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Watch HGTV
Watch HGTV keeps you connected with yourfavorite HGTV shows live and on demand. Watch live streaming TV orcatch up on HGTV’s distinctive programming plus exclusive extras atyour convenience. Updated daily with full TV episodes, clips andHGTV.com original content. Peruse videos and find ideas on how totransform your own space.Watch the latest full episodes and stream live HGTV for noadditional charge if you have a participating television serviceprovider. Just sign in with the username and password provided byyour television service provider. Current service providersinclude:• AT&T U-verse• Bright House Networks• Charter Spectrum (New!)• Cox• Comcast XFINITY• DIRECTV• DISH• Google Fiber• Optimum• Time Warner Cable• Verizon FiOSand hundreds more.The Watch HGTV app features:• Stream live HGTV right to your device• Convenient access to the latest full episodes and clips from yourfavorite HGTV shows and hosts.• Tap the heart icon on a show and the Favorites screen will updateautomatically whenever new episodes become available.• New program guide - see what’s on TV. When a listed episode isalready in the app, just tap "Watch Now."• Cast the HGTV live stream and on-demand episodes to your TV withChromecast.• Closed captioningThe list of available shows changes regularly along with our on-airschedule. Watch HGTV can only be used in the United States.ANDROID TV USERS: Watch a large selection of the newest HGTV fullepisodes. Sign into your account from participating TV serviceproviders for full access. Providers are Cox, DirecTV, DISH,Optimum and Verizon FiOS with more on the way soon for AndroidTV.Like what you see? We’d appreciate your reviews.Bugs? Content suggestions? We’re always trying to make this appeven better. You can reach us at app-hgtvwatch@hgtv.com.
Wedding Cakes Ideas
As you're getting ready for your specialwedding day, you may think "We need a special cake for your specialday!"This application is just for you!"Wedding Cakes Ideas" contains over two hundred different cakedesigns, designed to help you choose a cake you want for yourwedding.Maybe you're looking for an elegant wedding cake? Or perhaps awedding cake with a humorous twist?Are you looking for unique wedding cake designs or maybetraditional or luxurious ones are more suitable for you?Ask your baker to combine multiple designs to give the cake uniquedetails for your special day.
SmartThings Mobile
SmartThings lets you easily control, monitor,and secure your home from anywhere in the world. To start, simplypurchase the SmartThings Hub, download the free app, and add asmany connected lights, locks, sensors and more to create a smarthome that matches your unique personality.• BMW Apps and MINI Connected ready
Vou Ser Papai
O aplicativo Vou Ser Papai! é o primeiro eúnico aplicativo voltado para os papais de primeira viagem. Além deser um grito, Vou Ser Papai! virou marca que representa informação,pensamentos, realidade do dia-a-dia, entretenimento, comportamentoe dicas para o universo dos papais que até então era poucoexplorado.O APP disponibiliza acesso direto às Redes Sociais do Vou SerPapai!, website, produtos da marca e serviços como:- ParceirosEmpresas de vários segmentos, líderes de mercado que, através daparceria com o Vou Ser Papai! oferecem descontos ou benefícios emprodutos ou serviços.- Calendário de VacinasRelação de vacinas, particulares e públicas (com comparativo),desde recém-nascidos até 11 anos de idade.- AprendaCom ilustrações bem humoradas e textos explicativos e de fácilentendimento, o papai de primeira viagem vai aprender passo-a-passocomo dar banho em menino, menina, como trocar fraldas do bebê,procedimentos de como agir caso a criança se afogue com leitematerno, procedimento após a mamada da criança (posição de mamar,fazer arrotar e como deitar a criança no berço de forma segura)entre outros.- DownloadsPlanilhas disponíveis para download para que o papai possa deorganizar financeiramente com a chegada do novo membro dafamília.- MúsicasMúsicas escolhidas a dedo, disponíveis no celular, com acessorápido, para o papai apertar o PLAY na hora de brincar ou colocarseu bebe para dormir.- Jogos EducativosDicas de jogos educativos para o papai instalar no celular outablet e ter o momento de participação e diversão com seufilho.- Livros de cabeceiraDicas de livros relacionados a temas familiares, empresariais eauto-ajuda._______________________________________________________________________Jorge BachurIdealizador Vou Ser Papai!Blog: http://www.vouserpapai.netFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/vouserpapaioficialGrupo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vouserpapai/Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/euvouserpapaiYoutube: http://www.youtube.com/vouserpapaioficialInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/vouserpapaiWhatsApp: +55 085 98899.3665_______________________________________________________________________Seja um parceiroSe você tem uma empresa, produto ou serviço e quer divulgar noaplicativo Vou ser Papai!, entre em contato através do e-mail:vouserpapaioficial@gmail.compara obter mais informações ou através do telefone (85)98899.3665_______________________________________________________________________CréditosAPP Design InterativoDesenvolvimento de aplicativos para celulares, tablets esmartphones.The application I'll beSanta! is the first and only application targeted to first-timedads. In addition to being a cry, I'll be Santa! It turned markrepresenting information, thoughts, day-to-day reality,entertainment, behavior and tips for the universe of dads whohitherto unexplored.The APP provides direct access to Social Networks'll be Santa !,website, the brand's products and services as:- PartnersCompanies from various segments, market leaders, through thepartnership with I'll Be Santa! They offer discounts or benefits inproducts or services.- Vaccine ScheduleRelationship vaccines, private and public (with comparative), fromnewborns to 11 years old.- LearnWith humorous illustrations and explanatory texts and easy tounderstand, Dad first time will learn step-by-step how to batheboy, girl, how to change baby diapers, how to act procedures if thechild drown with breast milk , procedure after the child's feeding(position breastfeed, and how to burp the child in bed safelycradle) among others.- DownloadsSpreadsheets available for download so that Dad can organizefinancially with the arrival of the new family member.- MusicChosen songs finger, available on mobile, with quick access to Dadhit the PLAY's time to play or put your baby to sleep.- Educational GamesTips of educational games for Dad install on the phone or tabletand have the time to participate and fun with your child.- Bedside BooksBooks advice related to family issues, business and self-help._______________________________________________________________________Jorge BachurCreator'll Be Santa!Blog: http://www.vouserpapai.netFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/vouserpapaioficialFacebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vouserpapai/Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/euvouserpapaiYoutube: http://www.youtube.com/vouserpapaioficialInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/vouserpapaiWhatsApp: +55 085 98899.3665_______________________________________________________________________Be a partnerIf you have a business, product or service and want to disclose inthe application I'll be Santa !, contact by e-mail: vouserpapaioficial@gmail.comfor more information or phone (85) 98899.3665_______________________________________________________________________CreditsAPP Design InteractiveApplication development for mobile phones, tablets andsmartphones.
يمن فون - دليل الهاتف اليمني
• دليل الهاتف الاول باليمن لهواتف الاندرويد ٢٠١٣• يمكنك البحث في دليل الهاتف عبر الصوت او الكتابة.• البحث في دليل الهاتف اليمني ضمن شبكة يمن موبايل وسبأفون و إم تيإن و واي والهاتف الثابت• يظهر بيانات المتصل• قائمة المكالمات• حجب المكالمات من الأرقام المزعجة و المعاكسات• مفاتيح المدن اليمنية و دول العالم• يحتوي على الأرقام الخدمية و الطوارئ• تحديث مستمر للبيانات
Wavoo - Find new friends
Wavoo is not a dating app per se, Wavoo is theeasy, fun and anonymous way to find a new friends, true love oreven something more without the need of having awkward encountersor fear of rejection. Within Wavoo, we set out to create a funplace to avoid all the shyness or getting a friendzoned, this is aplace where everybody has the same goals of willing to take theirlive to the next level. User will be anonymous until they bothmatch to their real desire.We just made Wavoo even cooler and easier to use for you who aresingle and ready to mingle.Wavoo is 100% FREE, yes thats right, FREE. No need to buytokens, credits, or whatsoever to find new matches or chat.Anonymous, our users credentials is in safe place, both userswill only be reveal once both are matchSimple, easy and a fun way to level up your love life or simplyfinding new friends within the areaCustomise your preference settings (i.e Religion, Height,Smokes, Drinks, etc), so only the one you willing to meet offlinethat are going to be presented through the swipe encounters.Coolest Augmented Reality feature using your smartphone camerato find the nearest users within the areaAwesome line of cool chat stickersGreat algorithm to tap both serious relationship seeker orsimply looking for new friendsWhats New:• Updated templates• New timelines. Users are now able to capture your Life with thenew photo Moments feature which lasts for 7 days and your matchedusers can ‘like’ the photo. You can also Check In to your currentlocation and update your current daily status.• Moments. You can capture your life with the new photo Momentsfeature which lasts for 7 days.• The New User Profile just got even prettier! You can include yourInstagram album and other users can also see if they have mutualFacebook friends. Also you can check if other ever bumped into youelsewhere• Around Me. Now, not only can you easily locate your nearestEncounters up to 100km away, with the New Near Me, you can alsoview other users who actually in the same location as you.Don't hesitate to contact us if you found a problem. Send thelove to admin@wavooapp.comThanks for using Wavoo!
Daily Horoscope
Horoscope - get yours from the best horoscopeapp on Google Play - the Daily Horoscope app. The top ratedhoroscope app! With over 10 million users!#1 and most downloaded horoscope app on Android#1 and most downloaded horoscope app on iOS♈ - Aries horoscope♉ - Taurus horoscope♊ - Gemini horoscope♋ - Cancer horoscope♌ - Leo horoscope♍ - Virgo horoscope♎ - Libra horoscope♏ - Scorpio horoscope♐ - Sagittarius horoscope♑ - Capricorn horoscope♒ - Aquarius horoscope♓ - Pisces horoscopeFeatures:• Daily horoscope (including tomorrow's horoscope)• Easy launch horoscope widget• Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope:• Chinese horoscope for 2015 and 2014• Zodiac horoscope for 2015 and 2014• Druid horoscope• Ability to scroll back up to a week• Daily reminders for daily horoscope that you can setup• Custom colors and font size (adjust in "Settings")Coming soon• Weekly horoscope• Monthly horoscopeZodiac HoroscopeWe cover all the zodiac sun signs: ♈ Aries, ♉ Taurus, ♊ Gemini, ♋Cancer, ♌ Leo, ♍ Virgo,♎ Libra, ♏ Scorpio, ♐ Sagittarius, ♑Capricorn, ♒ Aquarius and ♓ Pisces.We offer extensive compatibility readings for each twozodiac signs. Compatibility section covers love, friendship,business and family aspects of every combination of two zodiacsigns. Zodiac yearly section covers the yearly horoscope forsigns.Chinese HoroscopeWe provide yearly horoscope for all the Chinese signs: rat ox tigerrabbit dragon snake horse ram monkey rooster dog and pig. Pleasenote that the Chinese horoscope follows Chinese calendar.§ Privacy:We respect your privacy!Unlike many other horoscope apps we DO NOT requireridiculous permissions like location, phone state,address book etc... We recommend avoiding apps that requirethese without proper justification. There are horoscope appsclaiming they need your location to deliver you the horoscope. Justcheck from any other location (ask a friend in anothercountry/state/city) - it will not make the slightest difference andthen ask yourself if they lie about that, can you trust anythingelse they say. We urge you to review permissions carefully andboycott these apps that violate your privacy and what's even worseare hiding the truth from you.§ Permissions Explanation:• INTERNET - required to download the horoscope• BOOT - required to be able to re-schedule reminders (ifany were set) after phone restart***Note - this does not have any impact on the battery sincethe app does not run in the backgroundEULA disclaimer:By downloading, installing and using the Daily Horoscopeapplication, you agree to our end user license agreement:http://www.comitic.com/eula/
Thai Hot Deals Daily : รวมดีล
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Stay Well
PLANNING YOUR NEXT TRIP:The Stay Well Mobile App is ideal for the health conscioustraveler or for any one looking to feel relaxed, refreshed, andrejuvenated while traveling.Innovative with a one of a kind jet lag tool, the Stay WellMobile App offers many features and benefits including:• Jet Lag Tool - this tool will calculate a custom itinerary foryou to minimize your jet lag, based on your flight details. Simplyenter the cities you are flying between and flight times tobegin.• Cleveland Clinic Wellness Tip of The Day – receive a dailywellness tip from the word-renowned Cleveland Clinic.• Virtual Room Tour - a room diagram highlighting the benefitsof each Stay Well amenity.AND for the Stay Well room guests, access to:• Cleveland Clinic - award winning online programs for sleep,stress and nutrition.
ETheme Launcher - Boost&Lock
ETHEME LAUNCHERNot the best, but you must get!HIGHLIGHTS♥ 3S: Simple – Slight – Style♥ 2000+ styles (theme & wallpaper) to beautify yourphone♥ 0.2s to speed up your device♥ 2 touches to change theme♥ FREE themes& wallpapers weekly updateWHAT’S NEW♥ Theme maker: Make your very own theme with robust icon andthousands of amazing wallpapers in the way you love with only 3steps.♥ Booster: Easily free up more storage from your phone andSD card, boost game and device memory up to 200% enhance speed andextend battery life.♥ Funny Lock: Stable, highly compatible and attractivelocker. Enjoy new experience of phone lock with super funnyanimation as ever before.♥ Quick search: New experience with fast and smart trendingsearches. Support searching apps, SMS, contact, etc.eTheme Launcher – NOT THE BEST, BUT YOU MUST GETFeatures♥ Flat design:flat UX and UI design make your home screen elegantand pro♥ Theme and wallpaper:2000+ themes and wallpapers in varioussubjects: landscape, cute, art, animal, lifestyleApply themes with eTheme is easy as pie!♥ Font: 200+ creative fonts to freely mix and match.♥ Smart folder: group similar app in a folder automatically, youcan freely add apps, remove apps, hide apps or rename folder justin the way you love.♥ Friends connection: Share your home screen with single touch viaFacebook, Twitter and Google+♥ App Priority: automatically put primary app on workspace that ucan easily find for faster app starting.♥ Notification: All notifications are now right on lock screen.Never miss any messages, missed calls or social networkactivities.♥ Utility toggle:Many instant switches such as flashlight, Mobiledata, Wi-Fi. Just touch and feel your phone run faster.♥ Widget: Essential tools for daily activities such as: clock,weather and utility bar♥ Lock screen: Powerful security lock with patterns/pin number anduse with ease!People talk about eTheme♥ Android Tapp: eTheme Launcher is a speedy yet slick lookinglauncher and locker app with convenient shortcuts for Androiddevices. It’s packed with various features to help you quickly andeasily customize your phone or tablet (http://goo.gl/MAkiIp).♥ Androidheadlines: This is easily one of the fastest launchersthat I’ve ever used, especially one that has so many featuresincluded. With a file size of just 2MB or so, it’s not hard to seewhy it’s so quick (http://goo.gl/HjpQFB).♥ Techlomedia: If you’re willing to try something new, if you’reeager to experience the uniqueness of a simple, style and stylishAndroid launcher, apply eTheme Launcher and open up your themeworld! (http://goo.gl/3en6D1).We are young and enthusiastic developer fascinated to chasingour dream – constituting a smart launcher not only to customizeyour phone but also to fulfill everyone’s needs. We will never backdown from challenges to pursue these objectives!STAY CONNECT!Website: http://ethemeapps.com/Email: launcher@egame.vnFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/launcher.ethemeTwitter: https://twitter.com/eThemelauncher
Афиша — гид по развлечениям
«Афиша» — идеальный справочник по тому, какпровести свой досуг в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и других городахРоссии. Ежедневно мы освещаем актуальные события в вашем городе:фильмы, сериалы, выставки, концерты, спектакли, отдых с детьми.Больше у вас не возникнет вопроса, куда сходить. С «Афишей» выможете не только выбрать развлечение, но и купить на него билетыонлайн, оплатив их как обычной банковской картой, так и с AndroidPay.В приложении можно искать как развлечения, так и места: читайтерецензии и отзывы других пользователей на кинотеатры, клубы, театрыи музеи и делитесь своим мнением.Решили пойти в кино? Киноафиша приложения позволяет не тольковыбрать фильм и купить билеты на него, но и всегда иметь к нимдоступ через личный кабинет, даже если вы отключитесь отинтернета.Хотите назначить свидание или просто встретиться с друзьями? Внашем гиде представлены кафе, бары и рестораны с исчерпывающейинформацией о кухне, атмосфере и ценах.Давно последний раз были на экскурсии? Гуляйте по усадьбам идомам-музеям — все достопримечательности можно найти накарте.Добавляйте понравившиеся места в избранное, храните историю своихпосещений, делитесь своими отзывами о мероприятиях изаведениях!"Bill" - the perfectguide to how to spend their leisure time in Moscow, St. Petersburgand other Russian cities. Every day we illuminate current events inyour city: movies, TV shows, exhibitions, concerts, performances,family holiday. More you will not have the issue, where to go. With"Bill" you can not select only entertainment, but also buy himtickets online, paying them as ordinary bank card, and with AndroidPay. The application can search for both entertainment and places: Readreviews and reviews of other users in the cinemas, clubs, theatersand museums, and share your opinion. We decided to go to the movies? Kinoafisha application allows notonly to select the movie and buy tickets for it, but always haveaccess to them through a personal account, even if you disconnectfrom the Internet. Would you like to make an appointment, or simply meet up withfriends? Our guide presents cafes, bars and restaurants withcomprehensive information about the cuisine, atmosphere andprices. It has long been the last time on the tour? Walk on the estates andhouses, museums - all landmarks can be found on the map. Add your favorite places to your favorites, keep the history ofyour visits, share your feedback on the activities andestablishments!
検索プラス - 検索するだけでお小遣いが稼げる検索アプリ
◆◇◆検索プラスとは?◆◇◆検索+(検索プラス)は、モバイルでの検索でお小遣い稼ぎができる検索アプリです!ホーム画面やサジェストに表示される話題の検索ワードで旬なワードがまるわかり、話題のワードをタップして検索するだけで今のトレンドを素早くキャッチできます!さらに、検索やサイト閲覧しているだけで、あれよあれよとポイントが貯まっていきます!これを使ってしまったら、今まで使っていた検索アプリやブラウザには戻れない…かも。検索プラスには検索以外にも便利な機能が満載です。◆◇◆便利で楽しい機能◆◇◆・片手でかんたん操作戻る、進む、検索、お気入り、タブと検索やサイトの閲覧に必要な機能を画面下部に集約して片手でラクラク操作できます!・タブ数無制限タブの数に制限なく開くことができるのでタブ数を気にしないで検索やサイト閲覧することができます!・プライベート検索ワンタッチで履歴を残さない検索やサイト閲覧をタブ毎に行うことができます!・ティッカーニュース旬なニュースや見ているページに関係するニュースが画面上部のティッカーに流れます!・カラーカスタマイズ自分の好きな色にアプリをカスタマイズすることができます!さらに!!!◆◇◆ポイントが貯まる◆◇◆毎日使っているだけでどんどんポイントが貯まる!!・スペシャルポイント利用開始から7日以内に秘密の条件にあてはまると1,000ポイントGET!・ディリーポイント毎日、最初の起動時にポイントGET!!・検索ポイント普段やっているように、検索して閲覧するだけでポイントGET!!・ボーナスポイント検索して閲覧する時に、最大1,000ポイントのボーナスがつくことも!・ニュースポイントホーム画面のニュースを読んでポイントGET!!・招待ポイント友だちを招待して500ポイントGET!!◆◇◆あんしん◆◇◆他のお小遣い稼ぎアプリと違って、興味のないアプリやサービスを無理に使わなくてOK!◆◇◆ポイントを即交換◆◇◆貯まったポイントは、Amazonギフト券、iTunesギフト、PeXポイントにすぐ交換可能!他のお小遣い稼ぎアプリのような在庫切れの心配なし!※ポイントに関しての詳細は、アプリ内の説明をご参照ください。※iTunes及びiTunesギフトカードは、Apple Inc.の商標です。※Amazon及びAmazonギフト券は、Amazon.com, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。※このアプリにおいて提供しているサービスは株式会社jig.jpが独自で実施しております。Google inc.及びGoogleJapan合同会社、その関連会社は本サービスのスポンサーではなく、本サービスとは一切関係がありません。◆ ◇ ◆ the search plus? ◆◇ ◆Kensaku + (Kensaku plus) is a search application that can earnpocket money in search of a mobile!Home screen and search word of the topic to be displayed on thesuggestions to understand seasonal word is full, you can quicklycatch the current trend by simply search by tapping the topic ofthe word!In addition, search and only site being browsed, Areyoareyo andpoints will continue to accumulate!What if I use this, do not go back to search apps and browserthat has been used until now ... it is.The search plus other than the search is a useful featurepacked.◆ ◇ ◆ convenient and fun features ◆ ◇ ◆- With one hand easy operationBack, Forward, search, favorite entering, you can manipulate Easethe tab and functionality required to browse the search and sitewith one hand to consolidate at the bottom of the screen!Tab UnlimitedSince it is possible to open an unlimited number of tabs you canbrowse search and site not care about the number of tabs!Private SearchYou can do a search and site browsing leaves no history at thetouch of a button on each tab!Ticker NewsNews related to the page you are viewing season news and will flowto the top of the screen ticker!Color CustomizationYou can customize the app to their favorite color!further! ! !◆ ◇ ◆ points collect ◆ ◇ ◆More and more points collect just to use every day! !Special point1,000 points GET and within 7 days from the use start applies tothe secret of the conditions!- Dilley pointEvery day, point GET to the initial start-up! !· Search pointTo be doing everyday, point GET only browse search to! !Bonus pointsWhen you browse search and, also to get up to 1,000 points ofbonus!News PointsPoint GET read the home screen news! !· Invite pointInvite your friends to 500 points GET! !◆ ◇ ◆ Safety ◆ ◇ ◆Unlike other earn pocket money app, not forced to use theinterest-free apps and services OK!◆ ◇ ◆ immediately exchange the point ◆ ◇ ◆Accumulated points, Amazon gift certificates, iTunes gift,immediately replaceable in PeX points!Such without fear of the stock as of other earn pocket moneyapp!※ For more information on point, please refer to the descriptionof the app.※ iTunes and iTunes gift card is a trademark of Apple Inc..※ Amazon and Amazon gift certificates, Amazon.com, are trademarksof Inc. or its affiliates.※ service that is provided in this app has been conducting its ownLtd jig.jp.Google inc. And Google Japan Limited Liability Company, itsaffiliates is not a sponsor of this service, and the service doesnot have a relationship at all.
Sleep as Android Unlock
Unlocks the "Sleep as Android" application -the alarm clock with sleep cycle tracker. This is not asubscription but a lifetime license. Install this "Unlock" andenjoy all features.Sleep as Android is a smart alarm clock with sleep cycle tracking.Wakes you gently in optimal moment for pleasant mornings.Features:- Sleep cycle tracking with smart wake up- Sleep graph history- Google Fit, S Health- Pebble, Android Wear, Galaxy Gear- Sleep deficit, deep sleep and snoring statistics- Social sharing (FaceBook, Twitter)- Gentle volume nature sound alarms (birds, sea, storm...)- Music playlists from alarm- Nature sound lullabies with binaural tones for fast fallasleep- Never over sleep again with CAPTCHA wake up verification (Math,Sheep counting, Phone shaking, Bathroom QR code or NFC tagscanning...)- Sleep talk recording, snoring detection and anti-snoring- Jet lag preventionMore features waiting for you to explore!Permissions explainedhttp://sleep.urbandroid.org/documentation/permissions/Quick starthttp://sleep.urbandroid.org/documentation/getting-started/Documentationhttp://sleep.urbandroid.org/documentation/FAQ:http://sleep.urbandroid.org/documentation/faq/
Name Tattoos
Name tattoos are very popular for parents,couples etc. We listed lots of name tattoos designs for you. If youdownload our name tattoos app, you can find the best tattoo foryourself.Amazing inspirational Name Tattoos. 100+ Name Tattoos for you tobrowse, enjoy, save and share.Features of Name Tattoos Application:★ New galleries will be added weekly or biweekly !★ Images can be shared in your social networks, storage accounts oremails.★ Everything inside the Application is free, no hidden fees to seemore images, or clearer images.★ Images in highest quality possible for application.★ Images can be saved as wallpapers.Ps. If you see any problem on Application do not give a low starrating, just let us know and give us a second chance to improve:)
Love Passcode LockScreen
Lock your phone with your love photo usingLove Passcode Photo Lock Screen.Using Love Passcode Photo Lock Screen set your love photo in heartshape.Features:--> There are multiple backgrounds to customize lockscreen.-> Get photo from gallery or using camera.-> Turn On PIN protection to secure your phone.-> on/off toggle switches to enable/disable Lock Screen.This application is not only for security, it for yourcustomization,life style,entertainment, etc.Email us if you have any suggestions or comments about thisapplication.Have fun!Thank You
Yahoo!知恵袋 無料Q&Aアプリ
・今話題のQ&Aがすぐにわかる!「総合ランキング」・悩める子羊の甘酸っぱい恋の悩みがたくさん「キラキラ知恵袋」・人気のQ&AはPUSH通知で配信!・疑問や悩みは手軽に質問投稿! PUSHで回答・返信をすぐに確認。・人に知られたくない秘密の質問は匿名でこっそり質問。・あなたの興味に合わせてホーム画面をカスタマイズ★こんな疑問や悩み、質問を投稿してみよう知恵袋アプリなら匿名での質問投稿や画像添付もできるのでどんな疑問や悩みも質問できます。回答や返信はPUSH通知ですぐに確認できます。・身近な人には聞けない恋愛相談や人間関係の悩み・ハマっているゲームの攻略方法・病気や怪我の不安・ダイエットの悩みやコツ・お気に入りのアーティストや芸能人の疑問・学校の宿題の質問・子育ての不安や悩み・明日着ていく洋服のコーディネート・旅先の隠れた穴場スポット★こんなキーワードをホームに登録してみよう知恵袋アプリでは興味のあるキーワードやカテゴリをホームに登録してカスタマイズする事ができます。最新のQ&Aをいつでもすぐにチェックできます。・ハマっているゲームのタイトル・好きなスポーツ・お気に入りのアーティストや芸能人の名前・気になるドラマや映画のタイトル★ホーム画面についてお客様の端末にインストールされているアプリ情報を取得し、お客様に最適なQ&Aがトップ画面に表示することができます。現時点では、お客様の端末にインストールされているゲームアプリのイベント情報や攻略情報などゲームに関するQ&Aがトップ画面に表示することができます。この機能は、アプリの設定から>OFFにできます。※投票機能についてver2.0.0以降のAndroid版知恵袋アプリでは投票機能を廃止しております。引き続き投票機能をご利用の方はPC版知恵袋からご利用ください。- Now the topic of the Q& A is seen soon! "Overall ranking"- Sweet and sour love of trouble is a lot of beleaguered lamb"Glitter Answers"- The popular Q & A is delivered in PUSH notification!- Doubts and worries are easily Contributions! Immediately confirmthe answer-reply with PUSH.· Secret question you do not want known to man is secretlyquestions anonymously.- Customize the home screen to suit your interests★ such doubts and worries, let's post a questionAny questions or concerns can also be therefore question Answerscan also Contributions and images accompanying the app ifanonymously.Answers and reply can be confirmed immediately in the PUSHnotification.• Do not listen to the familiar human worries of love counselingand human relations- Addicted to that capture method of the game· Illness and anxiety of injuryDiet worries and tipsQuestion-favorite artists and entertainersOf-school homework question, Child care of anxiety and worriesOf - to wear tomorrow clothes coordinationOf-the road hidden off the beaten path spot★ Let's register the this keyword to the homeIn Answers app can be customized to register the keyword orcategory you are interested in the home.You can check anytime soon the latest Q & A.- Addicted to games of that title- Favorite sportThe name of the - favorite artists and entertainers- Anxious drama and movie titleFor ★ Home screenGet the app information that are installed on your terminal,customers optimum Q & A will be able to display on the topscreen.At the moment, we can Q & A about the game, such as eventinformation and capture information of the game apps that areinstalled on your terminal is displayed on the top screen. Thisfeature, from the setting of the app> you can to OFF.※ About voting functionIn ver2.0.0 later for Android Answers app we have abolished thevote function.Please use from the PC version Chiebukuro continue? Please use thevoting feature.
ادعية مستجابة بدون اتصال رمضان
أكثر من 350 دعاء بيدك لتستفيد وتفيد في اي وقت تريده،قال الله تعالى : {أَمَّن يُجِيبُ الْمُضْطَرَّ إِذَا دَعَاهُوَيَكْشِفُ السُّوءَ وَيَجْعَلُكُمْ خُلَفَاء الْأَرْضِ أَإِلَهٌمَّعَ اللَّهِ قَلِيلاً مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ }النمل 62وقال الله تعالى: {وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْإِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَجَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ }غافر60يحتوي التطبيق على مجموعة من الادعية للحياة اليوميةاللهم بارك لي في أولادي ولا تضرهم ووفقهم لطاعتك وارزقني برََهم*اللهم يا مُعلم موسى وآدم علّمهم * ويا مُفهم سليمان فهمهم ويا مؤتيلقمان الحكمة وفصل الخطاب آتهم الحكمة وفصل الخطاب *اللهم علّمهم ما جهلوا وذكرهم ما نسوا وافتح عليهم بركات من السماءوالأرض إنك سميع مجيب الدعواتاللهم إني أسألك لهم قوة الحفظ وسرعة الفهم وصفاء الذهن *اللهم اجعلهم هداة مهتدين غير ضالين ولا مضلين *اللهم حَبّب إليهم الإيمان وزينه في قلوبهم وكره إليهم الكفر والفسوقوالعصيان واجعلهم من الرّاشدين * ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرةأعين واجعلنا للمتقين إماما *اللهم اجعلهم أوفر عبادك حظاً في الدنيا والآخرة *اللهم اجعلهم من أوليائك وخاصتك الذين يسعى نورهم بين أيديهم ولا خوفعليهم ولا هم يحزنون *اللهم اغفر ذنوبهم * اللهم طَهّر قلوبهم * اللهم حصِّن فروجهم *اللهم حسَن أخلاقهم واملأ قلوبهم نوراً وحكمة وأهلهم لقبُول كل نعمةوأصلحهم وأصلح بهم الأمة *اللهم اجعلهم من حرس الدين ومن الذاكرين والمذكورين وألطف بهم يا كريم*اللهم علِّق قلوبهم بالمساجد وبطاعتك * واجعلهم من أوجه من توجه إليكوأحبك ورغب إليك *اللهم واجعلهم حفظة لكتابك ودعاة في سبيلك ومجاهدين في سبيلك ومبلِغينعن رسولك صلى الله عليه وسلم *اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلوبهم وشفاء صدورهم ونور أبصارهم *اللهم افتح عليهم فتوح العارفين * اللهم ارزقهم الحكمة والعلم النافعوزِّين أخلاقهم بالحلم وأكرمهم بالتقوى وجملهم بالعافية واعف عنهم *اللهم ارزقهم المعلِّم الصالح والصُحبة الطيبة * اللهم ارزقهم القناعةوالرضا*اللهم نزِّه قلوبهم عن التعلّق بمن دونك * واجعلهم ممن تحبهمويحبونك*اللهم ارزقهم حبك وحب نبيك محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وحب كل منيحبك وحب كل عمل يقربهم إلى حبك *اللهم اجعلهم ممن تواضع لك فرفعته واستكان لهيبتك فأحببته وتقرب إليكفقربته وسألك فأجبته *اللهم فرِّح بهم نبيك المختار * واهدهم لما تُحبهُ يا غفار *المغرب الجزائر تونس ليبيا اليمن موريتانيا جيبوتي مصر العراقفلسطين السعودية الامارات مليزيا تركياMore than350 prayer with your hand to take advantage and benefit in any timeyou want,Allah said: {if security answer, forced him reveals badsuccessors and let you land agency with God a little bit what youremember ants} 62God said: {And your Lord said Adoni Respond to you that thosewho disdain for my worship will enter Hell Dakharan} forgiving60 Application on a set of prayers for daily life containsGod bless me in my children not hurting them and Ovgahm toobedience and bless me Barham *Oh, Rabbi Moses and Adam taught * Loya Loya Mvhm Solomonunderstanding hundred Luqman wisdom and decisive speech accused thewisdom and the separation of speech *Oh God, knowing what they do not know and reminded them what theyforgot and open them the blessings of heaven and earth You listensand responds ReferralsGod, I ask them to save power and speed of understanding andclarity of mind *Oh God, let them Haddat converts is deceived and deceiving *Oh dear to them the faith and decorated in their hearts and hatingthem of infidelity and immorality and disobedience and let themadults * Lord Grant us from our wives and our offspring the appleof the eyes and make us pious imam *Oh God, make them cheaper slaves fortunate in this world and theHereafter *Oh God, make them from among your and your who seeks Norm betweentheir hands and no fear nor shall they grieve *Oh God, forgive their sins cleansed their hearts * O * O * FortguardOh good morals and fill their hearts light and wisdom and theirparents to accept all grace and Osalehhm and fix their nation*Oh God, make them guard of religion and who remember and mentionedgentler their O cream *Oh commented hearts mosques and Btaatk * and let them aspects ofdirected at you and love you and wish you *Oh and let them save it for your book and advocates in your pathand the Mujahideen in your path and whistleblowers for messenger ofAllah be upon him *Oh God, make the great Holy Spring hearts and heal their chests andlight eyes * O Open them Fattouh knowledgeable * O Arozkhm wise andbeneficial knowledge and Zain morals dream and the most honorablepiety and their sentences of well-being and compounded them * OArozkhm good teacher and good companionship * O Arozkhm contentmentand satisfaction *Oh outings hearts for attachment including dunk * and let them loveand who love you * Arozkhm love God and love of Prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him the love of all loves you love all the work tobring them closer to your love *Oh God, make them who you Verwath humility and nuzzle to HeptkVahbpth and closer to you and asks Vqrepetth I replied *Oh the joy of their chosen prophet * and Ahidhm what you likeGhaffar O *Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Mauritania, Djibouti,Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia Emirates Mlesia Turkey
Jewels Battery Widget
Shows your current battery percentage on the fascinating diamondring.The circling diamond lights will show your battery status byswitching off progressively while your battery status goesdown.This is the most fashionable and colorful battery status widgetever.You will find much more than just a simple battery widget inthis app. Along with this incredible widget you will get a lot offantastic in – app products included, such as cool games, funnyjokes, photo functionalities and some special party entertainmenttools.★★★ Features: ★★★✔ Widget contains a Small, Large, XL and XXL version.For some versions directly resizable. To discover if you can changethe size of the widget directly, tip on the widget for a while. Ifyou see a blue frame appearing it means that you can resize itdirectly.✔ Battery percent status✔ Battery detail information (Capacity, Temperature, Status andmore)✔ Possibility to choose a background color for the widget✔ High quality picturesExtra Content:★ Baby reaction gameCollect points by quickly touching the right objects (balls,swimming rings, teddy bears, baby bottles, etc.). If you can do itwithout any faults you will reach the next level! Don’t touch thered ones!★ 1to60 game★ Great numbers game - check now the IQ and your brainsmemory★ Jokes Collection: Funny jokes divided in different categories.You will find funny jokes about: weather, animals, military,waiter, school etc.★ General knowledge: Do you know all the things about history,machines, geology, geography, environment, science etc.?★ Photo Fun Functionality:Create funny and fake images/pictures and send per mail, sharepictures with Whatsapp, Twitter, Skype, another Messenger Tool orupload them to Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox etc. Upload your pics andturn yourself or your friend into a wonderful woman, a ninjawarrior, a cool boxer, a model, a basketball player, a DJ, etc.★ Comics & Cartoons: We have comics involving differentsubjects as for example: cars, music, tv, dogs, sports and manymany more.★ Paint: Super entertaining tool to try and draw a picture withyour fingertip. There are also a lot of predefined cartoon picturesthat can be colored such as a mighty tiger, a panda bear, a jumpingKangaroo, some funny zombies, monsters, a helicopter, fast rocketsand many more. Discover the artist in you!★ StickersGive your pictures a personal touch. Select either a photo fromyour gallery or an image which is already faked. Take the selectedpic and start personalizing by choosing between numerous stickers.You will be spoiled for choice in selecting the coolest sticker. Itcontains stickers with various subjects like, hats, wigs(hairstyles), skulls, sunglasses, mouth expressions like kisses,scary objects with blood, etc. Let your pictures communicatesomething or create some comics by writing some fun stuff intobubbles.★ Virtual Lighter: Flame reacts to motion★ Virtual Match: Realistic flames and sound★ Mirror★ Love Detector: Get the chance to pick up a conversation★ Lie Detector: Determine the truth with your fantasticdevice!★ Video Trailers: Video section with different trailers of hotapps.Have fun with this cool and free widget!The perfect app for all jewelry estimators and those who wouldlike to have many cool apps in one.Disclaimer: It could be that the light animation does not workon some devices. If the animation does not work you will get somestatic pictures that will change progressively according to yourbattery status.
Igreja da Graça
Bem-vindo ao APLICATIVO OFICIAL DA IGREJA DA GRAÇA.Aqui você tem acesso ao conteúdo da Igreja e seu líder, MissionárioSoares, onde e quando quiser. Veja tudo o que disponibilizamos paraabençoar ainda mais a sua vida:- RIT-TV ao vivo. Você acompanha, em tempo real, tudo o que estásendo transmitido pelo nosso canal 100% voltado à informação e àedificação família;- Mensagens Diárias do Missionário Soares. Comece seus dias com umamensagem que vai abençoar seus passos com recados que vêm de Deus.Uma nova mensagem, todos os dias, à meia-noite.- Podcast Mensagens de Fé. Separe dois minutos do seu tempo paraescutar podcasts curtos e diretos do Missionário Soares.- Programa Show da Fé. Sabe aquele programa do Missionário Soaresque vai ao ar durante a semana na TV? Ele está disponível aqui! Sevocê não pode assisti-lo em casa, poderá fazê-lo a qualquer horapelo Aplicativo da Igreja da Graça.- Agenda do Missionário. Acompanhe a agenda completa do Missionárioe participe das reuniões;- Pedido de Oração. Está passando por um momento difícil? Conte coma nossa ajuda em oração.- Versículo do Dia. Diariamente, um texto bíblico que vai fazervocê meditar.Baixe o Aplicativo da Igreja da Graça e tenha todas estas bênçãos àsua disposição agora! É gratuito. É necessário que seu aparelhotenha conexão à internet para ter acesso aos conteúdos.Welcome toAPPLICATION OFFICIAL OF GRACE CHURCH.Here you have access to the content of the Church and its leader,Missionary Soares, where and when you want. Look what we offer tobless your life even more:- Live RIT TV. You follow, in real time, all that is beingbroadcast by our 100% channel dedicated to information and buildingfamily;- Comments Daily Missionary Soares. Start your days with a messagethat will bless your steps with messages that come from God. A newmessage every day, at midnight.-. Podcast Faith Messages Part Two minutes of your time to listento podcasts short and direct Missionary Soares.-. Show of Faith program know that the Missionary Soares programthat airs weekdays on TV? It is available here! If you can notwatch it at home, you can do it anytime by Application of GraceChurch.- Missionary agenda. Follow the complete schedule of the Missionaryand participate in meetings;- Prayer Request. You are going through a difficult time? Count onour help in prayer.- Verse of the Day Every day, a biblical text that will make youthink..Download the Application of Grace Church and has all theseblessings to you now! It's free. It is necessary that your devicehas an Internet connection to access the content.
With an Alarm.com-enabled security system, youcan monitor and control your home or business in real-time and fromanywhere. Alarm.com’s interactive security, video monitoring,energy management, and home automation solutions give you instantawareness and remote control for the places you care aboutmost.Note: This app requires a compatible system and an interactiveAlarm.com service plan. Feature availability varies based onsystem, equipment, and service plan. Visit www.alarm.com for moreinformation.Remote features:✓ See what’s happening at your property✓ Arm or disarm your security panel✓ Watch live video and recorded clips from your securitycameras✓ Turn on or off lights✓ Set the ideal temperature✓ Lock or unlock doors✓ View images of important activity captured by Alarm.com imagesensors✓ Search your complete system event history✓ And much more!With Alarm.com, you can also receive real-time email, text message,and push notifications for the specific events that matter to you.Beyond important emergency related events, you can also immediatelyknow when:• Your kids get home from school• You left for work or vacation and forgot to arm your system• The housekeeper arrives or leaves• The garage door is left open• The dog walker or cat sitter arrives• There's flooding or a water leak in your basement• Your children open your medicine or liquor cabinets• Someone changes your thermostat settings• Your security system is disarmed (and who disarmed it)• Someone attempts to log into your account• And much more!
Cute Clock Widget 【FREE】
Cute clock widget with a total of 60 designscompletely FREE! Perfect for princesses that want t o personalizetheir home screen♪ Floral, heart, polka dot, sweet, pop, glittery,Alice, Lolita Goth, simple, Kawaii, collages and many many moreawesome designs and styles in store!★Main Features★●Choose from the following 2 Widget sizes: 4x2, 4x1.●Each size contains 30 different designs -- one for everyoccasion!●Choose between 12-hour and 24-hour display!●Tap on the date to launch your Calendar, and the time to launchyour Alarm! (You can also edit the apps you want to launch from theWidget.)●Tap on the bottom right of the Widget to launch the handy searchbrowser!★How To Use★This is a Widget app to be used on your home screen.<>1. Hold your finger down on an empty space on your homescreen.2. Select ""Widgets"" from the pop-up that appears.3. Choose ""Cute Clock Widget"" from the Widget list.4. Choose your preferred design and you're done!When you want to change the style of the Widget, tap on the bottomleft of the Widget and choose a new style!*The steps to setting up the Widget may differ slightly dependingon the Home application you are using.★Caution★Saving this application onto an SD card will prevent you from beingable to use the Widget. Please save it onto your device.Having a task killer app, battery-saving app or antivirus softwareinstalled on your phone may affect the performance of the Widget.If you experience any performance issues, please set the Widget asan exception in the above apps/software.★Request to Customers★If you have any questions or would like to report any bugs, pleaserefrain from writing them as reviews as we will be unable torespond. We will gladly answer any questions or comments you mayhave via support e-mail below.★Inquiries, Requests, Bugs, Etc.★info+android+widget+en@atm-plushome.com*If you have spam filters set up, please adjust your settings toallow our responses to get through to you.★Compatible Devices★Wide range of Android devices using Android 2.3 and later
Qibla Compass
Prayer times, distance and direction (pointedby the arrow) to Kaaba in Mecca. It takes the difference betweenmagnetic and true north in consideration.Hold phone on flat surface and away from ferrous metal objects andelectromagnetic fields.Select islamic league in app Settings.Request new features here:http://bit.ly/qcabsuvTags: qibla, makkah, mecca, prayer, salah, salat, direction, islam,muslim, kaabaIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Easy Age Calculator
It's sometimes very handy to find actual age and days between twodates.This is a very easy age calculator to calculate your actual age andfind days between two dates.Now, It's hassle free to find your age, how many days you areliving and remaining days until your next birthday.Features of Easy Age Calculator:- Measure your perfect age in years, months and days.- Measure total days between any two dates.- Find how many Months and Days left to your next birthday.- Save age in the apps and later click on it to see the calculatedage.-This apps can also be used for dog, cat, and other animalsMore Features are coming soon. my contact mail is milton.2002@yahoo.comAny feedback is appreciated.
Red Bull MOBILE Collect
Teraz zawsze i wszędzie możesz zbierać energięi wymieniać ją na nagrody ze Świata Red Bulla. Zbieraj energię,odbieraj nagrody!Wystarczy ściągnąć bezpłatną aplikację i zarejestrować się.Jak zbierać energię?• wpisując kody z puszek• korzystając z telefonu w Red Bull MOBILE• bywając na imprezach Red Bulla i odbierając Vouchery naenergię• chwaląc się aktywnościami na Facebook'u• korzystając z aplikacji RedBull.com• zapraszając znajomych do Red Bull MOBILE CollectNagrody ze Świata Red Bulla:1. Karuzela nagród – wybierasz nagrody rzeczowe (kolekcja ubrań RedBull Racing, sprzęt sportowy, itp), nagrody cyfrowe (muzyka,dzwonki, tapety, aplikacje, cyfrowe autografy, itp), nagrodyprzygodowe (przeloty samolotami klasy Air Race, przejazdysamochodami sportowymi i spotkania z gwiazdami sceny RedBulla).2. Nagrody gwarantowane – dodatkowa energia po osiągnięciu każdegopoziomu aż do 50%, zaproszenia do specjalnej strefy na imprezach,darmowy Red Bull, wstęp do najlepszych klubów muzycznych.3. Prezenty niespodzianki – za aktywność i z zaskoczenia możeszwygrać np. wyjazd do siedziby Infiniti Red Bull Racing w MiltonKeynes.Dzień bez limitów w Red Bull MOBILE. Wybierz taryfę Red BullMOBILE Energy - co miesiąc otrzymasz Pakę Energii, a za każdyzarejestrowany kod z puszki Red Bulla Dzień bez limitów czylidarmowe rozmowy, SMS-y i Internet.Akcje specjalne – to dodatkowy sposób zbierania energii. Raz,może wymagać aktywności z Twojej strony, innym razem energiaspadnie na Ciebie jak grom z jasnego nieba.Każdy Uczestnik Red Bull MOBILE Collect posiada swoje konto zpełną informacją o ilości energii, nagrodach, zbliżających sięwydarzeniach.Aplikacja jest wyposażona w funkcje ułatwiające korzystanie zRed Bull MOBILE Collect:• skaner kodów – kody z puszek i Voucherów na energię możeszzarejestrować skanerem (dostępny tylko dla obsługiwanychurządzeń),• informacje push – otrzymujesz na bieżąco informacje o wszystkichwydarzeniach w programie.Now, whenever andwherever you can collect energy and exchange it for the prize ofthe World of Red Bull. Collect energy, get prizes!Just download the free application and register.How to collect energy?• entering codes from cans• using the phone in the Red Bull MOBILE• shreds on the events of Red Bull and collecting vouchers forenergy• boasting of activities is on Facebook• an application RedBull.com• inviting friends to Red Bull MOBILE CollectAwards from the world of Red Bull:1. Carousel awards - you prizes (a collection of Red Bull Racingclothing, sports equipment, etc.), digital awards (music,ringtones, wallpapers, applications, digital autographs, etc),adventure awards (class aircraft flights Air Race Heats sports carsand meetings with stars of stage Red Bull).2. Guaranteed prizes - the extra energy when you reach each levelup to 50%, an invitation to a special area for events, free RedBull, admission to the best music clubs.3. Gifts surprises - for the activity and you could win such asurprise. Trip to the headquarters of the Infiniti Red Bull Racingin Milton Keynes.A day without limits in the Red Bull MOBILE. Select Red BullMOBILE tariff Energy - every month you will receive a box ofEnergy, and for each registered code can of Red Bull Day withoutlimits or free calls, SMS and the Internet.Special Actions - is an additional way to collect energy. Time,it may require activity on your part, other times the energy fallson you like a bolt from the blue.Each participant Red Bull MOBILE Collect have an account withfull information about the amount of energy, awards, upcomingevents.The app is packed with features to facilitate the use of RedBull MOBILE Collect:• scanner codes - codes and vouchers from cans of energy you canregister your scanner (available only for supported devices)• Information push - get up to date information on all the eventsin the program.
【旧】OpenTable アプリ[日本限定版]
アップグレードした⏎アプリが新登場!最新版の OpenTable アプリをご利用ください。このバージョンのサポートは終了しました。https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opentableUpgraded ⏎ app newappearance!Please use the latest version of the OpenTable app. This versionis no longer supported.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opentable< / a>