/ December 13, 2013
(3.9/5) (817)


¡Diviértete preparando el mejor cumpleaños dePlim Plim y todos sus amigos, elige a tu personaje favorito parajugar, decora el pastel que más te guste y canta el felizcumpleaños para compartir una fiesta mágica, con todos tus amigos!

La aplicación de Plim Plim brinda un entretenimiento para todala familia y despliega un menú de divertidos juegos interactivos,presentando una nueva y maravillosa canción de cumpleaños.

Acerca de Plim Plim

El Proyecto Plim Plim es un conjunto de contenidos destinado aniños de entre 0 y 6 años de edad basado en el estímulo einspiración de los valores humanos, los primeros hábitos positivosy el respeto por el medio ambiente.
Plim Plim es un niño que combina las habilidades de héroe, mago ypayaso conduciendo a sus amigos a un mundo de aventura y diversióndonde todos podrán aprender sonriendo.

Have fun preparing thebest birthday Plim Plim and all your friends, you choose yourfavorite character to play, decorate the cake that you like andsing happy birthday to share a magical party with all your friends!

Applying Plim Plim provides entertainment for the whole familyand displays a menu of fun interactive games, presenting a new andwonderful birthday song.

About Plim Plim

The Plim Plim Project is a set of content intended for childrenbetween 0 and 6 years old based on the encouragement andinspiration of human values, the first positive habits and respectfor the environment.
Plim Plim is a child who combines the skills of a hero, magicianand clown leading his friends into a world of adventure and funwhere everyone can learn smiling.

App Information Plim Plim Cumpleaños

  • App Name
    Plim Plim Cumpleaños
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 13, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android Varies with device
  • Version
  • Developer
    QB9 Entertainment
  • Installs
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Plim Plim Cumpleaños Version History

Select Plim Plim Cumpleaños Version :
  • 1.0.2 (45)
  • Plim Plim Cumpleaños 1.0.2 APK File

    Publish Date: 2015 /11/2
    Requires Android: Android 3.2+ (Honeycomb, API: 13)
    File Size: 27.2 MB
    Tested on: Android 3.2 (Honeycomb, API: 13)
    File Sha1: 1918765a6bfa6a2d9e4f0857327a1dc2dde30d7d
    APK Signature: db369a636ed6adc53cd80ceefd463b4cae035a55

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Plim Plim Cumpleaños APK
¡Diviértete preparando el mejor cumpleaños dePlim Plim y todos sus amigos, elige a tu personaje favorito parajugar, decora el pastel que más te guste y canta el felizcumpleaños para compartir una fiesta mágica, con todos tus amigos!La aplicación de Plim Plim brinda un entretenimiento para todala familia y despliega un menú de divertidos juegos interactivos,presentando una nueva y maravillosa canción de cumpleaños.Acerca de Plim PlimEl Proyecto Plim Plim es un conjunto de contenidos destinado aniños de entre 0 y 6 años de edad basado en el estímulo einspiración de los valores humanos, los primeros hábitos positivosy el respeto por el medio ambiente.Plim Plim es un niño que combina las habilidades de héroe, mago ypayaso conduciendo a sus amigos a un mundo de aventura y diversióndonde todos podrán aprender sonriendo.Have fun preparing thebest birthday Plim Plim and all your friends, you choose yourfavorite character to play, decorate the cake that you like andsing happy birthday to share a magical party with all your friends!Applying Plim Plim provides entertainment for the whole familyand displays a menu of fun interactive games, presenting a new andwonderful birthday song.About Plim PlimThe Plim Plim Project is a set of content intended for childrenbetween 0 and 6 years old based on the encouragement andinspiration of human values, the first positive habits and respectfor the environment.Plim Plim is a child who combines the skills of a hero, magicianand clown leading his friends into a world of adventure and funwhere everyone can learn smiling.
Learn English with Barney 1.1.6 APK
Learn English with Barney gives your childrena very natural and effective approach to English. They get to playsimple, eductational games with Barney designed so that yourchildren will learn new English words in a way that is bothencouraging and fun!Become part of the learning and fun! Learning with Barney has avery complete reporting tool that was conceived with parents inmind, which will allow you to see, at any time, the progress thatyour children are making as they learn English.This is an official Barney and Friends brand product. Thisguarantees that Learning with Barney provides a safe, healthy andencouraging environment for your children to enjoy and learnin!Learn English with Barney key points:• Develops attention and association skills.• Teaches children new English words and their meaning.• Encourages a sense of familiarity with the Englishlanguage.• Helps children to learn English in a natural way by listening toBarney the dinosaur speak.• Provides a biweekly report for parents about the progress of allthe children who play.• All of its content has been created by English Language educationspecialists.Learn English with Barney is committed to:• Never include third-party advertising• Include parental control• Include an activities report for parentsFree Content:Topic 1: NumbersTopic 2: AnimalsPaid Content:Topic 3: ColorsTopic 4: FruitsTopic 5: Letters
Mundo Gaturro Pocket APK
"Mundo Gaturro Pocket", es un nuevo mundovirtual. Más divertido y popular, ¡para que lo llevescontigo!Únete al club y descubre un mundo virtual multijugador lleno deaventuras. ¡¡¡Y GRATIS!!!Gana monedas jugando divertidos minijuegos y cambia tu look paraser UNICO.Juega junto a tus amigos! Conoce a otros jugadores y hazte denuevos amigos!Cientos de objetos de catálogo para decorar tu hogar y tu usuario;nuevos peinados, maquillajes, trajes y transportes como por ejemploanimales fantásticos!¡El límite es tu propia imaginación!Conoce tu nueva casa, ¡hazla crecer!Mundo Gaturro Pocket. Todo nuevo por descubrir... ¡Lleva a Gaturrocon vos!"Mundo Gaturro Pocket" isa new virtual world. More fun and popular now, for you to take itwith you!Join the club and discover a virtual world full of adventuremultiplayer. 'And FREE !!!Earn coins by playing fun mini-games and change your look to beunique.Play with your friends! Meet other players and become newfriends!Hundreds of catalog objects to decorate your home and user; newhairstyles, makeup, costumes and transportation such as fantasticanimals!The limit is your own imagination!Meet your new home, make it grow!Pocket Gaturro world. All new to discover ... Gaturro carries withyou!
Messi Runner World Tour 2.1.5 APK
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Hoggie's Birthday APK
Aren't Birthday parties one of the most joyfultimes of the year?Decorate the place, prepare the cake with delicious candy, sing abirthday song and blow the candles! A birthday party isn't abirthday party until you get to open the presents and play withthem.You only need to drag and click over the things that you like toprepare a birthday party that suits you.DESIGNED FOR KIDS AGE 3 AND ABOVEFEATURESv A bowling mini-game.v Taking snapshots to show your family & friends how cool yourpark looks like.v Preparing a delicious cake using Hoggie's favorite candys.v A special birthday song in a Hoggie mood (each character has aunique style).v Blowing the candles!v Opening presents and playing with them as much as you want.v Play memotest with friends & familyv 5 different puzzles to stimulate coordination and cognitivebehaviour.v No in-app purchases.
Mundo Gaturro :: Gatucarts 1.7 APK
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QB9's 3D Skin Editor for Minec 2.1.4 APK
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Learn Spanish With Barney 1.0.7 APK
Learn Spanish with Barney gives your childrenavery natural and effective approach to Spanish. They get toplaysimple, eductational games with Barney designed so thatyourchildren will learn new Spanish words in a way that isbothencouraging and fun!Become part of the learning and fun! Learning with Barney hasavery complete reporting tool that was conceived with parentsinmind, which will allow you to see, at any time, the progressthatyour children are making as they learn Spanish.This is an official Barney and Friends brand product.Thisguarantees that Learning with Barney provides a safe, healthyandencouraging environment for your children to enjoy andlearnin!Learn Spanish with Barney key points:• Develops attention and association skills.• Teaches children new Spanish words and their meaning.• Encourages a sense of familiarity with the Spanishlanguage.• Helps children to learn Spanish in a natural way by listeningtoBarney the dinosaur speak.• Provides a biweekly report for parents about the progress ofallthe children who play.• All of its content has been created by Spanish Languageeducationspecialists.Learn Spanish with Barney is committed to:• Never include third-party advertising• Include parental control• Include an activities report for parentsContent:Topic 1: NumbersTopic 2: AnimalsTopic 3: ColorsTopic 4: FruitsTopic 5: Letters