SmartZeit, Inc Приложения

LockScreen - lock your screen 1.0
SmartZeit, Inc
LockScreen locks your screen immediately withone touch to its launcher icon.It reduces wear and tear on your device's Power button ( orscreen lock button available on a few models)On many device models, the power button in the only way to lockyour screen immediately. Power buttons can fail over time andrender the phone unusable or entail expensive repair.If you find yourself frequently needing to lock your screen, youmay find LockScreen convenient and useful.LockScreen itself has no user interfaces and as such has aminimal overhead and footprint.Its only runs for the very brief interval when you execute theapp, no continuously running components, no additional batteryconsumption.Therefore the screenshots included with this description arethose of the launcher icon for this app. There is no other Userinterface that this app has.The first time you launch this app, though you will see a Userinterface from the Android Device Administration Settings whichwill prompt you regarding Activating this app and allowing it tolock your screen. This is a one time step.No Permissions needed, No continuously running components, nopower drainageThereafter, simply touching the launcher icon will lock yourscreen immediately.
WipeProtect -Protect your data 3
SmartZeit, Inc
Should you lose your phone ( heaven forbid),someone could unlock your phone via repeated, limitless attempts toget past your screen lock and get access to your personal data andidentify.WipeProtect can protect your privacy and wipe the data on yourdevice, in order to prevent the data on your device from fallinginto the wrong hands.Remote recovery and erase mechanisms:* need you to realize that your device has been lost orstolen* need network connectivity which can be disabled via various meanssuch as removal of the SIMM card.WipeProtect provides protection around your device, even duringthe time that you have not yet realized that your device is lost orstolen.Using WipeProtect, you can limit the number of allowed attemptsto screen unlock your device. After that limit is exceeded,WipeProtect will trigger a factory reset and wipe your dataclean.The first time you run this app, you will see a User interfacefrom the Android OS- Device Administration Settings which willprompt you regarding Activating this app and allowing it to monitoryour screen unlock attempts and also Erase the data . This is a onetime step.Be aware that should you fail to successfully screen unlock yourown device within the limit of allowed attempts that you have set,the factory reset will trigger just as if a third party wasattempting to screen unlock your device. This can inconvenience youor worse depending on the circumstances. Placing a slightly higherlimit can avoid factory resets due to your own incidental failedscreen unlock attempts.( No continuously running components for sure )Permissions needed: Boot Completion. Purpose: to issue screenlock on boot, just in case particular models do not exhibit thisbehavior.
CardBeamer - Beam Contact Info 1.0
SmartZeit, Inc
CardBeam helps you share / exchangecontactinfo with people you meet in person, simply by touching yourphones!Your phone device will need to have NFC and AndroidBeamavailable and enabled, in order for CardBeamer to work.The Contact info received via CardBeamer is saved to yourPhone'sContacts.CardBeamer is simple, easy and convenient.Share Contact info with people you meet, easilyandconveniently.CardBeamer is free !
Simple Piano 4.0
SmartZeit, Inc
Simple Piano with 12 keys. Needs no permissions. No Ads.