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We are taking our long history of serving great tasting burgers toCanadians forward by providing you with our new mobile app. Ourrecipes have stayed the same and delicious as ever, but now we giveyou a convenient way to stay connected with Harvey's, our mobileapp!You can still get your burger made the way you want it, but nowyou have the convenience of receiving our frequent discounts andcoupon incentives through the Harvey's mobile app. Now that istruly a beautiful thing.
1С-Рарус: Мобильный ТСД v8.3
"1С-Рарус: Мобильный терминал сбора данныхv8.3" - приложение, реализованное на мобильной версии платформы1С:Предприятие 8.Приложение является альтернативой терминалу сбора данных."1С-Рарус: Мобильный ТСД" предназначен для автоматизации действийсотрудников магазина и позволяет выполнять различные операции посбору и обработке информации о товарах. Приложение взаимодействуетс типовыми отраслевыми решениями на базе "1С:Розница 8" попротоколу обмена данных SOAP.Приложение позволяет:• работать в Off-line, On-line и смешанном режимах;• принимать товар на склад;• работать в торговом зале, осуществляя проверку ценников;• проводить инвентаризацию в магазине;• разгрузить очередь перед кассой, оформив заказ покупателя;• вводить штрихкоды вручную;• выбирать товары из списка;• просматривать информацию о товарах: наименование, характеристики,количество, цены;• редактировать данные;• синхронизировать данные через Интернет соединение;• осуществлять работу приложения в демо-режиме, загрузивдемо-данные.Приложение взаимодействует со следующими программнымипродуктами:• "1С:Розница 8. Аптека"• "1С:Розница 8. Книжный магазин"• "1С:Розница 8. Магазин автозапчастей"• "1С:Розница 8. Магазин бытовой техники и средств связи"• "1С:Розница 8. Магазин одежды и обуви"• "1С:Розница 8. Магазин строительных и отделочныхматериалов"• "1С:Розница 8. Салон оптики"• "1С:Розница 8. Ювелирный магазин"Внимание!Для работы приложения требуется коробочное или облачное решениеодного из отраслевых программных продуктов на базе "1С:Розница 8"редакции не ниже 2.1 и соединение с Интернет.Интерфейс приложения оптимизирован для смартфонов ипланшетов."1C-Rarus: Mobile dataterminal v8.3" - application implemented on the mobile version of1C: Enterprise 8.The application is an alternative data collection terminal."1C-Rarus: Mobile TSD" is designed to automate store employees andallows you to perform various operations on the collection andprocessing of information about products. Application interactswith standard industry solutions based on "1C: Retail 8" dataexchange protocol SOAP.You can:• work in Off-line, On-line and mixed mode;• to accept the goods at the warehouse;• work on the trading floor, carrying out checks price tags;• Conduct an inventory of the store;• unload queue before the cash register, make an order for thebuyer;• enter barcodes manually;• Select items from the list;• view information about the product: name, description, quantity,price;• edit the data;• synchronize data over the Internet connection;• implement the application in demo mode by downloading the demodata.Application interacts with the following software products:• "1C: Retail 8. Drugstore"• "1C: Retail 8. Bookstore"• "1C: Retail 8. Parts store"• "1C: Retail 8. Shop home appliances and communication"• "1C: Retail 8. Shop clothes and footwear"• "1C: Retail 8. Shop building materials"• "1C: Retail 8. Salon Optics"• "1C: Retail 8. Jewelry Store"Attention!Application uses packaged cloud solution or one of the softwareindustry based on "1C: Retail 8" edition 2.1 or later and Internetconnection.The application interface is optimized for smartphones andtablets.
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MagicBricks Property Search
MagicBricks, one of the best property apps inIndia, puts all complex parameters of property search in a simpleand intuitive interface. Whether you are looking to buy property orrent it out, MagicBricks can help you save both time andmoney.Why switch to MagicBricks?Smart integration: Not sure of the area or just want a property buyin the neighborhood? MagicBricks can use GPS, find out the exactlocation, and browse amongst the finest properties in India.Multiple view options: Explore the shortlisted apartments withnumerous photos and videos, or get a sneak peak with Google mapview.Intelligent filters: Instead of messy drop down menus, we have ascreen of options dedicated to intelligent filters that helps youget the most relevant properties.Detailed Descriptions: Whether you want to find flats, houses orany other real estate our app gives you detailed descriptions ofthe property and the amenities. The app also tells you about keyfacilities located close to the real estate.Key Features● Contact the owner/agent by one tap.● Our property finder helps you find home from over half a millionproperties.● Find apartment by number of bedrooms, locality, budget etc.● List up your flats for sale, flats for rent, or any otherproperty sale, property rent among 1.5 million buyers.● Create alerts: For Property Sale, property for rent and othertasks through this property app. An apartment finder that you cantrust with your property chores.● Search Flats, commercial real estate by projects, budget,etc.● Real estate app that puts all real estate India on your palm –Lets you message and check responses of listings – all through theapp.● Find out latest property India trends and search flats to getmaximum returns● Check out ongoing real estate projects and use trends to buyproperty.● Select listings from brokers/owners or both.● This Search flats app allows you to save listings and revisitthem, thereby cutting down a lot of property search time.That’s not everything; there are many subtle features thatMagicBricks app has. MagicBricks is Apartment app, rent app, flatapp, and house app all put together! MagicBricks allows you to sortthe listings which make real estate search easy and efficient. Ifyou want a property on rent without a broker, you can simplydeselect broker. MagicBricks search flat app has everything foryou.All Major Cities CoveredMagicBricks covers all major cities in India, property in Mumbai,rental flats in Mumbai, flats for rent in Delhi, flats for rent inBangalore, flats for rent in Chennai, and numerous other propertysolutions in cities like Kolkata, Hyderabad etc. Whether it is aProperty for sale or for a buy, MagicBricks has complete realestate solutions for you.Design and simplicityWe distinguish various fields differently so that you only spendtime on doing what you want. Our system and its effectiveness isunparalleled and that helps you Buy and sell property with ease!The interface is sleek and gets you going with property search onthe go.MagicBricks makes your flat search easier by mapping real estateproperty effectively. Moreover, you get an advantage of browsingfrom the highest number of property listings among property searchapps.Also, if you are a property owner, you get the advantage ofshowcasing your flats on rent to millions of users.Everything you need to know about the LocalityKnow everything about locality – whether it is safe for your familyand your child. Whether you want to get an apartment for buy, or anapartment for rent, having access to key information as it arms youwith formidable information.Millions are using MagicBricks to get flats on rent, buy and sell,so tune in and take advantage of the GenNext Property searchutility today!
Поиск работы на hh. Вакансии рядом с домом
Вы в поиске работы мечты? Мобильное приложениеHeadHunter поможет вам найти объявления о работе и подходящиевакансии!Не важно, в каком городе или области вы находитесь — в приложенииhh.ru собраны вакансии от проверенных работодателей со всей России,Беларуси и Казахстана.Более 700 000 проверенных работодателей на «Хэдхантер» предлагаютработу по всей России и в странах СНГ.Подработка в Москве, полная ставка в Санкт-Петербурге или работакурьером в Сочи — вакансии доступны во многих городах и ихобластях: Новосибирске, Красноярске, Екатеринбурге, Краснодаре,Нижнем Новгороде, Архангельске, Астрахани, Барнауле, Владивостоке,Волгограде, Воронеже, Иваново, Ижевске, Иркутске, Казани,Калининграде, Кемерово, Кургане, Москве и Московской области, вНабережных Челнах, Нижневартовске, Нижнем Тагиле, Новокузнецке,Омске, Оренбурге, Санкт-Петербурге, Пензе, Перми, Ростове-на-Дону,Самаре, Саратове, Сочи, Сургуте, Тольятти, Томске, Тюмени,Ульяновске, Уфе, Хабаровске, Челябинске, Ярославле!Вы можете выбрать любой график работы: вахта, по сменам,подработка, удаленная работа онлайн, временная работа, гибкийграфик, фриланс.Работодатели ищут не только офисных работников, но и размещаютобъявления о работе для охранников, кассиров, продавцов, водителей(также работа в такси и подработка на авто), поваров, грузчиков,уборщиц, то есть для всех готовых работать и зарабатыватьденьги.HeadHunter уже 17 лет помогает соискателям найти работу, аработодателям — сотрудников в свою команду профессионалов. В 99%случаев в нашем сервисе предлагается работа без вложений, дляполучения которой требуются только ваши навыки и желание.Что вы можете сделать с помощью приложения hh:— Найти работу рядом с домом: введите свой адрес и посмотритевакансии поблизости. Работа близко к дому или в часе езды — личноедело каждого. Но согласитесь, обидно упустить подходящую работу, докоторой от дома 10 минут пешком. Поищите работу рядом с домом, покаона не досталась вашему соседу!— Выбрать подходящий вариант, если вы студент без опыта работы.Работа для подростка или школьника также встречается среди нашихвакансий. Главное — это мотивация и желание проявить себя. Вслучае, если вы уже проходили стажировки — обязательно об этомнапишите. Работа без опыта даст вам возможность начать своюкарьеру, расти и развиваться.— Узнать, что такое работа на дому. Существует множество вариантов:подработка в интернете, фриланс, работа няней и многое другое.Часто бывает, что семья или другие дела не позволяют работать вофисе. Работа дома может стать хорошей альтернативой для заработка,учитывая, что в последние годы работа в интернете стала настолькопопулярной.— Создать резюме: расскажите о своих достижениях, опыте работы,своем образовании и профессиональных навыках. Обо всем, что высчитаете нужным и важным, укажите в своем резюме!— Найти вакансии: укажите в расширенном поиске вакансий необходимыекритерии — должность, зарплату, профессиональную область, графикработы. Мечтаете работать удаленно? Ищите только удаленную работуили проектную с возможностью работать из дома!— Общаться с работодателями: в некоторых вакансиях HR указываетсвои контакты для оперативной связи. Если указан номер телефона, нестесняйтесь, звоните работодателю и договаривайтесь особеседовании!— Читать советы и подсказки: как правильно составить идеальноерезюме, общаться с работодателями на собеседованиях, следить заподборками вакансий с высокими зарплатами. HeadHunter всегдаподбирает только актуальную информацию, которая не один раз ужепомогла соискателям в поиске желаемой работы!— Откликаться и отправлять свое резюме на вакансию своей мечты: незабудьте написать сопроводительное письмо или воспользоваться егошаблоном!Работа и подработка, которую вы уже давно искали ждет вас наHeadHunter. Желаем успехов!Команда HeadHunterAre you in search ofdream job? HeadHunter mobile app will help you find job listingsand suitable job!No matter which city or region you are - in the applicationcompiled hh.ru jobs from trusted employers from all over Russia,Belarus and Kazakhstan.More than 700,000 employers proven to "hedhanterov" offered a jobin Russia and in the CIS countries.Jobs in Moscow, the full rate in St. Petersburg or work courier inSochi - vacancies are available in many cities and regions:Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, NizhnyNovgorod, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Vladivostok, Volgograd,Voronezh, Ivanovo, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo,Kurgan, Moscow and the Moscow region, in Naberezhnye Chelny,Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Orenburg, St.Petersburg, Penza, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Sochi,Surgut Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Khabarovsk,Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl!You can choose any schedule: watch, shift work, part-time, distantwork online, temporary work, flexible hours, freelancing.Employers are looking for not only office workers, but also placejob listings for security guards, cashiers, salespeople, drivers(also a taxi and part-time auto), cooks, porters, cleaners, that isall ready to work and earn money.HeadHunter for 17 years helping job seekers find work and employers- employees in their team of professionals. In 99% of cases in ourservice offered jobs without investment, for which requires onlyyour skills and desire. What you can do with the help of applications hh: - Find a job close to home: Enter your address and see nearbyjobs. Work close to home or within an hour's drive away - a privatematter. But you must admit, it is insulting to miss a suitable job,to which the house 10 minutes. Look for a job close to home, untilshe went to your neighbor! - Select the appropriate option if you are a student with noexperience. Work for a teenager or student is also found amongstour vacancies. The main thing - is the motivation and the desire toprove himself. If you have already passed the internship - alwayswrite about it. no work experience will give you the opportunity tostart your career, grow and develop. - Find out what is working from home. There are many options:part-time on the Internet, freelance work as a nanny, and more.Often, family or other things do not work in the office. Workingfrom home can be a good alternative for earnings, given that thework on the Internet has become so popular in recent years. - Create a summary: Tell us about your achievements, workexperience, your education and skills. Everything that you think isnecessary and important, point in your resume! - Find a job: Specify in the Advanced Job Search job requiredcriteria - the position, salary, professional field, work schedule.You dream to work remotely? Look for only remote work or designwith the ability to work from home! - Communicate with employers: some vacancies HR indicatestheir contacts for operational communications. If you specify aphone number, do not hesitate to call the employer and make aninterview! - Read tips: how to make a perfect job, communicate withemployers for interviews, follow the collections jobs with highsalaries. HeadHunter always picks up only relevant information,which more than once has helped job seekers to find the desiredjob!- match and post your resume on the job of your dreams: do notforget to write a cover letter template, or use it! Work and part you have been looking for is waiting for you atHeadHunter. We wish you success! team HeadHunter
Goh Hak-Su
Goh Hak Su Colon & Rectal Centre is a specialist clinic inSingapore for the treatment and the management of colorectaldiseases. The wide range of conditions range from colorectalcancer, polyps, diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease,to perianal conditions like piles, fistula and fissure, andfunctional disorders like constipation, faecal incontinence,rectocele and rectal prolapse.
MobileIron's Mobile@Work securely connectsyour Android device to your company network so that you can easilyaccess email and other work resources.Best Technology☆ Purpose-built for Mobile IT with millions of users globally☆ Complete separation of corporate and personal data☆ 500+ of Global 2000 customers☆ More than 97% customer support satisfaction rateWith just a few quick steps, Mobile@Work makes getting access tocorporate resources easy on your Android device:► PRIVACY: Visual Privacy capabilities provide transparency toemployees by allowing them to view exactly which data their companycan see and which actions their company can take on thedevice.► FAST ACCESS: Immediate access to corporate email, calendar andcontacts.► AUTOMATED: Connect automatically to corporate Wi-Fi and VPNnetworks.► EASY: Discover and install work related applications on yourdevice wherever you are.► SECURE: Automated compliance with corporate securitypolicies.► FIND MY PHONE: Locate lost or stolen devices and remotely managethem.Note: Mobile@Work works in conjunction with MobileIron Coredeployed by your company’s IT organization. Please follow theinstructions from your IT organization to use this app. Mobile@Workis required to access corporate resources and therefore should notbe removed without first consulting your IT organization. VisualPrivacy allows your organization to see device details such asmodel name, OS version, roaming status, and company apps. However,IT cannot see personal information such as personal email, personalcontacts, photos, videos and voicemail.Learn about Mobile Device Management:http://www.mobileiron.com/en/solutions/mobile-device-managementLearn about Mobile Security:http://www.mobileiron.com/en/solutions/mobile-securityLearn about BYOD: http://www.mobileiron.com/en/solutions/byodLearn about Visual Privacy:https://www.mobileiron.com/en/video/visual-privacyFollow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mobileironFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mobileironFollow us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+mobileironFind more about MobileIron: http://www.mobileiron.com
Check Point Capsule Workspace
Check Point Capsule Workspace connects toCheck Point Security Gateway.For information on gateway deployment, please contact CheckPoint.Check Point Capsule Workspace is the safe and easy way to connectto your corporate. This enterprise-grade remote access app providessimple and secure access to corporate applications while keepingyour corporate emails, calendar and contacts securelysynchronized.To learn more about Check Point Capsule visithttp://www.checkpoint.com/capsule/ABOUT CHECK POINTCheck Point Software Technologies, Ltd. is a world-wide leader inNetwork and Endpoint Security.Visit www.checkpoint.com
Vault-Hide SMS,Pics & Videos,App Lock,Cloud backup
Vault is a mobile app designed to hideprivate pictures, videos, sms, call logs and contacts on yourphone. Currently there are more than 100 million users worldwideusing Vault to protect their mobile privacy while enjoying AppLock, Private Bookmark, Incognito Browser, Cloud Backup and manyother helpful features for completely free! Join themnow!Top Features☆ Hide and Protect Photos & videos: Photos and videosimported into phone can only be viewed or played after the correctpassword is entered. These photos and videos can also be backed upto Cloud Space for better protection.☆ Hide and Protect SMS: You can easily hide your SMS andread, back up or restore them anytime you want.☆ Contacts/Call logs Protection: Set your contacts asprivate and all call logs and SMS with them will be hidden.☆ App Lock (Privacy Protection): Use App Lock to protectyour social, photo, call logs and telephone apps to prevent privacyleak.☆ Private Browser: With Private browser, your internet surfwill leave no traces behind. There is also Private Bookmarkfeature.☆ Cloud Backup: Back up your SMS, contacts and call logs,photos and videos to Cloud so they never get lost.☆ Data Transfer:With Cloud Backup feature, you can easilytransfer your data to a new phone.☆ Password recovery: Worried about forgetting your password?Set a security email in Vault so you can retrieve it.Advanced Features► Multiple Vault & Fake VaultCreate multiple vaults with different passwords for storing photos,videos or private contacts respectively. And one of them can be afake vault.► Stealth ModeMake Vault icon disappear from your home screen and it can only befound again with the correct password, so no one knows itexists.► Break-in AlertsSecretly snaps a picture of any one who attempts to access with awrong password. Vault captures a photo, the time stamp and PIN codeentered by all intruders.Support:► Q&A:1. What if I forgot my password?If you have a security Email set up before, you should be able tosee a "Forgot Password" en-trance once you input the wrongpassword. Tap on the entrance and follow the instructions to resetyour password.If you do not have a security Email but you had backed up your datato cloud space, then the data can be recovered from the cloud byreinstalling Vault app.2. How do I enter vault in stealth mode?In stealth mode, you can enter Vault by opening the phone's dialpad, inputting "##your Vault password" (for example, input ##123 ifyour password is "123" ), then clicking Send (or Call)button.If Vault is currently not running in the background (when it hasbeen force stopped by Android system or another app), ##Passwordwill not work. Now you can:1. Put Vault back to the phone’s home screen by adding Vaultwidget, once it appears on home screen, tap on it, and then inputyour password to enter, or,2. Download "NQ calculator" in Google Play, open it, and inputcorrect password then tap "=".3. Why are my photos/videos lost?Some cleaning or free storage apps may automatically delete Vault’sdata folder used to store pictures and videos. So, as a bestpractice, please do not choose to delete Vault’s data folder andsubfolders (mnt/sdcard/SystemAndroid) when you use such apps.You can also backup your sms, pictures and videos to cloud by using"Cloud Backup" feature in the premium page of Vault.After the backup, you won’t have to worry about accidentallydeleting stored pic-tures/videos/sms or other data, and you canalways restore data from the cloud whenever you need.For more questions or comments,Email: vault@nq.com► Facebook Page & Messager:Vault – hide pics&videos, sms, lock app @nqvaultapp► Google Plus Community:https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110976569568741381790
IBM Verse
****IBM Notes Traveler is now IBM Verse! You're ready for the future.IBM Verse replaces Notes Traveler and will continue to work withyour existing Traveler servers.****Get ready for mail that understands you, for less clutter and moreclarity, for connecting you to the people who matter to you most.Cloud-enabled, designed for mobile devices, and powered by IBM'sanalytics and advanced search, IBM Verse works for you, not theother way around.With IBM Verse for Android devices, you can:•See mail from people important to you•Set people you interact with often as Important•Mark mail as Needs Action•Manage items that need follow up•Track who owes you a response and when•Work with your calendar seamlessly•Interact with all of your contactsThis app is compatible with IBM Traveler server version andlater fixpacks, as well as 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack2, and 9.x. To get started, contact your administrator for youraccount and company configuration information.If you're interested in using this application with IBM SmartCloud,see this URL http://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/social/us/en/ forfurther information.If you do not have IBM Traveler deployed in your company, but wantto try it out for free, register an account on IBM Greenhouse, afree IBM product trial site: http://greenhouse.lotus.com, thenfollow the instructions to configure your IBM Traveler account:https://greenhouse.lotus.com/wpsgh/wcm/connect/ghcontent/lotus+greenhouse+next+site/home/products/ibm+notes+traveler.It is that simple to get started!If you are an end user and experiencing a problem, please contactyour company IT help desk. If you are an IBM Traveler administratorexperiencing a problem, please open a PMR with your IBM customernumber. In addition to rating the app, you can tell us what we havedone right or what we can do better by emailing IBM mobile softwareengineering directly at heyibm@us.ibm.com.For more information about IBM Verse go to the official productwebsite:http://www.ibm.com/social-business/us/en/newway/
Jobs - Job Search - Careers
All your job ads in one click!Careerjet provides access to all the job advertisements from theinternet in one simple search.Job hunting couldn’t be easier and faster with Careerjet’s simpleand easy interface, giving you access to all of Careerjet’sservices such as uploading your CV/resume, saving your favoritesearches and customizing your email job alerts.Use Careerjet to:- Search job ads by key words, location, company name- View the job description without leaving the application- Apply for jobs directly from your device- Create email alerts to receive daily job ads matching yourcriteria- Send jobs by email – to yourself or to friends- Save your favorite searchesThe Careerjet application is free and there is no need to registerto use it.This mobile version of Careerjet’s job search engine is availableto you -anywhere and anytime. Your dream job won’t be able toescape from you this time!
Quick PDF Scanner FREE
Whether you're sending receipts to youremployer from the field or saving a magazine article for later,Quick PDF Scanner will help you scan and digitize your paperdocuments with ease.The latest Quick PDF Scanner introduces a completely overhauledinterface, much faster image processing to make capturing yourdocuments swifter than ever and intelligent real-time edgedetection.KEY ADVANTAGES • Flexible and modern user interface to suit your needs • Real-time tracking of your document frame providing the quickestand most accurate edge detection available for Android • Advanced camera configuration and full customization of theresulting PDF file • Optical Character Recognition for swift photo to textconversions in 49 languagesADVANCED SCANNING - Portable document scanning with a widerange of advanced camera features. • Streamlined interface to make faster scans • Real-time tracking of your document frame • Batch scanning for multipage documents • Ability to readjust scanned pages with new zoom and croplevels • Custom scene and focus modes • Image capture in portrait and landscape orientation • Configurable color effects including white balance and exposurecompensation along with custom contrast in brighten thresholdmodeINTELLIGENT IMPORT OF EXTERNAL IMAGES - Import images andadd them to your PDF documents. • Advanced integration with File Commander for easier imageimporting • Save scanned documents as images • Supports BMP, GIF, PNG, WEBP, and JPEG image formats • Work with external/internal device storage and create PDFs fromexisting image files • Import from connected cloud storage accounts such as Dropbox,Google Drive and morePDF EXPORT AND CONFIGURATION - Configure your PDFs to getthe best possible accuracy and quality • Multi-page Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for easydocument digitization • Automatic Backup and Restore to a connected Google Driveaccount • Custom page size - from the commonly used A4 and letter formatsto any user-defined size • Cover page creator - for a document to be shown as a thumbnailin the documents list • Delete, add, copy, and move pages in custom documents • Save individual pages as images • Specify page formats, margins, quality, and resolution • Advanced PDF configuration can be applied to the whole documentor just a single pageEASY PDF MANAGEMENT AND SHARING - Browse, manage, store, andshare your created PDFs. • Print to networked and cloud-connected printers • Favorites and Recent folders for easy access to createdPDFs • Sort documents by their name, number of pages, and time ofcreation • Search by document name • Share via email, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, social networks, andcloud storage accounts** This version of Quick PDF Scanner lets you create your first 10scans FREE! *** Add-ons for Xperia camera
Groupon Merchants
The new GrouponMerchant app lets merchantsmanage their Groupon campaign directly from their smartphone. Usethe GrouponMerchant app to:Scan and redeem Groupons using your phone’s cameraView customer feedback and share rave reviews on your social mediapagesTo get started, download the app and sign in with your merchantcredentials.
Cool Note Notepad & Emoji Font
A simple, classic notepad with emoji, fonts,color customization as you like!*Features*★ Funcy emoji symbols★ Funcy fonts, typefaces★ Organize notes by color★ Organize notes in folders★ Supports online back up and sync★ Sticky note widget on your home (2x2, 4x4)★ Backup notes to sd storage★ Reminder for TO DO LIST★ Send note shortcut to home★ Share notes via SMS, email, facebook, twitter etc.Cool Notes Notepad is based on open source app "MIUI Notes".Find more information:http://micode.net/forum-38-1.htmlContact me if you have problems!
Advisors2Go: MSI Global
Advisors2Go is the directory app of MSI GlobalAlliance (MSI). If you are looking for expert guidance to help youachieve your international goals, MSI member firms can provide allthe support you need, wherever you choose to do business. This appenables you to quickly find and contact accountants, auditors, taxadvisors and lawyers of MSI member firms worldwide.The app does NOT require a WIFI or 3G/4G connection to work andwill allow you to browse and search our international directory bycountry, city and by the type of firm you are looking for (law,accounting, tax, audit, specialist, or offshore).About MSIMSI is one of the world's leading international associations ofindependent legal and accounting firms with over 250 carefullyselected member firms in more than 100 countries. MSI was formed in1990 in response to the growing need for cross-border co-operationbetween professional services firms.We recognise that a wide range of professional advice is oftenneeded when conducting business overseas. This is why we bringtogether member firms with knowledge and experience in a wide rangeof disciplines. MSI member firms provide local expertise and globalreach to a wide variety of clients in many differentindustries.We carefully select a single MSI full-service legal and accountingmember firm in each jurisdiction. Our member firms work closelytogether to provide integrated, multidisciplinary services to meeteach client's legal and regulatory obligations and growthambitions. MSI employs a meticulous selection and due diligenceprocess to ensure that our member firms include only the highestquality, full-service firms. Membership isBENEFITS* Search to quickly find the member firms in 105 countries* View over 250+ firm profiles* Email or phone MSI members directly* Zoom into office locations using maps* Easily share and add MSI contacts to Outlook or your iPhoneaddress book* Most features do not require web access
스마트택배 - 모든 택배조회, 쇼핑관리, 스미싱 차단
★국내 택배조회 앱 다운로드 1위,★사용자 리뷰 평점 1위 : 4.7★ 2013, 2014 연속 구글 Play 최고의 앱 BEST 선정 (국내 유일 2년 연속 선정)★ 2014 2월 구글플레이 인기개발자 선정★- 구글 플레이 인기개발자는 구글이 선정한 우수한 앱에게만 부여되는 뱃지입니다.★ 2013 구글 Play 앱 어워즈 선정 ★- 스마트택배가 구글플레이에서 빛난 올해의 앱으로 선정되었습니다.★ 2013. 10, 11월 구글 Play 추천앱 선정★ 제3회 코리아 모바일 어워드 베스트앱 공모전 우수상 수상 (SK플래닛상)★ 제1회 글로벌 아틀라스앱 상 수상 (중소기업청)★ 투썬 투자기업 선발대회 우수상 수상 (투썬인베스트먼트)★ 우수청년창업사례 선정 (중소기업청)★ 2013년 으뜸기업 선정(중소기업진흥공단)★ Google Play Store 생활 편의 앱 특집 선정!!!★스마트택배의 인기를 사칭한 스미싱이 극성을 부리고 있습니다. 꼭 여기!! 구글플레이에서 다운받으셔야 합니다.◎ 국내 최대 32개 택배사 지원!!!!◎ 택배 SMS, LMS 자동 인식, 송장등록, 배송추적 (LMS 인식은 일부 기기 제외)◎ 세계 최초 택배 자동 배송추적&푸시알림 서비스!!◎ 제휴업체는 송장등록에서 배송추적 전 과정이 자동화!!◎ 여러 쇼핑몰의 구매정보를 모아보는 쇼핑다이어리 기능 제공!!◎ 갤럭시 기어S 노티피케이션 추가 Gear_Rich_Notifications==================================★☆ 스마트택배의 특징 ★☆1. "택배가 어디까지 왔는지 자동 추적하여 푸시메시지로 알려드립니다."택배 어디 있나 궁금해서 앱을 들낙날락 하는 번거로움..이젠 스마트택배가 “종결”시켜드립니다.배송조회가 지원되는 32개 택배사의 목록은 아래와 같습니다.국내에서 서비스되는 모든 택배사 조회 가능(조회 안 되는 택배사가 있으면 연락주세요..)2."더 놀라운 기능!! 운송장번호 완전 자동등록"- 택배 배송정보가 담긴 SMS, LMS를 수신하는 경우, 운송장 자동 등록- 택배 SMS, LMS가 오지 않는 경우에도 자동 등록"제휴된" 택배사나 쇼핑몰인 경우에는 전화번호로 검색해서 운송장 자동등록(제휴 택배사 및 쇼핑몰은 점점 늘어나고 있으니 공지사항을 참고하세요.)3. "쇼핑 다이어리" 기능쇼핑몰의 아이디와 패스워드를 직접 입력해서 배송정보를 스마트택배로 가져와 관리할 수 있습니다.배송 정보 뿐만 아니라 상품 내역도 일목요연하게 관리할 수 있습니다.여기 저기 쇼핑한 내역을 한자리에 모아서 보는 혁신적인 쇼핑 다이어리 기능입니다.4. “택배 예약" 기능편의점/우체국에 무거운 짐을 들고 방문할 필요 없이 편리하게 집에서 택배를 보낼 수 있습니다.앱에서 간편하게 접수하고 방문기사님께서 오시면 상품을 보내시면 됩니다.전국 어디서나 4,000원 균일가로 배송이 가능합니다.(140cm, 20kg이하, 선불 4,000원)★☆ 설치 방법 ★☆1. 스마트택배를 정상적으로 이용하기 위해서는 설치 과정에서 쇼핑몰(혹은 택배사)에 등록된 휴대폰 전화번호를 정확하게기재하시고, SMS 인증절차를 거쳐야 합니다.제휴사인 경우 스마트택배는 고객님께서 등록하신 전화번호를 바탕으로 고객님의 택배정보를 검색하기 때문입니다.2. 고객님께서 제공한 휴대폰 전화번호는 개인정보취급방침에 의해 엄격하게 보안이 유지되며, 고객의 사전동의 없이는 어떠한경우라도 광고 등에 이용되지 않습니다.★☆ 참고 사항 ★☆▷ 서비스의 정확도- 본 서비스는 택배사 및 쇼핑몰에서 제공하는 배송정보에 기반하여 제공되므로, 상기 정보의 정확성에 대해서는 해당택배사나 쇼핑몰에 문의 하셔야 합니다.- 택배 배송정보 갱신이 너무 잦은 경우, 빈번한 푸시메시지 발송으로 오히려 고객을 귀찮게 할 수도 있기 때문에 주요배송 정보만 푸시메시지로 발송될 수 있습니다.- 이상과 같은 이유로 스마트택배의 푸시메시지는 택배 배송 과정의 모든 단계마다 발송되지 않을 수도 있습니다.- 택배사에서는 통상 고객에게 물건이 배송된 이후 배송완료로 정보를 업데이트하므로, 완료 메시지는 택배를 받은 이후에수신되는 것이 일반적입니다. (저녁 이후에 일괄 업데이트되는 경우가 많습니다.)- 따라서, 택배 배송완료로 푸시메시지를 받았는데도 물건을 받지 못한 경우에는 택배사나 담당 배송원에게 문의하시기바랍니다. (이렇게 하시면 분실의 위험을 크게 감소시킬 수 있습니다.)▷ 푸시메시지의 도달율- 푸시메시지는 통신 트래픽이 많은 서비스이므로 통신사, 택배사, 혹은 쇼핑몰의 사정에 의해서 일부 배송정보만 전달될수도 있습니다.- 푸시메시지는 구글과 통신사의 사정에 의해서 메시지 수신이 지연될 수도 있습니다.▷ 안심번호 관련- 현재, 050 안심번호를 이용하는 고객님께는 핸드폰 기기를 식별할 수 없으므로 본 배송조회 푸시서비스가 제공되지않습니다. 향후, 이 문제가 해결되면 추가 공지하겠습니다.----개발자 연락처 :02-704-1301서울특별시중구 퇴계로 18(남대문로5가)대우재단빌딩 9층
Business Dictionary
BusinessDictionary is a free easy-to-use FREEbusiness glossary with over 30,000 definitions that span acrosscritical business-related topics including entrepreneurship,management, small business, economics, human resources, recruiting,and corporate strategy. It's concise, clear, andcomprehensive.- Learn about related definitions, popular business definitions,and how to use business dictionary terms in a sentence- Access definition offline and on-the-go- Create and share flashcards to brush up on your businessvocabulary
Office Phone Ringtones HD
The basic tones your Android device ismissing. Classic rings; elegant notification tones; professionalsounding beeps, alerts, and alarms. None of the pop songs or rudesound effects. Designed and mastered for your smartphone by RCP.100% AD FREE!Business Ringtones lets you preview, manage, and save 85 of themost office-appropriate tones from our library. You can assign yourringtones and notifications from the app or simply save all of thetones to your phone's memory or SD Card to use with the systemsettings.In short:· Professional business ringtones· Unique tones for text alerts· Interesting beeps, sequences, and chiming effects· No ads, popups, or malware· Full featured app with customer supportGUARANTEEProfessional ringtone design and dedicated customer service. Goodtones and smart apps. No ads or other annoyances! We never chargehidden or recurring fees or share your information. We do not spamor scam. If you ever have any problems, we want to help you!About Permissions: The use of permissions in this app is strictlyrelated to setting and saving ringtones. We guarantee the privacyof your personal information.SUPPORTWe pride ourselves on offering quick and helpful support to all ofour customers. If you have any trouble installing the ringtones,please contact our support team and we will help you get the tonesinstalled as quickly and easily as possible.Audio previews, support, and more are available atrcptones.com.©2015 RCP Ringtones
ViewEasyV2是一款通过P2P连接IPC和DVR视频录像机,在世界各处可实现即插即用的软件。ViewEasyV2通过设备UID连接视频,您无需做端口映射;设置IP等繁琐的工作。功能:1、支持无线wifi或3G网络观看视频2、支持多窗口播放视频3、支持用户添加编辑设备4、支持抓拍和查看视频截图5、支持录像和查看视频录像6、支持现云台控制7、支持横竖屏模式切换8、支持双向语音对讲9、支持数码变焦10、支持扫描二维码添加设备11、支持局域网添加设备ViewEasyV2 is aconnection IPC and DVR video recorder via P2P, in the entire worldcan plug and play software. ViewEasyV2 via device UID video, youneed to do port mapping; tedious work settings such as IP.Features:1, wireless wifi or 3G network to watch video2, support for multi-window play video3, support for users to add editing equipment4, support for video capture and view screenshots5, support for video recording and viewing video6, support PTZ control now7, support for horizontal and vertical screen mode switch8, support for two-way voice intercom9, digital zoom10, scan the QR code to add support equipment11, add the device supports LAN
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Repsly Classic
What is Repsly?A Mobile CRM solution that simplifies processes for field teams andtheir managers, Repsly is changing the way people work around theglobe.Repsly was designed with the end-user in mind. Unlike othermobile CRM apps, Repsly makes mobile data collection, managingcustomer information, and scheduling visits simple and intuitive.Repsly is a virtual swiss-army knife for users in the field,offering incredible features such as appointment scheduling, custommobile form creation, and order taking capabilities.Features•Simple CRMRepsly's simple CRM features allow you to manage all of the datathat is important to your customer relationships. Track andorganize your customers using an unlimited number of custom fields,statuses and tags, all of which you manage yourself using ourintuitive and simple Mobile CRM interface.•Mobile Forms & Mobile Data CollectionBuild and modify your own mobile forms in Repsly. Control mobiledata collection in the field and organize it as you see fit.Repsly’s mobile forms are completely customizable, and allow for avariety of fields including photos, rich-text, and date.•GPS Location TrackingRepsly allows you to add Location and Time tags to every action youtake, enabling you to analyze how efficiently you are working, andhow well your territory is being covered. Gain complete visibilityinto your activities throughout the day and develop insights aroundwhere specific actions are or are not taking place.•Photo CaptureRepsly's photo capture software automatically geo-tags &organizes pictures that you take, so you can analyze and share themimmediately. Manage an unlimited number of photos that areautomatically tagged with time, location & customer.•Appointment Scheduling SoftwareAppointment scheduling software allows you to manage your calendarand to set appointments directly from your mobile device. Replaceyour clunky appointment scheduling app with a sleek andsynchronized alternative. View your calendar and add or edit visitsto ensure that your time is being used efficiently.•Order ManagementRepsly's order management system lets you create accurate orders inthe field that are automatically connected to the right customerand sent back to the web app in real-time.•Electronic SignatureUsing the Repsly electronic signature feature, you can gatherelectronic signatures from your clients on forms and orders. Thisproof of service feature allows clients to authorize billing orconfirm that a task has been completed, and enables you to getsigned confirmation that they approved of work completed.•Time Tracker & Mileage TrackerRepsly's time tracker feature automatically records the time youspend on every client visit, and exactly when you complete everyactivity. With the mileage tracker feature enabled, you can reportyour start and end of day odometer readings easily. If you needmore detail, you can easily capture that information with Repslymobile forms!Who uses Repsly Mobile CRM?Repsly is ideal for users that visit a set of existing customers ona recurring basis to perform some sort of function, such as takingreplenishment orders, merchandising products on retail shelves,marketing for referrals, or performing regular maintenance. Thissolution enables users to improve the efficiency of their fieldwork, and greatly simplifies the collection and analysis of fielddata. As a result, Repsly’s solution helps users create a tightconnection between the field and back-office operations.Get started using Repsly free today. Start using the mobile CRMsolution that users around the world have chosen to help them withappointment scheduling, mobile data collection, and more!
Cellica Database(Wi-Fi) Forms
Read & Write to any desktop side databaseWirelessly with your Android Phone/Tablet(using local WiFi, VPN orUSB/WiFi Tethering). Changes on device and any modifications indesktop database can synchronize wirelessly and instantly, so youwill always have the most current information at yourfingertips.Download & install desktop software on windows based PC fromthe following link.http://www.cellica.com/DownloadforWiFi.htmlWhat our clients says:http://www.cellica.com/Testimonials.htmlFeatures:• No changes require in existing database design for syncingdirectly with database, which helps it be the easiest, mostuser-friendly solution available.• View and update data on device, which will reflect to Serverdatabase immediately while in network.• Supports offline access to data and Changes will be synchronizedlater once network is available.• Synchronize Table/View or Stored Procedure of yourdatabase.• Only the changed data is synchronized in compressed and encryptedformat, resulting in reduced wireless data traffic and improvesbattery life of the devices.• “Change Detection Logic” searches only updated data in desktopdatabase and send it to device. Also Sync Server receives andsynchronizes records collected/updated on device to desktopdatabase.• No record or size limit. It depends on space available ondevice’s internal memory(/SD card).• Use SQL Select queries, Filters and Sorts to refine specific dataset.• Supported Databases: Microsoft Access(*.mdb,*.accdb)(97 andonwards), Microsoft Excel(*.xls,*.xlsx)(97 & onwards), Oracle,SQLServer, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FoxPro, dBase, R:BASE,Sybase,FileMaker Pro, Firebird & any ODBC Compliant RelationalDatabase.• Password protection for Profiles/Forms(SOHO/Enterprise Edition)& Application.• Make a phone call for the selected field's numericcontents.• Find and Find again option to search a record.• Data is secured as 128 bit AES use for Encryption.• Support Unicode language database such asJapanese/Chinese/German/ Russian etc.• Transfer data to SD Card or Main memory.• Supports Multi Record and Single Record View as default views forDatabase Profile on device.• Supports Form: Design Custom user interface using simple and easyto use form builder interface.• Design form on desktop with Label, TextBox, Button, Checkbox,Radio button, Combobox, DateTime, Page, Container, Location andShape controls.• Design a master/detail form or a parent/child form using subformcontrol.• Synchronize Image/Signature/PDF data with desktop database.• Supports Time/Stamp feature to find when user update particularrecord.• Supports Barcode Scan using inbuilt camera/External BluetoothBarcode Scanner.• Use Print functionality on forms.• Create form in Portrait/Landscape modeExtra Features for SOHO/Enterprise Edition• Set permissions for each users like Add/Edit/Delete records foreach “Database Profile” and Sync Permissions to specify one waysync or both way sync to Control device side records updatescapabilities for individual users.• NFC Scan.• Macro Programming feature.• Graphs(Pie, Bar,Cluster,Stack,Area,Line).User Guide:http://www.cellica.com/AndroidCellicaDatabaseWiFiUserGuide.pdfDevice side is free to download. User needs to purchase desktopsoftware after 10 days evaluation period. Cost of desktop softwareis $39.99Purchase the full version software from the following link.http://www.cellica.com/WiFi.htmlQuick steps for initial synchronization setting between desktop anddevice.http://www.cellica.com/CellicaDatabase_Desktop_Android_SyncSettings.pdfIf you are using Firewall on your computer,please add port inFirewall from following path.Control Panel-> Windows Firewall-> Exceptions(Tab)-> Hereuse "Add Port" button,you will get "Add a port" dialog.Add whatever name you want to give this port information in "Name"Text field and Add "8585" in "Port number" text box.Please confirm that "TCP" option is selected.
원콜에서 제공하는 차주를 위한 업무지원 프로그램입니다.콜센터에서 등록한 화물정보를 차주가 안드로이드폰으로 실시간 정보를 조회해 볼 수 있기 때문에 차주는 화물정보에 대한 보다빠르고 정확한 실시간 정보를 제공받을 수 있고, 원하는 화물을 직접 선택하여 배정받아 운송할 수 있는 장점이있습니다.The business supportprogram for borrowers provided by wonkol.Because the borrower cargo information registered in the callcenter to query real-time information available on Android phonesborrowers can receive fast, accurate, real-time information aboutthe cargo information, receive assignments by selecting the desiredgoods can be transported directly benefits There is.
VMware Boxer
VMware Boxer is the most innovative email,calendar and contacts app available on Android! Here’s what peopleare saying about our award-winning app:The Webby Awards Nominated Boxer for Best Mobile Productivity Appof the Year! ****** "This mail client is fast and efficient, and very smartlydesigned." - Dave Johnson, CBS Moneywatch ****** “The quick replies are pretty fantastic.” -Mat Honan, WIRED****** "Boxer has a whole set of tools for dealing with emails. You caneasily archive with a swipe, send instant auto responses, addemails to a to-do list, and ‘like’ incoming messages so people knowyou saw it without requiring an actual response." -ThorinKlosowski, Lifehacker *****Support available for Gmail, Outlook, Exchange (2007 and up),Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, & IMAP accounts.Boxer is a true email client and connects directly to your emailand never stores your email content or passwords on ourservers.Work Smarter• Boxer helps you work smarter and faster with features like bulkedit and quick replies, and with built-in calendar and contacts.Some other features we think you’ll love:• Combined Inbox: add multiple email accounts• Smart Folders: Boxer remembers where you like to file things forquick organization• Send Availability: Select and send your calendar availabilitywith just a few taps• Email Likes: Use “Like” to quickly acknowledge the sender’smessage• Files: View and manage downloaded attachments from allaccountsCustomize the ExperienceBoxer allows you to build your own experience with the ability tochoose your favorite account colors, turn features on/off such asconversation threading and much more. Some of our favoritesinclude:• Customized Swipes: Specify your swipe gestures to delete,archive, spam + 9 other options to choose from• Profile Pictures: See who your email is from and even personalizeyour contact pictures• Quick Replies: Write your own canned responses for the fastestresponse when on the goStay ConnectedIn the office or on the go, stay connected with features likeconference call dialing and setting Out of Office, marking favoritecontacts, and integrating with your favorite productivity appsright inside your inbox.• Evernote Integration: Send emails to Evernote with just atap• Calendar Integration: Swipe to accept/decline meetinginvites• Cloud Attachments: AirWatch Content Locker, Dropbox, Box, GoogleDrive support & moreProtect Your DataBoxer ensures your conversations, calendar invites and contactdetails are always secure.• Passcode and PIN: Secure your email with a passcode or PIN toensure data is secure and encrypted
Policy Tracker
Policy Tracker is a very useful and fast wayto use most common LIC tools used by LIC Professionals.Main Features:* Policy Status* Policy Loan* Policy Surrender* Policy Revival* Policy Statement* ULIP Policy Surrender* Doctor Locator* Branch Locator* Bank Details* PAN Card Status* Agent Portal Services* D.O. Portal Services* CLIA Portal Services* Offline Premium Calculator
TimeDock - employee time clock
TimeDock keeps you up to date with real-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habit ofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compile yourlabor positioning reports at the click of a button athttp://timedock.com (Premium Account or Trial required to use thisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thenthey approach the designated person when they start work who clocksthem in. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclock out. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsand other wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsible for tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameID cards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tabletto the wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-service check-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and others whoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixed tagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with their hoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours per repeatedjob.Top reasons to choose TimeDock.com• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun before ithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for key businessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets and resolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fights timesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesand wall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswith differing internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account as atime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configured bythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, or wavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work. Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end of theyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plus timesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable cost codes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayroll applications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowing theissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need for manualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives you instantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also be appliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-time totalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesand they all work together as employee time clock devices,collecting timesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike your traditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device and out another.* TimeDock software subscription required to use thisapplication.
Linkry Professional Networking
Linkry is a professional networking app, Where Tinder meetsLinkedIn. It can be used on a day to day basis to discover relevantprofessionals near you or at events to optimize your networkingexperience. On Linkry, you’ll meet founders, engineers, designers,investors, advisers, marketers, mentors, and more. You might evenmake your next hire, find your next job, or close your nextbusiness deal on Linkry.