/ April 27, 2017
(4.4/5) (958)


*Please be aware that we currently supportgerman streaming-providers only. The content of their cataloguesmay vary vastly in different countries*

moviepilot Home lets you discover the best movies and series youcan watch right now at home. Just select your favourite streamingproviders and get the trending items in our catalogue, new releasesand recommendations by our editorial staff and community.

- Discover new releases on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sky Ticket,maxdome and other legal streaming providers
- Create one common watchlist for all your providers
- Browse catalogues for movies and series based on your mood,genres or over 8000 semantic tags
- Discover the best movies and series ranked by germany's largestentertainment-community
- Get personalised rating forecasts with our famousforecast-algorithm
- Thanks to our streaming-charts you'll always know the shows thateverybody will be talking about
- Discover free movies to legally watch right now online withoutsubscription or payment

информация о приложении moviepilot Home StreamingGuide

  • Имя приложения
    moviepilot Home StreamingGuide
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    April 27, 2017
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android Varies with device
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

Webedia Ещё...

GO Map - For Pokémon GO 2.0.0 APK
Find rare Pokémon on Pokémon GO and share yourdiscoveries !- Evaluate the potential of your PokémonThis functionnality will give you the individual values of yourPokémon- Find all the Pokémon on a mapDiscover all the Pokémon around you in a wink !- Filter the map to find the Pokémon you are looking for.Fill your Pokédex by knowing where to find !- Find reliable PokémonEach Pokémon is associated with a reliability rate to be sure tofind it.Do not hesitate to send us feedback or remarks :pokemon@webedia-group.comGO Map is driven by the community and depends on each othersupports. Do not hesitate to upvote or downvote Pokémon around you.Pokémon with bad rates will be removed from the app.DISCLAIMER:GO Map is in no way affiliate with or endorsed by the Pokémonbrand, Niantic or Nintendo. This app has been built by fans to helpthe community of Pokémon GO.
PurePeople: actu & news people APK
Gratuite, l’application Android PurePeoplepermet de retrouver tous les articles publiés sur le site. Que cesoit sur votre smartphone ou sur votre tablette, accédez aumeilleur de l'actualité des stars et des célébrités.L'actualitéSuivez toute l'actualité de vos people préférés :- Plus de 80 articles par jour- Une liste de news personnalisée pour vous fournir l'informationqui VOUS intéresse- De nombreuses vidéos sont accessibles pour ne rien manquer del'actuLes articles et fiches starsNe ratez rien des news de vos stars favorites :- Le diaporama et la vidéo sont accessibles en un clic- Retrouvez les derniers potins de la planète people- Toutes les fiches de vos stars préférées sont disponibles, deKate Middleton à Kim Kardashian.- Suivez l'actu de vos émissions favorites (Top Chef, Secret Story,Miss France ou encore Koh Lanta)Toujours plus de photosRetrouvez notre sélection de photos dans un diaporama complet:- Zoomez sur vos photos préférées- Affichez-les en plein écran- Orientez votre smartphone ou tablette dans le sens qui vousconvient le mieux pour profiter pleinement de vos photosLa personnalisationAccédez au contenu que vous appréciez le plus !- La page d'accueil s'adapte à vos goûts en vous offrant un contenuadapté- Vous pourrez vous abonner à vos stars préférées pour ne manqueraucun scoop les concernant- Abonnez-vous aux notifications pushs pour suivre l'actualité despeople en temps réel !- Partagez facilement sur l'ensemble des réseaux sociaux etapplications de partage.Free, Android PurePeopleapplication allows to find all the articles published on the site.Whether on your smartphone or on your tablet, go to the best ofnews about stars and celebrities.newsFollow all the news of your favorite people:- More than 80 articles per day- Personalized news list to provide you the information thatinterests YOU- Many videos are available to not miss any of the newsArticles and stars cardsDo not miss the news of your favorite stars:- The slideshow and video are just a click away- Find out the latest gossip of the celebrity world- All records of your favorite stars are available, Kate Middletonto Kim Kardashian.- Follow the news of your favorite shows (Top Chef, Secret Story,Miss France or Koh Lanta)Still more photosSee our selection of photos in a slideshow complete:- Examine your favorite photos- Post them in full screen- Point your smartphone or tablet in the direction that is best foryou to enjoy your photoscustomizationGo to the content you enjoy most!- The homepage suits your tastes by offering relevant content- You can subscribe to your favorite stars not to miss any scoopon- Subscribe to notifications pushs to follow the news of people inreal time!- Easily share across social networks and sharingapplications.
PureBreak 3.2.6 APK
PureBreak: YouTubers, Video Games, Movies, TV, Music, TV, Buzz ...
AlloCiné Home APK
Trouvez un film ou une série à regarder surles plateformes légales.Parce qu'en plus des séries, le cinéma c'est aussi à la maison!Que regarder ce soir? Découvrez des idées de films ou séries enquelques secondes, sans quitter votre canapé !Il ne vous restera plus qu'à acheter, streamer ou télécharger surles catalogues VOD, SVOD et Replay que vous préférez.- Suivez l'essentiel des sorties VOD & abonnement VODAccédez aux dernières sorties et à nos sélections éditoriales!- Explorez la base de données AlloCinéDécouvrez des films et séries par genres, sous genres ,époques,lieux de tournage...- Retrouvez vos catalogues VOD, abonnements VOD ou Chaînes ReplayfavorisTrouvez votre série ou votre film du soir sur vos servicespréférés.- Croisez des tags et générez vos propres listes de films etsériesEnvie de voir un film qui parle de voyages et de science fiction?Trouvez des films en 2 clics !- Découvrez la recherche de films et séries similairesTrouvez des films et séries adaptés à vos goûts en un clic.- Organisez votre wishlistSauvegardez vos découvertes et organisez vos marathons ciné etséries !- Enregistrez vos listes favoritesFan de films d'action ou de comédies romantiques ? Enregistrez voslistes et retrouvez-les dès votre page d'accueil.- Synchronisez votre compte AlloCinéRetrouvez votre wishlist et vos notes AlloCinéL'ensemble des films et séries proposés au sein de l'applicationpeuvent être regardés de manière légale directement sur lesplateformes concernées.- Via un achat ou une location VOD: iTunes, MyTF1 VOD, Wuaki...- Via un abonnement VOD (SVOD) : Netflix, Canalplay ...- À la TV, sur les différentes chaînes en direct : TF1, M6, ARTE,TMC, Canal plus ...- En Replay, sur les plateformes de chaque chaîne: Pluzz, M6Replay, myCanal ...Find a movie or series towatch on legal platforms.Because in addition to the series, cinema is also at home!What to watch tonight? Discover ideas for movies or series inseconds without leaving your couch!It will do more than buy, stream or download the catalogs VOD, SVODand Replay you prefer. - Follow the main outputs subscription VOD VOD & Access the latest releases and our editorialselections!- Explore the database Screenrush Discover movies and series by genres, sub genres, eras, filmlocations ...- Find your catalogs VOD, VOD subscriptions or favorites ReplayChains Find your serial or evening movie on your favoriteservices.- Cross tags and generate your own movies and series listsWant to see a film about travel and science fiction? Find movies in2 clicks!- Discover looking for films and similar series Find movies and series to suit your tastes in oneclick.- Organize your wishlist Save your discoveries, and organize your movie marathons andseries!- Save your favorite listingsFan of action films or romantic comedies? Save your lists and findthem from your home page.- Synchronize your account ScreenrushFind your wishlist and notes ScreenrushAll movies and series offered within the application can be legallyviewed directly on the affected platforms.- Via a purchase or rental VOD: iTunes, MyTF1 VOD, Wuaki ...- Via a subscription VOD (SVOD): Netflix, Canalplay ...- On TV, on different live channels: TF1, M6, Arte, TMC, Canal more...- In Replay, on platforms of each chain Pluzz, M6 Replay, myCanal...
750g - Recettes de cuisine 5.9.7 APK
Cooking recipes for your holiday menus, Christmas ... Cookeo andThermomix included
Purepeople Brasil - Famosos APK
Grátis! O aplicativo que traz para você maisde 50 notícias de celebridades e novelas por dia, além do maiorbanco de fotos de famosos brasileiros e internacionais disponívelno Android!Acesse a qualquer momento as notícias exclusivas da redação doPurepeople Brasil e acompanhe ao vivo o dia a dia dos famosos.Configure alertas personalizados nos seus famosos favoritos paranão perder mais nenhuma notícia importante sobre eles!O aplicativo é dividido em várias seções:- “Últimas”: onde você acha antes de todo mundo as notícias defamosos- “+ populares”: para conferir as notícias mais lidas pelosleitores de Purepeople Brasil- “Fotos”: dá acesso a milhares de fotos de celebridades do mundointeiro- Notificações que permitem acessar as notícias sobre seus famosospreferidosUm aplicativo muito prático:Os artigos já lidos diferenciam-se facilmente dos não lidos.Para obter mais conforto, você pode ler todas as matérias jácarregadas no aplicativo no modo off-line.Você também pode escolher o tamanho da fonte nos textos.Para passar de uma notícia para outra, use as setas de navegação ouarraste para os lados.Um aplicativo interativo:Compartilhe as melhores notícias em suas redes sociais favoritas(Facebook, Twitter...), via e-mail, sms ou copiando diretamente olink do artigo.Para comentários e sugestões sobre o aplicativo, entre em contatono endereço: android@purepeople.com.brwww.purepeople.com.brFree! The applicationthat brings you more than 50 novels and celebrity news daily inaddition to increased stock photos of famous Brazilian andinternational available on Android! Access anytime to take the news to the wording of PurePeople Braziland follow live the daily life of the famous. Set custom alerts onyour favorite famous to not miss any more important news aboutthem! The application is divided into several sections:- "Latest": where you think before everyone the news offamous- "Popular +": to impart the news read by more readers PurePeopleBrazil- "Photos": gives access to thousands of celebrity pictures fromaround the world- Notifications that allow access news about your favoritefamous A very practical application:Articles already read easily differentiate the unread.For more comfort, you can read all the materials already loadedinto the application in offline mode.You can also choose the font size in the texts.To move from one news to another, use the navigation arrows or dragsideways. An interactive application:Share the best news on your favorite social networks (Facebook,Twitter ...), via email, sms or directly copying the link to thearticle. For comments and suggestions about the application, please contactat: android@purepeople.com.br www.purepeople.com.br
moviepilot Home StreamingGuide APK
*Please be aware that we currently supportgerman streaming-providers only. The content of their cataloguesmay vary vastly in different countries*moviepilot Home lets you discover the best movies and series youcan watch right now at home. Just select your favourite streamingproviders and get the trending items in our catalogue, new releasesand recommendations by our editorial staff and community.Features:- Discover new releases on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sky Ticket,maxdome and other legal streaming providers- Create one common watchlist for all your providers- Browse catalogues for movies and series based on your mood,genres or over 8000 semantic tags- Discover the best movies and series ranked by germany's largestentertainment-community- Get personalised rating forecasts with our famousforecast-algorithm- Thanks to our streaming-charts you'll always know the shows thateverybody will be talking about- Discover free movies to legally watch right now online withoutsubscription or payment
Airport Security 3D 1.4.1 APK
Manage the best airport!