App Information PIV-D Manager - Workspace ONE
- App NamePIV-D Manager - Workspace ONE
- Package Namecom.workspaceone.pivd
- UpdatedMay 31, 2023
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 9
- Version23.04.00.8
- DeveloperVMware Workspace ONE
- Installs-
- PriceFree
- Category
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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PIV-D Manager - Workspace ONE APK File
Publish Date: 2023 /4/13Requires Android: Android 9+ (Pie, API: 28)File Size: 94.9 MBTested on: Android 12 (Snow Cone, API: 31)File Sha1: e29e6ec62b41d33a0390e161bab9bc8595f5d662
VMware Workspace ONE Show More...
AirWatch Samsung ELM Service APK
AirWatch introduces a service application for Samsung enterpriseready devices. This application is a “plug-in” application thatshould only be installed and used in combination with enrollment ofthe AirWatch Agent. It allows for additional MDM capabilitiesdescribed below that only pertain to Samsung devices. This serviceapplication utilized the Enterprise License Management (ELM) keyimplemented by Samsung. Depending on the AirWatch MDM consoleversion you are using, please follow these steps to deploy to yourSamsung device: If using a 6.1 console or older: 1. You must firstdownload, install, open and activate the Samsung Service 2. Then,download install the AirWatch MDM Agent available in the GooglePlay 3. You may now enroll like normal and the Samsung featureswill be activated If using a 6.1 SP1 console or greater: 1. Youmust download, install the AirWatch MDM Agent available in theGoogle Play 2. You may now enroll like normal and the SamsungService will be pushed to your device during enrollment Samsungdevices are enterprise ready with enhanced security and managementcapabilities. Remotely manage settings, policies, applications andfunctionality on Samsung devices. MDM Features include: 1. DeviceRestrictions 2. Native Mail Client Configuration 3. Wi-Fi NetworkSetup 4. VPN Network Setup 5. Certificate Management 6. ApplicationManagement a. Blacklisting Apps b. Whitelisting Apps c. RequiredApps
People - Workspace ONE APK
VMware Workspace ONE People lets you quickly search forcolleaguesand access details like contact information, officelocation, andorganizational charts including management hierarchieswhileon-the-go. *The Entire Company in Your Pocket* Easilysearchthrough your corporate directory by first name, last name,user IDor email address and view employee details such as photos,titles,email addresses, phone numbers, office location andreportingstructures. *Contact Colleagues On-the-go* Reach out tocolleaguesat a moment’s notice via text, email or phone bysearching throughthe directory and tapping on the user you wish tocontact. *SaveContacts to Your Device* Reach out to someone often?Easily savecontact information locally to the device.
AirWatch Service for Huawei APK
AirWatch introduces a service application for Huawei Nougatandhigher devices. This application is a “plug-in” applicationthatshould only be installed and used in combination withenrollment ofthe AirWatch Agent. It allows for additional MDMcapabilitiesdescribed below that only pertain to Huawei devices.Huawei devicesrunning Nougat or higher are enterprise ready withenhancedsecurity and management capabilities. Remotely managesettings,policies, applications and functionality on Huaweidevices.
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Tunnel - Workspace ONE APK
VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel securely connects both internallybuiltand public Google Play applications to corporate resourceswithinyour network. Tunnel natively gives your apps on-demandaccess towhat you need to be productive, without touching yourpersonalspace. *On-demand access* Tunnel activates automaticallywhen yourapps needs it, and disconnects soon after they’re done.*PrivacyFocused* Tunnel only connects work-managed applications andsites,respecting your personal space as top priority.
VMware Boxer APK
VMware Boxer is the most innovative email,calendar and contacts app available on Android! Here’s what peopleare saying about our award-winning app:The Webby Awards Nominated Boxer for Best Mobile Productivity Appof the Year! ****** "This mail client is fast and efficient, and very smartlydesigned." - Dave Johnson, CBS Moneywatch ****** “The quick replies are pretty fantastic.” -Mat Honan, WIRED****** "Boxer has a whole set of tools for dealing with emails. You caneasily archive with a swipe, send instant auto responses, addemails to a to-do list, and ‘like’ incoming messages so people knowyou saw it without requiring an actual response." -ThorinKlosowski, Lifehacker *****Support available for Gmail, Outlook, Exchange (2007 and up),Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, & IMAP accounts.Boxer is a true email client and connects directly to your emailand never stores your email content or passwords on ourservers.Work Smarter• Boxer helps you work smarter and faster with features like bulkedit and quick replies, and with built-in calendar and contacts.Some other features we think you’ll love:• Combined Inbox: add multiple email accounts• Smart Folders: Boxer remembers where you like to file things forquick organization• Send Availability: Select and send your calendar availabilitywith just a few taps• Email Likes: Use “Like” to quickly acknowledge the sender’smessage• Files: View and manage downloaded attachments from allaccountsCustomize the ExperienceBoxer allows you to build your own experience with the ability tochoose your favorite account colors, turn features on/off such asconversation threading and much more. Some of our favoritesinclude:• Customized Swipes: Specify your swipe gestures to delete,archive, spam + 9 other options to choose from• Profile Pictures: See who your email is from and even personalizeyour contact pictures• Quick Replies: Write your own canned responses for the fastestresponse when on the goStay ConnectedIn the office or on the go, stay connected with features likeconference call dialing and setting Out of Office, marking favoritecontacts, and integrating with your favorite productivity appsright inside your inbox.• Evernote Integration: Send emails to Evernote with just atap• Calendar Integration: Swipe to accept/decline meetinginvites• Cloud Attachments: AirWatch Content Locker, Dropbox, Box, GoogleDrive support & moreProtect Your DataBoxer ensures your conversations, calendar invites and contactdetails are always secure.• Passcode and PIN: Secure your email with a passcode or PIN toensure data is secure and encrypted
Sophos Secure Workspace 9.7.3081 APK
Sophos Secure Workspace is the place where you can accessyourcompany’s documents or corporate websites. All data is storedwithAES-256 encryption, matching military grade requirements.SophosSecure Workspace is designed to prevent data loss if yourdevicegets stolen or lost. Sophos Secure Workspace can be managedbySophos Mobile, an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)solution.Sophos Secure Workspace runs inside the Sophos containerand theSophos Mobile administrator can enforce corporatesecuritysettings. Sophos Secure Workspace is fully compatible withSophosSafeGuard Enterprise (SGN). Sophos Mobile integration ensuresthatusers can access SGN encrypted files and access full diskrecoverykeys from their mobile devices. Feature set MANAGE FILES INCLOUDOR ENTERPRISE STORAGE • Manage all your files from variouscloudstorage providers. • Seamlessly access encrypted files usingthekeys from your SGN synchronized keyring. • Apply commonfileoperations, like move or delete. • Add and encrypt documents,ordecrypt them. • Take and encrypt photos that are not availabletoother apps. • Edit PDF or text files. • Use files offline.DATAPROTECTION • Store files with AES-256 encryption. • Createlocalencryption keys or use the keys that are included in theaccesseddocuments. • Protect app access with a passcode oryourfingerprint. WEB FILTERING/ANTI-PHISHING • Web links indocumentsare checked for malicious, undesirable or illegal content.MANAGEDMODE Additional features if Sophos Secure Workspace ismanaged bySophos Mobile: • Enforce an app password. • Auto-lock theapp afterbeing offline for a certain time. • Remotely lock the appif asecurity breach occurs. • Restrict app access based on geo,timeand Wi-Fi fencing. • Define allowed storage providers. •Publishcorporate documents on a WebDAV server or distribute themthroughSophos Mobile. • Restrict file sharing, offline use orclipboarduse. • Corporate Browser: Enable your users to securelyaccesscorporate websites. All browsing data is stored in encryptedform.• Corporate keyring: Enable your users to access their SGNkeys forseamless encrypted file access. • Provide recovery keys forSGNmanaged BitLocker and FileVault disk encryption. • EditOfficeformat files using the integrated Polaris Office Library. •Secureexternal sharing with password protected files, wrapped in anHTML5format. NOTE: If you have any problems with SophosSecureWorkspace, please check our monitored support forum for helpbeforeleaving a 1-starreview:
AirWatch Relay 5.10.0 APK
Google has created a true corporate ownership mode forAndroiddevices that allows AirWatch and the IT administrator tocontrolthe entire device. This mode is known as “Work ManagedDevice”mode. The purpose of this app is to provision a device intoWorkManaged Device mode and auto-enroll it into AirWatch. Settingup aWork Managed Device using AirWatch Relay requires astagingprocess. This will require a staging device or a “parentdevice”that will stage a “child device”. The parent device willhaveAirWatch Relay installed on it. This application willrelayinformation through NFC telling the child device to: Setthedevice date/time and locale Connect to the staging Wi-Finetwork Download the latest production version of the AirWatchAgent forAndroid Silently set the AirWatch Agent as device ownerAutomatically enroll the agent into AirWatch Note: The childdevicemust be in a factory reset state and support/have NFC turnedon bydefault in order to be provisioned into Work Managed Devicemode.This will guarantee that the device is not setup for personaluse.Requires Android Beam (not available in Android 10)
HUB Buildings 17.6.2 APK
HUB Buildings allows you optimize energy andhuman resources. Get results from the first day with the tools weoffer you.Modular software to building integral management as hotels,industry, stores, etc.Some of our modules are:- Consumptions- Maintenance- Housekeeping- Quality- Automation- CCTV- Security- 3rd party integrationCustom development of new modules.For more information please visit or send anemail to info@hub-buildings.comHUB Buildings is powered by Habitat PROjects.
Silvertrac APK
This is the front end app for Silvertrac. ASoftware as a Service solution for Security/ParkingEnforcement.The app collects/logs and stores the following information to aserver at a co-location facility for further review andanalysis:GPS Location - WE RECORD THIS INFORMATION AND UPLOAD IT TO A SERVERFOR THE PURPOSE OF TRACKING THE LOCATION OF WHERE THE DEVICE HASBEEN.Device Phone Number (If Available)User Login Information - The user account info in Silvertrac. We donot track the Google play account holder.Photos Taken with our appAudio Recordings Taken with our appThe Device Serial Number - Used for counting the unique devicesused in our system.The location data is recorded on the device when users create a newIssue and then logs it for review from your employer to verify yourlocation. This data It tracks the location and activity of userusing the application and reports it back to a centralserver.For verification and accountability for issues created andassociates it with a user account created in (YourPrefix) web site. This information will be storedfor a period of 7 years and will not be sold/published to thegeneral public. None of the information we collect is published forthe general public to view or is sold to anybody for any other typeof tracking usage.For questions regarding this policy, please or call 888-505-8722! Thank You,Silvertrac Software, Inc.