1.1.3 / November 26, 2015
(4.6/5) (5705)





"I was a monster,"Variety shape collection and combine classic MMORPG, RPG games areplayed not only killing mode, into 100 kinds of makes you think howamazing shape change on how they change! In the game you will seemore classic heroes, Monkey, six ear monkeys, White-Boned Demon,Daisy fairy, golden-winged albatross, subvert the traditionalfemale monk Journey concept! Large-scale national war, multiplayerPVP battlefield let you and your opponent war enjoyment, on socialchange can change a variety of innovative sound voice chat, so thatyour game is no longer boring. Give you a different gamingexperience fingertips!

[Game Background]
Six ear monkeys occupied Realms, Three Realms of chaos, crisiseverywhere. Bodhi ancestors for three realms beings, with six earmonkeys war in nothingness community, but since the six ear monkeyssupernatural celestial dome, Bodhi ancestors lost, seriously. Bodhiancestors a thousand years ago and the matter deeply true and falseMonkey King relevant past period, before his death entrusted theonly apprentice (the protagonist), through the fight back to athousand years ago, from the beginning of the matter to preventthis disaster from happening.
Protagonist experiencing hardships, finally found fight back tenthousand years ago, I did not expect time to gear error, return tothe Temple already do not know what month what day. Protagonistdecided to find the Jade Emperor asked the reason, but because ofthe lack of the Jade Emperor was having an affair with the daughterof the King and the Queen Mother conflict, the Jade Emperor, theQueen Mother imprisoned in Wonderland among the three realmsbeyond. Jade Emperor must be rescued in order to ascertain thecause of the matter.
Daughter of the country through the process of investigating thematter found in the original cause of the Three Realms chaos,because her country, and her country of thing, it is the JadeEmperor and six ear monkeys collusion, daughter of the King tochange into a lead hook Tang Xuanzang mentoring, Jade Emperorfatuous resulting in "people, demons, demon," Three Realmsconfusion.
Lead step by step to find the answer, decided to rescue TangXuanzang mentoring and capture nothingness community, eliminate sixear monkeys.
Thus, the three realms journey begins ...

Fan page: https: //www.facebook.com/mgxianbian2

информация о приложении 我是妖怪-語音聊天快樂交友-新一代MMORPG

  • Имя приложения
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    November 26, 2015
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Mofun Studio
  • Количество установок
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Role Playing
  • Разработчик
    Email mofun_studio@126.com
    香港 九龍城 龍崗道
  • Google Play Link

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聯盟爭霸 1.0.0 APK
Mofun Studio
《聯盟爭霸》是一款西方魔幻題材的動作手游,遊戲完美融合了MOBA對戰和RPG遊戲的各自特點與一體,深度還原電競佳作遊戲的人物特點、場景風貌。在遊戲中,你可以組建自己的英雄戰隊,搭配自己喜好的裝備、符文及召喚師技能與其他玩家進行全新的競技對抗,同時豐富的RPG元素更將游戲樂趣多元化。超凡的養成系統,豐富的裝備、技能、符文一個都不能少。推塔對抗、天梯系統更是將你帶入到經典樂趣中!"Alliance hegemony" is aWestern fantasy theme action hand travel, game perfect blend of RPGand MOBA games Battle respective characteristics and integration,reducing the depth of the characters gaming masterpiece gamefeatures scenes style. In the game, you can set up their own heroesclan, with their choice of equipment, runes and Summoner skillswith other players a new competitive confrontation, while the richRPG elements of the game more fun diversification. Develop a systemof extraordinary, rich equipment, skills, runes one less. PushTower confrontation, ladder system is to get you into the fun inthe classic!
我是妖怪-語音聊天快樂交友-新一代MMORPG 1.1.3 APK
Mofun Studio
《我是妖怪》百變造型收集與MMORPG經典結合,玩法不再只有RPG殺怪模式,融入100種百變造型讓你想怎麼變就怎麼變!在遊戲內你會看到更多經典的英雄角色,齊天大聖、六耳獼猴、白骨精、紫霞仙子、金翅大鵬鳥、女唐僧等顛覆傳統西遊概念!大型國戰,多人PVP戰場讓你和對手戰個痛快,在社交上可以變聲語音聊天等多種創新改變,讓你的遊戲不再枯燥無味。給你不一樣的指尖遊戲體驗!【遊戲背景】  六耳獼猴佔領三界,三界大亂,危機四起。菩提老祖為了三界眾生,與六耳獼猴大戰于虛無界,奈何六耳獼猴神通蓋天,菩提老祖不敵,傷勢嚴重。菩提老祖深感此事和一萬年前真假美猴王那段往事有關,臨死前託付僅存的徒弟(主角),通過月光寶盒回到一萬年前,從這件事的開端來阻止這場災難的發生。  主角經歷種種艱辛,終於找到月光寶盒回到一萬年前,沒想到時間齒輪出錯,回到天宮已然不知道是何年何月何日。主角決定尋找玉皇大帝詢問原因,但玉皇大帝缺因與女兒國國王有染和王母娘娘發生衝突,王母娘娘將玉皇大帝囚禁在三界之外的仙境之中。必須救出玉皇大帝才能查清此事起因。  經過調查女兒國之事的過程中發現,原來三界大亂的起因,是因為女兒國,而女兒國之事,正是玉皇大帝與六耳獼猴勾結,變化成女兒國國王來引唐玄奘師徒上鉤,玉皇大帝的昏庸致使“人、魔、妖”三界混亂。  主角一步一步找到答案,決定先救出唐玄奘師徒,并攻下虛無界,消滅六耳獼猴。  由此,三界之旅,開始了...粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/mgxianbian2"I was a monster,"Variety shape collection and combine classic MMORPG, RPG games areplayed not only killing mode, into 100 kinds of makes you think howamazing shape change on how they change! In the game you will seemore classic heroes, Monkey, six ear monkeys, White-Boned Demon,Daisy fairy, golden-winged albatross, subvert the traditionalfemale monk Journey concept! Large-scale national war, multiplayerPVP battlefield let you and your opponent war enjoyment, on socialchange can change a variety of innovative sound voice chat, so thatyour game is no longer boring. Give you a different gamingexperience fingertips![Game Background]Six ear monkeys occupied Realms, Three Realms of chaos, crisiseverywhere. Bodhi ancestors for three realms beings, with six earmonkeys war in nothingness community, but since the six ear monkeyssupernatural celestial dome, Bodhi ancestors lost, seriously. Bodhiancestors a thousand years ago and the matter deeply true and falseMonkey King relevant past period, before his death entrusted theonly apprentice (the protagonist), through the fight back to athousand years ago, from the beginning of the matter to preventthis disaster from happening.Protagonist experiencing hardships, finally found fight back tenthousand years ago, I did not expect time to gear error, return tothe Temple already do not know what month what day. Protagonistdecided to find the Jade Emperor asked the reason, but because ofthe lack of the Jade Emperor was having an affair with the daughterof the King and the Queen Mother conflict, the Jade Emperor, theQueen Mother imprisoned in Wonderland among the three realmsbeyond. Jade Emperor must be rescued in order to ascertain thecause of the matter.Daughter of the country through the process of investigating thematter found in the original cause of the Three Realms chaos,because her country, and her country of thing, it is the JadeEmperor and six ear monkeys collusion, daughter of the King tochange into a lead hook Tang Xuanzang mentoring, Jade Emperorfatuous resulting in "people, demons, demon," Three Realmsconfusion.Lead step by step to find the answer, decided to rescue TangXuanzang mentoring and capture nothingness community, eliminate sixear monkeys.Thus, the three realms journey begins ...Fan page: https: //www.facebook.com/mgxianbian2
仙魔變 10.0.0 APK
Mofun Studio
《仙魔變》是一款精心打造的MMORPG手機網路遊戲。引領玩家進入神、人、妖的仙幻世界,華麗奪目的技能特效、精彩紛呈的畫面、大有完勝PC畫面之勢。以清晰的故事主線、痛快淋漓的戰鬥畫面讓玩家領略真神之力的震撼。獨特的變身、絢麗的坐騎系統,讓玩家完全體驗到以一己之力,抵抗三界之亂的震撼。其核心在於全新多樣的廝殺模式,完美融合熱血澎湃的競技場、拉鋸對壘的陣營戰、擁有多樣化的門派系統,絕對會帶給玩家無法割捨的快樂。遊戲特徵★實時語音傳訊,虧妹聊天一把罩★玩轉七十二變,找個狐仙做女友★劇情完全開放,我支持紂王大人★連打擊飛AOE,全手勢順滑操控★數百益智遊戲,超完善線上互動適配機型系統版本:Android 4.0及以上CPU:1G及以上ROM:512M及以上RAM:700M及以上注意事項:安裝時需保有300MB及以上記憶體空間1)本遊戲需要網路連接2)本遊戲依據中華民國軟體分級管理辦法分為:輔12級3)遊戲內部分角色有凸顯胸、臀之服飾4)請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲"Fairy Magic Change" is awell-built phone MMORPG online games. Lead the players into God,man, fairy magic demon world, eye-catching special effects skillsgorgeous, brilliant screen, a great win in the PC screen trend. Aclear story line, stirring battle screen allows players toappreciate the true power of God shock. Unique incarnations,brilliant mount system that allows players to fully experience thepower of their own, resist shock three realms of chaos. Its corelies in a variety of new fighting mode, the perfect fusion of bloodsurging arena, see-saw battle confront the camp, have a variety ofmartial system, will definitely give the player can not givehappiness.Game features★ real-time voice messaging, chat Yiba Zhao sister deficit★ Fun seventy change, to find a girlfriend do HUXIN★ story completely open, I support the King Zhou adults★ even blow fly AOE, smooth full gesture control★ Hundreds of puzzle games, super perfect online interactiveFit modelsSystem version: Android 4.0 and aboveCPU: 1G and aboveROM: 512M and aboveRAM: 700M and aboveNote: When installing the need to maintain and more than 300MBof memory space1) The game requires Internet connection2) This game is based on hierarchical management approach into theROC Software: Auxiliary 123) part of the game have highlighted the role of the chest,buttocks of clothing4) Please note that the use of time, avoid indulging in thegame
蘿莉三國 1.0.5 APK
Mofun Studio