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Pesky gNATs 1.93
Handaxe CIC
*Be advised that a password is requiredtoaccess this app. Passwords are provided by Pesky gNATsclinicians*Pesky gNATs is an App for young people to use as theycompletethe Pesky gNATs Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)interventionwith a mental health professional. A central part ofCBT iscompleting tasks between meetings with a therapist. Thishelps ayoung person consolidate their understanding of the CBTmodel andpractice new skills learnt during the intervention.Completingbetween session tasks is often difficult for both adultsandchildren so we think having an interesting, convenient and funwayto do them will help.During the Pesky gNATs CBT intervention young peoplemeetregularly with a therapist. Together with their therapist theyplaythe Pesky gNATs desktop game. In the game they visit a 3-Dworldcalled “gNAT’s Island” and meet a team of wildlife explorers.Ineach session a member of this team introduces them to one ofsevenCBT concepts that unfold during the course of the game.Littlecreatures called gNATs are used to provide aconcreterepresentation of Negative Automatic Thoughts a key – buttypicallyabstract – concept in CBT. Through the game and with thesupport ofa qualified therapist, the young person learns to applythese CBTconcepts to their current difficulties.Young people use the Pesky gNATs app between meetings withtheirtherapist. The app supports the young person’s application oftheCBT ideas they learn in session to their everyday life at home,atschool and in their community. The App has weekly CBTtasks,Mindfulness skills, a gNAT gallery, and 3 fun games thatunlockwhen the young person completes the between sessiontasks!The App has 5 sections:1. gNAT Adventures between session CBT tasks: 1. Record apositiveand negative Thought Feeling Behaviour Relationship. 2 TrapsomegNATs 3. Trap some gNATs 4. Swat your gNATs. 5. Hive hunt 6.Splata Hive 7. Relapse Prevention.2. Games - 3 fun games (Man Eating Sheep; Whack a gNAT; HiveHunt)that unlock only if you complete between session tasksandreinforce ideas from the relevant CBT task.3. Chill Out Zone includes six mindfulness exercises, onerelaxationexercise and one activity scheduling task.4. The Achievements section allows young people to earn badgesforcompleting tasks.5. The gNAT gallery contains an illustrated reminder of the11different types of negative automatic thinking in the PeskygNATsgame.
Mindful Gnats 1.08
Handaxe CIC
Mindful Gnats is an app to teach simple mindfulness and relaxationskills.