/ September 25, 2015
(4.0/5) ()


App Information Rapunzel.

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 25, 2015
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
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  • Developer
    Play Tales
  • Installs
    1 - 5
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  • Developer
    Visit website Email androidbugs@playtalesbooks.com
    Avd Cardenal Bueno Monreal 50, 2ª Planta 41013 Sevilla, Spain
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PlayTales Gold 2.1.1 APK
Play Tales
Millions of parents are discovering the award-winning bookstore appthat offers unlimited interactive books for children.PlayTales’ stories are designed to educate, entertain, andinspire young readers ages 1 to 12. The PlayTales library featuresclassic children’s tales such as The Ugly Duckling and SleepingBeauty along with new favorites like Pocoyo, Popeye, Betty Boop,and Felix that Cat.Features:- Every book is full of interactive features, uniqueillustrations, and original music- Download unlimited stories for FREE and save them in yourbookshelf- Enjoy a wide variety of classic and new literary titles- New books are added every week!- Different reading modes to choose from: Read to Me, Read byMyself, and Autoplay- Stories available in 8 different languages: English, Spanish,French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin), andJapaneseHow it works: PlayTales Gold is FREE for everyone to use and enjoy,however if you’d like to eliminate advertisements and read yourstories whenever, wherever (without internet), you can upgrade topremium and enjoy the app ad free!To hear about new titles and the happenings of PlayTales connectwith us on our social media sites:Website: http://www.playtales.comBlog: http://www.playtales.com/blogFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/myPlayTalesTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/PlayTalesPinterest: http://pinterest.com/playtales/
PlayTales 2.1.1 APK
Play Tales
Millions of parents are discovering the award-winning bookstore appthat offers unlimited interactive books for children. PlayTales’stories are designed to educate, entertain, and inspire youngreaders ages 1 to 12. The PlayTales library features classicchildren’s tales such as The Ugly Duckling and Sleeping Beautyalong with new favorites like Pocoyo, Popeye, Betty Boop, and Felixthat Cat.Features:- Every book is full of interactive features, unique illustrations,and original music- Download your favorite stories and save them in yourbookshelf- Access your books anytime and anywhere on your mobiledevice!- Enjoy a wide variety of different titles to read anddownload- New books are added every week!- Different reading modes to choose from: Read to Me, Read byMyself, and Autoplay- Stories available in 8 different languages: English, Spanish,French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin), andJapanesePlayTales Bookstore is certified by the kidSAFE® Seal Program,validating that this app provides a safe interactive environmentfor kids. For more informationvisit our company profile on thekidSAFE Seal website: http://www.kidsafeseal.com/certifiedproducts/playtales_app.htmlTo hear about new titles and the happenings of PlayTalesconnectwith us on our social media sites:Website: http://www.playtales.comBlog: http://www.playtales.com/blogFacebook: www.facebook.com/myPlayTalesTwitter: www.twitter.com/PlayTalesPinterest: http://pinterest.com/playtales/
Rapunzel 1.0.0 APK
Play Tales
**Relive Rapunzel´s story with this enjoyable version of thechildren´s literature classic!!**Yet another of the all-time favorite stories for little ones isnow available in PlayTales. Rapunzel and her long hair have arrivedat the popular interactive story bookstore. The young princess,kidnapped at a young age by a dreadful witch and locked in anisolated tower, receives an unexpected visit from a prince…But whenthe witch finds out about the main character and her lover´srepeated encounters, things go terribly wrong….How will the story end? Will the main characters ever meetagain? Will there be a happy ending? Find out yourself with thisessential classic adapted for the PlayTales interactive storygallery.What´s more, in these fifteen pages you´ll discover a multitudeof interactive effects and sound effects. Lovely drawings in fullcolor, suited for the smallest children at home. For children ages6 and up.Additional characteristics• Guaranteed interactive surprises!!• 15 pages of color graphics• Narration of the text• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music compositions.• Option of ´Read myself´, ´Read it to me´ and ‘Autoplay’.• For readers 6 years and up
I went pipi 1.0.0 APK
Play Tales
Have you ever wet the bed? Did you you knowthat many children –if not all- have problems with bed wetting?Even your parents, when they were little, used to wet the bed! Nowyou can read this wonderful and interactive story of a little boynamed Victor who is having problems with wetting the bed.I Went Pipi is a story of a very cute little boy, with overactiveimagination, who thinks that he goes to the bathroom to pee, butwhen he opens his eyes he realizes it's morning and he is in hisbed, and he discovers a rather unpleasant surprise. What hashappened to this poor little boy? Just find out by reading thisvery cute and reassuring story!How can you address the issue of wetting the bed with yourtoddlers? But above all, how to play down the importance ofit?'I went pipi' is just the perfect eBook app! This very funny andinteractive story will show your child that they're not the onlyones to have been through this kind of incidence, and will allowthem to enhance their self-confidence.'I went pipi' is also an indispensable application for children´screative and imaginative capabilities and development as well. Itwill teach children the bases for reading in an interactive andfunny way; a clever combination between entertainment and learning,which will introduce the toddlers with the exciting world ofmultimedia in a way adapted to their age and capabilities. They(and you by the same way) will just love it!!Just tap the screen to discover a lot of funny movinganimations!FEATURES:- Original, sweet and entertaining story.- Colorful graphics interface.- A lot of funny animations and sounds per page.- Handwritten and capital letter script to get children used toboth styles.- Give life to the characters by tapping them!- Peals of laughter insured for the whole family!
Aladin et la Lampe Merveil..HD 1.0.0 APK
Play Tales
★★ L´histoire fantastique dont tu es le héros! ★★Choisis ta propre aventure avec ALADIN ET LA LAMPE MERVEILLEUSE! Tupourras décider toi-même du destin d´Aladin lorsqu´il rencontreraun homme mystérieux qui prétendra être son oncle, et lorsqu´ildécouvrira une lampe magique capable d´exaucer ses désirs.Tu décideras si Aladin doit poursuivre son action, rester, ous´échapper dans des circonstances particulières. Tu pourras choisirde passer par une porte ornée d´un soleil, ou d´une lune. Par oùvas-tu passer ? Quel trésor se cache sous terre ? Quel tapismagique vas-tu choisir pour Aladin ? Qu´importe tes choix, tuvivras une aventure fantastique, pleine de surprises et de magie !Cette histoire gardera vos enfants intrigués et en haleine, encoreet encore, puisqu´ils redécouvriront une nouvelle histoire enfonction de leurs choix.Cette histoire est tirée du livre premier des Contes des Milleet Une Nuits, une collection de contes médiévaux originalementécrits en arabes. Cette histoire accompagnera les jeunes lecteursdans leur imaginaire, et les emmènera dans un monde extraordinaireoù les rêves deviennent réalité.CONTENU SUPPLEMENTAIRE !• Du divertissement interactif à chaque page !• 29 pages d´histoire.• Des illustrations colorées et créatives.• Texte narré• Tu es le héros de cette histoire, et tu choisis son évolution!• Musique arabe originale et effets sonores rigolos !• Les options « Raconte-moi » et « Je lis moi-même »• Adapté aux enfants de 6 ans et plus !
Raiponce 1.0.0 APK
Play Tales
** Revis l’histoire de Raiponce et profite de cette versiond’unclassique de la littérature enfantine!!**Un autre des contes favoris des enfants est maintenantdisponiblesur PlayTales. Raiponce et ses longs cheveux arriventdans lecatalogue populaire des contes interactifs. La jeuneprincesse,surveillée par une terrible sorcière depuis qu’elle esttoutepetite, enfermée dans une tour perdue, reçoit la visiteinespéréed’un prince…L’histoire se gâte lorsque la sorcièreapprend lesrencontres répétées de la protagoniste et de sonaimé…Comment se terminera cette histoire? Les protagonistes vont-ilsseretrouver? Y aura-t-il une fin heureuse? Découvre-le toi-mêmeavecce classique incontournable adapté à la galerie decontesinteractifs de PlayTales.Tu trouveras en plus sur ces quinze pages, une multituded’effetsinteractifs et sonores, des dessins charmants de touteslescouleurs, adaptés pour les plus petits.Pour enfants de plus de 6 ans.Caractéristiques supplémentaires• Surprises interactives garanties!!• 15 pages de graphismes en couleur.• Narration du texte.• Effets sonores impressionnants!• Musique originale.• Option “je lis moi-même” ou “Raconte-moi”.• Pour lecteurs de plus de 6 ans.Revis**story Rapunzel take this version of a classicchildren'sliterature! **Another children's favorite stories is now availableonPlayTales. Rapunzel and her long hair come in the catalogpopularinteractive stories. The young princess, monitored by aterriblewitch since she was a small, locked in a tower lost,receives theunexpected visit of a prince ... The story is spoiledwhen thewitch learns the repeated encounters of the protagonist andhislike ...How to end this story? The protagonists will they find? Will ithavea happy ending? Check it out yourself with this classicmust-suitedto the gallery of interactive storytellingPlayTales.You can find out more about these fifteen pages, a multitudeofinteractive effects and sound charming designs of allcolors,suitable for children.For children over 6 years.Additional Features• Surprises interactive guaranteed!• 15 pages of color graphics.• Text Narration.• Sound Effects impressive!• Original music.• Option "I read myself" or "Tell me."• For readers over 6 years.
El Diccionario de TUPI HD 1.0.1 APK
Play Tales
Mi Primer Diccionario es una divertidaaplicación con la que los niños aprenderán sus primeras palabrascon Tupi a través de coloridos escenarios ¡y un montón desorpresas!¡Si tocas los objetos que hay en la escena escucharás susonido!Acompaña a Tupi al ZOO, a una fiesta de disfraces, a la playa ya muchos sitios más leyendo este fantástico diccionario que permitever y escuchar cada una de las palabras para aprender de una manerafácil y divertida. ¡Puedes escuchar las palabras cuantas vecesquieras!Mi primer diccionario incorpora interactividad, animaciones ysonidos en cada página para complementar de esta manera elaprendizaje, y permitir a los chicos jugar e interactuar con losdistintos elementos a medida que cambian los escenarios.Una aplicación indispensable para el desarrollo de las capacidadesde los niños, que estimula sus habilidades creativas eimaginativas, al mismo tiempo que les enseña, divierte yentretiene.Lee y escucha este estupendo diccionario; una inteligentecombinación de entretenimiento y aprendizaje a través del cual losmás pequeños descubrirán el apasionante mundo multimedia con unainterfaz adaptada a su edad y capacidades. A ellos (y a ustedtambién), simplemente ¡Les encantará!CARACTERÍSTICAS:- Ilustraciones llenas de color.- Con 8 originales escenarios.- Divertidas interacciones.- ¡Da vida a los personajes con un toque!- Gran cantidad de animaciones y lindos sonidos en cadapágina.- 26 páginas de aprendizaje, diversión y entretenimiento.Keywords:Tienda , libreria , cuento , escuela , libro , niños , tocar ,aprender , infantil , enseñar , diccionario , zoo , playa ,touchybooks , touchy , booksMy First Dictionary is afun program which children learn their first words through colorfulTupi scenarios and lots of surprises!If you touch the objects in the scene hear their sound!Accompany the ZOO Tupi, to a costume party, the beach and manysites reading this great dictionary that lets you see and hearevery single word to learn in a fun and easy way. You can hear thewords whenever you want!My first dictionary incorporating interactivity, animations andsounds on each page to complement learning in this way, andallowing children to play and interact with the various elements asthey change scenarios.An indispensable application to develop the capacities of children,which encourages creative and imaginative skills while teachingthem, amuses and entertains.Read and listen to this great dictionary, a clever combinationbetween entertainment and learning through which the little onesdiscover the exciting world of multimedia in an interface adaptedto their age and capabilities. They (and you), simply love it!FEATURES:- Full-color illustrations.- With 8 original scenarios.- Fun interactions.- Give life to the characters with a twist!- Lots of cute animations and sounds on every page.- 26 pages of learning, fun and entertainment.Keywords:Store library, story, school, book, children, play, learn,children, teaching, dictionary, zoo, beach, touchybooks, touchy,books
月亮的秘密 1.0.0 APK
Play Tales
月亮的秘密是一个迷人的让孩子们进入书籍的神奇世界的应用软件。通过这个非常棒的包括触屏动画、原创音乐及甜美而神秘的叙述的童话故事,孩子们可以享受,玩乐和学习,并放飞他们的想象力。对孩子来说什么是月亮?这个奇妙的绘画故事给了孩子透过天真的眼看月亮的机会。当初这童话是为了让儿童有感觉良好和甜美的梦而写的。这应用软件包括正文及这神奇而甜美的童话的叙述。月亮的秘密是一个发展儿童的创造和想象能力不可缺少的应用软件,除了以简单的方法把儿童引到神奇的多媒体世界,同时也娱乐和消遣。在读和听的同时全方位受益。月亮的秘密把互动和动画结合在童话中,以此方式补充学习,允许儿童随着童话的进展和其中不同的成分互动。特性:• 绝对互动乐趣!• 多彩插图。• 有声正文。• 原创音乐及效果。• 可选“读给我听”和“我自己读”。• 适合4岁以上儿童。TAGS: 店 ,书店 ,童话 ,小学 ,书 ,孩子们 ,碰 ,学习 ,幼儿 ,教 ,月亮 ,睡 ,梦 ,触屏书 ,可触