App Information Office Phone Ringtones HD
- App NameOffice Phone Ringtones HD
- Package
- UpdatedApril 3, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version
- DeveloperRCP Tones
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- Price$1.49
- CategoryBusiness
- DeveloperVisit website Email Privacy PolicyRCP Ringtones Inc. 5 Hanna Lane, Unit 2 Beacon, NY 12508
- Google Play Link
RCP Tones Show More...
Office Phone Ringtones HD APK
The basic tones your Android device ismissing. Classic rings; elegant notification tones; professionalsounding beeps, alerts, and alarms. None of the pop songs or rudesound effects. Designed and mastered for your smartphone by RCP.100% AD FREE!Business Ringtones lets you preview, manage, and save 85 of themost office-appropriate tones from our library. You can assign yourringtones and notifications from the app or simply save all of thetones to your phone's memory or SD Card to use with the systemsettings.In short:· Professional business ringtones· Unique tones for text alerts· Interesting beeps, sequences, and chiming effects· No ads, popups, or malware· Full featured app with customer supportGUARANTEEProfessional ringtone design and dedicated customer service. Goodtones and smart apps. No ads or other annoyances! We never chargehidden or recurring fees or share your information. We do not spamor scam. If you ever have any problems, we want to help you!About Permissions: The use of permissions in this app is strictlyrelated to setting and saving ringtones. We guarantee the privacyof your personal information.SUPPORTWe pride ourselves on offering quick and helpful support to all ofour customers. If you have any trouble installing the ringtones,please contact our support team and we will help you get the tonesinstalled as quickly and easily as possible.Audio previews, support, and more are available©2015 RCP Ringtones
Text Tones HD APK
Provides over 100 professional, HD qualitytones for text messages, alerts, alarms, emails, and othernotifications. These are the simple tones that should have beeninstalled on your phone by default! Stop wasting time on the freeapps and go for professional sound quality with zero ads, pop-ups,or other annoyances.New feature added by popular request: Now you can set a customnotification tone (or ringtone) for any contact, directly from ourapp!You won't find cartoon sounds, pop songs or embarrassing soundeffects in this collection, just minimal, unobtrusive, and modernalert tones. With 100+ professionally mastered and convenientlynamed tones to choose from you are bound to find plenty to suityour style.Text Tones HD now includes the tones from our "Minimal" collection.Tones that begin with "Min" are even shorter and more discreet.Also included are five "Meeting Mode" tones that will ring onlyonce when set as a ringtone.Every tone in our library has been carefully designed andprofessionally mastered to sound clear and pristine on your Androiddevice.Includes:· Simple beeps and blips· Clean digital sounds and effects· Short, sweet mail alerts· Minimal, unobtrusive tones· Shimmering chimes· Total: 100+ TonesAudio previews, support, and more are available No hidden fees, no recurring charges, no DRM.
Cell Phone Ringtones 3.2 APK
Install 50 ringtones inspired by classic mobile phones of the 80sand 90s. If you miss the simple rings from your trusty old flipphone, you will find many similar sounds here. Inspired by thesound from legendary cell phones like the Nokia 3310, Ericsson T28,and the Motorola StarTAC, we've designed a top tier collection ofmonophonic ringtones - only we've removed the tacky melodies andfocused only on the most professional ringing sounds and alerts.PLEASE NOTE: These are not the ACTUAL rings recorded from thesephones, but rather they are simply inspired by them and have asimilar sound to a 90s cell phone. Includes: · Classic, standardcell ringers · Bee, sci-fi, and chirping tones · Digital blips andeffects · Retro text & SMS alerts · Hi-frequency tones forimportant calls · Total: 50 Cell Tones SUPPORT We pride ourselveson offering quick and helpful support to all of our customers. Ifyou have any trouble installing the ringtones, please contact oursupport team and we will help you get the tones installed asquickly and easily as possible. Audio previews, support, and moreare available at Guaranteed: No hidden fees, norecurring charges.
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Ring Ring Ringtones 1.1 APK
This application provides you with a selection of "ringring"ringtones and "beep beep" sounds. These can be set as yourringtoneand default notification. If you are fed up with your newphoneringtones all being embarrassing midi jingles and just wantanormal ringtone, then this is the app for you. Theseprofessionalsounding business ringtones would sound at home in anyoffice (orpub). The permissions required when installing this appare usedsoley for the purpose of copying the sounds and settingthem asyour ring / notification tone. Unfortunately at this timethere isa problem with ringtones not repeating on some SamsungGalaxy Nexusphones, this is something that we are working toresolve. If you dohave any problems with the app please email me asI cannot respondto comments. Tags: ring ring ringtones, ring ringringtone, ringring tone, ring ring tones, notification tones,notification tones,message tone, message tones, normal ringtones,normal ring tones,normal ring tone, business ringtone, businessringtones,professional ringtones, professional ringtone, the ringtone, thering ringtone, the ring ring ringtone, ringtone ring ring,ringtonering ring ring, normal ringing, phone ringing, samsunggalaxy s3sIII sgs3
Ringtone for IPhone 2016 2.2 APK
Imagine you have an Iphone 6 but because youlove android you switched to a new model but at the same time youwant to keep those popular iphone ringtones on your new device,Many of us want to change to the brand-new S6 it's doubtless apiece of art, One very important thing you should get into thehabit is to download special list of best and the 2015 newestringtones and sound effects to adore top iphone ringtones.Features:-------------> No 3G or WiFi needed, All Free Ringtones are included.> Fast and effective application on all devices.> Possibility to put your selected sound in your favoritelist.> Share your selected file via e-mail or Social media.
Office Documents Viewer (Pro) 1.31.3 APK
(formerly Mobile Document Viewer) Small and fast documentviewingapplication for Open Document Format (OpenOffice,LibreOffice),OOXML (Microsoft Office) and other productivitydocument formats.It allows opening office productivity applicationdocuments, liketext files, spreadsheets or presentations, locatedin thefilesystem, e.g. on sd card, as well downloaded documents,files onDropbox, Box, or documents files attached to an email.Additionalfeatures: - zooming in and out of documents - searchinginsidedocuments - finding documents containing given words via afulltext search across all text documents - copying text fromdocuments- reading text documents (.odt, .sxw, .docx, .doc) aloudviaAndroid's text-to-speech functionality - printing documentsviaGoogle Cloud Print - day/night mode (requires Android 4.0orhigher) The following file formats are currently supported:-OpenOffice 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and LibreOffice Open Documentformats:.odt (Writer), .ods (Calc), .odp (Impress) - OpenOffice1.xformats: .sxw (Writer), .sxc (Calc) (no support forembeddedimages) - Microsoft Office 2007 formats: .docx (Word),.xlsx(Excel), .pptx (Powerpoint) - Microsoft Office 97 formats:.doc(Word, plain text extraction only), .xls (Excel, experimental,onlyplain cell values) - PDF (experimenal on Android 4.4 andlower,needs to be activated in the app settings) - ePub books -Otherformats: RTF, HTML, .txt (plain text), .csv(comma-separatedvalues), .tsv (tab-separated values) Please notethat somerestrictions apply for viewing documents: - Displayingthedocuments is done via a conversion to HTML, which is whythedocument will look differently than if viewed with a desktopofficeproductivity application - Large spreadsheet documents maytakesome time to open, or sometimes not open at all - Whendisplayingimages, only those images will be shown where the imageformat issupported by the Android browser - Password-protectedMicrosoftOffice docs cannot be opened Full version. Internetaccesspermission required in order to be able to display externalimagesin ODF documents. If you are smart and you like this app,pleaserate it. If you are smart and don't like it, please send meanemail to tell me what should be improved. Not so smart peoplemaysimply give a bad rating and/or use swear words in thecommentsand/or complain about "missing" features the softwareneverpromised to have...
OfficeSuite Font Pack 1.1.9 APK
This is an add-on for OfficeSuite. Cannot be used with other appsoras a stand-alone app. View your office documents as they aremeantto be seen with the Microsoft Windows Font Compatibilitypack. Thepack includes the most commonly used fonts in MicrosoftOfficedocuments. • Arial (Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic) • ArialNarrow WGL (Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic) •Calibri(Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic) • Comic Sans(Regular,Bold) • Cambria (Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic) • CambriaMath (special character set) • Courier New (Regular,Bold, Italicand Bold Italic) • Georgia (Regular, Bold, Italic andBold Italic) • Palace Script MT • Sorts (symbol character set) •Symbol(symbol character set) • Tahoma (Regular, Bold) • TimesNew Roman(Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic) • Verdana(Regular, Bold,Italic and Bold Italic) • Webdings (symbolcharacter set) •Wingdings 1 (symbol character set) • Wingdings 2(symbol characterset) • Wingdings 3 (symbol character set) You'llalso find aselection of specially curated open source fonts: ABebedera,Ackermann, Acroscript, AlexBrush, Alfphabet, Ambrosia,Amburegul,Anke, Archicoco, Artaxerxes, Banana Brick, Beon, Bilbo,Binz,Brivido, Brush Lettering One, Certege, Climent Five, ComicRelief,Crimson, Cut-cut, Dancing Script, Didact Gothic, Dotrice,DouarOutline, Dynalight, Effects Eighty, Gabriola, Gamaliel,Garamond,Googily, Hobby-of-night, Impact, Interval, Kiri Font,Klaudia,Knots, Lato Regular, Lavoir, Libertinage, Logisoso, Lucon,Micross,Modern Antiqua, Old Standart, Open Sans, Orbitracer,Pacaya, Ponyo,Potion, Qwars Sans, Railway, Santa Barbara Streets,Strato, Sylfaen,Times Gothic, Titr, Toscuchet, Unique, WachinangaThe font packageis an optional add-on product compatible withOfficeSuite andOfficeSuite Pro.
Documento - Office Viewer 2.38 APK
View MSG, RTF, EML, XPS, Doc, Docx, Excel XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX,XML,HTM, HTML and any Plain Text document With Documento AndroidOfficeDocument Viewer Documento supports Microsoft Office Word inthe mostrealistic and comfortable way for Android users. Documentosupportsmost of the languages including Asian and Right-To-Leftsuch asHebrew & Arabic. Major file formats which aresupported: -Microsoft Office Power Point 97 (*.ppt) - MicrosoftOffice PowerPoint 2003 (*.ppt) - Microsoft Office Power Point 2007(*.pptx) -Microsoft Office Power Point 2010 (*.pptx) - MicrosoftOffice Excel97 (*.xls) - Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (*.xls) -Microsoft OfficeExcel 2007 (*.xlsx) - Microsoft Office Excel 2010(*.xlsx) -Microsoft Office Word 97 (*.doc) - Microsoft Office Word2003(*.doc) - Microsoft Office Word 2007 (*.docx) - MicrosoftOfficeWord 2010 (*.docx) - Microsoft XPS (*.xps) - Rich TextFormat -(*.rtf) - XML - Html - (*.htm), (*.html), (*.mhtml) -Microsoftemail formats - (*.msg) - with attachments - Emailformats - (*.eml)- with attachments - Plain Text - (*.txt) - Javafiles - (*.java) -C/C++ files - (*.c), (*.cpp), (*.h) -Objective-C - (*.m), (*.mm) -Bin - (*.*) - Comma Separated Values(*.csv) You can adjust thedefault behavior of view mode, font,orientation, text-flowdirection and even the way content can besearched inside a documentFuture features: - Support for Passwordprotected documents -Support for notes, comments &track-changes We have invested alot of time and effort to bringthis software to you, please shareyour thoughts, comments andissues with us. Thanks, IGATES ChangeLog - Fix RTF support forAsianlanguages - Code Page support for CSV - Enable opening MSG,EML,RTF, XPS from DropBox - Fix for RTL text display of XPS - Crashfix- Special characters support - Microsoft Excel 97-2010 withXLS& XLSX file format (basic support)v - CSV fileformatenhancements - MSG improvements - EML improvements -RTFimprovements - Bug fixes Change Log -Added internal file explorer support - CSVfile format - MSGimprovements - EML improvements - Bug fixes ChangeLog - Replay, Reply All, Fwd of Eml, MSG- ImprovedMSG, EML to support RTF, HTML bodys - Imporvment tomultilingualesupport - Document Reader based on Android builtinText-To-Speech:messages, word files, text files - FWD files as mailattachmentsusing MailClient and GmailClient - Added Support page -send yourrequests to us directly from Documento - improvement toInvitefriend, you can select now from your contact list ChangeLog1.0.0.7 ------------------ - Fix for opening attachmentsinsideEML, MSG files - XPS format - full screen landscape mode -senddocuments with Mail & Gmail clients as attachments - bugfixes
OfficeSuite Pro + PDF (Trial) 11.0.33146 APK
The latest OfficeSuite is our fastest ever,with drastically improved speed across the entire app and arefreshed design that makes it easier to use than ever! • The most downloaded office app on Google Play • Delivers the most exclusive features over any other officeapp • Installed on 200 million devices in 195 countries andgrowing • Over 50 million downloads alongside 55,000 dailyactivationOfficeSuite lets you easily view, edit, and create Word, Excel, andPowerPoint documents, convert to PDF, and manage your files allwith the most feature-rich mobile office solution available onAndroid.Preloaded by top manufacturers including Sony, Amazon, Acer,Alcatel, Toshiba, Sharp, Kyocera and more.GOOGLE PLAY EDITORS’ CHOICEINFOWORLD'S TOP MOBILE OFFICELIFEHACKER BEST ANDROID OFFICE APPPCMAG EDITORS’ CHOICE AWARD***This is a fully functional 7-day trial***THE LATEST OFFICESUITE IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED AROUND ANDROIDN: • *NEW* Get 15 GB of free storage for documents on OfficeSuiteDrive by signing in.• *NEW* Integrated spell checker available in more than 40languages now guarantees that your work is impeccably written • *NEW* Open documents or create new ones faster than ever with thenew Quick access notification drawer • *NEW* With the enhanced mouse support for Chromebooks users cannow work faster and easier than ever. • *NEW* Dragging and dropping for Android 7 is easier thanever. • *NEW* The improved color picker allows you to select a standardor custom color for highlights, text, lines, and shapes. • Open multiple documents simultaneously • Create custom headers, footers, and page number options for Worddocuments • Add freehand drawings over PowerPoint slides • Protect individual sheets and cells in Excel for extrasecurity • Cast presentations across multiple devices on the same networkwith Share Cast • Use Quick Sign to easily sign a PDF using your digitalsignatureKEY FEATURES: • View, create and edit complex office documents all from afamiliar desktop-style interface • Full compatibility with Microsoft formats including DOC, DOCX,DOCM, XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM • Support for PDF files including PDF camera scanning and Exportto PDF. • Additional support for common formats like RTF, TXT, LOG, CSV,EML, ZIP; Open Office - ODT, ODS and ODP • Integrated with File Commander for quick and easy access to bothlocal and remote files including Recent files, My Documents foldersand document templates • Sharing via cloud services like Box, DropBox, Google Drive,OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive and SugarSync, as well as over email,Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct • PDF security and editing features including digital signaturessupport, permissions management, text to PDF, and annotations • Available in 56 languagesHOW IS OFFICESUITE PRO BETTER THAN OFFICESUITE FREE? • Security features - work with password protected files • Format Painter in Word documents • Track changes with multiple author support • Insert pictures using your camera or from an external file • Additional options in Excel including Insert Filter, ConditionalFormatting, Define Name, Import Image, Edit Chart, and Save asCSV • Interactive form support for PDFs: checkboxes, radio buttons,text fields, etc. • Legacy Microsoft document formats support (.DOC, .XLS, .PPT)along with .ODF formatsOfficeSuite granted permissions- for Sony SmartBand, SmartWatch 2, SmartWatch 3.Control presentations in OfficeSuite from your SONY SMARTWATCH 2/3by sliding left and right to move between slides.Manage OfficeSuite presentations with SONY SMARTBAND.SMARTBAND TALK: Use volume up/down to change slides, tap on touchscreen to display animations. Slide notes will display onscreen.Chromecast dual screen support
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NAB Investor Relations 1.3.3 APK
NAB’s Investor Relations app is designed tokeep shareholders and analysts informed about the company’s latestdevelopments, financial disclosures and media announcements.Stay informed on NAB with access to the latest share priceinformation and corporate news, read annual reports and resultsannouncements, listen to webcasts and watch videos both online andoffline.The NAB Investor Relations App is available for iPhone, iPad andAndroid.Features included:• NAB’s latest and historical financial and regulatorydisclosures• Share price information for all NAB listed securities, includinghybrids, in chart format with zoom functionality• Latest corporate news and press releases• Company profile• Dividend information• Document library with download management facility• Multimedia library with download management facility• Financial calendarThe NAB IR App is regularly updated and available to view bothonline and offline. You can also find this content published on website along with NAB’s privacy policy.To discover more, download now for free from the App store.
SpyMaster SpyMaster APK
View your devices on our NEW Android App,features include- Save login
- Search device list
- View all on map at same time (click to select)
- Battery, Charging icons
- GPS Status
- Flight mode/battery mode next wakeup time
- History/Report Mode (with StartStop/Detailed Filter)
- Commands- Add Safety Zone (Circular/Polygon)- Edit Existing Zone contacts, Alert parameters- Delete Zones
AirWatch Agent APK
The AirWatch® MDM Agent allows you toauthenticate and enroll your device in AirWatch. The intuitiveenrollment process will prompt you to authenticate, accept a Termsof Use agreement and to install the applications, content andprofiles set by your IT administrator. From the AirWatch MDM Agent,you can view device details, read messages from IT, verify yourcompliance status and request support from your IT administrator.The AirWatch MDM Agent will report device details and compliancestatus to the admin console.Note: AirWatch MDM Agent works in conjunction with and is managedthrough configurable system settings within the admin console.AirWatch MDM Agent will not operate without the required AirWatchinfrastructure. Please contact your IT administrator beforeinstalling AirWatch MDM Agent.AirWatch MDM Agent Key FeaturesEnrollment• Easy user authentication• Intuitive, prompted device enrollment over-the-airAccess to Corporate Resources• Automatic access to apps, content and resources configured byyour IT administrator• Single sign on for all AirWatch applicationsSelf-Management• View device details, such as free memory, current compliancestatus and telecom usage• Receive messages when out of compliance• Contact support for additional assistanceInstructions for ActivationStep 1: Download and install the AirWatch MDM Agent on your devicefrom Google Play StoreStep 2: Enter your corporate email addressStep 3: When prompted, enter your credentials and accept the Termsof UseStep 4: The apps, content and profiles configured by your ITadministrator will prompt you to install automatically
When I Work Scheduling APK
When I Work is the easiest way to schedule,manage attendance, and communicate with your staff from yourAndroid device and PC. Notify your staff instantly about their workschedule via text, email, and web notifications.Free forever, no credit card required!KEY FEATURES FOR BUSINESSES✔ Send email and mobile alerts about the work schedule✔ Fill open shifts in seconds with email and mobile alerts to yourstaff✔ Create, update, cancel, and publish shifts✔ Monitor shift trades and time-off requests✔ View employee time sheets✔ View the entire business's schedule from your phone✔ Google Maps integration to direct staff to their work sitesKEY FEATURES FOR STAFF✔ View the work schedule anytime from anywhere✔ Clock in and out for shifts✔ View and accept available open shifts✔ Request shift trades or pick up shifts from othercolleagues✔ Get directions to work sites✔ View colleagues’ contact information✔ Request time off
Dubai Maritime City Authority Application DMCAFounded in 2007, Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA) hasbrought about a radical change in the local maritime sector throughan extensive range of industry initiatives and regulations whichsupport its ambitious approach to creating a safe investmentenvironment for industry leaders from all over the world, whilereaffirming Dubai’s position as a first-class internationalmaritime hub. Established to monitor, develop and promote maritimeactivities, DMCA provides a platform of excellence and quality asit develops world-class regulations and guidelines to raise the baron the maritime industry and boost its infrastructure, operationsand logistics services while offering investment opportunities toboost Dubai’s competitiveness at the regional and internationallevels.DMCA aims to build effective and strategic partnerships withrelevant government agencies, private businesses and stakeholdersin line with its vision to create a safe and vibrant maritimesector and therefore drive economic sustainability and growth inthe emirate. The Authority is keen on expanding its scope of workand laying down effective policies under the highest standards ofmaritime safety and best environmental practices, in adherence withthe local and international laws to develop a safe maritimeenvironment for maritime operations and businesses.
IBM Verse 202204010021 APK
****IBM Notes Traveler is now IBM Verse! You're ready for the future.IBM Verse replaces Notes Traveler and will continue to work withyour existing Traveler servers.****Get ready for mail that understands you, for less clutter and moreclarity, for connecting you to the people who matter to you most.Cloud-enabled, designed for mobile devices, and powered by IBM'sanalytics and advanced search, IBM Verse works for you, not theother way around.With IBM Verse for Android devices, you can:•See mail from people important to you•Set people you interact with often as Important•Mark mail as Needs Action•Manage items that need follow up•Track who owes you a response and when•Work with your calendar seamlessly•Interact with all of your contactsThis app is compatible with IBM Traveler server version andlater fixpacks, as well as 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack2, and 9.x. To get started, contact your administrator for youraccount and company configuration information.If you're interested in using this application with IBM SmartCloud,see this URL forfurther information.If you do not have IBM Traveler deployed in your company, but wantto try it out for free, register an account on IBM Greenhouse, afree IBM product trial site:, thenfollow the instructions to configure your IBM Traveler account: is that simple to get started!If you are an end user and experiencing a problem, please contactyour company IT help desk. If you are an IBM Traveler administratorexperiencing a problem, please open a PMR with your IBM customernumber. In addition to rating the app, you can tell us what we havedone right or what we can do better by emailing IBM mobile softwareengineering directly at more information about IBM Verse go to the official productwebsite:
Package Disabler Pro (All Android) 10.8 APK
It may not work on Android 7 devices thathas new samsung update. You will need to make package disabler aowner APP in that caseORIGINAL PACKAGE DISABLER PRO ( CHECK no. of DOWNLOADS) - NOROOT REQUIRED**Supports rooted devices and all Android 5.0 + devices that hasenabled owner app functionality for package disabler procheck how to make owner APP : plugin app is required for samsung devices.This app uses theDevice Administrator permission.5 Day refund means , if the app does not meet your expectation, youcan send us your google invoice within 5 days to get refund within24 hours.Thanks to all our supporters who help develop this amazing APP .Buying Original software helps the entire ecosystem. This willencourage developers to bring new innovative products. Packagedisabler with over 500000 downloads and 2 years of existence is aguarantee in itself.Package Disabler Pro lets you identify and disable allunwanted packages/apps that come pre-installed with your phone. Wehave one click option to disable all BLOATWARES. Disabledapplication / package will not be updated using google play or anyother means. So this app can be used for blocking apps (e.g.Parental Controls) or business use cases, you could even disablegoogle play store etc… without rooting the phone. This app alsoprovides password / uninstall protection to avoid misuse.Package Disabler provides an export/ import functionality tobackup all disabled packages on your external storage which you canrestore at any time.USES– Every mobile user use wants to improve the performance of theirmobile device can use Package Disabler– Businesses who want to control the APPS on the Employees devicescan benefit from Package Disabler– Parents use Package Disabler to control application used byKIDS– Package Disabler is used in trade shows to clean up the launcherscreen when used for demonstrationsRemember, though: ALWAYS have a backup of your phone. Importantfeatures might break when disabling system apps.KEY FEATURES:* Disabling and enabling any packages /apps* Package Disabler Helps to Identify 100+ Bloatware's on most ofSamsung Handsets. New bloatware list for other android devices willbe available soon* One click bloatware removal to quickly improve device perfomanceand save battery* Export your disabled list to the external storage to import themlater* Batch operation to enable all disabled packages* Filter to show all disabled packages* Password protection* Filter to show all installed apps* Filter to show all system packages* Quickly find apps using the search functionality* Use Google cardboard APPS on Gear VR ( disable )Notes* If you have issues uninstalling apps, try Settings –> Security–> Device administrators, uncheck "package disableradmin".* Be aware that in order to update your version of Android, youmight need all original apps in place. It is advised to always havea backup of disabled packages so you can restore them later.Disclaimer* We cannot be held responsible for any damage you may cause bydisabling packages that are not bloatwares* Removing critical packages can cause your phone tomalfunction.* Always have backups of your device.* If you have any questions regarding using Package Disabler,you're advised to contact you have any other suggestions, questions or issues, feel freeto contact us and I'll do my best to respond asap. Please don't usereviews for complaints as we will be unable to respond to yourissue.NOTE: owner APP is removed only by factory resetif you need any customizations to package disabler / consultancy orany comments/ feedback please