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STARFLEET HD 2014™ 2.1
S T A R F L E E T 2 0 1 4StarFleet Battle Simulator Federation Constitution ClassStarFleet 2014 is a computer-simulated battle based via computerterminal, you can clash with enemy Klingon battlecruisers D7 Classand use the same strategies that captain James Kirk used. Youcontrol a Federation vessel similar to the Enterprise; a computerprogram directs the enemy.Time based Vector Strategy Gaming - [1/8] 0.125 warp secondAnimate Tactical Display****STARFLEET 2014™ requires Android 4.2+Optimized for DLNA Monitors/ Screens/ ProjectorsAll distances are measured in megameters, one million meters(abbreviated `M'). Speed is expressed in `Warp Factors'. Each warpfactor equals 100M per second. All angles are expressed in commondegrees from zero to 360, measured clockwise from the x-axis,similar to reading a protractor. Only two dimensions are used. Playis as follows:1. You issue one of a number of commands ( fire phasers, changecourse, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by selecting theappropriate command;2. The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues a similarcommand;3. Both your commands are executed ( phasers are fired, probes arelaunched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.) while thevessels move through space;4. Unless certain end-game conditions are met: you destroy theenemy, the enemy destroys you, you out-maneuver the enemy, you bothdestroy each other; the above steps are repeated.The following is a list of codes which can be used while in thecommand mode aboard your ship:CODE COMMAND ===========F /PH FIRE PHASERSF /TRPT FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOSL-PH LOCK PHASERSL-TRPT LOCK TORPEDO TUBESLAP LAUNCH ANTIMATTER PROBESAPC ANTIMATTER PROBE CNTRLRSH RAISE SHIELDSLSH LOWER SHIELDSL/NTRPT LOAD UNLOAD TORP TUBESHLM HELM-COURSE SPEEDTP SET TORPEDO PARAMPW POWER DISTRIBUTIONWeapon And Vessel SpecificationsEnemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]VesselsFederation Constitution Class [Klingon D7 Class]Max turning rate: 55 degreesMax speed warp 9 [11]Min units burned per warp-second: 1 [.55]Crew: 450 [350]PhasersNumber of banks: 4Max range: 1000 megametersMax spread: 90 degrees (45+45)Min spread: 10 degrees (5+5)Max hit with 45 degree spread: 10Max hit with 10 degree spread: 45Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/4.5Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/3Max charge per bank: 10 unitsMin charge or discharge time: 1 secTorpedo TubesNumber of torpedo tubes: 6Max range: 12,000 megametersMax launch speed: warp 12Max time delay: 10 secondsMax proximity delay: 500MMax explosion radius: 500MMax number of pods launched: 10Max hit factor: 50Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/3Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/2ProbesNumber of probe launchers: 1Max range: 3000MMax launch speed: 3Max time delay: 15 secMax proximity delay: anyMax explosion radius: 50 times number of podsMax pods launched: fuel availableMax hit factor: 10 times number of podsLoss of shields per hit: same as torpedosTime based Vector Strategy Gaming - [1/8] 0.125 warp secondAnimate Tactical Display****STARFLEET 2014™ requires Android 4.2+Free Upgrade Offer from STARFLEET 2013™ HD. Send Sales Receiptfrom any Android App retailer to: info@starfleet2014.comSpecial Upgrade Offer from any STARFLEET 2013™ game. Send SalesReceipt from any Android App retailer to request special offer to:info@starfleet2014.com©2014 MicroGames™ Support: info@microgames.biz
Floppy Bird 7
THE CHASE IS ON! Flap the flappy wings of Floppy Bird in this#1thrilling and action packed flying adventure. Meet the haplesseverFloppy Birds and they need your help!. With their little wings,theFloppy Birds are not afraid of any danger. It's your job toguidethese cute birds fly through all kinds of obstacles.Game Features:- Simple one touch controls: touch to flap the wings- Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master- Stunning graphics: beautifully detailed world comes to lifeonAndroidHow to Play:- Tap anywhere on the screen to fly higher!
Starfleet 480P 2013™ 8.0
STARFLEET 2013™ 480p is a computer-simulatedbattle based on the famous Star Trek television series and theboard game Star Fleet Battles . Via computer terminal, you canclash with enemy Klingon battlecruisers /D7 Class and use the samestrategies that James Kirk used. You control a Federation vesselsimilar to the Enterprise; an academy computer program directs theenemy.Decisive Victory -- You completely destroy or cripple theattacking force.Tactical Victory -- You out-maneuver the enemy using high-speedescapes, or the enemy surrenders.All distances are measured in megameters, one million meters(abbreviated `M'). Speed is expressed in 'Warp Factors'. Each warpfactor equals 100M per second. All angles are expressed in commondegrees from zero to 360, measured counter-clockwise from thex-axis, similar to reading a protractor. Only two dimensions areused. Play is as follows:1. You issue one of a number of commands (fire phasers, changecourse, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by selecting theappropriate command;2. The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues a similarcommand;3. Both your commands are executed (phasers are fired, probesare launched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.) in 1/8warp second intervals while the vessels move through space;4. Unless certain end-game conditions are met: you destroy theenemy, the enemy destroys you, you out-maneuver the enemy, you bothdestroy each other, or one party surrenders; the above steps arerepeated.The following is a list of codes which can be used while in thecommand mode aboard your ship:CODE COMMAND ===========F /PH FIRE PHASERSF /PTRP FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOSL-PH LOCK PHASERSL-TRPT LOCK TORPEDO TUBESLAP LAUNCH ANTIMATTER PROBEAPC ANTIMATTER PROBE CNTRLRSH RAISE SHIELDSLSH LOWER SHIELDSL/NTRPT LOAD UNLOAD TORPEDO TUBESHLM HELM COURSE/ WARP FACTORSimple Strategy If you are a beginner, a simple strategy tofollow is A: fight only one attacker; B: pursue him (code HLM) atwarp factor one; C: lock on all phasers (code L-PH); D:continuously take position reports and watch his range; E: when hegets within 1000M, fire all phasers (code F /PH) and keep on firingwhen he is in range; F: When the enemy is out of range, take damagereports and scans of the enemy (icons - enemy ship console). Aftera few trial games using the above strategy, you will want to becomeas efficient as the enemy at firing photon torpedos. Finally, whenyou master launching antimatter probes, you can designate more thatone attacker.Weapon And Vessel SpecificationsEnemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]VesselsFederation Constitution Class [Klingon D7 Class]Max turning rate: 55 degreesMax speed warp 9 [11]Min units burned per warp-second: 1 [.55]Crew: 450 [350]PhasersNumber of banks: 4Max range: 1000 megametersMax spread: 90 degrees (45+45)Min spread: 10 degrees (5+5)Max hit with 45 degree spread: 10Max hit with 10 degree spread: 45Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/4.5Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/3Max charge per bank: 10 unitsMin charge or discharge time: 1 secTorpedo TubesNumber of torpedo tubes: 6Max range: 12,000 megametersMax launch speed: warp 12Max time delay: 10 secondsMax proximity delay: 500MMax explosion radius: 500MMax number of pods launched: 10Max hit factor: 50Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/3Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/2ProbesNumber of probe launchers: 1Max range: 3000MMax launch speed: 3Max time delay: 15 secMax proximity delay: anyMax explosion radius: 50 times number of podsMax pods launched: fuel availableMax hit factor: 10 times number of podsLoss of shields per hit: same as torpedosRecommended for Android Tablets/ Nexus 7Min Sys Req: 480 x 854 pixel screen
Floppy Bird Zygerrian Twilight 4.0
THE CHASE IS ON! Flap the flappy wings ofFloppy Bird Zygerrian™ Twilight in this #1 thrilling and actionpacked flying adventure. Meet the hapless ever Floppy Birds andthey need your help!. With their little wings, the Floppy Birds arenot afraid of any danger. It's your job to guide these round tripmessenger birds fly through all kinds of obstacles.Game Features:- Simple one touch controls: touch to flap the wings- Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master- Stunning graphics: beautifully detailed twilight world comes tolife on AndroidHow to Play:- Tap anywhere on the screen to fly higher and away!
C O N V O Y R A I D E R 2 0 1 4™ PHONERomulan War Simulator D7 Class StarshipCONVOY RAIDER 2014™ is a computer-simulated battle. Clash withenemy Federation Starfleet Constitution Class warships and attackFederation Freighters in convoy. You control a Romulan vessel armedwith plasma torpedos and disruptors in order to destroy as manyconvoy ships as possible; a computer program directs the enemy.Vector Graphics / Fast Action Strategy Gaming / Computer Directsup to 9 Federation Enemy Ships / Classical 70s AlgorthimsTime based Vector Strategy Gaming - [1/8] 0.125 warp secondAnimate Tactical Display****requires Android 4.2+Recommended Minimum Display: 480P
STARFLEET HD™ 2013 14.0
Minimum System Requirements: 1050 x 1600 pixelscreenSTARFLEET2013™ HD is a computer-simulated battle based on thefamous Star Trek television series and the board game Star FleetBattles . Via computer terminal, you can clash with enemy Klingonbattlecruisers /D7 Class and use the same strategies that JamesKirk use. You control a Federation vessel similar to theEnterprise; an academy computer program directs the enemy.Decisive Victory -- You completely destroy or cripple theattacking force.Tactical Victory -- You out-maneuver the enemy using high-speedescapes, or the enemy surrenders.All distances are measured in megameters, one million meters(abbreviated `M'). Speed is expressed in 'Warp Factors'. Each warpfactor equals 100M per second. All angles are expressed in commondegrees from zero to 360, measured counter-clockwise from thex-axis, similar to reading a protractor. Only two dimensions areused. Play is as follows:1. You issue one of a number of commands (fire phasers, changecourse, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by selecting theappropriate command;2. The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues a similarcommand;3. Both your commands are executed (phasers are fired, probesare launched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.) in 1/8warp second intervals while the vessels move through space;4. Unless certain end-game conditions are met: you destroy theenemy, the enemy destroys you, you out-maneuver the enemy, you bothdestroy each other, or one party surrenders; the above steps arerepeated.The following is a list of codes which can be used while in thecommand mode aboard your ship:CODE COMMAND ===========F /PH FIRE PHASERSF /PTRP FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOSL-PH LOCK PHASERSL-TRPT LOCK TORPEDO TUBESLAP LAUNCH ANTIMATTER PROBEAPC ANTIMATTER PROBE CNTRLRSH RAISE SHIELDSLSH LOWER SHIELDSL/NTRPT LOAD UNLOAD TORPEDO TUBESHLM HELM COURSE/ WARP FACTORSimple Strategy If you are a beginner, a simple strategy tofollow is A: fight only one attacker; B: pursue him (code HLM) atwarp factor one; C: lock on all phasers (code L-PH); D:continuously take position reports and watch his range; E: when hegets within 1000M, fire all phasers (code F /PH) and keep on firingwhen he is in range; F: When the enemy is out of range, take damagereports and scans of the enemy (icons - enemy ship console). Aftera few trial games using the above strategy, you will want to becomeas efficient as the enemy at firing photon torpedos. Finally, whenyou master launching antimatter probes, you can designate more thatone attacker.Weapon And Vessel SpecificationsEnemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]VesselsFederation Constitution Class [Klingon D7 Class]Max turning rate: 55 degreesMax speed warp 9 [11]Min units burned per warp-second: 1 [.55]Crew: 450 [350]PhasersNumber of banks: 4Max range: 1000 megametersMax spread: 90 degrees (45+45)Min spread: 10 degrees (5+5)Max hit with 45 degree spread: 10Max hit with 10 degree spread: 45Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/4.5Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/3Max charge per bank: 10 unitsMin charge or discharge time: 1 secTorpedo TubesNumber of torpedo tubes: 6Max range: 12,000 megametersMax launch speed: warp 12Max time delay: 10 secondsMax proximity delay: 500MMax explosion radius: 500MMax number of pods launched: 10Max hit factor: 50Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/3Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/2ProbesNumber of probe launchers: 1Max range: 3000MMax launch speed: 3Max time delay: 15 secMax proximity delay: anyMax explosion radius: 50 times number of podsMax pods launched: fuel availableMax hit factor: 10 times number of podsLoss of shields per hit: same as torpedos
Floppy Bird Zygerrian™ Twilo 4.0
THE CHASE IS ON! Flap the flappy wings ofFloppy Bird Zygerrian™ Twilo in this #1 thrilling and action packedflying adventure. Meet the hapless ever Floppy Birds and they needyour help!. With their little wings, the Floppy Birds are notafraid of any danger. It's your job to guide these round tripmessenger birds fly through all kinds of obstacles.Game Features:- Simple one touch controls: touch to flap the wings- Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master- Stunning graphics: beautifully detailed twilight world comes tolife on AndroidHow to Play:- Tap anywhere on the screen to fly higher and away!
Astro Weather™ Astrology 1.0
Astro Weather™ Astrology Forecaster/ Calendar7 Day Astrological Weather Forecaster/ 30 Day CalendarPlanet/ Sign/ Aspect ActivityKeyword Based Translator
Floppy Bird Underworld 2.0
THE CHASE IS ON! Flap the flappy wingsofFloppy Bird in the Underworld in this #1 thrilling andactionpacked flying adventure. Meet the hapless ever Floppy Birdsandthey navigate the Underworld!. With their little wings, theFloppyBirds are not afraid of any environment. It's your job toguidethese cute birds fly through obstacles in theunderworld.Game Features:- Simple one touch controls: touch to flap the wings- Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master- Stunning graphics: beautifully detailed world comes to lifeonAndroidHow to Play:- Tap anywhere on the screen to fly higher!
ROMULAN HD 2014™ 2.0
ROMULAN 2014™Romulan War Simulator D7 Class StarshipCONVOY RAIDER 2014™ is a computer-simulated battle. Clash withenemyFederation Starfleet Constitution Class warships andattackFederation Freighters in convoy. You control a Romulan vesselarmedwith plasma torpedos and disruptors in order to destroy asmanyconvoy ships as possible; a computer program directs the enemy.Time based Vector Strategy Gaming - [1/8] 0.125 warpsecondAnimate Tactical Display****requires Android 4.2+Optimized for DLNA Monitors/ Screens/ Projectors
STARFLEET 2014™ 8.0
STARFLEET 2014™ is a computer-simulatedbattlebased on the famous Star Trek television series and the boardgameStar Fleet Battles . Via computer terminal, you can clashwithenemy Klingon battlecruisers /D7 Class and use the samestrategiesthat James Kirk used. You control a Federation vesselsimilar tothe Enterprise; an academy computer program directs theenemy.Decisive Victory -- You completely destroy or crippletheattacking force.Tactical Victory -- You out-maneuver the enemy usinghigh-speedescapes, or the enemy surrenders.All distances are measured in megameters, one millionmeters(abbreviated `M'). Speed is expressed in 'Warp Factors'. Eachwarpfactor equals 100M per second. All angles are expressed incommondegrees from zero to 360, measured counter-clockwise fromthex-axis, similar to reading a protractor. Only two dimensionsareused. Play is as follows:1. You issue one of a number of commands (fire phasers,changecourse, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by selectingtheappropriate command;2. The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues asimilarcommand;3. Both your commands are executed (phasers are fired, probesarelaunched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.) in 1/8warpsecond intervals while the vessels move through space;4. Unless certain end-game conditions are met: you destroytheenemy, the enemy destroys you, you out-maneuver the enemy, youbothdestroy each other, or one party surrenders; the above stepsarerepeated.The following is a list of codes which can be used while inthecommand mode aboard your ship:CODE COMMAND ===========F /PH FIRE PHASERSF /PTRP FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOSL-PH LOCK PHASERSL-TRPT LOCK TORPEDO TUBESLAP LAUNCH ANTIMATTER PROBEAPC ANTIMATTER PROBE CNTRLRSH RAISE SHIELDSLSH LOWER SHIELDSL/NTRPT LOAD UNLOAD TORPEDO TUBESHLM HELM COURSE/ WARP FACTORSimple Strategy If you are a beginner, a simple strategytofollow is A: fight only one attacker; B: pursue him (code HLM)atwarp factor one; C: lock on all phasers (code L-PH);D:continuously take position reports and watch his range; E: whenhegets within 1000M, fire all phasers (code F /PH) and keep onfiringwhen he is in range; F: When the enemy is out of range, takedamagereports and scans of the enemy (icons - enemy ship console).Aftera few trial games using the above strategy, you will want tobecomeas efficient as the enemy at firing photon torpedos. Finally,whenyou master launching antimatter probes, you can designate morethatone attacker.Weapon And Vessel SpecificationsEnemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]VesselsFederation Constitution Class [Klingon D7 Class]Max turning rate: 55 degreesMax speed warp 9 [11]Min units burned per warp-second: 1 [.55]Crew: 450 [350]PhasersNumber of banks: 4Max range: 1000 megametersMax spread: 90 degrees (45+45)Min spread: 10 degrees (5+5)Max hit with 45 degree spread: 10Max hit with 10 degree spread: 45Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/4.5Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/3Max charge per bank: 10 unitsMin charge or discharge time: 1 secTorpedo TubesNumber of torpedo tubes: 6Max range: 12,000 megametersMax launch speed: warp 12Max time delay: 10 secondsMax proximity delay: 500MMax explosion radius: 500MMax number of pods launched: 10Max hit factor: 50Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/3Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/2ProbesNumber of probe launchers: 1Max range: 3000MMax launch speed: 3Max time delay: 15 secMax proximity delay: anyMax explosion radius: 50 times number of podsMax pods launched: fuel availableMax hit factor: 10 times number of podsLoss of shields per hit: same as torpedosRecommended for Android Tablets/ Nexus 7Min Sys Req: 480 x 854 pixel screen
Starfleet 720P 2013™ 8.0
Recommended System Requirements: 768 x1366pixel screenSTARFLEET 2013™ 720P is a computer-simulated battle based onthefamous Star Trek television series and the board game StarFleetBattles . Via computer terminal, you can clash with enemyKlingonbattlecruisers /D7 Class and use the same strategies thatJamesKirk used. You control a Federation vessel similar totheEnterprise; an academy computer program directs the enemy.Decisive Victory -- You completely destroy or crippletheattacking force.Tactical Victory -- You out-maneuver the enemy usinghigh-speedescapes, or the enemy surrenders.All distances are measured in megameters, one millionmeters(abbreviated `M'). Speed is expressed in 'Warp Factors'. Eachwarpfactor equals 100M per second. All angles are expressed incommondegrees from zero to 360, measured counter-clockwise fromthex-axis, similar to reading a protractor. Only two dimensionsareused. Play is as follows:1. You issue one of a number of commands (fire phasers,changecourse, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by selectingtheappropriate command;2. The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues asimilarcommand;3. Both your commands are executed (phasers are fired, probesarelaunched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.) in 1/8warpsecond intervals while the vessels move through space;4. Unless certain end-game conditions are met: you destroytheenemy, the enemy destroys you, you out-maneuver the enemy, youbothdestroy each other, or one party surrenders; the above stepsarerepeated.The following is a list of codes which can be used while inthecommand mode aboard your ship:CODE COMMAND ===========F /PH FIRE PHASERSF /PTRP FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOSL-PH LOCK PHASERSL-TRPT LOCK TORPEDO TUBESLAP LAUNCH ANTIMATTER PROBEAPC ANTIMATTER PROBE CNTRLRSH RAISE SHIELDSLSH LOWER SHIELDSL/NTRPT LOAD UNLOAD TORPEDO TUBESHLM HELM COURSE/ WARP FACTORSimple Strategy If you are a beginner, a simple strategytofollow is A: fight only one attacker; B: pursue him (code HLM)atwarp factor one; C: lock on all phasers (code L-PH);D:continuously take position reports and watch his range; E: whenhegets within 1000M, fire all phasers (code F /PH) and keep onfiringwhen he is in range; F: When the enemy is out of range, takedamagereports and scans of the enemy (icons - enemy ship console).Aftera few trial games using the above strategy, you will want tobecomeas efficient as the enemy at firing photon torpedos. Finally,whenyou master launching antimatter probes, you can designate morethatone attacker.Weapon And Vessel SpecificationsEnemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]VesselsFederation Constitution Class [Klingon D7 Class]Max turning rate: 55 degreesMax speed warp 9 [11]Min units burned per warp-second: 1 [.55]Crew: 450 [350]PhasersNumber of banks: 4Max range: 1000 megametersMax spread: 90 degrees (45+45)Min spread: 10 degrees (5+5)Max hit with 45 degree spread: 10Max hit with 10 degree spread: 45Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/4.5Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/3Max charge per bank: 10 unitsMin charge or discharge time: 1 secTorpedo TubesNumber of torpedo tubes: 6Max range: 12,000 megametersMax launch speed: warp 12Max time delay: 10 secondsMax proximity delay: 500MMax explosion radius: 500MMax number of pods launched: 10Max hit factor: 50Loss of shield: 1 per hit hit/3Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit hit/2ProbesNumber of probe launchers: 1Max range: 3000MMax launch speed: 3Max time delay: 15 secMax proximity delay: anyMax explosion radius: 50 times number of podsMax pods launched: fuel availableMax hit factor: 10 times number of podsLoss of shields per hit: same as torpedos