Top 22 Apps Similar to VET CALC

Vet Calculator 1.16
The essential calculator for vets
Vet Calculator Plus 2.33
The essential calculator for vets
Vet Anesthesia Guide 2.0.0
Vet Anesthesia Guide now for Android
Vet Smart Bovinos e Equinos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
Vet Mobile 1.5
With "MOBILE VET", you have a vet in your pocket !!!
Vet Calc 2.3
Android Vet
For vets, nurses and techs to perform calculations in practiceandhospitals.
Vet Smart Cães e Gatos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
Help for Vets Agrovet Market 1.17
VetHelp Agrovet Market is an spanish languagebasedindispensabletool specially designed for veterinarians andanimalhealthprofessionals. Provides a quick and easyreferenceofpharmacological active, values ​​andphysiologicalconstants,specific calculators for veterinarypractice, among manyotherfeatures. Download VetHelp AM to access: •Form of nearly600active ingredients for veterinary medicine • Morethan6,000interactions between active • Constants physiologicalandclinicalvalues ​​for 11 animal species • 13 scientificcalculatorsandveterinary (conversions, dosage, animalage,pregnancy,transfusion, hydration, etc.) • Complete HandbookonAgrovet MarketAnimal Health Keywords: Vethelp, agrovetmarket,veterinarian,animal health, pharmacology, veterinarymedicine,animal production
petMD Symptom Checker 1.1.1
Want to know why your dog is scratching? Or perhaps why your catissneezing?The petMD pet Symptom Checker allows you to easily searchover2,500 dog and cat health articles based on the symptoms yourpet isexperiencing.Why is my pet scratching so much? How do I recognizeskinconditions? What are roundworms and how do I treat them in mydog?Does my dog have kennel cough?Find Answers to these questions and hundreds of othersrelatingto your dog or cats health.All articles are written and approved by veterinarians.Eacharticle contains a detailed description explaining thecondition,its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, the best treatmentoptionscombined with living and management of the condition,andprevention, if applicable.And though every petMD article referenced on the SymptomCheckerapp is written and approved by veterinarians, it should notreplaceyour own veterinarian. The petMD Symptom Checker is meant asaguide to help you understand conditions that may be affectingyourpet. Always visit your veterinarian regularly to care foryourpet’s health.
Nadis Vet 1.0.7
This App is a comprehensive livestockhealthresource and will help you to improve your profits withbetteranimal health. NADIS has developed a comprehensive animalhealthresource for farmers, vets and SQPs. Choose the type ofanimal,search for the disease affecting them and find out more.Clinicalsigns to watch out for, causes, treatment and preventionandcontrol (with checklist), all with clinical pictures and linkstovideos are held in a useful resource in your pocket!Why not also try the clinical quiz for each disease and receiveaHealth Certificate from NADIS. The old saying "prevention isbetterthan a cure" has never been more relevant. Diseaseprevention ismost effective as part of an active veterinary healthplan.The app also features the NADIS Parasite Forecast andMonthlyDisease Alert.
BF Vet 7.0
App Publishing
Best Friend's Veterinary Center is dedicatedtoproviding warm, loving, and knowledgeable care for companionpets.Dr. Eric Anderson, Director, invites you to tour ouraward-winningfacility. We think you will be delighted to see thelevel of care anAmerican Animal Hospital Association facility canprovide.Meet Doctors Eric Anderson, Erica Syring, and CrystalBrazle.
Wright Vet 11.0
App Publishing
Wright Veterinary Medical Centerprovidesveterinary services for the Allentown, Bethlehem andEaston,Pennsylvania. We work with you to provide the best possiblecarefor your dog, cat, rabbit, ferret, guinea pig, hamster,parrot,cockatoo, parakeet, duck, swan, snake, iguana, turtle,gecko,gerbil, mouse, rat, hedgehog, degu, chinchilla, orsugarglider.
Exotic Vet Guide 1.0
David Elbaz
This App was created to helpveterinarypractitioners, veterinary students and vet techniciansdeal withexotic species most likely to present to a veterinarypracticeincluding pet birds (parrots), reptiles (snakes, lizardsandturtles) and small mammals such as rabbits, ferrets, androdents(chinchillas, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters, gerbils). Thisshort butcomprehensive guide not only covers husbandry, nutritionandhandling, but also provides an overview of commondiseases,treatments and formulary for each exotic pet speciepresented. Animage gallery is also available in order to get somevisual idea ofcertain common conditions that you might encounter inyourveterinary practice.
Vet - Guia de Exames 1.0
Info on diagnostic tests for veterinary
Vet Tech UA 1.21
Having difficulty distinguishing betweenawhite blood cell cast and an epithelial cast? This app isdesignedto assist the veterinary professional during urinalysisreview.Pictures and descriptions for major pathological andcoincidentalfindings are available with one swipe of the finger.No more runningto the computer or pulling out the heavy referencebooks every timeyou need to read a slide.
Vet Cardilogy 1.0
More than 60 cardiac diseases and conditions in smallanimalveterinary
Vet Practice 2.0
App Publishing
Through our practice we can offer almosteveryprocedure and treatment your pet may ever need.This includes anything from routine consultations andsurgeryright through to advanced diagnostics, orthopaedics andintensivecare without having to refer you on elsewhere.The practice owners are Dr Malcolm Ware and Dr Lisa Weldonwhobetween them have over 45 years of experience in bothveterinarymedicine and surgery. Supported by seven other vets and acompetentnursing team, there's not a lot we can't do to help youranimalcompanions.While we have all the lastest diagnostic equipment on handtofind out what's really wrong with your pet, we don't believeit'sthe be all - and end all to practicing good medicine.To deliver true excellence in veterinary medicine we need tolookbeyond drugs and surgery and take a more "wholistic" approachtodisease prevention and treatment . We do this by combining anumberof modalities such as Laser Therapy, Acupuncture andRehabilitationas well as use nutraceuticals to support your pet'srecovery andrestore quality of life.We are also a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practicewhichmeans all our rehabilitation services are performed undertheguidance of a Certified Rehabilitation Veterinarian.
Parker Vet 19.0
App Publishing
Because your pets mean the world to you,youwant them to live as long as possible and as healthy aspossible.That's why our vets perform detailed wellness exams anduseadvanced diagnostics to help catch medical problems in theirearlystages when they may be easier to treat. Because you care somuchabout your pet's comfort, our doctors provide improvedsurgicaltechniques such as laser surgery and laparoscopic surgerythat makeyour pet's surgeries much less painful.---ABOUT THE APPThe app is both fun and functional and it’s FREE todownload.Pet Postcards (pet photo sharing) are fun to use and theappmakes it easy to create postcards of your pet that can beemailed,posted to Facebook, Twitter and more.The app also includes many functional features to makeclientcommunications easier and more convenient.From your phone, you can:- Book Appointments- Order Meds- Tap to Call- Tap for Directions- Emergency Contact Buttons- Hours of Operation- Coupons- More!Download the app now and check it out!Contact In-Touch Mobile about “The Vet App" at:Web: http://www.PetVetApp.comEmail: info@in-touchmobile.comPhone: 1-877-282-4840---
Frontier Vet 7.0
App Publishing
Thank you for choosing FrontierVeterinaryHospital as your other family doctor! As pet ownersourselves, weunderstand that the trust you place in us is aspecialresponsibility, and we are committed to honoring your trust.Frontier has been locally owned and operated since 1947, andweare committed to both our community and to the individual petsandpeople we serve. We take our mission of “Caring for your petsandfamily as our own” seriously, and you can expect this to beevidentin every staff member’s approach to both medicine andcustomerservice.---ABOUT THE APPThe app is both fun and functional and it’s FREE todownload.Pet Postcards (pet photo sharing) are fun to use and theappmakes it easy to create postcards of your pet that can beemailed,posted to Facebook, Twitter and more.The app also includes many functional features to makeclientcommunications easier and more convenient.From your phone, you can:- Book Appointments- Order Meds- Tap to Call- Tap for Directions- Emergency Contact Buttons- Hours of Operation- Coupons- More!Download the app now and check it out!Contact In-Touch Mobile about “The Vet App" at:Web: http://www.PetVetApp.comEmail: info@in-touchmobile.comPhone: 1-877-282-4840
Guí@vet 1.1
Este es el quiosco digital de Guí@VET,laguíade productos zoosanitarios para animales de compañía yanimalesdeproducción de Veterindustria, considerada como elvademécumdereferencia del sector. Ya puedes disfrutar en tudispositivomóvilde Guí@VET, un vademécum que te ofrece más de1800especialidades(productos farmacológicos, biocidas, productosparala higiene, odietas de prescripción entre otros) de lasindustriasfarmacéuticasmás importantes del sector.Con Guí@VET podrás consultar de forma rápida ycómodalainformación técnica de más de 1800 productos, más de700indicadospara animales de compañía y más de 1200 paraanimalesdeproducción, entre los que se encuentranproductosfarmacológicos,vacunas, biocidas y plaguicidas, aditivosycomplementosdietéticos, dietas de prescripción, productos paralahigiene ycosméticos, e incluso kits de diagnóstico.Veterindustria es las Asociación Empresarial EspañoladelaIndustria de Sanidad y Nutrición Animal, cuyo principalobjetivoesla defensa de los intereses colectivos de las empresasquefabricany/o comercializan en España medicamentosveterinarios,productos desanidad y nutrición animal y aditivosnutricionales.Desde sucreación en 1977, Veterindustria fomenta losmás altosniveles deeficacia, calidad y seguridad en losproductoscomercializados,aplicando unos estrictos controles decalidad, yfomenta lainvestigación y desarrollo de nuevos productosdestinadosa laprevención y tratamiento de enfermedades, a lapromocióndelbienestar anima, y al desarrollo de nuevos servicios,como esestevademécum.Por su parte, la editorial Servet, perteneciente a GrupoAsís,seha convertido en una de las editoriales de referencia enelsectorveterinario a nivel mundial con más de 15 añosdeexperiencia enedición de contenidos veterinarios que avalansutrabajo. Con unagran difusión nacional e internacional, lasobrasde su catálogopueden encontrarse en multitud de países y yahansido traducidas amás de ocho idiomas entre los que seencuentranel inglés, francés,portugués, alemán, italiano, turco,japonés yruso.This is thedigitalkioskGUI @ VET, online animal health products for petsandproductionanimals Veterindustria, considered theindustrybenchmarkformulary. Now you can enjoy your mobile deviceGUI @ VET,ahandbook that offers more than 1,800products(pharmaceuticalproducts, biocides, hygiene products,orprescription diets etc.)of the most importantpharmaceuticalindustries sector.Gui @ VET you can check quickly and convenientlythetechnicalinformation of over 1800 products, more than 700listedfor petsand over 1200 for production animals, amongwhicharepharmaceutical products, vaccines, biocidesandpesticidesadditives and dietary supplements, prescriptiondiets,hygieneproducts and cosmetics, and even diagnostic kits.Veterindustria is the Spanish Business Association oftheIndustryof Health and Animal Nutrition, whose main objective istodefend thecollective interests of companies that manufacturedand/ or marketedin Spain veterinary medicinal products, animalhealthand nutritionand nutritional additives. Since its inceptionin1977,Veterindustria encourages higher levels ofefficiency,quality andsafety of marketed products, applying strictqualitycontrols, andpromotes research and development of newproducts forthe preventionand treatment of diseases, theencourages promotingthe welfare anddevelopment of new services, asthis formulary.For its part, the Servet, belonging to GroupAssisi,publishinghas become one of the publishers of reference intheveterinarysector worldwide with over 15 years experienceinveterinaryediting content that support their work. With alargenational andinternational media, the works of its catalog canbefound in manycountries and have been translated into morethaneight languages​​to include English, French, Portuguese,German,Italian, Turkish,Japanese and Russian .
Vet'Consult Endocrinologie 1.0.2
Vet'Consult Endocrinologie est uneapplicationconçue et développée par l'agence Web'Com. Il s'agitd'un outilinnovant d'aide à la consultation vétérinaire pourl'endocrinologiedes chats et des chiens. L'application est proposéeen exclusivitépar les laboratoires Dechra.Vet'ConsultEndocrinologyis an application designed and developed by the agencyWeb'Com.This is an innovative support veterinary endocrinologyconsultationfor cats and dogs tool. The application is offeredexclusively byDechra laboratories.
5-Min Vet - Canine and Feline 6.0.1
The most trusted and well-known quickreferencefor veterinarians, it provides swift, convincing answersto everyquery about canine and feline health. This latest updateis based onthe 5th edition with additional features, enhancedfunctionality andongoing updates.Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine andFelineconsists of 838 specific disorders written by more than 300topspecialists. Each topic covers clinical signs,diagnosis,treatment, and follow-up. This bestselling resource cutsdown timespent on navigating through other resources, allowing tostudy,diagnose and treat more quickly.// Key Features• Fully revised to reflect the latest research, with dozens ofnewtopics• Fast, affordable access to the accumulated wisdom of hundredsofexperts• 5 Calculators and 10 interactive flowcharts• Essential information for the student orveterinarypractitioner• Quick and easy searching either by alphabetical listing orbyspecialty• More than 300 Client Handouts are available online foryourcustomization and use in practice, in addition to an imageandvideo bank// Unique Features• Full color images: This product includes images that helpbringthe content to life.• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are released whenthecontent changes significantly; there is no standard schedulefornew editions.// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into the Omnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn more bysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.