you will fly, bounce, run, and considerably more. Togetherwiththis diversion Clash Royale New go to the appealing scene. Inthediversion CLASH ROYALE huck Halloween you will hold up scenesandpuzzling island. Your undertaking in the diversion Clash Royale2will be the decimation of your foes, open theirprivilegedinsights. Go via auto, and in addition walkers, bikes,planes andwinged serpents. Escape for help in CLASH ROYALE HacksUnlimitedCoins And CLASH ROYALE cheat settle astounds with them.AmusementCLASH ROYALE Free will appreciate mind bogglingenterprises inCLASH ROYALE cheats For Girls, entertainingcharacters and intensefoes, CLASH ROYALE hack guide can adapt tothem, and afterwardviably pass the levels of the diversion CLASHROYALE Free Game. Youare diverted by a brilliant amusement CLASHROYALE map 2017 Free,then this is truly a flawless well orderedguide for you. Nocompelling reason to look for data on thediversion CLASH ROYALEmap Free Coins And CLASH ROYALE map in theworldwide system, as wegrabbed the proposals and procedures for astraightforward passingamusement, and tricks for CLASH ROYALE mapplay. This guide - aninformal application, which is made byaficionados of the amusementto alternate players, the applicationgives you the datainteresting section of the diversion. Manual forthe diversionCLASH ROYALE And Coins - an informal application andcontains ahelpful gathering of tips, traps for the acclaimedamusement,passing amusement alternatives! This progression directfor ClashRoyale Coins CLASH ROYALE and it covers all that you haveto knowto be a fantastic gamer Clash Royale Coins! The rules showtheimportant data where to download Clash Royale the Game, seewithyour own eyes. Numerous gamers don't think of it as reasonableforread the guide. We believe this is a slip-up, in light of thefactthat such guide Clash Royale
Guide For Clash Royale 1.0
This is a unofficial app made byClashRoyalefans. It include all the tricks and tips that help youtogain Gemsfor Clash Royale. Using this app you can generate'x'amount ofgems and gold or unlock free chests. Simply putthedesired amountin the respective boxes and hit generate button.Thisis a simpleand living Guide for Clash Royale, updated daily tohelpusers withnew happenings on Clash Royale world. ClashRoyaleBasics: ClashRoyale is very easy to play and get startedwith. Evenif youhaven't played any similar games before, you willget thehang ofit in only a short time playing. Howeverunderstanding thebasicsbefore you start any game are important.This guide includesbasicssuch as App Requirements, Various cardsand and More.Note: All diversion name, pictures, characters, logoanddifferentpoints of interest are not made by us but raher bytheirseparateproprietors. This application takes after thereasonableuse rulesby US law, in the event that you feel there isanimmediatecopyright or trademark infringement that doesnt takeafterinsideof the reasonable use rules, please get in touthwithusspecifically.
Chest Simulator Clash Royale ChestSimulatorClashRoyaleFree
super magical chest simulator forclashroyalefree: all Chest Simulator for CR. Best chest simulatorforclashroyale chest tracker.Super Magical, Epic andLegendaryArenaFrom Goblin Stadium to Legendary Arena, all cards are waitingforyouto collect in this Chest Simulator Clash Royalefree2017!chest simulator for cr: Tournament,Epic or even LegendaryChestsandchest chest simulators and chest simulator for clashroyalechesttracker! chest simulator for cr: open Chest you wantinsupermagical chest simulator for clash royalefree!ElectroWizard,Cloneand Elite Barbarians royal simulator! morechestscoming in thenext version of the 11 chest simulator clashroyalefreeFeatures of Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:-Simulator of all 10 Chests:Golden magicalgiant,legendarytournamentclan,super magical epic,epic legendaryarena,woodencrown silver,dartgoblin executioner, goblin gangincluded, anofficial chestgiant-royal simulator:10 arenas from Goblin StadiumtoLegendaryArena-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:Cards collection fordisplayandupgrade in the super magical chest simulator forclashroyalefree-Chest simulator clash royale free-Chest chest simulators-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:Goldenmagicalgiant,legendarytournament clan,super magical epic,epiclegendaryarena,woodencrown silver,dart goblin executioner,goblingangincluded,anofficial chest giantSimulate and figure out the possibility of getting ashinyLavaHound, Princess or even the newly updated Electro Wizardinthischest chest simulators!-more chests coming in the next version of the11chestssimulator.-Best super magical chest simulator for clash royale free!more chests coming in the next version of the11chestssimulator.Features of Chest Simulator Clash Royale free 2017-chest simulator cr:10 Chests Simulator for clashroyalebattlesopen-chest simulator cr:10 arenas Included in the supermagicalchestsimulator for clash royale free from Goblin StadiumtoLegendaryArena including clash royale battles open chestsimulatorfor clashroyale chest tracker-royal simulator: super magical chest simulator forclashroyalefree: 66 Cards Info for chest chest simulators-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:goldenmagicalgiant,legendarytournament clan,super magical epic,epiclegendaryarena,woodencrown silver,dart goblin executioner,goblingangincluded,officialchest giant-chest chest simulators and chest simulator for clashroyalechesttracker-chest simulator cr: No Internet Required for thechestchestsimulators into in 10 arenas-chest chest simulators and clash royale battles openroyalsimulatorand chest simulator for clash royale chesttracker-chest simulator for cr and more chests coming in the nextversionofthe 11 chests simulator.-chest simulator for clash royale chest tracker-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free: goldenmagicalgiant,legendarytournament clan,super magical epic,epiclegendaryarena,woodencrown silver,dart goblin executioner,goblingangincluded,officialchest giant-royal simulator : Chest Simulator Clash Royale free 2017andchestsimulator for clash royale chest tracker in theChestSimulatorClash Royale free-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:goldenmagicalgiant,legendarytournament clan,super magical epic,epiclegendaryarena,woodencrown silver,dart goblin executioner,goblingangincluded,officialchest giant in Chest Simulator Clash Royalefreeand chestsimulator for clash royale chest tracker-Chest Simulator Clash Royale free:more chests coming inthenextversion of the 11 chests simulatorDisclaimer and FAN CONTENT POLICY for chest simulator for crThis content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’
Chest Tracker & Calculator 1.6
Gamers World
Know when you will get the next magicalandgiant chest!Easily calculate your position in the chest cycle with an easytouse Calculator and then track your position and know when youwillget silver, gold, giant or magical chest.• Robust Chest Tracker• Complete Chest Cycle Included• Calculator to find out your positionIt includes a detailed manual that explains howeverythingworks!Note:This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’s Fan
Hii!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a non-commercial fan-generated online app for FanContentpurposes only, limited to displaying and identifying ClashRoyaleas permitted by Fan Clan Chests, the Tournament, the Legendary and the EpicChestsare all here for you to open for free!The Chest Simulator for Clash Royale simulates the odds ofcardsdropping from all 11 chests in Clash Royale and this mightjust bethe app where you can try your luck!Apart from opening chests, you can collect all cards andupgradethem to Max Level to see how powerful they are!- How many Super Magical Chests does it take to drop anElectroWizard?- Is it possible to get a Legendary card from Wooden Chests?- How many cards and coins are needed to upgrade a Dart Goblintothe maximum level?Chest Simulator for Clash Royale might just have allanswersprepared for you!______________________________________________________________________Features:______________________________________________________________________- 10 Arenas from Goblin Stadium to Legendary Arena- 70 Cards: Dart Goblin, Executioner, Battle Ram and GoblinGangincluded- 11 Chests simulator: Super Magical, Wooden, Crown, Silver,Golden,Magical, Giant, Epic, Legendary, Tournament, Clan================================================================Disclaimer================================================================This is Not an official chest simulator for Clash Royale.Allreferences to "Clash Royale" in the app name and descriptionaresolely for the purpose of identifying the app for potentialusers.No trademark infringement is intended.This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is notresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’s
Deck Advisor Clash Royale 1.4.0
Clash Royale Deck Advisorgivesyourecommendation for building best Clash Royale deck. Itwillanalyzecurrent card collection to build best ClashRoyaleArenaDeck.Lots of people are looking for the Clash Royale hacks andcheats,butthere is a better way to win: you can improve theClashRoyalestrategy by using such deck builder. It brings lots offuntodefeat the strongest opponents by using your brain! If youwanttowin any Clash Royale arena – give a try for our app.CR Deck Advisor has about 85 decks from different Arena.Allthedecks have been tested and each recommended deck willcomeswith"Performance Analysis" and "Tips, Cheats and Strategies"whichwillhelp you rock!The Clash Royale cards Report will contain followingchapters:- Card Categorization- Best use Arena Range- Defense and Offense Chart- Performance Statistics- Main Attacking Combos- Best Clash Royal Arena Decks- Deck Weaknesses- Tips & StrategiesMoreover, if you want to improve your skills in ClashRoyalegamesyou can download more of our apps:Clash of Royal deck analyzerChest trackerClash Royale deck builderCard Maker for Clash RoyalOthersP.S. We love Royal Clash game and hope you will enjoy ourapp.Wedon’t have any cheats or hacks for Clash Royale! Have funwithyourfavorite CR characters: mysterious Wizard,unbeatablePekka,sinister Witch, frightful Skeletons, Mighty Giant,fearlessPrince,powerful Barbarians, tricky Archers and cutest BabyDragonand manymore! Explore magic spell cards (Rage, Rocket,Arrows,Freeze), usewisely your building cards (X-bow, mortar,goblin hutetc.)========Disclaimer========This app is a Clash of Royale guide for game.This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’sFanContentPolicy:, background, popup belong to Supercell (creatorofClashRoyale and Clash of Clans)
Unlimited Gens Clash Royale 1.0
Unlimited Gens Clash Royale. It willenablesnewusers to advance faster through the game and jointhehighest game arenas, battling the higher levelled players.Legal Notice:This app is an unofficial guide only, it is not authorizedorcreatedby the creator of the game.This application complies with US Copyright law guidelinesof"fairuse". If you feel there is a directcopyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow withinthe"fairuse" guidelines,please contact usdirectly.
Gems For Clash Royale Prank 1.3
Are you playing Clash Royale ? Do you wanttobein the Top of grossing games Similar to Clash of Clans ?You want to challenge your friends but you don't have a lotofgemsfor clash royale or gold , and as you already Knowthere's no clash royale hack but you can do it with freegemsforclash royale the best guide , tips and tricks app madefor you and This is completely safe and won’t get youbannedfromclash royale .it will show you the best tricks to get free gems inClashRoyalewithout having to do any additional apps , WiththisOnlyPrank App gems for clash royale you will get generateunlimitedclashroyale gems , chests , royale cards and be inthetop of leaderboard and be the master of clash royale .our application is the leader in coc gems or clash royalegemsthatwill make you generate easy black elixirand unlimited gems for clash royale thanks to it cool designandthenewest guide for clash royale gems 2017after downloading this app follow the instructions and youwillseethat it works versy sipmle and easy .first chose the amount of gems,gold or elixir you want andconfirmit! CongratulationsNotice!This app is a prank app and it's made just to jokewithyourfriendsand it's not a hack for clash royale it does not givegemsorresources to your coc account.DISCLAIMER!This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercelland Supercell is not responsible for it. For moreinformationseeSupercell’sFan Content Policy:"
Cash for Apps
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Calculator For Clash Royale 2.5
This calculator currently has 3 features that is most demandedbyplayers. Our development team are Clash Royale players too!Weunderstand the pain of having to manually calculatethingshappening in the game! This is why we created thisapplication toease that load. Feature 1: Frequently donates to yourclan? Want tosee how much you need to donate to earn x amount ofgold? We haveit made easy for you! Simply enter the gold you needand theapplication will tell you how much commons you need todonate andalso the rares you need to donate. Feature 2: Limitedbudget? Wantto buy something in clash royale in-game shop but notsure ifyou'll go bankrupt? Look no further! With feature 2, youcancalculate how much gold will it take for you to buy x amountofcards when there is only x amount of cards left in the shop.Nomore manual entering into the calculator "10+12+14+16+18+20...":)Feature 3: Seldom battle? Just want to level up your cardsbyrequesting? Not sure how long more you need to request? We haveitfor you! This feature 3 allows you to calculate the amount oftimeand requests needed for you to level up a card (common orrare)from x level to y level. Aforementioned features will beupgradedand will always be up-to-date with the latest clash royaleupdate.We will also be implementing more features in the very nearfutureso as to increase your productivity! Clash on! Got featurestosuggest to us? Wait no further than to email This content is not affiliatedwith,endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by SupercellandSupercell is not responsible for it. For more informationseeSupercell’s Fan
gems for Clash Royale prank 1.0
Do you need more free gemsforClashRoyale?A very useful app for All Clashers.Now with this application Gems Of Clash Royale APK prankyoucangenerate unlimited gems, and the best ways to spend thesegems,fora lot of different deck strategies for every situation,andofcourse complete, and we will also add some secret tipsandtricksto improve your CR skills, and keep you at the top.If you want to enhanced your account with unlimited gems andgoldandunlock all VIP feature or build your base two time fasterthanyoualways do or even dominate the game then this isyouranswer.- You can prank your family and friends and make thembelievethatthe Clash Royale gems is free to generate.Now you can find a secret ways to get more gems and learnhowtoacquire more gold with our simple tips and tricks. CheatsforClashRoyale will teach you some battle tricks and you willfindmanygreat steps which every player need. Check out this greatTrueKingGuide and you will see how your account will be improveafterouradvices!-Now Let's explain how to get those gems ;With our app " clash royale hack " , You can generate a lotofclashroyale resources ( gold and gems ) so you can hit the topofthenational leaderboard and why not the global leaderboardandbecomethe master of clash royale ! You'll be famous onsocialmedias !people will copy your decks ! Get our app " clashroyalehack " andbe one of the first served players !Steps to apply Clash Royale Hack :1 ) Choose The amount of gold you want2 ) Choose the amount of gems you want4 ) Confirm your first choiceThat's it ! Congratulations :)*Features*- Deck Weaknesses.- All Cards: tips and strategies.- Chests and cards odds.- Counters to all cards.- Gems Guide.- Card Counters.- Card Previews.- get Free Gems Clash Royale .- Clash Royale Card and Deck Info- Clash Royale Unlimited Gems and Gold .- Layouts and map designs.- Tips and tactics.- Earn Gems .- chests for clash royale.- glitches for clash royale.- unlimited gems clash of clans.- hacks for clash royale.- cheats for clash royale.- clash royale hacks.- gems for clash royale.NOTE :--- CONTENT OF Gems for clash royale prank ---- This app is not a clash royale hack , it does not generateanyGems, Gold , Elixir , Cards or Chests.- This is just a prank app to joke with your friends.--- METADATA ---We dont Collect or provide any information on your androidmobile,it is just an app to prank with your friends andfamilly.--- DISCLAIMER ---Use this app only to joke with your friends. And prankwithhimNote : This app and its content is not affiliatedwith,endorsed,sponsored, or specifically approved bySupercellandSupercellFor more information see Supercell’s FanContent Policy: its logos are trademarks of Supercell.Hope everybody like it.Thanks!!
Chest Tracker for CR 1.0
MoonApp Studios
Track and calculate position of your chest in Chest RotationforClash Royale.
Gems & Guide For Clash Royale 1.0
This is a unofficial app made byClashRoyalefans. Using this app you can generate 'x' amount of gemsandgoldor unlock free chests.Simply put the desired amount in the respective boxesandhitgenerate button.It include all the tricks and tips that help you to gainGemsforClash Royale.- This is not a CHEAT or HACKDisclaimer:This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it. We made this App only as a FREE FAN APP withnocheats,only for those who wants to enjoy the game.
Guide For Clash Royale 1.2
Maqs Dev
Clash Royale is a freemium mobilestrategyvideogame developed and published by Supercell. The gamecombineselementsfrom collectible card games, tower defense,andmultiplayer onlinebattle arena. The game was released globallyonMarch 2, 2016.This app guide for clash royale contain game tips andtrick,DeckBuilding to help you play clash royale game ad win allthebattledecks, improve your skill and many different secret onclashroyalecheats that actually work.cheats for clash royale app also help you to makesomeamazingchanges to your game and improve it very fastand freegemswillboost your account fast and easy.This app is only created toplayers to learn informationaboutthegame.