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IELTS Reading Timer 1.0
This application with simple design wascreated for the reading section of IELTS exam. It divides 60minutes by forty questions evenly, so there will be 90 seconds foreach question. You will hear notice message before the start ofeach question.Sometimes during the implementation of reading test it happensthat you are stuck on doing one particular question and loose toomuch time, so at the end you realize there is no time left to dothe other questions. The aims of the application are to train yourskill to optimally spend time to each question and provide you withthe information about how far you have gone ahead or behind theideal time, while you are doing the reading test. You shouldconsider your time is over when you hear several long beeps.Notes:*To avoid any interruption during the run of the program it isrecommended to put your device into an airplane mode.*The application should support android devices with variety oflanguages, however if it happens you can’t hear the voice beforethe start of each question it is recommended to switch into Englishlanguage in Settings – Language & Input section of the androidOS.Your notes, reviews, suggestions are highly appreciated, we will bevery happy if YOU send any feedback on this app! Good luck in yourIELTS exam!