Merafi-Apps Приложения

Riyadh Salihin Sheik Jafar 1.0.0
You can now listen to the audio lessons of Riyadh Salihin given bySheik Jafar Mahmud Adam Kano, the application contains the originalArabic text of Riyadh Salihin for easy following of the lessons,this is for those trying to learn, understand, study or teach theHadiths of Riyadh Salihin. The book of Riyadh Salihin contains morethan 1,900 Sayings of Prophet peace and blessing be up him, solearning as many as you can out of the those hadith will help you alot in many aspects of Islam. This is also a great chance for someof us wanting to learn hadiths but they got no chance or have noteachers to teach them, all praise be to Allah that now you willhave your book as well as your lessons in your pocket therebylearning Hadith at your own comfort. My other applications aboutSheik Jafar Mahmud Adam include: Hukunce Hukunce Sheik JafarAmsoshin Sheik Jafar Part 1 and the other parts will soon beavailable as well as more audio lessons of books like UmdatulAhkam, Kitab Attauheed, Sira Annabawy(History of The Prophet),Ahkamul Jana'iz, Siffat Salat Annaby, Sharh Usool Al-Iman and soon. For those interested in comparative religious studies you canhave a look at: Books_of_Ahmad_Deedat We ask Allah subhaanahu wata'ala to give us the courage and long life to do good deeds.Ameen.
Quran audio and Tajweed books 1.0.0
This is a collections of some easy english tajweed books written byexperts in the field of Qur'anic sciences, you can also listen toword to word recitation of holy Qur'an by Abdul-basit Abdussamadwho is one of the world qur'an reciters. furthermore, theapplication contains a detailed step by step plan on how one caneasily memorize the entire Qur'an whithin just 5 months as well asa book containing very useful advises for those willing to learn,know and memorize the holy Qur'an. You can share it with friendsand families especially those who want learn the rules of Qur'anrecitation or willing to learn how to read the Qur'an. The tajweedbooks are very easy to follow, and if you have any suggestion orany question with regards to tajweed do not hesitate to send us anemail. We ask Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala to help us in learning andmemorizing the entire Qur'an.
Sheik Albany Zaria Audio
Wanna Application yana dauke da masu yawa daga cikin lakcocindaSheik Albany Zaria ya gabatar. Wasu daga cikin lakcocin sunhadada: 1. Tarihin Sheik Albany Zaria wanda ya bayar da Bakinsa2.Raddi kan Qazafin Al-mizan 3. Matsalolin Jahiliyyah 4.HukuncinLaya 5. Karen Bana 6. Bayani aKan Bidi'a 7. A daidaita Sahu8.Jihadin Shehu Dan Hodiyo Da sauran Lakcocin wanda Malam yagabatar.Allah ya bamu ikon aiki da abun da muke karantawa da kumasauraro,ya kuma haskaka qabarin malam da sauran wadanda suka rigamugidangaskiya. Ameen
Tafseer sheik Aliyu Fantami
Wannan Tafsiran azumi ne wanda Sheik Aliyu Isah Fantami ya gabatar.
Karatun Hisnul Muslim Dr. Sani
Wannan Wasu Daga Cikin Karatuttukan Hisnul Muslim ne Wanda Dr. Saniya Gabatar.
33 Lessons for Every Muslim
This book contain 33 essential lessons to be known by any Muslim.
Shek Mufti Menk Audio Lectures
This is a collection of Audio Lectures given by Sheik Mufi Isma'ilMenk
The Bible, The Quran & Science
The book of "The Bible, The Qur'an and Science" by Dr. MauriceBucaille
Who Wrote The Qur'an
God sent a Prophets and/or Messengers to every nation throughoutthehistory of mankind. These Prophets and Messengers convey thesameprevailing message which is entrusted to them by God. Some ofthemwe have been informed of and others we have not. TheseProphets andMessengers include, but not limited to: Adam, Noah,Abraham, Ismail,Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Lot, David,Solomon, Elias,Elisha, Hood, Thul-Kifi, Enoch, Jonah, Job,Shu’aib, Saalih, Ezra,Zachariyyah, John, Jesus , Muhammad andothers peace and blessingsbe upon them all. Some of them were sentwith Books while otherswere not. Some of the books that we wereinformed of are theScriptures of Abraham, the Torah of Moses, theZaboor of Dawood, andthe Injeel which was revealed to Jesus . Allof these scripturescontained the same basic message from God tomankind. Each Prophetbrought specific instructions from Godaddressed to a particularpeople for certain times in history andparticular circumstancesalthough the essential message remainedthe same. A few examples ofthis would be the fact that Moses'contemporaries were excellent inmagic. So his major miracle was todefeat the best magicians of hisdays. Jesus' contemporaries wererecognized as skillful physicians.Therefore, his miracles were toraise the dead and cure theincurable diseases. The Arabs, thecontemporaries of the Muhammad,were known for their eloquence andmagnificent poetry. So Muhammad's(Peace and Blessings be upon him)major miracle was the Qur’an, theequivalent of which the wholelegion of the Arab poets and oratorscould not produce despite therepeated challenge from the Qur’anitself. However, the beauty andpower of Muhammad’s (Peace andBlessings be upon him) major miracleis that it removes theconstraints of place and time. It is thepermanent miracle for allgenerations to see. Muhammad (Peace andBlessings be upon him) isthe final Messenger and that hisProphethood is also not limited totime and place, and is for allpeoples (after the advent of hisProphethood) in all times untilthe Day of Judgement. Now, many whowould agree with everything wehave stated above may reject thisabout Muhammad (Peace andBlessings be upon him) his Messengershipand the scripture withwhich he was sent. (The Qur’an) It is ourobjective here to provewithout a shadow of a doubt that the Qur’anis in fact from GodHimself and by extension that Muhammad is infact a Messenger ofGod. For we cannot accept the Message and rejectthe Messenger, orvice versa. Both must be accept or both must berejected. Read morefor yourself in this amazing book. We ask Allahthe Almighty tomake this work among the author's way to heaven.Ameen.
500 Essential Arabic Words
An A - Z smart Collection of 500 most Essential Arabic Words forArabic learners
Guide to Managing Stress
A very comprehensive guide to understanding and managing any formof stress.
Qur'an Shuraim Offline 1.0.1
Lisiten to Complete Qur'an Recitation by Sheik Shuraim offline
Littafin Magana Jarice Na 2
Littafin Magana Jarice Na Biyu, Dunqule a Matsayin Application DonSauqin Karatu
The Etiquettes of Marriage
This is the android version of the book of etiquettes ofmarriageand wedding by Sheik Al-muhaddeth Nasurideen Albany, theauthorspoke extensively about martial life between the husband andhiswife. The book will indeed be helpful for anyone who want haveahealthy and peaceful marital life in an Islamic way. The Sheikalsotalked about Marital issues like: 1. Placing one's hand onhiswife's head and praying for her. 2. Ruling on Praying ofhusbandand wife together 3. What to say at the time of making love.4. Howshould one come to her. 5. The lawfulness of coitusinterruptus 6.The Obligation of a wedding feast and so on. We askAllah the mostglorious to make this work among the authors way toparadise, andto guide us towards following the Sunnah of hisprophet peace andblessing upon him. Don't forget to comment for anysuggestion,advice or anything we can do to make our applicationsgreater.Thank you Wa Jazakumullahu Khair.!
صحيح البخارى صوتي- قسم الاول
يمكنك الان سماع قسم الاول من صحيح البخاري بالصوت كامل يحتوي عليجميعكتب صحيح البخاري.
Qur'an Recitation Teacher 1.0.0
Listen to the audio version of Qur'an teacher
Hisnul Muslim Sheik Daurawa 3.0.1
Wannan karatun Littafin Hisnul Muslim ne wanda Sheik Aminu Daurawaya gabatar.
Qur'an Abdul-basit Offline 1.0.4
This is an offline Qur'an Recitation by Shek Abdul-Basit and hisbrief biography
Siffat Assalat by Albany Zaria
Wannan Application yana dauke da Karatun Littafin SiffatAssalatNabiyyi wanda Sheik Albany Zaria ya gabatar: KaratuneDalla-Dallada malam ya gabatar ta hanyar bayanin ko wace gaba, harila yauakwai Matanin Littafin Na Siffat Assalat Nabiy wanda zaitaimakawamai sauraro wajen bibiyar Karatun cikin sauqi. Zaku Iyadownloadingapplications dinmu wadanda suka qunshi karatuttuka dakuma lakcocina Malamai da dama kamar su: Sheik Jafar Mahmud AdamKano SheikAminu Daurawa Sheik Aliyu Isah Fantami Sheik Ahmed Deedatdasauransu. Allah ya bamu Ikon aiki da abun da muka karanta yakumatsarakake mana niyyoyinmu tare da taimaka mana wajen riqo daSunnarManzon Allah Sallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Ayi Karatu Lafiya:Dominbada shawar-wari ko kuma tsokaci dangane da Applications dinmuZakuiya neman mu ta email dinmu dake qasa.
Littafin Magana Jarice
Littafin Magana Jarice a qunshe a matsayin Application domin sauqinkaratu.
Quran Recitation Riwayat Qalun 1.0.0
Listen to the beautiful Qur'an recitation in Riwayat Qaluun anNafi.
Muslim-Christian Dialogue
This is an android Version of the book "Muslim-Christian Dialogue"
Emotional Intelligence
Brief explanation on everything one needs to know about emotionalIntelligence
Tafseer Sheik Mansur Sokoto
Listen to an Audio Tafseer by Sheik Dr. Mansur Sokoto
صحيح البخارى صوتي- قسم الثانى
مكنك الان سماع قسم الثانى من صحيح البخاري بالصوت كامل يحتوي عليجميعكتب صحيح البخاري.
Complete Books of Ahmed Deedat
These are the collections of books written by sheik Ahmed Deedat
Thinking Skills
Thinking Skills; Using your Brain in the information Age;
ConceptOfGod in MajorReligions
The book of "Concept of God in Major Religions" in the world bySheik Zakir Naik
Ahmed Deedat Audio Series-2
This is the second part of Sheik Ahmed Deedat Audio Lectures.MayAllah ease our ways of acquiring knowledge. Ameen
Maximizing your Potential
A simple guide to Maximize your Potential and awaken the giantwithin you
Complete Qur'an Sheik Husary
Listen to an complete Qur'an Recitation Offline by Sheik KhalilHusary.
Maximizing your Potential
A simple guide to Maximize your Potential and awaken the giantwithin you
Illustrated Janazah Guide
An Authentic Step by Step guide to Islamic Funeral, with visualIllustrations
Time Management Plan
Very simple & comprehensive guide to plan your time well
Muhammad The Greatest By Dedat
Android version of the the book "Muhammad the greatest" by ShiekAhmed Deedat
Qur'an and Modern Science
The Book of Qur'an & Modern science by Dr. Maurice B Edited byDr. Bilal Philips
1000 Sunnah Per day & night
This is simplified and well organized android version of the bookof1000 Sunnah Acts which each and every Muslim should try toadhere toso as to emulate the real teaching and actions of ourbelovedProphet Muhammad (peace and blessing be Upon). In theapplication,the book has been divided based on the different actsof Sunnah justlike the paper and PDF version of the book. The bookhas beendivided into different sections consisting of: 1. How onecan gainthe love of Allah. 2. Sunnah of waking up 3. The Sunnahofperforming Ablution 4. The Sunnah in Using Sewak 5. The SunnahinWearing Shoes 6. The Sunnah in wearing clothes 7. The Sunnahingoing & coming to our homes 8. The sunnah in going tothemosque 9. The Sunnah of Athan 10. The Sunnah of Iqama and So on.Weask Allah the Almighty to bless us with the following of Sunnahofour beloved Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and toguideus to the right path. May Allah make this work to be amongtheauthor's different way to Jannah. Ameen. For any inquiryorsuggestion please make a comment, or contact thedevelopersdirectly through our e-mail. Don't forget to rate ourApplication.Barakallahu Feekum, Wa Jazaakumullahu Khair.
Christ in Islam by Ahmed Dedat
The status of Jesus Christ in Islam, his mother Mary and hismiraculous birth.
شرح الأربعين النووية - صوتى
شرح الأربعين النووية - صوتى بدون انترنت
Ahmed Deedat Audio Series-1
Enjoy the series of Audio Lectures by Sheik Ahmed Deedatwithoutinternet