R.O.App Приложения

Gunship Strike! - Free - 1.0.8
Scramble! Scramble!Riding on the combat helicopter, let the terrorist destructionof the desert!■Destroy everything!Do not give mercy to the enemy. Destroy everything to spreemissiles and Gatling!■ Play time is 1 minute!Operation time is about 1 minute. You play in a short period oftime!
Snap Judgment - Free Puzzle- 1.0.3
This game is simple,but you be thrownintoconfusion!The rule is simple.Of the two numbers, you select the number of the larger.Easy to do it slowly. But, if you try to quickly ….So Let's Play Snap Judgment!- Snap Judgment is free -
Tiny Tower Defense 1.0.6
Enjoy authentic tower defense action with simple controls! Oneround lasts 3 minutes! What are you waiting for? Play right away!Watch as your tiny characters duke it out by themselves!-------------- Story -------------- The Darks Empire invaded thecountries of the world! The only one left standing was the tinykingdom of Freedia. King Henry of Freedia, his country facingimpending doom, made an overly bold decision: "Why don't we justinvade the Empire instead?..."------------------------------------- "No Need to Control EveryLittle Thing!" Your soldiers automatically deploy into battle andchoose how to fight by themselves — you basically just need towatch! "Take Command When the Pressure's On and When OpportunityStrikes" When your army is in peril or when an opportunity presentsitself, it's your turn to take the reins! Dispatch reinforcementswherever you like and turn the tide of battle! "Even Easier — YourTown Develops Automatically" Your town grows automaticallyaccording to the results of your battles! As your town gets bigger,new soldiers come to visit and your citizens donate more money!"Strengthen the Units You Find Easiest to Use" Build up thestrength of the soldiers you find easy to use in battle! Make themeven stronger by equipping them with weapons and armor! "TotallyFree to Play" The game doesn't charge for anything at all! Play theentire game for free!
Pixel Dungeon Hero 1.2.7
Introducing a retro-style hack and slash dungeon-crawlingshoot-'em-up RPG!
Zombies Must Die 1.0.1
FPS + Hack n’ Slash! Defeat zombies and get equipment in thisthrilling new First-Person Shooter RPG! [Simple controls!] Use theauto-aim feature to play one-handed! Your partner battles with you,so you can leave the fighting to them! Of course, you can also usemanual controls to aim for headshots! [Get equipment to customizeguns!] You can strip equipment from zombies to customize guns! Thepower of the equipment you find will grow automatically, so theexcitement of finding new gear never ends! [Collect data and chasethe truth behind the incident!] Why did zombies appear in thiscity? Who was the mastermind behind it? Gather information anddiscover the truth!
War Of Valkyrie [Pixel RPG] 1.3.9
War Of Valkyrie is a "Retro Pixel RPG"!
Dark of Alchemist - Dungeon Cr 1.3.5
This game is an action-packed dungeon crawler RPG.
Killing Time Heroes - The RPG - 1.2.5
This game is an RPG where you watch over your heroes and helpthemout. [Heroes fight on their own!] The heroes will fight ontheirown without you having to do anything. No need to giverepeatedcommands! You can play it on a crowded train, while you'rewatchingTV or while you're asleep! [Jump in with as many moves asyoulike!] You can also jump in with all kinds of commands, suchascasting spells, healing wounded heroes and blasting enemies withabeam cannon. [Also featuring a variety of challenges!] Thereisalso a wide variety of things to do, such as mastering themanyskills for each unit, gathering rare equipment from enemiesandbecoming stronger through a "prestige" system!
ラストガンスリンガー - ハクスラ&ガンアクションRPG 1.1.4
Hakusura & Musou Gun Action! The lonely battle of girls beginsin a world where humanity has fallen!
コイン&ダンジョン - コイン落としハクスラRPG - 1.3.5
Coin dropping and Hakusura RPG are fused. Explore dungeons whereinfinite treasures sleep
Hack & Slash Hero 1.3.2
Introducing a hack-and-slash RPG where you chop through waves ofenemies!
シャドウ オブ ローグ 1.3.0
Becomes strong enough to rob Plunder action RPG!
Smash & Break 0.9.6
Hit the ball and break the blocks!
無限連鎖 !ブロックブレイカーズ - ハクスラ&爽快パズルRPG
An exhilarating action puzzle RPG that allows infinite chaininglike never before! Decide on an infinite chain and rampage with dotpicture characters!
魔女狩りの塔 1.2.5
A tower defense-style RPG that fights against the humans rushing tothe tower! Create the strongest tower and lead the demons tovictory!
The Order of the Holy Grail 1.4.2
Search a dungeon for 5 minutes! An easy-to-play and authenticdungeon quest RPG!
Tap Dungeon RPG 1.1.4
This game is a clicker RPG that you can readily play whenever youhave time.
Automatic RPG 1.4.1
Ignoring your Heroes? Well, your Heroes will level up anyway!
キングダムオーダー【乱世統一S.RPG】 1.1.5
War fantasy S.RPG aiming to conquer the continent as a monarch ofseven countries!
デビルハーモニクス 1.2.1
No billing element! Devil x School xHaxla! School RPG that summonsand merges demons!
亡国の騎士団 - デッキ構築型バトルRPG - 1.3.0
A deck-building battle RPG that aims to win the battle against theempire by creating your own knights (deck)!
Last Walpurgis 1.1.4
Tower defense battle with hundreds of dot characters!
ソウル オブ ゴッド 1.0.0
Collect, create, and become stronger! Addictive training RPG!Let'sgo on an adventure journey with God.