App Information RDMP
- App NameRDMP
- Package Namecom.szdv.hwmanager
- UpdatedSeptember 21, 2015
- File Size182k
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version9.3
- Developer华为
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLibraries & Demo
- Developer
- Google Play Link
RDMP Version History
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RDMP 9.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /5/21Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 182.3 kBTested on: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Sha1: 7e9119a611b7c7ed7d06af4b6d637f6826ca4839 -
RDMP 9.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/31Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 182.3 kBTested on: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Sha1: 7e9119a611b7c7ed7d06af4b6d637f6826ca4839 -
RDMP 9.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/16Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 182.3 kBTested on: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Sha1: 7e9119a611b7c7ed7d06af4b6d637f6826ca4839
华为 Show More...
Retail demo management platform,the application applies only toretail outlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not beuninstalled, do not installed on your phone.Retaildemo management platform, the application applies only to retailoutlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not be uninstalled,do not installed on your phone.
Retail demo management platform,the application applies only toretail outlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not beuninstalled, do not installed on your phone.Retaildemo management platform, the application applies only to retailoutlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not be uninstalled,do not installed on your phone.
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Retail demo management platform,the application applies only toretail outlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not beuninstalled, do not installed on your phone.Retaildemo management platform, the application applies only to retailoutlets Huawei demonstrator, once installed can not be uninstalled,do not installed on your phone.
NenaMark1 1.8 APK
NenaMark is a benchmark/demo of OpenGL ES 2.0,using programmable shaders for graphical effects such asreflections, dynamic shadows, parametric surfaces, particles anddifferent light models to push the GPU to its limits.Enjoy!Note that high-end devices are better served by NenaMark2 asthey tend to hit the framerate limit (~60 fps) with NenaMark1.
Mobifood Demo 1.0.0 APK
Are you a restaurant Owner and want to jump on the mobile appbandwagon ??? Want a Mobile App but doesn't want to pay the highprices???? Check out this demo, THIS COULD BE YOUR APP !!!!! yes,you heard it right, you can have this native app for your ownrestaurant and customize it to suit your needs without anyprogramming knowledge. for more information checkout YMApps Apps primary Features: * Fast andconvenient ordering from any android device. * Show menus,categories and deals of your restaurants * Accept Orders in advance* Simple and safe pay on delivery or pickup * Backed by Livetechnical support * Best of all, Mobifood handles every technicalaspect of your experience. Which means no more hassle of hiringtechnical staff, no more hassle with choosing the right technicalsolutions that works best with your restaurant and best of all youwill be spending a fraction of the cost of actual native app. Sowhat are you waiting for, download this app and call us and inquirehow you can have this for your restaurant.
Libraries & Demo Top Show More...
Telerik Examples 2016.3.1222 APK
"UI for Android" is a set of nativeUIcontrolsthat assist in building Android applicationsfaster.For more information, pleasevisit: & Features includedListView- Group, Sort, Filter- Load on demand- Pull to refresh- Selection- Deck of Cards layout- Slide layout- Swipe to execute- Item reordering- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerViewsoUIvitualization is provided out-of-the-boxChartView- Series- Line- Spline- Area- SplineArea- Bar- RangeBar- Pie- Donut- Financial (OHLC, Candlestick)- Scatter- Bubble- Axes- Categorical- DateTimeCategorical- DateTimeContinuous- Linear- Logarithmic- Plotting multiple axes on a single chart- Behaviors- Pan & Zoom- Trackball- Tooltip- Selection- Miscellaneous features- Palettes - set of predefined styles for each chart type- Annotations - visual elements for highlighting areas ontheplot.Can be used as comments or as markers for specific valuesontheplot.- Labels - both for series and axes- LegendDataForm- Default and Custom editors- Validation- Read-Only mode- Different commit modesCalendarView- Can display events from the device's calendar- Week, Month & Year view- Single, Multiple & Range selection- Customizable cells- Different events display modesSideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)- Predefined open/close animations- Can be opened from all edges of the screen- Customizable fade layer- Customizable drawer sizeGauge- The Gauge control stretches the data visualizationcapabilitiesofyour app, allowing you to present numeric values overacircularscale. The Gauge is a great way to illustrate themagnitudeof avalue in a given range of upper and lower bounds. Thisvaluecouldbe speed, distance, temperature or progress ofaprocess. AutoCompleteTextView- With AutoCompleteTextView implemented in your appyourend-userscan type faster. The control gives them suggestions,basedon thecharacters they’ve already typed. This is usefulinvarioussituations such as choosing from a list of airports oralist ofknown recipients. It features:- Different completion modes: Append, Suggest orSuggestAppend- Different filter modes: StartsWith, Contains- Multiple selection of items with Tokens- Null-text- Text highlightData Source- A non-UI adapter that offers an easy way to sort, groupandfilterin-memory data. Used internally by the ListView.- The DataSource is most useful when used as a "data hub"wheredatais obtained, reshaped and sent to a view tobedisplayed.AppFeedback- A component that exposes an easy way to gather feedbackfromyourapplication users. The AppFeedback control is integratedwiththeTelerik Platform and provides a convenient way to managetheuserfeedback.ScrollView- A control based on the native Android ScrollViewthatprovidessimultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling.New examples are added regularly. The application's sourcecodeisavailableonGitHub: