1.0.1 / October 10, 2014
(4.5/5) (14)


Pembatas Qur'an anda mudah lepas?
Anda senang meminjamkan mushaf anda pada teman dan kerabat yanglupabawa qur'an?
Apakah Anda berbagi mushaf dengan beberapa orang untukdibacabergantian?
Mushaf anda terlalu besar untuk dibawa bepergian?
Atau Anda lebih suka bebas membaca qur'an menggunakan mushafyangada di masjid-masjid tanpa lama mencari-cari sudah sampaimanaterakhir bacanya?

"Last Ayat" dibuat untuk membantu menyimpan nomor surat danayatyang terakhir Anda baca, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan laginanti.Sehingga mudah-mudahan anda bisa mencari bacaan terakhirandadengan lebih cepat.

Semoga Allah jadikan bermanfaat.

Dibikin oleh Fatimah Az-Zahra,
Kelas Android Muslimah, Digital Developer Academy.

Quran limiting youeasilyseparated?
Manuscripts lend you love your friends and relatives who forgottobring quran?
Do you share Manuscripts by some people to bereadinterchangeably?
Manuscripts you are too big for travel?
Or you prefer to read quran free to use the existing Manuscriptsinthe old mosques without looking up where the last've read?

"Last Verses" was created to help save the letters andnumbersyou read the last paragraph, and then resumed again later.Sohopefully you can find your last reading faster.

May Allah make it useful.

Constrained by Fatimah Az-Zahra,
Android Class Muslimah, Digital Developer Academy.

информация о приложении Last Ayat

  • Имя приложения
    Last Ayat
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    October 10, 2014
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    FirZil Tech
  • Количество установок
    100 - 500
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

FirZil Tech Ещё...

Doa Doa Harian Sesuai Sunnah 2.1.2 APK
FirZil Tech
Aplikasi doa sehari-hari disertai dengan textarab, latin, terjemah, lengkap dengan Audio suara pembaca doa.Apa doanya? Mana sumbernya? Bagaimana cara membacanya?Aplikasi ini berisikan doa sehari hari seperti doa bangun tidur,doa keluar rumah, doa masuk masjid, dan sejenisnya. Doa doa yangkami cantumkan disini insya Allah HANYA doa shahih dan semua sudahditeliti keShahihannya.Doa disertai dengan text arab, text latin, terjemah doa, dansuara pembaca doa (audio) .Bisa share gambar doa juga ke media sosial ataupun chat appDilengkapi sumber hadits.Didesain untuk HP high-end.Jika berkenan, beritahukan tentang aplikasi ini kepada rekan dansaudara Anda. Dan semoga Allah menurunkan pahala untuk kita dariapa yang kita bagikan. Amiin.koreksi bisa dilayangkan ke support[at]firzil.co.idBackground foto asli by @theonlynellyApplication daily prayeraccompanied by text arab, latin, translations, complete with soundAudio reader prayer.What is prayer? Where is the source? How do I read it?This application contains the daily prayer as a wake-up prayer,prayer out of the house, prayer mosque, and the like. Prayer is theprayer that we put here inshallah ONLY genuine prayer and all havebeen examined keShahihannya.Prayer accompanied by text arab, latin text, translate prayer,and prayer reader's voice (audio).Prayer can also share pictures to social media or a chat appEquipped hadith sources.Designed for high-end HP.If you wish, tell us about this application to your colleaguesand relatives. And may Allah reward to reduce us from what weshare. Amen.correction can be filed to support [at] firzil.co.idBackground original photo bytheonlynelly
Ramadan 2016 App 3.0.2 APK
FirZil Tech
Ramadan 2016 adalah aplikasi lifestyleberbasis mobile untuk muslim berisikan Masjid Locator, JadwalSholat, Alarm jarak (baru), dan juga Tausiyah stream.Masjid Locator digunakan untuk mencari masjid terdekat agartidak tertinggal sholat berjama'ah, atau mencari tempat sholat saatlagi di perjalanan. Pastikan GPSnya nyala yaa.Prayer Times membantu untuk mengingatkan waktu sholat.Tausiyah stream didesign untuk menambah minat anda menuntutilmu. Daripada scroll-scroll halaman socmed yang nggak jelas.Undang juga teman anda untuk memperoleh manfaat maksimal dariaplikasi ini.Semoga barokah dan pahala merlipat untuk pengguna semua.Aamiin..Ramadan 2016 is alifestyle-based mobile application for Muslim mosque containsLocator, Schedule, Alarm distance (new), and also Tausiyah stream.Masjid Locator is used to locate the nearest mosque to keep upprayer in congregation, or find a place to pray at again on thetrip. Make sure the flame GPSnya yaa.Prayer Times helps to remind prayer time.Tausiyah stream designed to add interest to your study. Insteadof scroll-scroll pages socmed are not clear.Invite also your friends to gain maximum benefit from thisapplication.May the blessing and reward merlipat for all users. Aamiin ..
Radio Kita 105.2 FM 1.1 APK
FirZil Tech
Radio Kita 105.2 FM V1.0Merupakan aplikasi sreaming radio dari RadioKITA 105.2 FM diMadiun yang bisa menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat sebagairadio media dakwah kajian Islam dan tilawah Al-Qur'an.Insya Allah siaran radio yang kami siarkan melalui frekuensi105.2 FM ini sesui dakwah Islam yang shahih berdasarkan Al-Qur'andan As Sunnah sesuai dengan manhaj para salaful Ummah.Visi RADIO KITA adalah: “Menjadi Radio Dakwah Islam, MenebarSunnah Dengan Hikmah Yang Konsisten, Mandiri Dan Terpercaya”Misi RADIO KITA adalah:- Menyebarluaskan dakwah Islam dengan pemahaman yang benar danlurus sesuai dengan tuntunan Al Qur’an dan As Sunnah.- Membantu mencerdaskan masyarakat dengan taushiyah yang arif danbijaksana.- Membendung dan membentengi masyarakat dari pengaruh-pengaruhnegatif dari berbagai kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan.Dan sebagai media Radio dakwah, untuk format siaran yang dikemasRadioKITA sebagai berikut:- Kajian Bedah Kitab- Fatawa Ulama- Mutiara Hadits- Do’a Pilihan- Dialog Interaktif- Kisah Tokoh Islam- Murrotal Qur’anCara menggunakan aplikasi ini cukup mudah, pasang terlebihdahulu ke gadget anda. Selanjutnya buka aplikasi Radio Kita 105.2FM dan tekan tombol "Play" maka anda akan langsung bisamendengarkan siaran RadioKITA. Anda juga bisa menekan "Pause" untukmenghentikan sejenak. Harap diingat, aplikasi Radio Kita 105.2 FMadalah aplikasi streaming sehingga dibutuhkan koneksi internetuntuk menikmati layanan dari aplikasi ini.Bagikan aplikasi ini kepada keluarga, sahabat, teman, danlingkungan sekitar anda, dan semoga Allah membalas kebaikan anda.Amin!We radio 105.2 FM V1.0A radio sreaming application of RadioKITA 105.2 FM in Madisonthat can reach all levels of society as a radio media propagandaIslamic studies and recitations of the Quran.God willing, we broadcast radio broadcasts through FM 105.2frequency within their propagation of Islam that is authentic basedon the Qur'an and Sunnah in accordance with the methodology of thesalaful Ummah.OUR RADIO vision is: "Being a Radio Propagation of Islam,Spreading Sunnah Consistent With Wisdom, Independent andReliable"OUR RADIO mission is:- Disseminate the propagation of Islam with the correctunderstanding and straight in accordance with the guidance of theQur'an and Sunnah.- Helping to educate the public with taushiyah wise andprudent.- Stem and fortify the community of the negative influences ofvarious kemungkaran and disobedience.And as a medium of radio propaganda, packaged for broadcastformat RadioKITA as follows:- Study of the Book of Surgery- Fataawa Ulama- Pearl Hadith- Benediction Options- Interactive Dialogue- The story of the People of Islam- Murrotal Qur'anHow to use this application is quite easy, plug prior to yourgadget. Then open application We 105.2 FM Radio and press thebutton "Play" then you will immediately be able to listen to thebroadcast RadioKITA. You can also press the "Pause" to pause.Please note, we 105.2 FM Radio application is an applicationstreaming and so we need internet connection to enjoy the servicesof this application.Share this application to family, friends, friends, and theenvironment around you, and may God repay you. Amen!
Monica 2.7.0 APK
FirZil Tech
Monica gives manager controls what his teamdoing
Shoop! E-Commerce Sell Online APK
FirZil Tech
NOTE: Shoop! v.3.xx is a currently not updatedand discontinued, we still provide it for users that want to usethe app. Our Shoop! v.4.xx is the new version but have differentconcept. We will work to implement v.3 capabilities to the new appin the coming months if there are many who need it. So please letus know in the review.Thanks!Shoop v.3.4 is Finally HERE!Shoot, share, sell!Upload your product to multiple marketplace/online storeplatform! Shoop! is an e-commerce assistant app designed to helpyou sell online easier.With Shoop! you can start selling and do your e-commercebusiness from your mobile phone. You don't need again to transferimage from camera to computer, edit, open browser, and uploadmanually, Shoop! will do it for you.Shoop! is an e-commerce productivity app that saves you time soyou can focus on your e-commerce marketing more. This e-commerceproductivity android app will not only helps you save time, butalso make your product upload process more powerful.Just take picture, write the description, and you're set toupload it to your online store.Shoop! now supports:- Wordpress- WP-ecommrece- Woocommerce- Etsy- Prestashop- TokoBagus- Ebay- Kaskus- Blogspot- Indowebster- Facebook- Twitter- Facebook Fans Page- Bukalapak- ShopifyIt means you can sell to ALL those platforms directly from thise-commerce Android app************************IMPORTANT********************************You DO NEED to have your own online store ready or Marketplaceaccount (such as Etsy account), to be able to upload to thoseplatform and marketplace. Otherwise you can ONLY upload to ourdefault store or Kaskus with our account.************************IMPORTANTAGAIN********************************If you had used Shoop before, Please SYNCHRONIZE with the serverfor getting some new data such as Platform Store, or refreshing thedata of your store or your facebook friends.Privacy Policy:Shoop! is a freemium software. You can use the free version foras long as you want and there's no need to pay for Shoop! for thefree version.We reserve the right to delete any products we deeminappropriate in our default store. But we will not interfere withyour own online store or other marketplace.And by using Shoop! you agree to take your responsibility ofitems you are selling and free us of any kind of legal or othertrouble :DChange Log below:Change log - December 13th 2013- Optimized login and register- Added close button on upgrade account using telkomsel pulse- Fixed uploading progress in Shoop! StoreChange log - November 25th 2013- Fixed Error on sign in new user- optimized login user- FIxed several bug errorChange log - November 13th 2013- Fixed Error on store menu- Fixed Error on connect Etsy and Twitter- Fixed Bug on sort product by newest chat- Optimized load data on fren menu- Fixed several bug- Optimized Design LayoutChange log - September 30th 2013-changed server, we now use Amazon Web Service-added Shopify support-simplifying product upload process, you'll upload 30% fastercompared to previous versions-fixed several errorChange log - August 6th 2013-added chat feature-added register and login with facebook account-added search / browse online product-added store address-added user avatar-optimized desain and loading-fixed bug for product draft-added multiple image except etsy , wp ecommerce, woocommerce andprestashop platform-fixed error bugChange log - July 9th 2013-added option to select language-added kaskus, tokobagus, bukalapak, indowebster, and wordpressstore automatically (you can upload there)-reduce number field to upload your product-fixed bug on upload to default store and kaskus-fixed bug on facebook and twitter login-fixed bug on account setting and friends menu-fixed bug on upload from draftNOTE: Shoop! v.3.xx isnot updated and a currently discontinued, we still provide it forusers that want to use the app. Our Shoop! v.4.xx is the newversion but have different concept. We will work to implement v.3capabilities to the new app in the coming months if there are manywho need it. So please let us know in the review.Thanks!Shoop v.3.4 is Finally HERE!Shoot, share, sell!Upload your product to multiple marketplaces / platforms onlinestore! Shoop! is an e-commerce assistant app designed to help yousell online Easier.With Shoop! you can start selling and do your e-commercebusiness from your mobile phone. You do not need again to transferimages from camera to computer, edit, open the browser, and uploadmanually, Shoop! will do it for you.Shoop! is an e-commerce productivity app that saves you time soyou can focus on your e-commerce marketing more. This e-commerceproductivity android app will not only helps you save time, butalso the make your product more powerful the upload process.Just take a picture, write the description, and you're set toupload it to your online store.Shoop! now supports:- Wordpress- WP-ecommrece- Woocommerce- Etsy- Prestashop- Tokobagus- Ebay- Kaskus- Blogspot- Indowebster- Facebook- Twitter- Facebook Fan Page- Bukalapak- ShopifyIt means you can sell to ALL those platforms directly from thise-commerce Android app************************ IMPORTANT ********************************You DO NEED to have your own online store or ready Marketplaceaccount (such as Etsy account), to be Able to upload to thoseplatforms and marketplaces. Otherwise you can ONLY upload to ourdefault Kaskus store or with our account.IMPORTANT AGAIN ************************************************ ********If you had used before Shoop, Please synchronize with the serverfor getting some new Data such as Platform Store, or refreshing thestore the data of your choice, your facebook friends.Privacy Policy:Shoop! is a freemium software. You can use the free version foras long as you want and there's no need to pay for Shoop! for thefree version.We reserve the right to delete any products we DeemInappropriate defaults in our store. But we will not interfere withyour own online store or other marketplace.And by using Shoop! you agree to take your responsibility ofitems you are selling and free us of any kind of legal or othertrouble: DChange log below:Change log - December 13th 2013- Optimized login and register- Added a close button on the upgrade Telkomsel account usingpulse- Fixed uploading progress in Shoop! StoreChange log - 25th November 2013- Fixed Error on new user sign in- Optimized user login- Fixed several bugs errorChange log - 13th November 2013- Fixed Error on store menu- Fixed Error on Etsy and Twitter connect- Fixed bug on product sort by newest chat- Optimized load the data on fren menu- Fixed several bugs- Optimized Design LayoutChange log - September 30th 2013-Changed the server, we now use the Amazon Web Service-Added support Shopify-Simplifying product upload process, you'll be 30% faster uploadsCompared to previous versions-Fixed several errorsChange log - August 6th 2013-Added chat feature-Added register and login with facebook account-Added search / browse online product-Added store address-Added user avatar-Optimized design and loading-Fixed bug for product draft-Added multiple images except etsy, wp ecommerce, prestashopplatform and woocommerce-Fixed error bugChange log - July 9th 2013-Added option to select language-Added DJ, Tokobagus, bukalapak, indowebster, and wordpressautomatically store (you can upload there)-Reduced number field to upload your product-Fixed a bug on upload to the default store and gan-Fixed a bug on facebook and twitter login-Fixed a bug on the account settings menu and friends-Fixed a bug on upload from the draft
Last Ayat 1.0.1 APK
FirZil Tech
Pembatas Qur'an anda mudah lepas?Anda senang meminjamkan mushaf anda pada teman dan kerabat yanglupabawa qur'an?Apakah Anda berbagi mushaf dengan beberapa orang untukdibacabergantian?Mushaf anda terlalu besar untuk dibawa bepergian?Atau Anda lebih suka bebas membaca qur'an menggunakan mushafyangada di masjid-masjid tanpa lama mencari-cari sudah sampaimanaterakhir bacanya?"Last Ayat" dibuat untuk membantu menyimpan nomor surat danayatyang terakhir Anda baca, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan laginanti.Sehingga mudah-mudahan anda bisa mencari bacaan terakhirandadengan lebih cepat.Semoga Allah jadikan bermanfaat.Dibikin oleh Fatimah Az-Zahra,Kelas Android Muslimah, Digital Developer Academy.http://dda.dhezign.com/muslimah.htmlQuran limiting youeasilyseparated?Manuscripts lend you love your friends and relatives who forgottobring quran?Do you share Manuscripts by some people to bereadinterchangeably?Manuscripts you are too big for travel?Or you prefer to read quran free to use the existing Manuscriptsinthe old mosques without looking up where the last've read?"Last Verses" was created to help save the letters andnumbersyou read the last paragraph, and then resumed again later.Sohopefully you can find your last reading faster.May Allah make it useful.Constrained by Fatimah Az-Zahra,Android Class Muslimah, Digital Developer Academy.http://dda.dhezign.com/muslimah.html
Shoop! Social E-Commerce APK
FirZil Tech
Shoop v.4.9 is Finally HERE!Shop, Share, Sell.Shoop! is a mobile marketplace that delivers fun,personalizedbrowsing and shopping experience in your mobilephone.FEATURES FOR SHOPPERS:You don't need to browse e-commerce in Indonesia one by oneusingyour mobile phone browsers. Shoop! helps you save your timeandbandwidth (and money!) by delivering beautiful productsfromIndonesia from well known marketplaces/e-commerce and alsopopularbrands and merchant all in one place.1. Makes it easy to browse from a lot of e-commercefromIndonesia2. Follow your favorite brands/merchant, to get notified foranypromotion or discounts!3. Discover new items loved by your friends, don't miss outonnew trends4. Easily sort, filter, or find great looking productsfromtrusted e-commerce5. Chat with the seller to learn more (and even haggle)beforemaking a purchase6. Love your favorite items and showcase your beautiful wishlistto your friends (or buy it when there's a promotion)7. Shoop!'s engine will learn about you and over time willonlyshow you items you might like or buy (or ones that haveHUGEdiscount :p).8. WATCH OUT for promoted items! make sure to love and shareitto your friends to earn points that can be used as discount ortobuy your favorite items9. Shoop! is designed heavily for social users that lovetobrowse around cool and beautiful items while in traffic orwaitingsomeone (or when your boss is not around :p)FEATURES FOR SELLERS:Upload your product to multiple marketplace/onlinestoreplatform! Shoop! is an e-commerce assistant app designed tohelpyou sell online easier.1. Start selling online very easily from your mobile phone,yousimply DO NOT NEED a computer2. Take picture with camera or use from gallery, crop it toyourneed, then sell it. That's it!3. If you sell in facebook, instagram, or BBM, then Shoop!isdefinitely for you.4. Chat with buyers to easily build their confidence andincreasesales5. Get quick notifications in your pocket when someone buyyouritems to quickly follow it up before buyers lose interest.6. Gather your follower, and build your brand/e-commerceIf you sell online, or an e-commerce seller, or do e-commerceininstagram, e-commerce in facebook, or e-commerce in twitter,thenShoop! will definitely help you out a lot.===================IMPORTANT====================Since Shoop! v.4.0 has pivoted to become fullfledgedmarketplace.For those that is looking for the previous version, pleasecheckhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=id.co.firzil.shoop_sell_online===================IMPORTANT AGAIN==============Please make sure to UNCHECK "Don't keep activities" markonDeveloper Options in your Setting Menu, or the app willnotwork
Depo Surveyor App 1.0 APK
FirZil Tech
Aplikasi inspeksi kontainerApplicationcontainerinspection