1.1 / October 28, 2014
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VRay Basic Lighting App – with easy to follow,12 video tutorials that will teach you how to set up InteriorLighting by using 3Ds Max and VRay.

We will explore different lighting situation and learn aboutVRaySun and VRaySky Physically correct setup.
In addition we'll get our hands on correct VRay Camera ExposureSettings and learn the Photographers technique for setting up the"White Balance".

After mastering the basics we'll dive into "VRay RenderingSettings" and you will discover the most efficient productionrendering parameters that will help you to produce Hyper-RealisticRenders.

Along with rendering process you'll learn to optimize your scenematerials and use the most exclusive method for "Baking Textures"after painting them in Photoshop - that will give your scene themost unique look like nobody has.

As an extra bonus tutorial, we'll demonstrate in-front of you"Floor Generator" FREE 3Ds Max Plugin for creating realistic floorwithin seconds.

THE FINAL BONUS to this self-training will be the discovery ofour unique method for combining 15 "VRay Passes"(Render Elements)by using Photoshop with Plugins!
– Our Exclusive Post-Production techniques will bring your imagecloser than ever to the REAL looking Photograph!

If you willing to learn all that here's the "VRay BasicLighting" - APP Content:
01 – VRay SkyPortals – 04:30
02 – VRaySky Lighting – 10:24
03 – VRayPhysCam – 12:44
04 – VRay White Balance – 14:00
05 – VRay Rendering Settings – 24:03
06 – VRay Materials – 10:13
07 – VRay Custom Texture (Photoshop Brushes) – 17:31
08 – VRay Shader – 12:50
09 – VRay Passes Combination – 50:51
10 – 3Ds Max Floor Generator – FREE Plugin – 13:08
11 – Post Work with Looks Builder – 41:18
12 – VRayHDRI Basics – 03:09

Click the link below and ENJOY the Early Bird Discount for thatamazing APP!
Our Self-Training is the treasure map to successful ArchitecturalVisualization Renders!

Don't waste your time - Click the button below and Start yourway to the PRO level TODAY!


VRaySchool Meer...

VRay Basic Lighting 1.1 APK
VRay Basic Lighting App – with easy to follow,12 video tutorials that will teach you how to set up InteriorLighting by using 3Ds Max and VRay.We will explore different lighting situation and learn aboutVRaySun and VRaySky Physically correct setup.In addition we'll get our hands on correct VRay Camera ExposureSettings and learn the Photographers technique for setting up the"White Balance".After mastering the basics we'll dive into "VRay RenderingSettings" and you will discover the most efficient productionrendering parameters that will help you to produce Hyper-RealisticRenders.Along with rendering process you'll learn to optimize your scenematerials and use the most exclusive method for "Baking Textures"after painting them in Photoshop - that will give your scene themost unique look like nobody has.As an extra bonus tutorial, we'll demonstrate in-front of you"Floor Generator" FREE 3Ds Max Plugin for creating realistic floorwithin seconds.THE FINAL BONUS to this self-training will be the discovery ofour unique method for combining 15 "VRay Passes"(Render Elements)by using Photoshop with Plugins!– Our Exclusive Post-Production techniques will bring your imagecloser than ever to the REAL looking Photograph!If you willing to learn all that here's the "VRay BasicLighting" - APP Content:01 – VRay SkyPortals – 04:3002 – VRaySky Lighting – 10:2403 – VRayPhysCam – 12:4404 – VRay White Balance – 14:0005 – VRay Rendering Settings – 24:0306 – VRay Materials – 10:1307 – VRay Custom Texture (Photoshop Brushes) – 17:3108 – VRay Shader – 12:5009 – VRay Passes Combination – 50:5110 – 3Ds Max Floor Generator – FREE Plugin – 13:0811 – Post Work with Looks Builder – 41:1812 – VRayHDRI Basics – 03:09Click the link below and ENJOY the Early Bird Discount for thatamazing APP!Our Self-Training is the treasure map to successful ArchitecturalVisualization Renders!Don't waste your time - Click the button below and Start yourway to the PRO level TODAY!
VRay Post Production 1.6 APK
Photoshop Post Work 2.0 – The ultimateSelf-Training App for Architects, Interior designers and 3D Artiststhat want to learn “How to create photo-realistic lookingrenders?”.This training will teach you how to use your 3D & PostProduction package at it best - fixing rendering failures,balancing scene light and improving images without touching RENDERbutton again.Your renders will look much better than others, because you willhave full control and understanding - "What it takes to createphotorealistic render" - Construction Companies and CommunityForums will put your renders on their front pages.In those video tutorials you will learn my special method forworking with 15 Render Elements that V-Ray can produce - by usingthose elements you will be able to increase reflections, decreasetransparancy, change color of spots, improve materials, balancelighting and have full control over your 3D image - by usingPhotoshop only!I'm also sharing the most exclusive Tips & Tricks that onlyprofessional studios use in order to create hyper realisticrenders.You can work from home in your free time, by doing videoexercises and following instructions - just make sure you haveinternet connection to stream the videos.Training Content:1. Introduction to Photorealism - how you should work - Linear vs.Exponential2. Few words about V-Ray Passes - elements that any final imageexists from3. Basic color correction - which is necessary to do before youstart combining passes4. Exclusive color correction - personal development of uniquemethod for correcting image by using "blending modes" inPhotoshop5. Breakdown into "Groups of use" - how you can use V-Ray Passesin Photoshop6. "Simple Six" exercise - basic passes combination from 6passes7. Advanced passes combination - how to assemble 15 V-RayPasses8. Ambient Occlusion - 2 techniques for rendering AO pass, byusing manual way or by using AO plugin9. Getting Photoreslistic look - chromatic aberration, vignette,film grain, soft edges, out of focus, DOF, lens distortion, bokeheffect - examples shown with plugins and 2 additional programs thatwill make out your 3D renders "REAL PHOTOS"!10. Colorization and style - additional techniques for personalstyle development, you will chose what works foe you at the bestand use it to define unique "Style & Look" to your images -color processing, LAB color correction for print, Photoshop postproduction and combination of color correction methods,Photorealistic lens distortion plugins.11. Special add-on to this manual - Making of "ROLF BENZ VERO" -detailed explanation of how you can work with 3Ds MAx and V-Ray inorder to create realistic looking 3D Scenes from reference.12. 6 Hours of LIVE - V-Ray training Recorded Webinars - we wentthrough a lot of exclusive methods and you will see exactly how I'mcorrection student images in order to achieve realisticresults.Thank you very much for taking your time and checking thisapp.Click the button below and join one of the most exclusiveself-training APP for VRay Post Production with Photoshop &Plugins.
Fly-through Animation Workshop 1.1 APK
FLICKER FREE Fly-through Animation with 3DsMax, VRay, After effects and Premier.And Light it with the most ADVANCED method!Yes, I’m talking about HDRI maps.Just make it clear, we are using professional “HOLLYWOOD”Lighting techniques to do photorealistic ArchitecturalVisualization! So if you looking for traditional “Old School” VRayLighting training, you should move on, this training is not foryou.VRay Fly-through Animation Workshop will show you how produce aFlicker Free video clip.HDRI Images is the BEST way to light your interior scenes withVRay!I’m going to show you through 10 VIDEO TUTORIALS- How to setup lighting for animation- Calculate and render your sequence- Apply PRO color correction techniques- Render out your clip, READY for upload on YouTube or Vimeo- Plus you can watch ALL the recordings as many times youneed!- Your Fly through animation will LOOK much more realistic thanEVER!- We are going to teach you how to use HDRI from the FREE resourcesin the most efficient way.What you are getting here is a treasure map to successfulInterior Renders- But I want you to know that it will take practice and dedicationto learn and master those PRO techniques.SO if you can’t handle such powerful information…or you thinkyou’ll not be able to do it – I understand.Here you can join the MOST Advanced VRay Fly-though AnimationWorkshop on the internet.The cost of this complete Fly-through animation workshop is just$47 with 30 days support.Very Easy to follow, made from step-by-step videos andmanual!YOU WATCH THE VIDEOS AND DO THE TRAINING IN YOUR FREE TIMEThis workshop will be broken down into parts – each part will befollowed by examples on the test scenes to show you the way duringyour personal practice.This training consist from:Fly-through Animation ManualStreamed Video Tutorials - made with 3Ds max, VRay, After Effectsand PremierPost production is what makes the image look amazing - Ourvideos will show you how to do it in the most PROFESSIONAL wayWHAT OTHER SAY ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP:“Hi Alex,I recently took the 3D Stills and Fly-through Animation Workshoponline. Very nice training! Undoubtedly, I have learnt a great dealfrom it and it’s now being added to my everyday work.Thanks,Antonio Rendon.”“The first course I took with you was with Cinema4D and itreally changed my work drastically. Then after learning 3d studiomax and taking this advanced method from you i have to say ithappened again.I learned a lot of things that I was already wondering about andthis course really answered a lot of the questions I had whenworking with archviz specially in the post production phase.Thank you very much you are very good teacher with an excelentmethod.Looking forward to learning some more from you in the future.Happy holidays. Cheers!Carlos Guzman"“Hi Alex!Thank you very much for this great workshops!Unfortunately i didnt had the time to watch it live (due to thetimeshift and a lot of work), but thanks to your screen capture iwas able to watch it all!I´ve learned a lot of new stuff, thank you!You have done a very good job, man!All the best from Austria and nice hollydays :-)Dave B”The ACCESS to our workshop is UNLIMITED!However we have limited the PRE-Sale Discount – GET your APP todayand be the first to learn the most advanced VRay LightingTechniques.LIMITED DISCOUNT TO FIRST 30 USERS ONLY – FIRST COMES, FIRSTSERVED!CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW AND JOIN US TODAY!3Ds Max, VRay and After Effects is all you need to KNOW in order toDO IT LIKE a PRO!Thanks a lot for checking this out.Hope to see you with us,AlexP.S.The demand for joining this workshop is very high – get your appbefore anyone else!