App Information Pasor Parsel Sorgu Programı
- App NamePasor Parsel Sorgu Programı
- Package Namecom.cadplugin.pasorr
- UpdatedJune 22, 2016
- File Size1.3M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 1.6 and up
- VersionV.5.00
- DeveloperYusuf YERLİKAYA
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryBusiness
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Pasor Parsel Sorgu Programı Version History
Select Pasor Parsel Sorgu Programı Version :-
Pasor Parsel Sorgu Programı V.5.00 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /6/23Requires Android: Android 1.6+ (Donut, API: 4)File Size: 1.3 MBTested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)File Sha1: f1ff399a6532b8fe0ff57a58d9b3ce236eaf8e94 -
Pasor Parsel Sorgu Programı V.4.14 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/30Requires Android: Android 1.6+ (Donut, API: 4)File Size: 1.6 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: a01a0a33c994c30b3677d7010834801418e2277f
Yusuf YERLİKAYA Show More...
Pasor Arazi Tesbit Programı V.6.00 APK
- KML Dosyalarını Okuma ve Görüntüleme dosyaiçerisindeki Ada/Parselleri Listeleme- Aplikasyon Özelliği ~5 mt. hassasiyetinde (Eşzamanlı Yön veMesafe Bilgisi vede Google Map Altlığı Üzerinde)- Arazide Parsel bulma ~5 mt. hassasiyetinde (Yer Tesbit İşlemi,Eşzamanlı Yön ve Mesafe Bilgisi vede Google Map AltlığıÜzerinde)- Navigasyon Özelliği İsterseniz Google Map İsterseniz Yandex SESLİNavigasyon Yapma- Kotlu Nokta Alım Özelliği ve Kml olarak kayıt alma ( HassasiyetBilgisi Ekli)- Cad usulü Alan çevirme cephe ve çevre uzunluk bilgisihesaplama- Ekip takip sistemi olarak kullanabilme (Konum göndermeözelliği)- Koordinat öğrenme ekranı ( ED50, ITRF , UTM )- Kml Dosyanızdan Parsel yada Adres araması- Netgom modülü ile CAD yazılımlarından projelerinizi aktarabilmedesteği.- Pasor masüstü ile entegre çalışabilme- Kapalı alan yön bulma (Pusula)Hepsi tek bir programda ..._________________________________________________________________________________Kimler Kullanabilir ;- Gayrimenkul Uzmanları- Arazi Keşifi- Bilirkişiler- Eksperler- Tarım ve Ormancılık Firmaları- Mühendislik Firmaları- Planlama Firmaları- Mimarlık Firmaları- İnşaat Firmaları- Jeoloji Firmaları- Hidroloji Firmaları- Elektrik Firmaları- Maden Firmaları- İl Özel İdareleri- Belediyeler- Üniversiteler- Kamu Kurumları için birebir !_________________________________________________________________________________Program, kurulumundan önce telefonunuzda yapılması gerekenler;- Google Play Hizmetleri Kurulu ve güncel olmalıdır.- Google Play Store Güncel olmalıdır._________________________________________________________________________________Programın düzgün çalışması için telefonunuzda yapılmasıgerekenler ;- Aktif bir internet bağlantısı olmalıdır.- Hassas konum bilgisi için GPS donanımının açık olması (YüksekHassasiyet Modunda) tavsiye edilir._________________________________________________________________________________Bilmenizde fayda var !!!Programın yüklenmesi ve çalıştırılmasında hata alanlar ücretlerinigeri iade almak için ;Yüklemeden sonraki 2 saat içerisindeındaki yönergeleri takip ederek ücretlerini geri iadealabilirler._________________________________________________________________________________Ayrıca, Programın Masaüstü Versiyonuna sayfasındanulaşabilirsiniz.- Reading and Viewing theKML file in the file name / Parcel Listing- Application Feature ~ 5 m. sensitivity (Concurrent Direction andDistance Information and litter on the Google Map)- Finding the Land Parcel ~ 5 m. sensitivity (LocationDetermination Process, concurrent Direction and DistanceInformation and litter on the Google Map)- If you like the navigation feature do you want Google Map Yandexvoice navigation- Kotler Spot Exchange Feature and kml as records retrieval(Sensitivity Information Attached)- Cad-style flip side area and perimeter calculationinformation- Can be used as a team tracking system (sending locationfeature)- Coordinate learning screen (ED50, ITRF, UTM)- KML file from your parcel or address lookup- Netgo module to transfer your projects with the support of theCAD software.- Ability to integrate with desktop use Paso- Closed area navigation (compass)All in one program ..._________________________________________________________________________________Who can use;- Real Estate Professionals- Land Discovery- Experts- Loss Adjusters- Agriculture and Forestry Companies- Engineering Firms- Planning Firms- Architecture Firms- Construction Companies- Geological Companies- Hydrology Companies- Electricity Companies- Mining Companies- Special Provincial Administrations- Municipalities- Universities- Is perfect for Public Institutions!_________________________________________________________________________________The program needs to be done before the installation on yourphone;- Google Play Services Board and must be updated.- Should be the Google Play Store to date._________________________________________________________________________________What to do on your phone for proper operation of theprogram;- Must have an active internet connection.- Open the GPS equipment for precise location information (HighSensitivity mode) is recommended._________________________________________________________________________________Just so you know !!!Installation and operation of the program areas to get the refundof fees in error;Follow the instructions on the page within 2 hours afterinstallation get refunded the fee._________________________________________________________________________________You can also contact the program's Desktop Version page.
Netgom Parsel Sorgu Programı V.1 APK
Netgom Modülüne eklenen CBS Server özelliği sayesinde,Netcaduygulamasında açacağınız Ncz projelerinizi istediğiniz yerdenözellikle arazi ortamında telefonunuzda görüntüleyipsorgulayabilirsiniz.Bunun için öncelikle sayfasından Netgommodülünü bilgisayarınıza indirip kurmalısınız.Modül üzerinde bulunan Cbs özelliğini aktif ettikten sonra modülünsize vereceği ip numarasını Netgom Cbs Client uygulamasınagirmelisiniz.Akabinde ada/parsel araması yada ekran üzerindenada/parsel sorgulamalarınızı yapabilirsiniz.Not:Firewall arkasında bulunan sistemler için firewall yada modemüzerinden Port Forwarding yaparak modülün kurulu olduğubilgisayarın 80 nolu portuna yönlendirme yapmanız gerekebilir.Added tothe GIS server through Netgo Module feature, you open theapplication where you want your NCz project Netcad particular viewon your phone, you can inquire at the land environment.To do this, you must first download and install modules from Netgo page on yourcomputer.After you enable the feature on the GIS module girmelisiniz.akabthe IP number of the module will give you access GIS Client Netgoisland / island parcel search or through the screen / You can makeyour parcel questioning.Note:Forwarding by the module or modem port on the firewall for thecomputer systems behind the firewall is installed on port 80. Youmay need to redirect.
Arazi Asistanı V.2.0.0 APK
- KML Dosyalarını Okuma ve Görüntülemedosyaiçerisindeki Ada/Parselleri Listeleme- Navigasyon Özelliği İsterseniz Google Map İsterseniz YandexSESLİNavigasyon Yapma- Aplikasyon Özelliği ~5 mt. hassasiyetinde (Eşzamanlı Yön veMesafeBilgisi vede Google Map Altlığı Üzerinde)- Arazide Parsel bulma ~5 mt. hassasiyetinde (Yer Tesbitİşlemi,Eşzamanlı Yön ve Mesafe Bilgisi vede Google MapAltlığıÜzerinde)- Netgom modülü ile CAD yazılımlarından projeleriniziaktarabilmedesteği.- Kapalı alan yön bulma (Pusula)Hepsi tek bir programda ..._________________________________________________________________________________Kimler Kullanabilir ;- Gayrimenkul Uzmanları- Arazi Keşifi- Bilirkişiler- Eksperler- Tarım ve Ormancılık Firmaları- Mühendislik Firmaları- Planlama Firmaları- Mimarlık Firmaları- İnşaat Firmaları- Jeoloji Firmaları- Hidroloji Firmaları- Elektrik Firmaları- Maden Firmaları- İl Özel İdareleri- Belediyeler- Üniversiteler- Kamu Kurumları için birebir !_________________________________________________________________________________Program, kurulumundan önce telefonunuzda yapılmasıgerekenler;- Google Play Hizmetleri Kurulu ve güncel olmalıdır.- Google Play Store Güncel olmalıdır._________________________________________________________________________________Programın düzgün çalışması için telefonunuzdayapılmasıgerekenler ;- Aktif bir internet bağlantısı olmalıdır.- Hassas konum bilgisi için GPS donanımının açık olması(YüksekHassasiyet Modunda) tavsiye edilir._________________________________________________________________________________Bilmenizde fayda var !!!Programın yüklenmesi ve çalıştırılmasında hata alanlarücretlerinigeri iade almak için ;Yüklemeden sonraki 2 saat içerisindeındakiyönergeleri takip ederek ücretlerini geriiadealabilirler.Sonrasında herhangi bir iade talebindebulunmayın!!!- KML file to readanddisplay file in the island / Plot Listing- If you like the navigation feature if you want to do GoogleMapNavigation Yandex VOICE- Application Feature ~ 5 m. sensitivity (Concurrent DirectionandDistance Information and Footer on the Google Map)- Finding the Land Parcel ~ 5 m. sensitivity (LocationDeterminationProcedure, and simultaneous direction and distanceinformation on aGoogle Map Pad)- Netgo module with the support of the CAD software to transferyourproject.- Indoor navigation (compass)All in one program ..._________________________________________________________________________________Who can use;- Real Estate Professionals- Land Discovery- Experts- Loss Adjusters- Agriculture and Forestry Companies- Engineering Firms- Planning Firms- Architecture Firms- Construction Companies- Geological Companies- Hydrology Companies- Electrical Contractors- Mining Companies- Special Provincial Administrations- Municipalities- Universities- Verbatim for Public Institutions!_________________________________________________________________________________The program needs to be done before the installation onyourphone;- Google Play Services Committee and must be updated.- Must have the Google Play Store to date._________________________________________________________________________________your phone needs to be done for the proper functioning oftheprogram;- It should be an active internet connection.- Be open to precise location information of the GPS hardware(HighSensitivity mode) is recommended._________________________________________________________________________________Good to know !!!The installation of the program and run the fault area to getarefund of the fee;Installation of the alabilirler.sonra refund fees followingtheinstructions on page hours of being in any extradition request !!!
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Locatio İmar Parsel Sorgulama Gayrimenkul Takip ONE SIGNAL APK
Locatio Gayrimenkul Takip Sistemi * KML Dosyası Yükleme *İmarSorgulama * Parsel Sorgulama * Gayrimenkul Kayıt Etme *GayrimenkulTakip Etme * Pdf Çıktı Alma * Gayrimenkul VerileriniKolayca Girme* Gayrimenkul Paylaşma * Alan Mesafe Ölçme * Tapu,imar durumu,Aplikasyon, Çap Kayıt Etme * İmar ve Gayrimenkul ileİlgiliSorularınızı Uzmanlara Ücretsiz Sorma * Reklamsız ÜcretsizKullanımSize kendinize ait gayrimenkulleri yanınızda taşımaya izinverir.Herhangi bir gayrimenkulun verilerini kolayca sistemiçerisindekiparsel sorgu sayfasından edinebilir. TKGM parsel sorguüzerindenKML dosyalarını indirebilir, sisteme yükleyip haritaüzerindegörüntüleyebilirsiniz. isterseniz webüzerinden adresinden aynı kullanıcıhesabınızlaişlemlerinizi yapabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir gayrimenkulüntapu çapimar durumu belgelerini sisteme ekleyebilirgörüntüleyebilir vebaşkalarıyla kolayca paylaşabilirsiniz. Artıkgayrimenkullerinizhep yanınızda olacak. Klasörlerde kalan tümbelgeler Locatiouygulaması ile her an elinizin altında her anulaşılabilir durumda.Gayrimenkulleriniz ile ilgili yada başkagayrimenkullerin imarbilgilerini sorgulayabilir bunları sistemekaydedebilirsiniz.Türkiye'de imar sorgulama sayfaları bulunan imardurumu sorgulamave kent rehberi panellerine zaman kaybetmeden tektıkla erişimsağlayın! (Sistem Desteklenmeyen bazı belediyelerMevcuttur.)Aklınıza takılan bütün sorular için Plan MODERN İmar veşehircilikuzmanlarımıza ulaşın. Şehir Plancısı, Harita Mühendisi,Mimar ,Kentsel Dönüşüm Uzmanı, Mesleklerini Yürüten UzmanlarımızHer AnElinizin Altında Olsun! Şimdi Hepsi Sadece Locatio -GTSUygulamasında. Üstelik ücretsiz!! Locatio sizin için heryerdeTelefonda Tablette Webde Http://www.locatiomaps.comadresindenuygulama hesabınızla kesintisiz masaüstüdeneyiminiyaşayabilirsiniz. Uygulamayı Çalıştırabilmeniz içinİnternetBağlantısı Gereklidir. Uygulamadaki yavaşlamalar imarsorgusistemine bağlanılan belediyenin durumuna göre oluşabilir. Herimarsorgu sayfası her model telefonda açılmayabilir. İmarSorgusayfaları Her belediyenin kendi uygulaması ve sistemidir.Türkiyeİmar olarak sistemler ile ilgili herhangi bir etkinliğimizyoktur.Uygulama içerisinde görülen marka ve şirketlerin PlanMODERNMühendislik Bilişim ve Enerji Ltd. Şti. HaricindeTürkiyeİmarlabağları yoktur.
iKatastr APK
Map and information from Czech cadastraloffice available directly in a field according to a locationcontext. Application makes possible to show cadastral maps(ČÚZK).Support communication with portal www.ikatastr.czAvailable map layers:Cadastral mapStreet and ortofoto mapNumber of buildings and parcelsMaps are available from WMS sources of Český úřad zeměměřický akatastrální (ČÚZK), české informační agentury životního prostředí(CENIA) a DIgitální BÁze VOdohospodářských Dat (DIBAVOD)
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NAB Investor Relations 1.3.3 APK
NAB’s Investor Relations app is designed tokeep shareholders and analysts informed about the company’s latestdevelopments, financial disclosures and media announcements.Stay informed on NAB with access to the latest share priceinformation and corporate news, read annual reports and resultsannouncements, listen to webcasts and watch videos both online andoffline.The NAB Investor Relations App is available for iPhone, iPad andAndroid.Features included:• NAB’s latest and historical financial and regulatorydisclosures• Share price information for all NAB listed securities, includinghybrids, in chart format with zoom functionality• Latest corporate news and press releases• Company profile• Dividend information• Document library with download management facility• Multimedia library with download management facility• Financial calendarThe NAB IR App is regularly updated and available to view bothonline and offline. You can also find this content published on website along with NAB’s privacy policy.To discover more, download now for free from the App store.
SpyMaster SpyMaster APK
View your devices on our NEW Android App,features include- Save login
- Search device list
- View all on map at same time (click to select)
- Battery, Charging icons
- GPS Status
- Flight mode/battery mode next wakeup time
- History/Report Mode (with StartStop/Detailed Filter)
- Commands- Add Safety Zone (Circular/Polygon)- Edit Existing Zone contacts, Alert parameters- Delete Zones
AirWatch Agent APK
The AirWatch® MDM Agent allows you toauthenticate and enroll your device in AirWatch. The intuitiveenrollment process will prompt you to authenticate, accept a Termsof Use agreement and to install the applications, content andprofiles set by your IT administrator. From the AirWatch MDM Agent,you can view device details, read messages from IT, verify yourcompliance status and request support from your IT administrator.The AirWatch MDM Agent will report device details and compliancestatus to the admin console.Note: AirWatch MDM Agent works in conjunction with and is managedthrough configurable system settings within the admin console.AirWatch MDM Agent will not operate without the required AirWatchinfrastructure. Please contact your IT administrator beforeinstalling AirWatch MDM Agent.AirWatch MDM Agent Key FeaturesEnrollment• Easy user authentication• Intuitive, prompted device enrollment over-the-airAccess to Corporate Resources• Automatic access to apps, content and resources configured byyour IT administrator• Single sign on for all AirWatch applicationsSelf-Management• View device details, such as free memory, current compliancestatus and telecom usage• Receive messages when out of compliance• Contact support for additional assistanceInstructions for ActivationStep 1: Download and install the AirWatch MDM Agent on your devicefrom Google Play StoreStep 2: Enter your corporate email addressStep 3: When prompted, enter your credentials and accept the Termsof UseStep 4: The apps, content and profiles configured by your ITadministrator will prompt you to install automatically
When I Work Scheduling APK
When I Work is the easiest way to schedule,manage attendance, and communicate with your staff from yourAndroid device and PC. Notify your staff instantly about their workschedule via text, email, and web notifications.Free forever, no credit card required!KEY FEATURES FOR BUSINESSES✔ Send email and mobile alerts about the work schedule✔ Fill open shifts in seconds with email and mobile alerts to yourstaff✔ Create, update, cancel, and publish shifts✔ Monitor shift trades and time-off requests✔ View employee time sheets✔ View the entire business's schedule from your phone✔ Google Maps integration to direct staff to their work sitesKEY FEATURES FOR STAFF✔ View the work schedule anytime from anywhere✔ Clock in and out for shifts✔ View and accept available open shifts✔ Request shift trades or pick up shifts from othercolleagues✔ Get directions to work sites✔ View colleagues’ contact information✔ Request time off
Dubai Maritime City Authority Application DMCAFounded in 2007, Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA) hasbrought about a radical change in the local maritime sector throughan extensive range of industry initiatives and regulations whichsupport its ambitious approach to creating a safe investmentenvironment for industry leaders from all over the world, whilereaffirming Dubai’s position as a first-class internationalmaritime hub. Established to monitor, develop and promote maritimeactivities, DMCA provides a platform of excellence and quality asit develops world-class regulations and guidelines to raise the baron the maritime industry and boost its infrastructure, operationsand logistics services while offering investment opportunities toboost Dubai’s competitiveness at the regional and internationallevels.DMCA aims to build effective and strategic partnerships withrelevant government agencies, private businesses and stakeholdersin line with its vision to create a safe and vibrant maritimesector and therefore drive economic sustainability and growth inthe emirate. The Authority is keen on expanding its scope of workand laying down effective policies under the highest standards ofmaritime safety and best environmental practices, in adherence withthe local and international laws to develop a safe maritimeenvironment for maritime operations and businesses.
IBM Verse 202204010021 APK
****IBM Notes Traveler is now IBM Verse! You're ready for the future.IBM Verse replaces Notes Traveler and will continue to work withyour existing Traveler servers.****Get ready for mail that understands you, for less clutter and moreclarity, for connecting you to the people who matter to you most.Cloud-enabled, designed for mobile devices, and powered by IBM'sanalytics and advanced search, IBM Verse works for you, not theother way around.With IBM Verse for Android devices, you can:•See mail from people important to you•Set people you interact with often as Important•Mark mail as Needs Action•Manage items that need follow up•Track who owes you a response and when•Work with your calendar seamlessly•Interact with all of your contactsThis app is compatible with IBM Traveler server version andlater fixpacks, as well as 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack2, and 9.x. To get started, contact your administrator for youraccount and company configuration information.If you're interested in using this application with IBM SmartCloud,see this URL forfurther information.If you do not have IBM Traveler deployed in your company, but wantto try it out for free, register an account on IBM Greenhouse, afree IBM product trial site:, thenfollow the instructions to configure your IBM Traveler account: is that simple to get started!If you are an end user and experiencing a problem, please contactyour company IT help desk. If you are an IBM Traveler administratorexperiencing a problem, please open a PMR with your IBM customernumber. In addition to rating the app, you can tell us what we havedone right or what we can do better by emailing IBM mobile softwareengineering directly at more information about IBM Verse go to the official productwebsite:
Package Disabler Pro (All Android) 10.8 APK
It may not work on Android 7 devices thathas new samsung update. You will need to make package disabler aowner APP in that caseORIGINAL PACKAGE DISABLER PRO ( CHECK no. of DOWNLOADS) - NOROOT REQUIRED**Supports rooted devices and all Android 5.0 + devices that hasenabled owner app functionality for package disabler procheck how to make owner APP : plugin app is required for samsung devices.This app uses theDevice Administrator permission.5 Day refund means , if the app does not meet your expectation, youcan send us your google invoice within 5 days to get refund within24 hours.Thanks to all our supporters who help develop this amazing APP .Buying Original software helps the entire ecosystem. This willencourage developers to bring new innovative products. Packagedisabler with over 500000 downloads and 2 years of existence is aguarantee in itself.Package Disabler Pro lets you identify and disable allunwanted packages/apps that come pre-installed with your phone. Wehave one click option to disable all BLOATWARES. Disabledapplication / package will not be updated using google play or anyother means. So this app can be used for blocking apps (e.g.Parental Controls) or business use cases, you could even disablegoogle play store etc… without rooting the phone. This app alsoprovides password / uninstall protection to avoid misuse.Package Disabler provides an export/ import functionality tobackup all disabled packages on your external storage which you canrestore at any time.USES– Every mobile user use wants to improve the performance of theirmobile device can use Package Disabler– Businesses who want to control the APPS on the Employees devicescan benefit from Package Disabler– Parents use Package Disabler to control application used byKIDS– Package Disabler is used in trade shows to clean up the launcherscreen when used for demonstrationsRemember, though: ALWAYS have a backup of your phone. Importantfeatures might break when disabling system apps.KEY FEATURES:* Disabling and enabling any packages /apps* Package Disabler Helps to Identify 100+ Bloatware's on most ofSamsung Handsets. New bloatware list for other android devices willbe available soon* One click bloatware removal to quickly improve device perfomanceand save battery* Export your disabled list to the external storage to import themlater* Batch operation to enable all disabled packages* Filter to show all disabled packages* Password protection* Filter to show all installed apps* Filter to show all system packages* Quickly find apps using the search functionality* Use Google cardboard APPS on Gear VR ( disable )Notes* If you have issues uninstalling apps, try Settings –> Security–> Device administrators, uncheck "package disableradmin".* Be aware that in order to update your version of Android, youmight need all original apps in place. It is advised to always havea backup of disabled packages so you can restore them later.Disclaimer* We cannot be held responsible for any damage you may cause bydisabling packages that are not bloatwares* Removing critical packages can cause your phone tomalfunction.* Always have backups of your device.* If you have any questions regarding using Package Disabler,you're advised to contact you have any other suggestions, questions or issues, feel freeto contact us and I'll do my best to respond asap. Please don't usereviews for complaints as we will be unable to respond to yourissue.NOTE: owner APP is removed only by factory resetif you need any customizations to package disabler / consultancy orany comments/ feedback please