Alfredo Ruiz Приложения

Practice addition 0.1
Alfredo Ruiz
Simple application, created to practice mentalarithmetic, addition, subtraction and multiplication. It works as asimple calculator to perform the operation displayed, addition andsubtraction of 1 to 100, or multiplication. A sound indicatingwhether it was successful or failed.
Mouse vs. Canyon 0.1
Alfredo Ruiz
Simple game, a canyon must fire againstamoving mouse.There are 2 game modes. In one of them you control the canyon,inthe other, no.Please check my other apps.
Guerra_Cartas 0.1
Alfredo Ruiz
De niño, he jugado muchas veces con lascartasa la "guerra". Se reparten todas las cartas entre dosjugadores ycada jugador saca de una en una. La carta mayor gana, ylas doscartas se las lleva el jugador afortunado. Caso de sacarcada unocartas iguales, se produce "guerra", empate. Se saca cartade nuevoy la carta de mayor valor se lleva todas las cartas.Muy pocas veces recuerdo haber podido terminar algunapartida.Aquello se hacia interminable.Ahora, he hecho una App simulación de aquel juego. Y he llegadoala conclusión de que influye mucho el barajar o no las cartas delasbazas hechas de cada jugador, o solo colocarlas ordenadasdebajo desu maza a medida que se van ganando ...As a child, I playedmanytimes with the letters to the "war". All cards between twoplayersand each player draws one at a spread. The highest cardwins, andtwo cards are gone with the lucky player. Take each caseidenticalcards, "war" draw. Occurs Letter again is removed and thehighestcard takes all the cards.Rarely I remember being able to finish a game. That istointerminable.Now, I made a simulation app that game. And I have come totheconclusion that greatly influences the shuffle or not thelettersof the tricks made for each player, or just orderedplacement underhis mace as they are winning ...
Peces de acuario de agua dulce 0.1
Alfredo Ruiz
Completo fichero de peces de acuario de aguadulce, asi como de plantas acuáticas y algunos acuarios domesticosrepresentativos. Alrededor de 120 fichas, con fotos de altaresolución, y una descripción somera de cada unos de lospeces.Full file fish freshwateraquarium, as well as aquatic plants and some representativehousehold aquariums. About 120 chips with high resolution photosand a brief description of each of the fish.
El Museo Nacional del Prado V_8
Alfredo Ruiz
The National Prado Museum - Your best works
La historia de España (en cromos)
Alfredo Ruiz
History of Spain, old age and middle ages, on cards
Salvador Dali - 1000 paintings V_1
Alfredo Ruiz
This app shows more tan 1.000 paintings of Salvador Dali.
Countries and capital cities
Alfredo Ruiz
All countries of the world and their capital cities.
Locomotoras y trenes V_1
Alfredo Ruiz
Locomotoras clásicas eléctricas, diesel y de vapor.Buenasfotografías y datos técnicos.
Vida y Color 2 V_1
Alfredo Ruiz
Album of Cromos Life and Color 2 (1968)
Frida Kahlo V3
Alfredo Ruiz
Photographs and pictures of the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
Joan Miró paintings V_2
Alfredo Ruiz
The best paintings by Joan Miro
Peintures du peintre Balthus V_1
Alfredo Ruiz
The application shows the 80 best paintings of Balthus
Dali - 1000 paintings V_8
Alfredo Ruiz
Salvador Dali - Paintings along his life
Leonardo da Vinci paintings V_7
Alfredo Ruiz
Main paintings from Leonardo da Vinci
Projectile motion V_2
Alfredo Ruiz
Projectile motion and parabolica shot teaching,