App Information RPG Spectral Souls
- App NameRPG Spectral Souls
- Package Namecom.hyperdevbox.spectralsouls
- UpdatedMarch 1, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperHyperDevbox
- Installs50,000 - 100,000
- Price$5.49
- CategoryRole Playing
- DeveloperVisit website Email Privacy PolicyShinoki Daiichi BLDG 202 3-11-1, IKEBUKURO, TOSHIMA-KU 171-0014 TOKYO - JAPAN
- Google Play Link
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SRPG Generation of Chaos APK
After “Spectral Souls”, HyperDevbox strikesagain with “Generation of Chaos”, a new 100-hour gameexperience.Build and govern your own kingdom. Engage in 30 vs 30 thrillingbattles in real time to defend and expand your territory. Immerseyourself into each kingdom’s story and play as over 150 charactersthrough 10 different campaigns.Story:The Dravanian revolution ended in 1701 leaving a nation in ruins.In the wake of this chaos, Minister Zeo deftly rose to emerge asDravania’s new leader. Before long, Zeo began to transform Dravaniainto a powerful military force. Now, Dravania has risen from theashes to restore peace and prosperity to the rest of LostGrounds…- 3D Battle Scenes- A massive unique Strategy RPG for Android- Over 150 unique commanders- 10 different campaigns- Over 100 hours of gameplay- 30 vs 30 epic battles in real-time- Animated special attacks and spoken events- Two touch configurations (including a tablet mode)- Support for Touch & Keyboard with key mapping (Left AnalogStick click for SELECT BUTTON and Right Analog Stick Click forSTART BUTTON when using XBOX360 controller)©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .
RPG Spectral Souls APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero"Spectral Souls - Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires" (EnglishVersion), the first Full Size Tactical RPG for Android platformavailable for your favorite Smartphone :* 3D Battle Scenes.* The first full scale Japanese Tactical RPG for Android.* 52 outstanding soundtracks.* 84 characters.* High resolution graphic assets.* 100's of hours of GamePlay packed in 1GB data.* Cut-Scene videos.* Support for Touch & Keyboard with key mapping.* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Play it on NVIDIA SHIELD.Simply "a must have" for all fan of "Spectral Souls universe" andfor all fan of Tactical RPG in general.** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **-Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution availableso please adjust in the option screen should your device be alittle "just" to support the full hires data.-A High-End device is highly recommended for the best gamingexperience however the game is fully enjoyable from Nexus1 orsimilar type of device. There is a pre-hardware check in the gamebefore allowing the 1GB download so those with hardware not yetsupported should be able to refund within the actual refundwindow.STORY :Neverland is a world apart from our own, home to strange anddangerous creatures. Two of these creatures, humans and demons,have been struggling against each other for many years. As thecenturies passed, control shifted from demons to humans and backagain. The humans finally earned a clear victory after the FirstNeverland War. But this left the country in ruins and led directlyto the Second Neverland War, which saw the decisive victory of thedemons once again.Magic Age 1053—Tragedy strikes the small woodland village of Petun—the town isattacked and burned to the ground by vicious Neverland troops. ButPetun is only the first of many massacres; the Demon Army tearsthrough every human village it can find, slaughtering the people asit goes. Humiliated and infuriated by these abuses, the humansbegin to resist and fight back.It starts as a rash of disorganized, sporadic riots. But it soongrows into something more, something meaningful. These uprisingsbecome a beacon of hope to all humans, spurring them on to uniteand form a new empire. They choose a name to reflect their mostnoble traditions, to reflect a time when they ruled over the demonhorde. They call it the Reformed Simba Empire.Petun—little more than a bump in the road, a mark on a map. Butthis is where it all started, where the undercurrent of disdain andhatred overflowed into a bloody torrent of death and destruction,drowning Neverland in war for years to come.This is where our story begins—the story of the Seven YearWar.- Visit our website and forum at formore FAQ and information.©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .
SRPG 新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス IV APK
GWスペシャルセールを本日より開始します!5月9日(火)迄、Android、iOS向けの全タイトルが通常45%オフもしくは45%以上オフ(タイトルにより割引率が異なります)でのご提供となります。この機会を是非お見逃しなく!! :ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade Racingスペクトラルソウルズブレイジング ソウルズ アクセレイト新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス IVアガレスト戦記アガレスト戦記 ZERO Dawn of War「新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオスIV」は、あらゆる種族が大陸の覇権を争うファンタジー世界を舞台に、150名余りのキャラクターが登場するシミュレーションRPGです。ストーリ性はもちろん、ストラテジーの要素にも重点が置かれており、リアルタイム集団バトルも快適に楽しめます。時間帯に応じマップ上に差す太陽の光が自動的に変わる機能もあり、リアルタイムでファンタジーの世界を味わえます。・3Dバトルシーン・容量:1.2GB・ジャンル:シミュレーションRPG・登場キャラクター数:150名・プレイ時間:約100時間・キャラクターボイス搭載・90以上の必殺技ムービー・10本のシナリオ・30vs30集団バトル・取扱説明書付・二種類のタッチモード(スマートフォン用・タブレット用)NVIDIA SHIELDおよびXbox360のコントローラーをご使用の場合:左アナログスティックをクリック → SELECTボタン右アナログスティックをクリック → STARTボタン©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .Will start from today theGW Special Sale! May 9 days until (Tuesday), Android, will beoffered at the whole title is usually 45% off or more than 45% offfor iOS (different discount rate by the title).This opportunity by all means do not miss !!:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing Souls access rateShintencho Makai Generation of Chaos IVAgarest SenkiAgarest Senki ZERO Dawn of War"Shintencho Makai Generation of Chaos IV" is a fantasy world whereall tribes vying for supremacy of the continent to the stage, is asimulation RPG which 150 people more than the characterappeared.Story, of course, also focuses on elements of the strategy, you canenjoy real-time collective battle is also comfortable.There is also a sun of light is automatically changes function torefer to on the map depending on the time of day, you can enjoy aworld of fantasy in real-time. · 3D battle sceneAnd capacity: 1.2GBGenre: Simulation RPG- Characters Number: 150Play time: about 100 hoursCharacter voice installed- more than 90 deathblow movie· 10 pieces of scenario· 30vs30 population Battle· Instruction with papers- two types of touch mode (for smartphones for the tablet)If you are using a controller of NVIDIA SHIELD and Xbox360:Click the left analog stick → SELECT buttonClick the right analog stick → START button© 2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX.
RPG アガレスト戦記 APK
GWスペシャルセールを本日より開始します!5月9日(火)迄、Android、iOS向けの全タイトルが通常45%オフもしくは45%以上オフ(タイトルにより割引率が異なります)でのご提供となります。この機会を是非お見逃しなく!! :ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade Racingスペクトラルソウルズブレイジング ソウルズ アクセレイト新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス IVアガレスト戦記アガレスト戦記 ZERO Dawn of WarAndroid TV搭載端末 「Nexus Player」対応ゲーム!テレビの大画面でも遊べます!!コンシューマゲームコンソールで人気のタクティカルシミュレ-ションRPG「アガレスト戦記」(日本語版)がAndroidに登場!!★ストーリー★それはまだ神話の時代。忘却の彼方へと続く扉が開かれていたときの物語。「アガレスト」と呼ばれるの世界には五つの大陸が存在した。全ての大陸には、大地を貫き天を支える長大な柱がそびえ立ちその威容はまさに神そのものであった。五つの大陸の一つ「ルクレリア」。物語と、神話の終焉は、そこから始まる。レオンハルトは守るべきもののために全てを捧げる-未来さえも。彼の死の間際に交わした契約、それは-魂の器となり、神の血を受け継ぎし乙女と共に世界を支える柱となること。約束された破滅・・・ 受け継ぎがれる宿命・・・それは魂により紡がれた最後の神話として語り継がれることになる物語・・・・。【ゲームの特徴】■ 3Dバトルシーン■ プレイ時間:約100時間■ 容量:1.9GB■ 400以上の敵とキャラクター■ 400以上の魔法スペルと戦闘スキル■ 5つの大陸を5世代にわたって冒険■ 各世代に3人のヒロインが存在し、誰を選択するかにより、生まれてくる子供(=次世代の主人公)能力や容姿が変化する「ソウルブリード」シス テムを搭載(組み合わせは1000通り以上で、プレイヤーオリジナルの能力の主人公が誕生)■ 手軽で爽快な奥深い戦闘システム「エクステンドターンバトル」を搭載■ バトルのフィールドをプレイヤー自身が設定可能な「フィールドアジャスト システム」を搭載■ 全世代を通じて選択肢やシナリオの進行とその結果により変化する「リンク ゲージ」が存在 キャラクター毎に設定されたスペシャル攻撃「エクストラスキル」(コンボキ ル・ブレイクアーツ・オーバーキル等)が400種類以上■ モンスター合成等のやりこみ要素が満載■ サウンドトラック:55曲■ ムービー数:39■ フル 720p HD コンテンツ■ 豪華声優陣によるフルボイス仕様■ ゲーム操作:タッチパネル/ゲーム用外付けコントローラーの選択が可能■ Xperia Play/MOGAコントローラー/NVIDIAプロジェクトシールドに対応■ リーダーボード/アチーブメント対応■ ゲームデーターをクラウドに保存可能■ 言語:日本語(キャラクターボイス:日本語)■ AndroidTV対応【お知らせと注意点】① 追加ダンジョン1~5は、ストアから無料でアンロックすることが可能です。② ゲームクリアするために全てのパックをダウンロードする必要はありません。③ ダウンロードには、ストレージの空き容量1.9GB以上とWi-Fi接続(フリーWi- Fiスポットを除く)が必要です。④ Android marketよりゲームをダウンロード後は、「アガレスト戦記」インストールオプションの選択画面より『ゲームデータをインストールする』を選択し てください。その後ダウンロードが開始し、ピンポンゲームのスクリーンセーバーと画面の右上にカウントダウンが表示されます。0になるまでしばらくお待ち下さい。ダウンロード時間の目安は約15~30分となりますが、インターネットの接続状況により異なります。また、容量が1.9GBのためダウ ンロード少々お時間がかかりますことご了承願います。カウントが0になりましたら、ゲームが起 動します。【サポートにお問い合わせいただく際のメールアドレスについて】メールアドレスのドメインがdocomo、softbank、ezweb(携帯電話)の場合、弊社サポートからお送りしたメールが送信できず戻っ てくるケースが度々発生しているため、必ずgmailアドレスにてお問い合わせいただきますようお願いいたします。暫くサポートからの返信がご確認できない場合には、大変お手数ですが、gmail等のPCアドレスにて再度ご連絡をくださいますようお願いいたし ます。©2014-2015 COMPILE HEART/RED, developed and published byHYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website: us on Facebook : start from today theGW Special Sale! May 9 days until (Tuesday), Android, will beoffered at the whole title is usually 45% off or more than 45% offfor iOS (different discount rate by the title).This opportunity by all means do not miss !!:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing Souls access rateShintencho Makai Generation of Chaos IVAgarest SenkiAgarest Senki ZERO Dawn of WarAndroid TV-powered devices "Nexus Player" corresponding game! Youcan play even in a large-screen TV!Consumer game console in the popularity of Taku Tikal simulators -Deployment RPG "Agarest Senki" (Japanese version) appeared! ToAndroid★ Story ★It is still the era of myth.Story of when the door that leads to oblivion was opened.Five continents were present in the world of being referred to as a"Agarest".All of the continent, soaring long and large pillars of heavenpenetrate the earthIts grandeur was just God itself.One of the five continents "Rukureria".And the story, the demise of the myth begins from there.Leonhard dedicate all for what to protect - the future even.Contract was signed on the verge of his death, it is -Become the soul of the vessel, together with Shi inherited theblood of God maidenTo become a pillar of the world.Promised ruin ... inherited fate is ...It was spun by the soulStory ... that will be handed down as the last of the myth.Features of the game]■ 3D battle scene■ Play time: about 100 hours■ Capacity: 1.9GB■ 400 or more enemies and characters■ 400 or more of the magic spell and combat skills■ adventure five continents over five generations■ There are three heroines in each generation, by whom orselection, unborn children (= the next generation of hero) abilityand appearance changes mounting tower the "Seoul bleed" system(combination of ways 1000 or more, the birth is the main characterof the players original capacity)■ equipped with a quick and exhilarating deep combat system "Extendturn Battle"■ mounting battle of field players own the "field adjustmentsystem" that can be set■ there is a "link gauge" that changes with the progress andresults of choices and scenarios through all generationsSet special attacks for each character "Extra skills" (Konboki LeBreak Arts overkill, etc.) is more than 400■ crowded elements of the monster synthesis and the like ispacked■ soundtrack: 55 songs■ Number of movies: 39■ Full 720p HD contentFull voice specification by gorgeous actors ■■ Game Operation: Touch panel / Games for external controller canbe selected■ corresponding to the Xperia Play / MOGA controller / NVIDIAproject shield■ leaderboards / achievements corresponding■ can be saved game data to the cloud■ Language: Japanese (character voice: Japanese)■ AndroidTV corresponding[News and Notes]① add Dungeon 1-5, it is possible to unlock for free from thestore.② game you do not need to download all of the pack in order toclear.③ to download, (except for the free Wi- Fi spot) storage of freespace 1.9GB or more and a Wi-Fi connection is required.④ Android market after the download from the game, "Agarest Senki,""to install the game data" from the selection screen of theinstallation options the Sai that Teku selected. Then the downloadis started, ping-pong game of the screen saver and the countdown tothe upper right corner of the screen will be displayed. Please Chiyou wait for a while until the 0. Estimated download time will beabout 15 to 30 minutes, but it depends on the connection status ofthe Internet. In addition, capacity is please understand that ittakes time download your little for 1.9GB. Count Narimashitara to0, the game will start.About e-mail address when you contact support]If the domain of the e-mail address is docomo, softbank, ezweb of(mobile phone), for cases where the mail was sent from our companysupport is coming back can not be sent are often occurs, as we willcontact us always at gmail address please. While if the reply fromthe support can not be sure is, very sorry to trouble you, we askthat you please contact us again in the PC address such asgmail.© 2014-2015 COMPILE HEART / RED, developed and published byHYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website: us on Facebook:
RPG Spectral Souls スペクトラルソウルズ APK
GWスペシャルセールを本日より開始します!5月9日(火)迄、Android、iOS向けの全タイトルが通常45%オフもしくは45%以上オフ(タイトルにより割引率が異なります)でのご提供となります。この機会を是非お見逃しなく!! :ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade Racingスペクトラルソウルズブレイジング ソウルズ アクセレイト新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス IVアガレスト戦記アガレスト戦記 ZERO Dawn of War「Spectral Souls」は約100時間遊べる1GBの本格的タクティカルシミュレーションRPGです!架空のファンタジー世界 「ネバーランド」を舞台に、人間や魔族などの多彩なキャラクターが登場する本格的なタクティカルRPGです。個性的なキャラクターによるバラエティに富んだイベント、練り込まれた戦闘システムによる爽快なバトルアイテムカスタマイズなど、数多くの特徴を持つタイトルです。【ストーリー】ネバーランドと呼ばれるこの世界とは別の次元の世界。人間と魔族は覇権を巡り、争いを続けていた。――魔族の大国ネバーランド皇国軍による虐殺。悲劇は決まって人間だけが住む村で起こり、人間の魔族への反発はおおきなうねりとなっていった。後に『七年戦争』と呼ばれることになるこの争いは、こうして静かにその幕を上げるのであった。【ゲーム概要】・ 3Dバトルシーン・ 84キャラクター・ 200以上のスキル・ 600以上のアイテム・ プレイ時間:約100時間 ・ 容量:1GB容量・ ジャンル:タクティカルシミュレーションRPG・ Nvidia Shield・Xbox 360コントローラー対応・ MOGAコントローラー対応©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .Will start from today theGW Special Sale! May 9 days until (Tuesday), Android, will beoffered at the whole title is usually 45% off or more than 45% offfor iOS (different discount rate by the title).This opportunity by all means do not miss !!:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing Souls access rateShintencho Makai Generation of Chaos IVAgarest SenkiAgarest Senki ZERO Dawn of War"Spectral Souls" is the full-scale tactical simulation RPG of 1GBto play about 100 hours!Fictional fantasy world "Neverland" to the stage, is a full-fledgedtactical RPG that colorful characters appeared, such as human orAsmodian. Event rich in variety by the unique characters, such asthe exhilarating battle item customization by combat system thathas been kneaded, is a title that has a number of features.【story】World of another dimension from this world called Neverland.Human and Asmodian the Tour of the hegemony, had continued tofight.- slaughter by Asmodian powers Neverland Empire troops.The tragedy occurred in the village that only live human beingsdetermined, repulsive to human Asmodian has became a bigswell.The dispute will be referred to as the "Seven Years' War" in later,thus was to quietly raise its curtain.[Game Description]· 3D battle scene· 84 character· More than 200 skills- more than 600 itemsPlay time: about 100 hoursAnd capacity: 1GB capacityGenre: Tactical simulation RPG· Nvidia Shield · Xbox 360 controller support· MOGA controller support© 2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX.
RPG Record of Agarest War Zero APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameon a big screen TVHyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartactical role-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consoles,Record of Agarest War Zero (English version), is now available forAndroid. In this new episode, Prequel of Record of Agarest War,discover how everything began...Story:Long before Summerill and the gods of darkness were defeated inRecord of Agarest War,another battle was fought across generations to save the world fromevil.Record of Agarest War Zero takes you back to that ancienttime.The war between the forces of darkness and the forces of light, aconflict already many years old,has been fought to a stalemate. In the nation of Kraltarla, theforces of light hold back the evil hordesof darkness spilling from Findeste at the Scarred Mountains, butonly just. In a desperate attempt togain an advantage that could change the course of the war, thegenerals of the armies of light dispatch their loyal servantSieghart, whom fate has seen fit to grant a strange and awesomepower.Sieghart’s mission takes him across Kraltarla to gather thecomponents for a magical toolthat can free the imprisoned blacksmith of the gods, so that hemight forge magical artifactsof great and terrible power for the forces of light.* 3D Battle Scenes.* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.9 GB of data* Full 720p HD graphic assets* Fully voice acted (in Japanese only)* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the rightmoment to string together massive combo attacks using multipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Enhanced battle system including combo system, break andoverkill* Experience "Living Portraits" animated characters breathe, move,and move their lips in sync with the voice acting.* Soul-Breeding System - Once again, the choice of bride at the endof the first generation further determines the skill sets andweapon of the offspring.* Card Skill System - Customize your main character's weapon choiceand skills through this unique character generation system.* Feel Link - unlock and change character costumes based on yourrelationship level with other heroines. Maid, Shinto Priestess,Nurse and School uniform are available depending on eachcharacter.* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 100 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mapping andexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Ability to automatically backup your save data to Google Cloudthrough Google Play Game Services.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGame Services.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Extra mode, unlock the original Record of Agarest War maps andcharacters for you to play with.* Support for Android TV with Game Controller.** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ **- DLC content purchase not required to complete the game.- You need at least 1.9GB of free space.- Game is set by default to use the HIGHEST resolution and graphicsettings available by your device. Please adjust these settings inthe option screen should your device be a little underpowered tosupport the full hires data.©2014-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed and publishedby HYPERDEVBOX JAPAN.Hyperdevbox website:
RPG Record of Agarest War APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameon a big screen TV ^^HyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartactical role-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consolesSony (PS3) and Microsoft (XBOX360), Record of Agarest War (Englishversion), is now available for Android.Story:It was the end of the age of gods... An age that ended when thedoor to oblivion was opened.There were five continents in the world of Agarest, each onepierced by a great pillar that towered toward the sky. Thesesoaring monuments were the gods themselves.The beginning of our story and the end of the age of myth findtheir start on the continent of Lucrellia when a young man namedLeonhardt sacrifices everything, even his future and his children,to protect an elven girl. At death's door, he pledges himself to acontract...This is the final tale of the gods; a story woven in souls acrossgenerations...Game features :* 3D Battle Scenes.* Witness the Soul Breed system! Choose a bride at the end of youradventure and give birth to the hero of the next generation!* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the rightmoment to string together massive combo attacks using multipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.8 GB of data* 59 outstanding soundtracks* Full 720p HD graphic assets* 40 cut scene videos* Fully voice acted with 16,000 character voices* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 400 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Story stretching 5 Generations of heroes* Enhanced battle system including combo system, break andoverkill* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mapping andexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers .* Automatic save backup to Google Cloud through Google Play GameServices.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGame Services.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Support for x86 android devices.* Android TV compatible (GamePad)** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **- 5 x Additional Dungeons DLC are available at no charge from thestore, all the other DLC are not necessary to complete thegame.- You need a with at least 1.8GB of free space.- There is a 1.8GB OBB additional data download to complete theinstallation so WIFI is "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY" and a good dose ofpatience too, the installation may take from 15mn to 30mn tocomplete based on your Internet network configuration and/or ourservers congestion, everybody will be served but please bepatient.- There is an "in-game" FAQ in case you have some trouble duringthe installation so please take the time to read it should you haveproblems.- Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphic settings available so please adjust in the option screenshould your device be a little "just" to support the full hiresdata.- A High-End device is highly recommended for the best gamingexperience.- Visit our website and forum at formore FAQ and information.©2013-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed for Android,licensed and published by HYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website:
INDY 500 Arcade Racing APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameon a big screen TV ^^** NEW EDITION with Custom Race Track Editor , race the mythicalINDY 500® track your OWN **** Welcome to the new INDY500® Arcade Racing Worldwide Championshipfeature : Every week, you will be able to participate to a newchampionship and play a different race track and condition fromMonday to Saturday. The total accumulated points of the 6 raceswill determine the final result of the weekly championship, themore points you get the better will be the ranking.Ladies and Gentlemen... Start Your Engines !!!In cooperation with Indianapolis Motor Speedway, We are proud tointroduce (exclusive for Android worldwide), the official INDY 500®track and 33 meticulously-detailed open-wheel INDY cars. "INDY 500®Arcade Racing" aims to bring back the fun of the Arcade atmospherewhilst using today's latest 3D technology.Moving at speeds well over 200mph, "INDY 500® Arcade Racing"features jaw-dropping 3D graphics and an adrenaline-pumping drivingexperience. By combining car tuning, qualification sessions and theability to make last second decisions to enter the Pit Stop, youwill develop your own strategy to reach the goal line and be thebest racer in the world.“INDY 500® Arcade Racing" features :* The first true "arcade" INDY 500® open-wheel indycar racing gameexperience for Android,* Officially Licensed from Indianapolis Motor Speedway andFIRESTONE.* Race Against 32 Indy Racing Cars* Race in Single player mode or Challenge Local Rivals with theMultiplayer-mode over Bluetooth (up to 3 players).* Unlock New Texture for Your Car, Dual Color Painting Feature andMultiple Racing Conditions including Time of Day and ReverseMode.* Special Garage Mode :Level-up and Tune Your Car for Better Performance, Adjust YourCars' Colors and Painting.Up to 5 Different Indy Cars Can Be Customized and Saved.* Fast-Paced Driving Musics.* Announcer and Pit Staff Radio Voice overs (Volumeadjustable)* Qualification session and Pit Stop.* Amazing Colorful 3D Graphics with support for Full HD 1920x1080devices at native resolution.* Save and Replay up to 32 different Races.* Local and Online Worldwide Leader Board.* 37 Google+ Achievements, Google+ Sharing post and Google+ Giftsupported.* Gyro, On Screen Virtual Controls and External ControllerSupport.* 3 Race Modes with their own Leader Board to express yourself:Flash Race: 2 Laps, Medium Race: 5 Laps and Long Race: 10Laps.* Custom Race Track editor.* Worldwide exclusive Weekly Championship feature.* Optimized for Intel x86 mobile devices* Android TV compatible (GamePad)Play it on NVIDIA SHIELD.** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **- You will need 100MB of free space to install the game.- You may need WIFI for reaching our servers.- Only Bluetooth PAIRED devices can play each other in Multiplayermode.- Android ART 4.4.4+ runtime supported.- Visit our website and forum at formore FAQ and information.INDY 500® and the INDY 500® logo are registered trademarks ofIndianapolis Motor Speedway, LLC and are used withpermission.FIRESTONE and the FIRESTONE logo are registered trademarks ofBridgestone Brands, LLC and Bridgestone Licensing Services, Inc.and are used with permission.
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Lieyan Arena anime Dragon MMO 4.67 APK
The most hot one! The first leader! ThebestARPG mobile game!Brothers are: side by side in fighting, day by dayinexciting!Facebook: roles ---- Warrior, Mage and ClericSuper engine ---- for smoother combat rhythmPerfect action design ---- for better user experienceWe are responsible for providing various activities ofPVPbattles,while what you have to do is light yourdream and release your passion.Start your new fantasy trip now or never!High-quality images and oriental magic theme.Martial-arts in the form of anime on the phone,original version for the global!MMOHeroes lay siege to enemies, fight till the end and walk the wayofsuccess through mobile phones in the game. Here thestrongestbecomes the king and be in charge of the world. Do notwait foranother chance to create your own legend, you can take allin theLIEYAN ARENA world.So do not hesitate any more, pick up your phone to join intheLIEYAN ARENA world that 9377 create for you guys, and thenenjoyyour exciting time!-------Game Features-------1. Superior picture quality --- beyond retro.2. Instant voice chat system --- communicate in the mostconvenientway.3. Wonderful design in fighting --- the same good feeling asusingdesktop.4. Gorgeous special effects --- just enjoy fighting.5. Thousands of users online --- stand and fight together.6. Automatically multiply fastly --- hang up any time whenyouneed.Role-playing, Action, Martial-arts, Magic,Battle in the fortress, only in the latest official versionofLieyan Social.Auto MF system & voice chat systemRomantic encounters with prince charming and goddessGet up and pick up your phone to enter the Lieyan Arena worldandenjoy your time!--------contact us--------Email: syyy@9377.comThe operation team of will do the best to serve you!First-ever Fusion with friends to be Top Hero!First-ever Blend with groups to create My World!1. Classic Role MMOHundreds of roles well-designed by top team.Classic & Cute Heroes waiting for you.2. Map Instance DragonHundreds of instances with various scenes;Layer tech enables switching anytime;Photo restored in precise details.3. Fierce fighting DragonAroused by combination of gorgeous skills & teamspeed!Instant fight with simulative scenes in phone system!Various states, desktop optimized & smooth screen!4. Lineup Title MMOSkill Strike Direction: Single, horizontal, vertical,cross,whole, etc.Title Info: Swordsman, sailor, snipe, tank, Death, MU, MT,DPS,assist, heal, control, etc.Fetter System: 360°Hundred –killed, Evil Cheetah, Heavy StormPerfect match for video and anime!5. Fusion Combo DragonCouple in lineup can fusion with full anger.Fellows in lineup release fire combo for the 1st intimatetouch.6. Guild SocialFriend chatting system enables you to share game news &tipswith your friends!7. Sharing DragonNew share function. You can share with friends on:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsappWeibo, Wechat, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, QQ,QQ-zone, Renren, Moment.8. Online ActivityParty for all players!PS: hot events! Pls read the detail in official website!Most popular anime roles!Take part in voting and get great rewards!More activitiesCome and join us!Share with friends:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Wechat Moment, Facebook, Weibo,Snapchat,Instagram, Whatsapp, Tencent Weibo, QQ, QQ Zone,Renren热血传奇The game contains revealing clothes, violence (fight betweengameroles), dating and social contact; some content needspayment.Please consciously avoid indulging.-------------------------------------------Vivid plots and enriched tasksImages in Japanese style with rich blendent.Hot and sexy / cute and lovely rolesChat sys and social functionPlease avoid addiction and puppy love!
RPG Record of Agarest War APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameon a big screen TV ^^HyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartactical role-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consolesSony (PS3) and Microsoft (XBOX360), Record of Agarest War (Englishversion), is now available for Android.Story:It was the end of the age of gods... An age that ended when thedoor to oblivion was opened.There were five continents in the world of Agarest, each onepierced by a great pillar that towered toward the sky. Thesesoaring monuments were the gods themselves.The beginning of our story and the end of the age of myth findtheir start on the continent of Lucrellia when a young man namedLeonhardt sacrifices everything, even his future and his children,to protect an elven girl. At death's door, he pledges himself to acontract...This is the final tale of the gods; a story woven in souls acrossgenerations...Game features :* 3D Battle Scenes.* Witness the Soul Breed system! Choose a bride at the end of youradventure and give birth to the hero of the next generation!* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the rightmoment to string together massive combo attacks using multipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.8 GB of data* 59 outstanding soundtracks* Full 720p HD graphic assets* 40 cut scene videos* Fully voice acted with 16,000 character voices* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 400 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Story stretching 5 Generations of heroes* Enhanced battle system including combo system, break andoverkill* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mapping andexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers .* Automatic save backup to Google Cloud through Google Play GameServices.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGame Services.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Support for x86 android devices.* Android TV compatible (GamePad)** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **- 5 x Additional Dungeons DLC are available at no charge from thestore, all the other DLC are not necessary to complete thegame.- You need a with at least 1.8GB of free space.- There is a 1.8GB OBB additional data download to complete theinstallation so WIFI is "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY" and a good dose ofpatience too, the installation may take from 15mn to 30mn tocomplete based on your Internet network configuration and/or ourservers congestion, everybody will be served but please bepatient.- There is an "in-game" FAQ in case you have some trouble duringthe installation so please take the time to read it should you haveproblems.- Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphic settings available so please adjust in the option screenshould your device be a little "just" to support the full hiresdata.- A High-End device is highly recommended for the best gamingexperience.- Visit our website and forum at formore FAQ and information.©2013-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed for Android,licensed and published by HYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website:
RPG Record of Agarest War Zero APK
To celebrate the opening of the holiday seasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titles availablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May 9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off or more.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the list below:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameon a big screen TVHyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartactical role-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consoles,Record of Agarest War Zero (English version), is now available forAndroid. In this new episode, Prequel of Record of Agarest War,discover how everything began...Story:Long before Summerill and the gods of darkness were defeated inRecord of Agarest War,another battle was fought across generations to save the world fromevil.Record of Agarest War Zero takes you back to that ancienttime.The war between the forces of darkness and the forces of light, aconflict already many years old,has been fought to a stalemate. In the nation of Kraltarla, theforces of light hold back the evil hordesof darkness spilling from Findeste at the Scarred Mountains, butonly just. In a desperate attempt togain an advantage that could change the course of the war, thegenerals of the armies of light dispatch their loyal servantSieghart, whom fate has seen fit to grant a strange and awesomepower.Sieghart’s mission takes him across Kraltarla to gather thecomponents for a magical toolthat can free the imprisoned blacksmith of the gods, so that hemight forge magical artifactsof great and terrible power for the forces of light.* 3D Battle Scenes.* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.9 GB of data* Full 720p HD graphic assets* Fully voice acted (in Japanese only)* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the rightmoment to string together massive combo attacks using multipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Enhanced battle system including combo system, break andoverkill* Experience "Living Portraits" animated characters breathe, move,and move their lips in sync with the voice acting.* Soul-Breeding System - Once again, the choice of bride at the endof the first generation further determines the skill sets andweapon of the offspring.* Card Skill System - Customize your main character's weapon choiceand skills through this unique character generation system.* Feel Link - unlock and change character costumes based on yourrelationship level with other heroines. Maid, Shinto Priestess,Nurse and School uniform are available depending on eachcharacter.* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 100 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mapping andexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Ability to automatically backup your save data to Google Cloudthrough Google Play Game Services.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGame Services.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Extra mode, unlock the original Record of Agarest War maps andcharacters for you to play with.* Support for Android TV with Game Controller.** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ **- DLC content purchase not required to complete the game.- You need at least 1.9GB of free space.- Game is set by default to use the HIGHEST resolution and graphicsettings available by your device. Please adjust these settings inthe option screen should your device be a little underpowered tosupport the full hires data.©2014-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed and publishedby HYPERDEVBOX JAPAN.Hyperdevbox website:
War of Crown 1.0.58 APK
NEW Ultimate Enhance and Rune System!Dive into an authentic turn-based strategy RPG!Riveting Story mode featuring a range of spirited Heroes!Real-time PvP that will test your strategic skills!■ Real-Time PvP: Calling All Master Strategists!- Flaunt your tactical brilliance in the Arena!- Check out the challenging new Seasonal Arena! Who will seize thethrone?■ Form a Plan, Change the Game, Crush Your Opponents!- Execute your game plan on 3D maps with elevated terrain!- Create the ultimate party of Heroes based on their elementalstrengths and gear!■ Stunning Graphics- Hero movements and Skill effects that come alive on thescreen!■ Immersive Story Mode- Each Hero has a tale to tell. Discover their stories and turn upthe fun!War of Crown Facebook Page Facebook Page of Crown Official Forum Official Forum* This game requires the following permissions for optimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device status forFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtain certainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support : of Service: Policy:
Phantom of the Kill 2.2.2 APK
THE DEFINITIVE STRATEGY RPGIntroducing Phantom of the Kill, the tactical role-playing gamethat combines strategy with drama!Join warriors named after legendary weapons in their epic battleagainst evil, and turn the tides of war with a swipe of yourfinger.FIGHT YOUR WAY TO GLORY WITH WILD UNITS AND WEAPONSWith over fifty unit classes and six weapon types, thepossibilities truly are endless. Add dragoons, swordmasters, mages,gunners, and other units to your team, form the perfect party withinsanely cool weapons, then lead them to victory!Try your hand with axes, lances, swords and other weapons at yourdisposal. How will you defeat your enemies?NOTESPhantom of the Kill is free to download and play, however, somegame items can also be purchased for real money. A networkconnection is required to play this game.COMPATIBILITYA smartphone or tablet with Android 4.1 or later, 2GB RAM or more,and 1.5 GB disk space or more is recommended. * Some devices withthese specifications may still not be able to run thisapplication.DEVELOPERFuji&gumi Games, Inc.PROVIDERgumi Inc.HOMEPAGE PORTAL OF SERVICE POLICY BY CRIWARECRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.
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Weed Firm 2: Back to College 3.0.60 APK
Weed Firm 2: Back to College by ManitobaGames.The sequel to the now-legendary weed growing adventure, Weed Firm:RePlanted, featuring the next level in simulations for sellingpot.In this plant game you will:• Cultivate your weed farm empire with multiple strains ofmarijuana, including the well-known White Widow and Purple Haze, aswell as the amazingly powerful and extremely beautiful AlienWeed• Market your pot to a range of eccentric clientele such as Janethe exotic dancer, Luni & Durte the rap duo, Sandy & Mandythe Cheerleaders, Ian the DJ, Rasta Bob, and many more• Grow your plantation and customize your shop with a series ofitems that will help kick up your buzz as well as keep you safefrom cannabis seeking intruders• Break into a new line of grass business & expand your shop bygrowing magic mushrooms; including varieties such as Mexican,Ecuadorian, Alien, and Intergalactic• Open up a portal to another galaxy and sell your finest mushroomsto extraterrestrial alien visitors• Defend your stash of ‘shrooms and mary jane from the localGangbangers and find creative ways of shaking off corrupt cops andfederal agents who are ready to bust up your pot growingshop.In this follow-up to Weed Firm: RePlanted, the popular role-playingweed growing and dealing adventure, expelled botany student TedGrowing heads back to his Alma Mater. This time he's not there tohit the books, but rather to hide out from the cops who are hot onhis trail. Ted sets up his grass grow-op in an abandoned gym andgets down to doing what he does best: cultivating and sellingcannabis. You get to be Ted as he expands his weed farm to newlocations; planting new varieties of bud and magic mushrooms. Feelyour pulse rising as Ted tries to keep his buzz up while growinghis pot farm empire and selling to an ever-increasing client basethat demands R-E-S-P-E-C-T.Jah be with you! PeaceTwitter:
Ninja Heroes 1.1.0 APK
Explore the real world of Ninja and experience the excitingadventure with level up, learn the ultimate jutsu and become thestrongest Ninja.Build the strongest Ninja Village by winning in this epicmultiplayer battle.With hundred of plots and forbidden technique will make thebattle become more immense.Fight for friendship, peace and glory! Prepare for the biggestNinja War in the history and become the Legend!Download for FREE the MOST ANTICIPATED Ninja theme role-playinggame for the Android!FeaturesNinjaCollect all over 100 Ninja with different technique!JutsuLearn more than 100 Jutsu include Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu,Dojutsu and SenjutsuTailed BeastFight Jinchuriki, obtain the power of Tailed Beast and become thestrongest NinjaArena PVPChallenge each other and compete to be the greatest oneEndless FunLevel up your Ninja, train Ninja, explore Ninja world, participateat Genin Trial exam, and more!Auto ModeCrush your enemies with auto mode for simple and easy battles!The game is free to play, but you can choose to purchase someextra items.Network connection is also required to play.
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1 APK
The world’s most popular mobile RPG, ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mystery behindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-op raidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. Enter PVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all from yourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across the ninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different pieces ofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, and accessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time. Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions for optimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device status forFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtain certainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support : of Service: Policy:
Dungeon Hunter 4 APK
Venture forth into the most immersive,accomplished, and addictive chapter of the acclaimed action RPGsaga!***** REDISCOVER THE THRILL OF DUNGEON CRAWLER GAMES- Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE & a dark fantasyadventure- SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses- LOOT countless items***** EXPERIENCE A TRUE RPG- Choose from 4 types of warriors with unique combat styles- UPGRADE your battle skills- CUSTOMIZE, craft and charm your gear- Throughout the game, unveil the mysteries surrounding yourwarriors***** GO FOR MULTIPLAYER ACTION- Fight along your friends in the CO-OP arenas- Show off your battle skills in the action-packed PVP mode- Gather up and fight other warriors in TEAM DEATHMATCH gamesThe Demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago, havereturned. You awaken from what seemed like a nightmare to find yourkingdom, Valenthia, decimated. Unharmed from the battle, you aremysteriously gifted with tremendous new power and skills. You couldbe your people’s only remaining hope…Embark on an epic adventure and get ready to fight your way throughintense solo and multiplayer levels in this new free installment ofthe iconic dungeon crawler game.This free fantasy game is best suited for fans of: hack 'n slash,action RPGs, dark fantasy games, multiplayer and free adventuregames.If you are one of them, get the game now for free!_____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like uson Facebook at to get more info aboutall our free upcoming games.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
Weed Firm: RePlanted 1.7.43 APK
Weed Firm: RePlanted. The Vicious and LawlessCareer of Mr. Ted GrowingThe updated version of the popular weed growing inspired gamefeatures a unique, fictional role-playing adventure for you tocultivate your marijuana fantasies.You will:- Plant and raise new marijuana strains and use different pots andfertilizers to increase your harvests- Customize your weed shop to attract new customers with recordplayers, bongs and more- Increase your pot profits by interacting with the numerous,colorful stoners while you spin vinyl and smoke dope withthem- Defend your shop from thugs, corrupt cops and the infamousextraterrestrial aliens (!) straight out of their UFOs as youcollect huge piles of money and Mary Jane.- Complete tasks like collecting big piles of cash, outsmarting thewily five-o and dealing with the hordes of mary jane lovingcustomers knocking at your door.Follow the colorful story of expelled botany sophomore Ted Growingas he inherits a little herb growing operation. Watch as he putshimself to work growing and cultivating Bush Weed, Northern Lights,White Widow, Purple Haze Pot and the sweet Alien Crossbreed. Jamout to Reggae, Punk and Trance music while hanging out in his sweetstoner pad. Watch him smoke up with colorful characters like DancerJane, Mary the Artist, Bob Rasta, Sandy the Cheerleader, LeeMechanic, and more. Watch out for the bad guys like the ganjaloving gangstas and the pesky police. And be extra wary of ourvisitor from Area 51; the alien extraterrestrial ready to abductyou and your grass for a trip to outer space, UFO style. Don’tskate through your tasks half-heartedly either, there’s a newsurprise every app update for you to explore, exploit and flame upyour green empire with!Good luck staying out of trouble, because once you get big everyonewill want a piece of you & your pot profits.Get growing, Mr. Growing, and may Jah be with you in your budbusiness!
Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 1.4.2 APK
ASSEMBLE, STRATEGIZE, FIGHT!Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 is the massive sequel to the smash hitMarvel: Avengers Alliance, with a robust mobile gaming experience,greater customization, and amazing high quality visuals.Assemble a team with the Avengers, Daredevil, Guardians of theGalaxy, Spider-Man, and other Super Heroes to battle Ultron, BaronStrucker, and more epic Super Villains! A mysterious series ofgalactic collisions, known as Incursions, threaten the fate ofEarth. You must use the powerful energy of Iso-8 to stop thedestruction of every universe. Team up with friends and otherplayers from around the globe to face deadly foes andprevail.• Assemble the ultimate team to defeat notorious SuperVillains• Strategize and defeat evil forces in epic 3-on-3 combat• Level-up and customize Super Heroes• Collect and equip unique abilities for each Super Hero• Take on dozens of replayable missions• Win bonus rewards for completing Daily Operations• Get powerful rewards in PVP tournaments• Team up with friends’ Super Heroes to conquer missionsBefore you download this experience, please consider that this appcontains:• Social media links to connect with others• In-app purchases that cost real money• The option to accept push notifications to let you know when wehave exciting updates like new content• Advertising for some third parties, including the option to watchads for rewards• Advertising for The Walt Disney Family of CompaniesThis app accesses your contact information to enable you toeasily communicate with your contacts. To download and access somehigh resolution features and content, this app requires allocatingsome large media files to external storage on your device.Visit the official Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 website– Of Use:http://disneytermsofuse.comPrivacy Policy:
Warspear Online (MMORPG, RPG, MMO) APK
Warspear Online – the classic 2D MMORPG withmillions of players from all over the world!Bestowed the award of “Best MMO RPG game” in 2015 by «BEST APPEVER AWARDS»!Download the game and all updates for free!Choose your side in the War of the Spear. Lead your army to battlein open PvP, stand shoulder to shoulder with your friends to defeatdevious dungeon dwellers and obtain the title of Strongest ArenaWarrior! There’s no time to wait – you must act!Create a hero- 4 races and 2 alliances: Firstborn and Chosen vs. Mountain Clansand Forsaken- Blade Dancer, Ranger, Druid, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Barbarian,Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Necromancer and Death Knight, Seeker,Warden, Charmer, Hunter- 100+ expert skills for personal builds- 100+ relics for adding effects to basic skills- Character customization: costumes, decorative items, haircuts,hair colours- 9 crafting professions for creating unique armor, weapons andaccessories- 150+ personal achievements with unique rewards, rating top-1000,sharing on Facebook- Loyal Minions to help you in battlesFight with enemies- Capturing Castles on Ayvondil- Battle zones for free PvP-battles, friendly duels- Arenas of 2х2, 3x3 and 5x5- Massive battles for territories between Alliances foughtregularly- Thousands of monsters and hundreds of dangerous bossesExplore a huge world- 8 huge islands- Dozens of Dungeons with treasures- 1,500+ original quests and hundreds of daily ones- Monthly updates: new quests, territories, dungeons, skills,achievements, decorative items, equipmentPlay with your friends- Unite in Guilds and groups- Take part in tournaments, events and Arinar holidaycelebrations- Communicate in chats, trade and exchange goods____________Massive update “Engineer’s Madness”! Top character’s level wasincreased by 28, above Ayvondil appeared vast islands with new raidboss Engineer and abandoned dungeons of Technopolis. New quests,craft tasks, achievements, weapons, equipment and many more!Adventures continue!____________Technical features- 80 Mb free space- Android 2.3.6 and more- EDGE/3GWebsite: http://warspear-online.comForum: http://forum.warspear-online.comFacebook:
아가레스트 전기 APK
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