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Traffic Police e-Challan
This app shows you the status of e-challan'sif any are generated on your vehicle. You can also pay the pendingchallans through this app.Disclaimer: This app is just for informational purpose. We arenot responsible for any information displayed here. RespectiveState Police Department wholly owns the right of the informationdisplayed here.
MarineTraffic ship positions
MarineTraffic displays near real-timepositions of ships and yachts worldwide.Connected to the largest network of AIS receivers, the app coversmost major ports and shipping routes.• View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats andseaports and see what's near you!• More than 100,000 VESSELS PER DAY report their positions viaMarineTraffic AIS• View live wind and 48-hour WIND FORECASTS on the map• ANIMATED PLAYBACK of vessel's track• PORT ARRIVALS & DEPARTURES live for over 4,000 ports andmarinas, current conditions in ports and estimated time of arrivalfor the boats & ships.• Manage your list of vessels ("MY FLEET"), shared with all yourdevices and MarineTraffic.com• Browse 1,5 MILLION PHOTOS of ships, harbors and lighthousesand much more!➜ NEW! Identify vessels around you at a glance with theAugmented Reality tool (in-app purchase)Just point your device's camera to the horizon and get all theinformation you need about the vessels in your area: name, flag,speed, distance from you and a lot more.Also, for MarineTraffic paying subscribers:• NAUTICAL CHARTS• SAT-AIS DATAJoin the great MarineTraffic community!** If you're only interested in a specific area, please confirmcoverage on www.marinetraffic.com before purchasing the app **
TaxiForSure book taxis, cabs
TaxiForSure is a travel experience providerthat helps you book a cab in the simplest way possible. Downloadour free app to get a safe, reliable cab, anywhere, anytime! Be itairport transfer or just an in-city ride, book a cab from yourTaxiForSure app with just a few taps. We make sure a taxi driven bya professional chauffeur arrives at your door on time. No morehaggling with rickshaws, no more waiting for your call to beanswered. Save time and money with our affordable rates and getquick access to thousands of cars driven by our friendly andinformed chauffeurs across India.All taxis can be requested for immediate or future pickups.Simply choose the taxi you like, instantly receive your driverdetails, track the taxi to your address, and pay after completionof the trip. You can view your travel history, modify or canceltrips, save your favorite locations and even go cashless with ourwallet options. Share the tracking link through SMS/ Whatsapp/Email and let your loved ones track you through your journey. Thein-trip SOS alert facility helps you notify emergency contacts andlocal authorities if required.Now the TaxiForSure App also allows you to book an Ola Micro,available at just Rs. 6/km. It also allows you to link and use youOla Money wallet for Micro rides booked on the TaxiForSure app.Advantages of Using the App:• Easy Booking Process• Wide range of car categories• Most affordable rates• Cashless travel with wallet• Airport transfers, City rides.• Save money and time• Trained chauffeursBooking a taxi has never been easier!
The myIowaDOT app has been developed to act as a container forother Iowa Department of Transportation apps. It shows allavailable Iowa Department of Transportation apps, even those appsthat are not currently installed on the device. If an app isselected that is not installed on the device, the user is taken tothat app in Google Play so the app can be installed. Once apps havebeen installed, the myIowaDOT app can be used as a launch pad forthose apps.The list of apps available on the myIowaDOT app is builtdynamically, so new apps will automatically appear in the myIowaDOTapp as they are developed. Users can also create a list of favoriteapps, personalized to meet their needs.Apps that are currently available with myIowaDOT include:Aviation - Contains an Iowa airport directory, aviation weather, anaviation calendar, and NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen)Bike Map - An interactive bike map with bike trail navigation anddriving directionsDL Docs – Helps determine which documents are needed in order toobtain an Iowa Real IDDrive Test – A practice test to help prepare for the Iowa driver'stestERL – The Department’s Electronic Reference Library, which containshighway & bridge construction specifications andstandardsFacebook – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s FacebookpageIowa 511 – Traveler information such as Iowa road conditions,traffic speeds, and traffic camerasLegis – Information about the Iowa Department of Transportation byIowa legislative districtmyMVD – Use this to renew your Iowa driver’s license, change youraddress, or see your driving recordTwitter – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Twitter feed
Speed Limiter
Tired of fines? Speed limiter is there for you!Speed Limiter is an application whose purpose is to warn youin case you drive too fast. It works thanks to the GPS on yourphone.Its simple and clear, you can use it without leaving theroad.The last button indicates the speed at which you drive. Byselecting, you dynamically create a new limitation.
Ce service est dédié aux propriétaires desvéhicules et aux conducteurs. Il permet la consultation desinfractions enregistrées sur le fichier national des permis deconduire et celui des véhicules. Pour cela l’utilisateur est tenude s’identifier moyennant son numéro de la carte nationaled’identité et le numéro du permis de conduire.This service is dedicatedto vehicle owners and drivers. It allows the consultation ofoffenses recorded on the national register of driving license andthe vehicle. For this the user is required to identify through itsnumber of national ID card and driving license number.
Total Traffic
Save time, save gas, save yourself from thehassles of traffic jams with Total Traffic -- right from your phoneor tablet.TOTAL TRAFFIC FEATURES:* Real-time traffic map* Extensive traffic camera network* 24/7 speed, accident, & construction coverage* Unmatched traffic detail with just a tap of the map* GPS integration for hands-free operationTotal Traffic offers its uniquely simple and powerful service inmore than 75 metropolitan areas across the United States.The Total Traffic Android app is simple to use, but packed withinformation:*** MORE THAN JUST RED/YELLOW/GREEN -- Total Traffic offersincredibly detailed speed information. You’ll know when traffic ismoving 25 miles per hour and when it's moving 40 miles perhour.*** CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED REPORTS ON ACCIDENTS, CONSTRUCTION, ANDTRAFFIC JAMS -- Our 24/7 coverage of road conditions comes fromhundreds of professional traffic reporters stationed instate-of-the art data centers across the United States.*** THE BEST TRAFFIC CAMERAS IN THE BUSINESS -- Total Trafficfeatures the most extensive network of real-time traffic camerasavailable. You can see actual traffic conditions along your routeright now.CITIES COVERED:Albany | Albuquerque | Allentown | Atlanta | Augusta | Austin |Baltimore | Baton Rouge | Birmingham | Boston | Boulder |Bridgeport | Buffalo | Cape Cod | Central Jersey | Charleston |Charlotte | Chattanooga | Chicago | Cincinnati | Cleveland |Colorado Springs | Columbia SC | Columbus | Dallas | Dayton |Denver | Des Moines | Detroit | Durham | Fairfield | Flint | FortWayne | Fresno | Ft. Myers | Gary | Grand Rapids | Greensboro |Greenville | Harrisburg | Hartford | Houston | Indianapolis |Inland Empire | Jacksonville | Kansas City | Lancaster | Las Vegas| Long Island | Los Angeles | Louisville | Madison | Manchester |Memphis | Miami | Milwaukee | Minneapolis-St. Paul | Nashua |Nashville | New Haven | New Orleans | New York | Norfolk | NorthJersey | Oklahoma City | Omaha | Orange County | Orlando |Philadelphia | Phoenix | Pittsburgh | Portland | Portsmouth |Providence | Pueblo | Raleigh | Richmond | Rochester | Sacramento |Salem | Salt Lake City | San Antonio | San Diego | San Francisco |Scranton | Seattle | Spokane | Springfield | St. Louis | Syracuse |Tacoma | Tampa | Toledo | Tucson | Tulsa | Washington, DC | WestPalm Beach | Westchester | Wichita | Wilkes-Barre | Winston-Salem |Worcester, and more!
Luceverde Regione Lazio
Luceverde Regione Lazio per traffico e viabilità in tempo realepresenta le info più complete grazie alla collaborazione fraRegione Lazio, ACI, Polizia Stradale e Polizie Municipali.Facile da usare, con tante opzioni per avere le ultime notiziesu eventi, traffico e trasporto pubblico nella tua regione, e conla possibilità di condividere via email con i tuoi amici leinformazioni che ritieni più interessanti.Ora è inoltre possibile inserire, in determinate posizioniscelte dall'utente, delle "sentinelle" della viabilità. Questafunzione permette la segnalazione da parte dell'App di eventitraffico nell'area circostante la posizione della sentinella.In questo modo è possibile essere sempre aggiornati in temporeale sulla situazione della viabilità nei dintorni delle posizioniscelte dall'utente.Con Luceverde Regione Lazio hai a disposizione:• news in tempo reale• mappa interattiva• notiziario audio dalla Centrale Operativa LuceverdeLuceverdeLazio Region for traffic and road conditions in real time presentsthe most comprehensive info through the collaboration of the LazioRegion, ACI, Traffic Police and Municipal Police.Easy to use, with many options to get the latest news on events,traffic and public transport in your region, and with the abilityto share via email with your friends information you deeminteresting.Now you can also put in certain positions chosen by the user,the "guardians" of the road. This function allows the reporting ofevents from the App traffic in the area surrounding the location ofthe sentinel.This way you can always be updated in real time on the trafficsituation in the surroundings of the positions chosen by theuser.With Luceverde Region Lazio have available:• news in real time• interactive map• news audio from the Central Office Luceverde
nextstop San Francisco
Nextstop provides an information service in real time for publictransport lines of the San Francisco Bay Area. Thecurrent timetable and information of departure times of allstations are at your hands in no time. Additionally, to allow abetter orientation, stations can be displayed on a road map. Forroute calculation, the departure and destination points can beeither stations or positions on the road map. Nextstop shows youyour route, from door to door including all footpaths. Withnextstop you get important information for your travel all the timeand always up to date.Start nextstop and see immediately the departures of surroundingstations!Features:* Automatically shows all public transit routes near you* Find departure times from stations* Find stations and get directions* Multimodal trip planner from door to door* Display stations in road map* Route including footpaths and taxi* Uses real-time predictions* Text message ticket generator (single / day ticket)* Network plan - including Nightliner* Traffic disruptions, maintenance and newsSupported Schedules: Ferry, Bus, Rail, Shuttles,...AC TransitCloverdale TransitCounty ConnectionDumbarton ExpressFairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST)Golden Gate TransitHealdsburg In-City Transit *Marin TransitMuni (San Francisco)Petaluma TransitRio Vista Delta BreezeSamTransSanta Clara VTASanta Rosa CityBusSolTransSonoma County TransitTri Delta TransitUnion City TransitVacaville City CoachVINE (Napa County)WestCATWheels (LAVTA)ACEBARTCapitol Corridor Intercity RailCaltrainMuni (San Francisco)Santa Clara VTAAngel Island/Tiburon FerryBlue & Gold FleetGolden Gate FerrySF Bay FerryHornblower Alcatraz Ferry
MySpeed will alert you when you're near aspeed camera.It can record your speed and location to a log file.What users are saying about MySpeed:"Tried all the free speed apps...this is the best!""One of few that run and warn in the background :)""Turning map is great :-)""Works GREAT, I use this to keep a log of my speed, helpful forfighting inaccurate speeding tickets."MySpeed is a free app supported by adverts.keywords:osm open street map gps tracking routing navigation poi speedcamera safety cameras traffic enforcement camera's speed trappolice radar speeding ticket speed limitpoiplaza scdb flitspaal pocketgpsworld maparadar adivorradardroid opensatnav radalert blitzer trapster flits alert
FREE TAXIMETER VERSION=======================================Main taximeter abilities:1. Creation of its own tariffs (any number)2. Calculation of orders in distance and timing (it’s possible acombine using with speed account)2. Creation of tables for meeting at airports and railwaystations3. Conversations recording in a cabin during taximeter using(activate in settings)4. Quick navigation start
하철이: 지하철 네비게이션
대한민국 전국 지하철 안내도우미“하철이"에 오신 것을 환영합니다.“하철이”는 이미 아이폰 사용자중 200만명 이상이 사용하고 있는 아이폰 필수 어플리케이션 이며,안드로이드에서도200만명 이상이 사용하고 있습니다.하철이는 안드로이드폰을 이용하여 현 위치에서 가까운 지하철역 찾기, 역별 시간표,출발역과 도착역을 기준으로빠른길찾기,역별 상세정보(화장실위치, 열리는 문방향,최소 환승열차칸 안내등)역주변 지도보기 등의 지하철이용에 필요한 모든정보를 하나의 통합된 화면에서 제공함으로써 사용자 편의성을 극대화 시킨 어플리케이션입니다.-요약설명 :"하철이" 어플리케이션은 3G 및 WiFi 환경이 아닌곳에서도 충분히 사용할 수 있도록 제작되어 데이터 통신료에 대한부담이 없습니다.제휴 메일 : directdirectdev@gmail.com제휴 전화번호 : 0508-5096-5096제휴 상담 : 010-2743-2863Republic of Korea subwaynational guidance assistant Welcome to "The Subway"."The Subway" is the iPhone application that required more than200 million people are already using an iPhone user, using morethan 200 million people in Android.Subway is using Android phones to find the nearest metro stationclose to the current location, yeokbyeol timetable, departing andarrival station, based on the quickest way to find, yeokbyeoldetails (toilet position, opening the door direction, the minimumtransit train compartment and etc ...) View Station Map Byproviding all the information needed for underground use suchapplications in a single integrated screen which maximizes userconvenience.- Summary description:"The Subway" application is designed to be used fully to non 3G andWiFi environment, there is no charge for the data communicationfee.Affiliate mail: directdirectdev@gmail.comPartner Tel: 0508-5096-5096Alliance Consulting: 010-2743-2863
mParking Lietuva
Works in: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai,Panevėžys, Palanga & Trakai.New design and features:- Icon badge with active parking indication;- Automatic city detection;- Fixed Push notifications, pick one: 30min, 1h ar 2h;- Parking history (beta version);- APP is more stable and faster;- Off-Line (SMS generator, parking price and time);Only for Lithuanian mobile operators: Tele2, Omnitel irBitė.
Мобильный водитель
Мобильное приложение для водителей позволит не тратить драгоценноевремя на звонки в центр логистики. Вы сможете выбирать заказысамостоятельно прямо на экране мобильного телефона или планшета.The mobileapplication will allow drivers to avoid wasting precious time oncalls to the logistics center. You will be able to choose their ownorders directly on the screen of a mobile phone or tablet.
BPASS Lignes d'Azur
Important : Pensez à désactiver le wifi le temps de l'installationdu service.Avec l’application BPASS, je peux acheter et valider mes titresde transport sur les lignes urbaines du réseau Lignes d’Azur avecmon mobile NFC.1. J’installe l’applicationTélécharger et installer l’application BPASS Lignes d’Azur depuisGoogle PlaySouscrire au service BPASS Lignes d’Azur, en suivant lesinstructions affichées à l’écran.Lire et accepter les Conditions Générales de Vente.Créer son profil Lignes d’Azur en fournissant ses donnéesd’inscription, à savoir son numéro de téléphone mobile, sa date denaissance et son code postal (cette étape est facultative, maiselle doit être effectuée afin de bénéficier d’un tarif réduit).2. J’achète mon titre de transportSélectionner la rubrique « Achat de titres » sur la page d’accueildu service.Sélectionner le Titre souhaité et valider l’achat.Confirmer l’achat lors de l’affichage du récapitulatif de laCommande (Titre choisi et mode de règlement) sur l’écran dutéléphone mobile.Le Titre est chargé sur votre téléphone mobile ! Vous êtes prêt àvoyager sur le réseau Lignes d’Azur !3. Je valide mon titre de transportPour valider le titre de transport, il suffit de présenter votremobile NFC devant le valideur installé à bord du bus ou du tramwayet s’assurer que le titre de transport a bien été validé (bip +lumière verte et information affichée sur l’écran).En cas de contrôle, vous devez présenter votre téléphone mobile,sous peine de vous voir attribuer le paiement d’une amendeforfaitaire, conformément à la réglementation applicable auxservices de transport public de voyageurs.4. Et aussi…Vous pouvez à tout moment consulter le détail de vos commandes dansla rubrique « Historique Achats » de l’Application BPASS Lignesd’Azur en vous connectant à celle-ci via votre téléphone mobileNFC.Vous pouvez également consulter l’historique de vos achats en vousconnectant sur le site internet de PayByPhone(www.paybyphone.fr).Important:Remember to turn off the wifi time to install the service.With BPASS application, I can buy and validate my tickets onurban network lines Lines d'Azur with my mobile NFC.1. Installing the application Download and install the application BPASS AzurLines from Google Play Subscribe to the service BPASS d'Azur lines,following the instructions on the screen. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions. Create your profile Lines d'Azur by providing itsregistration data, ie mobile phone number, date of birth and postalcode (this step is optional, but it must be done in order tobenefit from a reduced rate ).2. I bought my ticket Select the "Purchases of Securities" on the homepage of the service. Select the desired title and confirm thepurchase. Confirm purchase when viewing the summary of theOrder (Title chosen and method of payment) on the mobile phonescreen. The title is loaded on your mobile phone! You arewilling to travel on the network of lines Azur!3. I validate my ticketTo validate the ticket, simply present your mobile NFC on thereader installed on the bus or the tram and ensure that the tickethas been validated (beep + green light and information displayed onthe screen ).In control, you must present your mobile phone, lest you attributethe payment of a fixed penalty in accordance with the regulationsapplicable to public passenger transport services.4. And also ...You can always check the details of your order in the "HistoryPurchases" from the Application BPASS d'Azur lines by connecting toit via your NFC mobile phone.You can also view the history of your purchases by logging on tothe website of PayByPhone (www.paybyphone.fr).
OSM Downloader
ATTENTION! The given application downloads OpenStreetMap maps forCity Guide 7 or 8, Navitel, 7 Ways navigator apps only. If you haveany ideas regarding the support of other apps please contact me:help@nikanorov.mobiOSM Downloader lets download OpenStreetMap maps for City Guide 7 or8, Navitel, 7 Ways navigators.Features:* Choose maps by country* Download several maps simultaneously* Display downloaded maps and their updates* Search the needed map by cityAll error reports and suggestions are welcome: help@nikanorov.mobi
Mit der EnBW App „Ladestation“ können Sieeinfach und schnell Ladestationen der EnBW und ihrer PartnerLadenetz und Stadtwerke Düsseldorf finden.
Auf der praktischen Übersichtskarte werden Ihnen Ladestationenin Ihrer Nähe mit folgenden Informationen angezeigt: Adresse,genauer Standort, Betriebszeiten und Betreiber der Ladestationsowie unterstützte Fahrzeug- und Steckertypen. Bei den von EnBWbetriebenen Ladestationen erhalten Sie die Info, ob diese aktuellverfügbar sind oder nicht.
Neben der Anzeige der Übersichtskarte mit den Ladestationen inIhrer Nähe können Sie weitere Ladestationen der EnBW und ihrerPartner einfach und schnell suchen. Das Beste daran: Nach Auswahlder entsprechenden Ladestation können Sie sich direkt zum Standortnavigieren lassen.
Noch nicht e-mobil unterwegs?Dann satteln Sie jetzt auf umweltschonende Antriebe um und nutzenSie das einfache und unkomplizierte Ladevergnügen mit EnBW – anEnBW Ladestationen mit 100% Ökostrom.
Aktuelle Funktionen der EnBW App „Ladestation“ imÜberblick:
- Automatische Anzeige der nächsten EnBW- oderPartner-Ladestationen in praktischer Übersichtskarte
- Anzeige der Verfügbarkeit der von EnBW betriebenen Ladestationen
- Suchfunktion für EnBW- oder Partner-Ladestationen nach PLZ,Straße, Ort
- Entfernungsberechnung zu Ladestationen
- Navigation zur gewählten Ladestation
- Anzeige und Filterfunktion weiterer Informationen zur Ladestationwie Betreiber, Adresse, genauer Standort, Fahrzeugtyp, Steckertyp,Betriebszeiten
- Feedback- und Dialogfunktion
Zugang zu einer EnBW Ladestation erhalten Sie z. B. mittelsder EnBW Elektronauten- oder Prepaid-Ladekarte – einfach undbargeldlos. Wie diese funktionieren und bestellt werden können,erfahren Sie in der App unter dem Menüpunkt „EnBW Produkte“.Ansonsten erhalten Sie auch Zugang zu den EnBW Ladestationen mitden Ladekarten bzw. Zugangsmedien unserer Partner: Ladenetz,Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, VW/Mobil City, BMW Charge Now, Bosch,Plugsurfing, The New Motion und weiterer Partner derHubject-Plattform.
Zugang zu den Partner-Ladestationen erhalten Sie mit Ladekartenvon Ladenetz und der Stadtwerke Düsseldorf.Hinweis: Partner-Ladestationen sind nicht mit der EnBWPrepaid-Ladekarte nutzbar.With EnBW app "chargingstation" you can easily and quickly find charging stations of EnBWand its partners charger and Stadtwerke Dusseldorf.On a practical overview map and charging stations will bedisplayed in your area with the following information: address,exact location, uptime and operator of the charging station andsupported vehicle and plug types. When operated by EnBW chargingstations to get the information, whether they are currentlyavailable or not.In addition to displaying the overview map with the chargingstations in your area to find more charging stations of EnBW andits partners quickly and easily. The best part: After selecting theappropriate charging station can be navigated directly to thelocation.Not e-mobil go?Then saddle up now to an environmentally-friendly drives and usethe simple and uncomplicated loading pleasure with EnBW - to EnBWcharging stations with 100% green electricity.Current functions of EnBW app "charging station" at aglance:- Automatic display of next EnBW or Partner-charging stations inhandy overview map- Display of the availability of the operated by EnBW chargingstations- Search for EnBW or Partner-charging points by zip code, street,city- Calculation of distance to charging stations- Navigation to the selected charging station- Display and filtering function of other information to thecharging station as operators, address, precise location, vehicletype, connector type, uptime- Feedback and dialog functionAccess to EnBW charging station returns, for example by means ofEnBW Elektronauten- or prepaid charging card -. Simply and withoutcash. How this works and can be ordered, please refer to the appunder the menu item "EnBW products".Otherwise, you also get access to EnBW charging stations withthe charge card or access media our partners: charger, StadtwerkeDusseldorf, VW / MobilCity, BMW Charge Now, Bosch, PlugSurfing, TheNew Motion and other partners of Hubject platform.Access to the partner-charging stations you get with chargecards charger and Stadtwerke Dusseldorf.Note: Partner-charging stations are not usable with EnBW prepaidcharge card.
SafeLinx Phone Control Trial
This is a free 3-day trial of SafeLinx:When moving above 5 mph SafeLinx Phone Control Trial willprovide phone control by an Administrator over an AndroidSmartphone.SafeLinx Phone Control Trial will:Block Text Messaging while driving.Block Internet Surfing while driving.Block Virtually Any Other Activity on an Android Smartphone whilein a moving vehicle.In Addition SafeLinx Phone Control Trial can:Block usage of an Android Smartphone during specific times (i.e. school hours). Prevent distractions such as text messaging,SMS messaging, web surfing,, and emailing during set times.SafeLinx will notify via email or SMS text messages whenattempts are made to violate these restrictions.This is an excellent seemingly passive application that runs inthe background to aid in preventing distracted driving. Help yourteen drive safe. Adults, use SafeLinx as an aide to promote goodhabits for safe driving.For a more complete description of the features of SafeLinx, pleaseour website www.droidlinx.com.keywords: Call Control,Parental Control,Text Control,smartphonecontrol, distracted driving, anti-text,no text and drive, drivesafe
iCompass (English)
iCompass is an Android based App specifically designed forfishermen to navigate to positions of their nets or any otherfishing points. However it can be also used for trekking in forestareas or wherever roads are not available.This app mainly saves fuel and time. Very important forfishermen.Please download User Guide from below link before using thisapp. Otherwise it won't be helpful to you.http://icompassenglish.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/8/7/30872671/user_guide_-_icompass.pdfAnd for more details, visit http://icompassenglish.weebly.com/Although this app is specifically designed for Indian usershowever with better understanding of features, it can be used byothers as well.There are many well known navigation products available in themarket. However they are not user friendly or at least not easy forcomputer illiterate people to operate. That's how I come up withthis App which is very easy to use. Thus no need of buying costlynavigational devices. Rather by using Android phone's features suchas Touch Screen, Orientation sensors etc, it is more powerful, easyto use and more accurate. Also with updates, you will get betterfeatures and thus no need to buy separate navigation product fornew features.Key features:• Compass to show North and direction to Destination.• Compass also shows tilt measurements for boat/vessel.• Indian coastal locations are already saved.• User can add his own locations• We have stored approximate coastal international borders forPakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka and Maldives. So App warns abouttheir borders.• Google map which auto-rotates as per North direction. Alsodisplays destination point, your saved locations and aboveinternational borders.• You can store Home location or Port location where you normallykeep your boat/vessel. Or this Home location can be your Hotel ifused for trekking. So if Home location is saved, you are alwaysaware how far you are from Home.• At any time, you can get nearest 5 coastal locations of India andyour nearest saved locations.• Sun rise / set and Moon rise /set information are alwaysavailable for current and Home location. Thus information about lowand high tides can be found out and accordingly you can plan whento return home based on high tide timings.• Estimated Time based on speed• Device gives warning message once it starts closing towardsdestination by 1 KM or 500 meters or nearby.• Links to other useful apps for fishermen.This is in English language. However it is also available inother Indian languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati.
Die kostenlose App der BOGESTRA für mehrMobilität im gesamten VRR-Gebiet.BGSmobil ist der Begleiter für unterwegs. Die elektronischeFahrplanauskunft (EFA) für alle Verbindungen mit Bus-, Bahn- undStraßenbahn im Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR). Ob Fahrpläne,Fahrzeiten, Abfahrtspläne, Verbindungen, Kartenausschnitte,aktuelle Störungen oder Einzelfahrpreise des ÖPNV – alleInformationen lassen sich schnell, einfach und direkt vom aktuellenStandort aus darstellen.The free app BOGESTRA formore mobility in the entire VRR area.BGSmobil is the traveling companion. The electronic timetable (EFA)for all connections by bus, train and tram transport in theRhine-Ruhr (VRR). Whether schedules, timetables, departureschedules, links, map sections, current faults or single fares ofpublic transport - all the information can be quickly, easily anddirectly represent the current location.
Mumbai Local Navigator
Mumbai Local Navigator -Your one stop solution for all information required on MumbaiLocal.Follow us in twitter for latest updates:tilzmatic.tech@gmail.comsupport@tilzmatictech.com#1 App for Delhi MetroFeatures -1. Detailed Map2. Fare Calculator3. Route,Schedule ( Under Development Coming Soon !!! )<-- Permission -->Internet : For AdsWe have found a new way to generate some money from this freeapp. using this new search tool, we can keep creating apps and givethem to you completely free forever! This search is from our searchpartner and give you access to great web search via a search icon,bookmark link and homepage. You may remove them at your choice.Thanks.Simple, effective and accurate data including offline route mapand all this is without the use of internet. We encouragesuggestions,feedback and complaints to improve our product. Happytraveling.Developed ByAnupam Dutta (anupam.dutta@tilzmatictech.com)Vikash Kumar (vikash.kumar@tilzmatictech.com)Keywords : Mumbai Local Travel Transportation Route Planner MapNavigation Tariff Fare Mumbai Bombay Local Offline MumbaiSubwayTube
Bangalore Metro Navigator
Bangalore Metro Navigator -Your one stop solution for all information required on BangaloreMetro.Follow us in twitter for latest updates: tilzmatic.tech@gmail.comsupport@tilzmatictech.com#1 App for Bangalore MetroFeatures -1. Fare Calculator ,2. Detailed Bangalore Metro Map ,3. Offline Color Coded Route Planner ,4. Parking Rate5. Interchange Station Highlight<-- Internet needed for Ads Only :) -->Creating an app takes time and money, In order to keep creatinggreat (and free!) apps, we are using a new search service tomonetize our apps. With this service we are able to create moregreat apps for you guys. This option bundles a few search points(icon, bookmark and homepage) for you to use. You can erase theseeasily and with no effect to our app. Thanks!Simple, effective and accurate data including fares, parking feeinfo, offline route map and all this is without the use ofinternet. We encourage suggestions, feedback and complaints toimprove our product. Happy traveling.Developed ByVikash Kumar (vikash.kumar@tilzmatictech.com)https://www.tilzmatictech.comKeywords : Bangalore Bengaluru BMRC Metro Travel TransportationRoute Planner Map Navigation Tariff Fare Bangalore Metro OfflineBangalore Metro
RP Armenia
With the help of this app you may view traffic offenses registeredby the police camera and photo equipmentWith the help of this app you may:• Receive daily, weekly and monthly notifications• Automatically access the program in case of saved data• Pay Online• Watch the offenses online• Watch offenses*Disclaimer! We do not carry any responsibility for theadministrative fines and delay of any other notifications, as wellas their contents. Please note that notifications received via thisapplication are not official notifications and do not carry legalforce. This application is not created or endorsed by the police.It uses the open database of roadpolice.am website.