Top 22 Apps Similar to Air Quality Index

Air Quality: Real time AQI
The Air Quality application shows thereal-TimeAir Quality Index (AQI) for more than 60 countries in theWorld(Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam,India,Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and Japan....)The Air Quality data sources varies depending on the cities:- The US Embassy PM2.5 data is used for Shanghai,Beijing,Chengdu and Guangzhou.- The China Ministry Environment Pollution Departement PM10 dataisused for all other cities in China.- For Hong Kong and Taiwan, the respective EnvironmentagenciesPM2.5 data is used.- For Singapore, the Singapore National Environment AgencyPM2.5data is used.- For the other countries, please refer to our website ( overall AQI, PM2.5 and PM10 measurements are updatedeveryhour.oOoIn order to install the widget, you need to insert it onthehomescreen:- If you are using Android 4.0 (Ice Cream sandwich), selectthe"All Apps" icon (usually on the top-right corner), then thewidgettab, and click on the "Air Quality" widget.- If you are using any other version below 4.0, you needtolong-press in an empty area on the default home screen andselect"Widgets", and then "Air Quality".oOoFor more information, you can consult the website
Airveda - Air Quality 6.3.15
Airveda helps you know and control what you breathe.
BreezoMeter Air Quality,Pollen 5.10.0+2644
Real-Time, Street-level Air Quality Index (AQI), Pollen&Wildfires Worldwide
Plume Labs: Air Quality App
Plume Labs
What's the air quality forecast for today? When’s the best timetogofor a run? Oh, and what are the pollution levels like inmynextholiday destination? Plume Labs gives youreal-timepollutionlevels in your area, and around the globe.Getlivestreet-by-street pollution maps for the world’s majorurbanareas,and detailed information about how air quality willevolveover thenext 72 hours—just like a weather forecast. Lookingfor theFlowpersonal pollution sensor app? Search for ‘Flow byPlumeLabs’.It’s air pollution information you can act on—73% ofoursurveyedusers say Plume Labs helped them make changes intheirdaily habitsto breathe cleaner air, no matter where they were!ThePlume Labs’Air Quality App works all over the world. Our topteamof data andatmospheric scientists has built a worldwideairqualityforecasting system using a wide variety of datasources.Thisincludes satellite imagery, atmospheric simulations,trafficandemissions datasets, all coming together to give youthemostaccurate air quality info out there. We’ve got youcoveredwhereveryou go in the world. KEY FEATURES DETAILEDMAPS:Live,street-by-street air quality maps give youdetailedinformationabout pollution levels on each street, in realtime!Find the bestroute to work, pick the cleanest parks foraplaydate—it’s allthere in a stunning, easy-to-read map.LIVE,HISTORICAL, ANDFORECAST DATA: Plume Labs gives youreal-time,city-by-city datafor the most important pollutants - NO2,PM2.5,PM10, and O3. Lookahead with a 72 hour forecast. Analyze thepastwith up to 6 monthsof historical data! HYPER-LOCALINFO:Street-level pollutioninformation is at your fingertips—pickyourplaces, get theforecasts, drill into the maps! Studies haveshownthat access tothis type of air pollution information can helpyoureduce yourexposure by up to 50%. CLEAN-AIR COACHING: PlumeLabsgives youtips and tricks for finding clean air whilerunning,cycling,having fun at the playground, and eating outdoors.Yourclean-aircoach will keep you up-to-date with just therightnotifications.Morning Report: 7AM overview of the currentdayEvening Report: 7PMforecast of the day to come SmartNotifications:Intelligent alertswarn you of pollution peaks andtell you when theair is clean. OURUSERS LOVE IT! Awesome app! Amust have if youcare about yourhealth and city. Great app one of akind. Airquality monitoringapp in a class of its own It helps a lotto knowwhen pollution ishigh. I always have medical breathingissues thatI need to becareful of. Thanks for the help! PLUME LABS’APP IN THEPRESSHuffingtonPost: "Beat the pollution with the PlumeAirapp."Evening Standard: "This pollution app tells you whenit's'safest'to go outside." TechCrunch: "A pragmatic approach toairpollution.Strikes the right balance between providinginsightfulinformationabout air pollution and not being toocomplicated."WHAT’S NEWPlume Air Report went through a totaloverhaul. Beyondthe namechange, we added various new features tothe app. What madethesuccess of Air Report haven’t moved. Here iswhat’s new: Checkoutthe updated design and streamlined interface.Our team haspulledout all the stops to bring you a new look thatadds newfeaturesand leaves room for more! Slide along the beautifulnewtimeline tosee historical data. Color-coding gives anat-a-glanceoverview ofthe situation. Get pollutant breakdowns,hourly, daily,monthlyinfo, annual averages, and worst day/best daycomparisons.Addcities to your feed and compare air quality aroundthe world.Ouruniversal Air Quality Index lets you quickly see howtheairmeasures up. Prefer measurements in a local AQI? It’seasytoadjust your settings in-app.
Air Alert 0.0.2
Get updates about air pollution in your city
Happy Lungs 1.9
HAPPY LUNGS will create awarenessamongstkids,adults and your whole family. With a simple userinterfacespeciallydesigned for all age groups that can TRACK THECHANGE ofall theinitiatives that have been introduced in India totacklethePOLLUTION menace – Delhi – Odd Even car campaign.HAPPY LUNGSTrack the changeReal Time status of pollutants and advisory onplanningyourdayCustomized Carbon Footprint and suggestion to improveGlobal comparison of air quality and carbon footprintWays to improve LifetsyleReal time news updates pertaining to air quality
Clean Air Nation 1.0.0
Greenpeace INDIA
The Clean Air Nation mobile applicationletsyouknow what you breathe. Take precautions based onreal-timeairquality based on your specific location to protect yourhealth.The data is obtained from NAQI and AQICN. You can alsorequesttheGovernment to install Air monitoring station/s near toyou
PM2.5(Air Quality)-(East) Asia 2.0.85
Programming Ant
[PM2.5(Air Quality)- Asia, Ease Asia, Global] 1. NHK(SPRINTARS): 2. Japan Weather Association: [SPRINTARS] -SPectralRadIatioN-Transport model for AeRosol Species-
Taiwan AQI 1.2.3
Scamper Lab
What’s New!ver 1.2.3 updates# New camera and share function.------------------------------------------------------------------Taiwan AQI shows real-time air quality of Taiwan cities.Functions:- Shows real-time air quality of your location.- 24 hrs chart shows the changes of air quality.- Edit favorite city list.- Camera and share to SNS.- Widget: Now you can add as many widgets as you want. Eveneasiertocheck the AQI at any time!- Get alert when the air gets bad. You can turn on/offthealertnotification of saved cities in Settings.- Daily morning air quality notification.- Shows the concentrations of different kinds of pollutants.Air Quality Index (PM2.5) Level:0-50: Good51-100: Moderate101-150: Unhealthy151-200: Moderately Polluted201-300: Heavily Polluted300+: Severely PollutedThe air pollution is getting serious in Taiwan and thisissuehasraised people concern about our environment andhealth,therefore wedesign this app to help peopleprotectthemselves.Particles less than 2.5 micrometers are believed to posethegreatesthealth risks. Because of their small size(approximately1/30th theaverage width of a human hair), fineparticles can lodgedeeply intothe lungs, causing a wide range ofillnesses andmortality, includingcancer, stroke and damage tounbornchildren.Sources of fine particles include all types ofcombustionactivities(motor vehicles, power plants, wood burning,etc.) andcertainindustrial processes. Particles with diametersbetween 2.5and 10micrometers are referred to as "coarse." Sourcesof coarseparticlesinclude crushing or grinding operations, and dustfrompaved orunpaved roads. Other particles may be formed in theairfrom thechemical change of gases.*What is AQI?Air quality index (AQI) is an international index forairquality.The higher index, the higher risk to health. TheAQIcalculates sixpollutants (including SO2, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, O3andCO).The EPA of Taiwan adopts PSI, which is outdated andmaybenotsuitable in nowadays. The difference between AQI and PSIisthatPSI does not including PM2.5.Taiwan AQI app collects data from EPA of Taiwan andprocessesthedata with the US Environmental Protection Agencyformula; theindexis more close to the real air condition.
Air Mentor
Air Mentor is a real time Indoor Air Quality Monitor thatcandetectmost gas pollution and dust pollution suggested byWHOindoor airquality report. Air Mentor detect items includeTVOC(Total VolatileOrganic Compounds), CO2, ParticleMatters,Temperature, and RelativeHumidity. Air Mentor APP -Showsthe realtime air quality reportdetected from Air Mentor devices.-Recordthe historical data andshow the air quality change.-Analyzes thehistory patterns and givesuggestions to users for airqualityimprovement by expert advisingsystem. -Provides users aeventeditor, and users can recordactivities then trace it withairquality variation for long termhealth. Powered byCoAsiaMicroelectronics Corp
AIRES Air Quality Monitor 4 4.0
This application is used for trackingtheindoorair quality, temperature and humidity, by using AirEs 4AirQualityMonitors.You can change sensor warning levels in the application.Easy-to-use interface provides clear information aboutairqualityyou breath, temperature and humidity, to your phoneand/ortablet.You can also see the lowest and highest levelsrecordedwhile thegadget is on.How to useTap the IC symbol to select the device to and tap connecttostartstreaming data.To disconnect, tap Disconnect symbol.You can reach online help, information about the app andsettingfromthe bottom symbols.Settings lets you change the warning levels of the AirEs4monitor.You can select from 3 preset configurations.RequirementYou need to have at least Bluetooth 4.0 and Android 4.3onyourmobile device and at least one AirEs 4 Monitor System.Aires Sensors comes in two models one uses Bluetooth 2.0andtheother also utilizes Wi-Fi.You can shop for Aires Air quality Monitor online fromourstore,Amazon, Hepsiburada etc.NoteThis application and AirEs 4 Monitor provides informationaboutyourair quality, temperature and humidity. This informationisnotcalibrated and does not intended toprovidescientificobservations. Please be informed that the gadgetis forindoor useonly and may lose its precision over time anddependingonenvironmental conditions.
J霧霾 - 台灣空氣品質監控 3.7.0
Jintin Apps
您關心家人健康嗎?您常在戶外運動、騎車通勤嗎?您知道霧濛濛的空氣是霧還是霾嗎? 空氣污染不可輕忽快下載J霧霾,隨時掌握空氣汙染指數~~
Pollution 2.0
Air pollution of delhi is risingtodangerouslevel.This app will help find our air pollution and quality indexofdelhiand other major cities.Please be inform about air quality index around your city.last seven day data with max and min AQI(air qualityindex)valueswill be shown.AQI data is frequently update with aqi server.Please share this app to other as it might help.
Ayurvedic Gharelu Nuskhe 4.1.7
Ayurvedic Upchar, Nuskhe, Gharelu Upchar, Ayurveda Tips,Herbshealthy lifestyle
My Breathefree 1.7
Cipla Digital
My Breathefree is an app to help patientswithchronic breathing problems like Asthma, COPD in managingtheirasthma better and leading a normal and active life.Benefits:More days without asthma symptoms Fewer days being absent from work or school Fewer asthma attacks Lesser use of reliever inhalers Fewer hospital visitsIt is a unique virtual caregiver which will help you takeyourmedicine doses on time by timely dose reminders, educate youaboutasthma triggers and how to avoid them, show you videos onthecorrect technique of how to use your inhalers for maximummedicinebenefit in 10 diff languages, help you find the nearestRespiratorySpecialist in your area pan India and so many otherfeatures. Incase of an emergency, the nearest Breathefree Cliniccan be locatedusing GPS navigation.My Breathefree can be customised to do several thingsaccordingto your need. From recording your PEFR (Peak ExpiratoryFlow Rate)log and sending it securely to your Doctor for betterdiagnosis tohelping you recognize if your asthma is getting worseand tellingyou what to do in response.It helps patients and caregivers to monitor symptomswithoutvisiting the hospital. The app also has FAQs on how tomanageasthma for yourself and your family. The aim of this app isto helppatients and caregivers prevent or reduce the severity of anasthmaattack.My Breathefree becomes an integral part of your life withthefollowing features: Asthma Action Plan to synchronize your busy schedulewithreminders for taking medication on time, for moreeffectivetreatment and for an active life with lesser chances ofgetting anasthma attack due to missing doses. Managing and scheduling appointments with yourRespiratoryConsultant, with reminders so that you do not miss yourvisits.This helps in monitoring your asthma better. PEFR recorder that can be taken with the help of a simpledevicecalled Breathe O Meter and can warn against animpendingexacerbation. . These readings can be observed as per yourage,height and gender, to give you a better picture. Also thereadingscould be sent across to the doctor just beforeyourappointment. Device demonstration videos which can be either watched onlineordownloaded and saved for correct device usage technique.Correctmethod of using inhalers and nasal sprays plays a vital roleindrug effectiveness. Clinic locator feature helps locate a Respiratory Specialist oraBreathefree Clinic across the country. Breathefree Clinics areyourone stop solution, right from counselling to treatment anddeviceusage techniques for asthma and other respiratory disorderslikeCOPD and Allergic Rhinitis. FAQs to know and understand asthma better. Trigger map helps you know about the common triggers athome,office, school etc and gives a few tips on how to avoidthem. Asthma Assist is a feature that provides a travel checklistsothat even while traveling you do not forget to carry yourmedicinesand other essentials to help you manage asthma better.This featurewill help you keep contact numbers for emergency andcan help youlocate a Breathefree Clinic in the nearest vicinityusingGPS.Breathefree Asthma Tracker is a true companion for allasthmaticsand their caregivers to help them lead an active andhappylife.
State of the Air 1.4
The State of the Air app from the AmericanLungAssociation gives you the ability to see what your lungsarecollecting anywhere in the United States.Today’s Air QualitySee today’s color-coded EPA Air Quality Index for yourlocation,featuring both Ozone and Particulate Pollution counts.Also get alook at tomorrow’s forecast too.Air Quality AlertsFind out if there are any air quality alerts for your areaandprotect your loved ones with asthma or other lungsensitivityissues.Get InformedSign up for Action Alerts from the American Lung Association,whohave been championing the cause for healthy air and healthylungsfor over 100 years.Speak UpTell lawmakers that you care about air pollution and its impactonyour health with an easy to send message.DonateTake action directly by donating to the American LungAssociationdirectly through our mobile web portal and join us inthe fight forair.
AIRES Air Quality Monitor 2 2.1
This application is used for trackingtheindoorair quality, temperature and humidity, by using AirEs 2AirQualityMonitors.You can change sensor warning levels in the application.Easy-to-use interface provides clear information aboutairqualityyou breath, temperature and humidity, to your phoneand/ortablet.You can also see the lowest and highest levelsrecordedwhile thegadget is on.How to useTap the IC symbol to select the device to and tap connecttostartstreaming data.To disconnect, tap Disconnect symbol.You can reach online help, information about the app andsettingfromthe bottom symbols.Settings lets you change the warning levels of the AirEs2monitor.You can select from 3 preset configurations.RequirementYou need to have at least Bluetooth 2.0 at least one AirEs2MonitorSystem.Aires Sensors comes in two models one uses Bluetooth 4.0andtheother also utilizes Wi-Fi.You can shop for Aires 2 Air quality Monitor online fromourstore,Amazon, Hepsiburada etc.NoteThis application and AirEs 2 Monitor provides informationaboutyourair quality, temperature and humidity. This informationisnotcalibrated and does not intended toprovidescientificobservations. Please be informed that the gadgetis forindoor useonly and may lose its precision over time anddependingonenvironmental conditions.
Get fit and healthy while you’re busy withyourdaily activities with ASUS ZenFit! This fitness app allows youtotrack your fitness activities on your ZenWatch, as well aswhenpaired with your ZenFone. You can track differentfitnessactivities such as walks or runs, count your burned caloriesorheart rate, and get tips to make your daily life healthyandfit.Key featuresDashboard and Trends- Brand-new designed Health Hub to show status summary fortheday.- Support 4 activity fitness metrics: by step, workout, heartrate,and sleep.- 3 types of trend displays: daily, weekly, and monthly.Whole-day Tracker- Tracks your steps via the paired phone, works withmultipledevices (phones and watches).- Comprehensive activity display that integrates all activitiesfrommultiple devices.Sleep Tracker- Sleep status diagram that shows your relative movementduringsleep at night in terms of wake-ups, light sleep, anddeepsleep.- Provides sleep quality assessment to quantify the objectivesleepquality with daily, weekly, and monthly reports.- Tips to remind you of getting a good sleep.Heart Rate Monitor- Resting heart rates to indicate the condition of your body.- Measures and records heart rates right on your phone.- Keep track daily and weekly of your heart health with yourphoneand watch.Workout- Supported workout types: walk, run, cycling, push-up,andsit-up.- Starts an outdoor training with real-time information andpathtracking.- Starts a push-up or sit-up training with auto-counting- Sets goals for all workout types, calories to burn, distanceortimes to reach, and time frame reached.Health Reminders- Personal message on Health Hub to notify youractivityachievements and provide tips for health/workout.- Idle alert to remind you to take a walk by showing how longyouhave been inactive continuously at a specific time/period inaday.Supported wearable devices:ZenWatch (WI500Q)- Dashboard and Trends- Whole-day Tracker- Heart Rate Monitor- Workout (run)- Health Reminders (personalized messages and idle alert)ZenWatch 2 (WI501Q, WI502Q)- Dashboard and Trends- Whole-day Tracker- Sleep Tracker- Workout (walk, run, push-up, sit-up)- Health Reminders (personalized messages and idle alert)ZenWatch 3 (WI503Q)- Dashboard and Trends- Whole-day Tracker- Sleep Tracker (auto)- Workout (walk, run, push-up, sit-up)- Health Reminders (personalized messages and idle alert)ASUS ZenFit is designed by ASUS ZenUI and ASUS Design.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.zenui.com a testerGet first dibs on ZenUI’s upcoming versions by joiningourbeta-testing site! and suggestionsWe’d love to hear from you! Send us your
City Air 2.0.7
CityAir - pollution alerts, low pollution routes and tailoredadvicefor you.
Air Quality in Europe 1.1
Airquality in Europe by CiteairDescription :Airquality in Europe is a Smartphone application that showsyoutheAirquality in 100 major european cities. Paris,London,Berlin,Bruxel, Amsterdam, Rome…The application provides you with the current airquality inthecity,the airquality of yesterday as well as a forecastfortomorrow.FEATURES :• Air quality in major european cities• Common european index• Airquality of the day is updated hourly• Tomorrow forecast• Easy color code• European projectSUPPORT :The project has been co-founded by the European Union'sINTERREGIIICand IVC Programme as an obligation under the EUFrameworkDirectiveon air quality. Started in 2004, CITEAIRsupportsEuropean cities andregions in their efforts to meet limitvaluesand improve the airquality for their citizens.For more information, please visit ourwebsiteatwww.airqualitynow.euIf you have any questions, suggestions or encounterproblems,pleasecontact us at contact[at]
Elica SpA
Very easy to use and elegant in design,SnapAppallows you to customize the configuration and tooptimizetheperformance of your Snap. Thanks to its intuitiveinterface,youwill be able to read the values relating to humidity,qualityandair-temperature in any moment, as well as manage Snapanditsfunctions, and have access to a whole world ofservices,freeupgrades and new functions. All this can be achievedin realtimeand where you may be, totally respecting yourprivacyandconfidentiality of your personal data.
Air Quality & Pollen - AirCare 8.9.996
Team AirCare
Track AQI, Pollen and UV Index Around the World