iWorks Приложения

ケータイドコ? 1.0
携帯が見つからなくて別の電話から鳴らして探したことはないですか?でも、その時携帯がバイブだったら探しても見つからないですよね。でも大丈夫!このアプリを使えばたとえ携帯がマナーモードになっていても、すぐに解除することができます。使い方は簡単。設定画面で、「遠隔操作を有効にする」にチェックを入れて、パスコードを設定しておくだけ。あとは携帯が見つからない時に別の電話からショートメール(SMS)でパスコードを自分の携帯に送信するだけです。そのあとは携帯に電話するとマナーモードが解除されて音が聞こえます。これで携帯が見つからなくなっても安心ですね!Is not that it waslooking to play from another phone mobile phone can not befound?But, is not it is not found even looking mobile If you were a vibeat that time.But all right! Mobile, even if it was silent mode even if Usingthis app, you can be released immediately.It's easy to use.The Settings screen, and check "Enable Remote Operation", and justto set the path code.I just sent to the mobile of your own passcode short mail (SMS)from another phone when the mobile phone can not find therest.You will hear a sound manner mode is canceled when the phone tomobile After that.I am reliable mobile goes out of found it!
CallFilter Lite 1.2
Only the number as which this application wasspecified permits dispatch.Only a specific number can be telephoned now by creating a whitelist.The free version is ad will be displayed.
CallFilter 1.3
Only the number as which this application was specified permitsdispatch.
You can take the shopping memo with input by voice or text. Alsoeliminates forget to buy because the commodity that is bought ischecked.
ShareMemo - Shareable notepad
ShareMemo makes it easy to save memos and ToDo lists. You canalsoshare it.