2.1.1 / November 28, 2016
(4.2/5) (6)


Do you know your limit when it comestodrinking? Did you know that even one or two drinks can impairyourability to drive? Always plan for a safe ride home BEFORE youstartdrinking.

R-U- Buzzed estimates your blood alcohol concentration(BAC)level based on the interaction of weight, gender, time you’vebeendrinking and alcohol consumed. For this calculator, one drinkisconsidered to be equal to 12 oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine or 1.5oz.of hard liquor.

Use the “Need a Ride?” button to connect to popularride-hailingservices, including Uber, Lyft, zTrip and Curb.


Disclaimer: This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculatorisonly an estimate and is not sufficiently accurate to beconsideredlegal evidence. The calculations are averages, and manyvariablescould affect an individual’s BAC level.

Food in the stomach, medications, health andpsychologicalconditions are influencing factors and manyestablishments servealcohol in portions larger than the standarddrink size. Do not usethe R-U- Buzzed app to determine whether youshould operate a motorvehicle or other heavy equipment. It is neversafe to drive afterany amount of alcohol. You can be arrested forimpaired driving ifyour driving ability is affected to even theslightest degree.

R-U- Buzzed is provided by the Colorado DepartmentofTransportation (CDOT).

информация о приложении R-U-Buzzed? BAC Calculator

  • Имя приложения
    R-U-Buzzed? BAC Calculator
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    November 28, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Health & Fitness
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

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R-U-Buzzed? BAC Calculator 1.01 APK
The best plan is to designate a sober driver any time you arecelebrating with alcohol. Designate a driver BEFORE you startdrinking.This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculator will calculateyour blood alcohol level.Your BAC level is based on a complex interaction of weight,gender, alcohol consumed and time. Any amount of alcohol willimpair your ability.For this calculator, one drink is considered to be equal to 12oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine or 1.5 oz. of hard liquor.Calculations are estimates based on Colorado law and are notsufficient evidence to be considered legal evidence.******************Disclaimer: This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculator isonly an estimate and is not sufficiently accurate to be consideredlegal evidence. The calculations are averages. Individuals may varyin their personal alcohol tolerance. Food in the stomach,medications, health and psychological conditions are influencingfactors. Many establishments that serve alcohol serve portionslarger than the standard drink size. This BAC calculator has beenprovided by the Colorado Department of Transportation. CDOT******************
Ahorre DEJANDO el Tabaco 1.0.2 APK
La aplicación “Ahorre Dejando el Tabaco”daseguimiento a su proceso de dejar el cigarro mostrándole eldineroque ahorra y los días que agrega a su vida.“Ahorre Dejando el Tabaco” es una herramienta gratisymotivacional para alguien que ya dejó el tabaco o está pensandoendejarlo. Al contestar unas cuantas preguntas al abrirlaaplicación, esta le ayudara a darle seguimiento a:- Los dólares ahorrados- Los días que agregó a su vida- Los días desde que dejo de fumar- El número de cigarros que no ha fumadoSi usted no fuma o quiere ayudar a alguien más a dejarelcigarro, introduzca una fecha anterior, conteste algunaspreguntas,y vea cuánto dinero esta persona pudo haber ahorradodesde esedía.La aplicación “Ahorre Dejando el Tabaco” les permite asususuarios compartir sus logros y éxito con familia y amigospormedio de Facebook y Twitter. Si usted necesita más apoyo paradejarde fumar, la aplicación también le da acceso a la páginawebColoradoSinTabaco.org en donde puede encontrar más consejosyrecursos.Dejar el cigarro es un proceso único quecada persona vivedemanera diferente. Es posible que le tome tiempo, pero no serinda.Si usted recae y vuelve a fumar durante el tiempo que estáusandola aplicación, simplemente resetee la aplicación y comiencedenuevo. La aplicación le mostrará su mejor racha y asípuedecontinuar trabajando para superar esta nueva meta.Cláusula de exención de responsabilidad: Esta aplicaciónesúnicamente para fines informativos y educativos. Los númerossecalculan a base de información que los usuarios proveen onúmerospromedio del estado de Colorado. El dinero ahorrado, loscigarrosno fumados, y los días que se agregan a su vida sonestimaciones yno deberían de ser considerados como informaciónfactual. Laaplicación “Ahorre Dejando el Tabaco” es facilitada porelDepartamento de Salud Pública y Ambiente del estadodeColorado.The application"SaveLeaving Snuff" monitors the process of quit smoking by showingthemoney you save and the days that adds to your life."Save it Leaving Snuff" is a free and motivational forsomeonewho already left the snuff or are thinking about quittingtool. Byanswering a few questions when you open the application,this willhelp you keep track of:- The dollars saved- The days added to his life- The days since I quit- The number of cigarettes you have not smokedIf you do not smoke or want to help someone else to quitsmoking,enter an earlier date, answer some questions, and see howmuch moneythis person may have saved since.The application "Save Leaving Snuff" allows users to sharetheirachievements and success with family and friends via FacebookandTwitter. If you need further support to quit, the applicationalsogives you access to the website ColoradoSinTabaco.org where youcanfind more tips and resources.Leave cigar is a unique process quecada person livesdifferently.It may take a while, but do not give up. If yourelapse and startsmoking again during the time you are using theapplication, simplyreset the application and start again. Theapplication will showtheir best streak and so can continue workingto overcome this newgoal.Disclaimer of Liability: This application is intendedforinformational and educational purposes. The numbers arecalculatedbased on information that users provide or averagenumbers ofColorado. The money saved, cigarettes not smoked, and thedays thatyou add to your life are estimates and should not beregarded asfactual information. The application "Save LeavingSnuff" isprovided by the Department of Public Health andEnvironment of thestate of Colorado.
Tobacco Quit and Save 1.0.1 APK
Tobacco Quit and Save automatically trackseach day you go without a cigarette, money you’re saving, and daysadded onto your life.The location-aware app also provides motivational messages tohelp you stay tobacco free.Tobacco Quit and Save is a free, motivational tool for someonewho has already quit, or is thinkingof quitting smoking. Just answer a few short questions when youfirst open the app – like how many cigarettes you smoked per day –and the app will track:• Dollars Saved• Days Added to Your Life• Days Since Last Cigarette• Number of Cigarettes Not SmokedDon’t smoke or trying to help someone quit? Pick a past date,fill in a few more questions or use the app defaults, and instantlysee what someone would have saved by quitting on that date.The location-aware app provides you with motivational messagesto stay tobacco-free when you visit hundreds of locations wheretobacco products may be sold in Colorado. The location-awarefeature can be switched on and off in the settings menu on thedashboard screen.Tobacco Quit and Save also allows users to share theiraccomplishments with friends and family through Facebook andTwitter. Looking for extra support to stay quit? The app linksdirectly to TobaccoFreeCO.org for tips and quitting resources.Quitting is a unique process for everyone. It may even takemultiple tries, but don't give up. If you relapse while usingTobacco Quit and Save then simply reset the app to try again. Theapp will continue to display the number of days you went withoutsmoking during your Best Attempt. You can then work to beat thatgoal on your next attempt.******************Disclaimer: This app is intended to be an informational andeducational tool. Calculations are based on information provided bythe user and/or statewide averages for Colorado. Dollars saved,cigarettes not smoked, and time added to your life are estimatesand should not be considered as actual financial or medicalinformation. Tobacco Quit and Save is provided by the ColoradoDepartment of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).******************
Contxts 1.01 APK
Contxts is the easiest and fastest waytoexchange contact info between your Android device and *any*othermobile phone in the world.Go cardless at SXSW with Contxts!
Show Me My Buzz 1.03 APK
The best plan is to designate a sober driverany time you are celebrating with alcohol. A sober driver issomeone who has not had anything to drink.This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculator will estimateyour blood alcohol level.Your BAC level is based on a complex interaction of weight,gender, alcohol consumed and time. Any amount of alcohol willimpair your ability to drive.For this calculator, one drink is considered to be equal to 12 oz.of beer, 5 oz. of wine or 1.5 oz. of hard liquor.Calculations are estimates based on Missouri law and are notsufficient evidence to be considered legal evidence.
R-U-Buzzed? BAC Calculator 2.1.1 APK
Do you know your limit when it comestodrinking? Did you know that even one or two drinks can impairyourability to drive? Always plan for a safe ride home BEFORE youstartdrinking.R-U- Buzzed estimates your blood alcohol concentration(BAC)level based on the interaction of weight, gender, time you’vebeendrinking and alcohol consumed. For this calculator, one drinkisconsidered to be equal to 12 oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine or 1.5oz.of hard liquor.Use the “Need a Ride?” button to connect to popularride-hailingservices, including Uber, Lyft, zTrip and Curb.******************Disclaimer: This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculatorisonly an estimate and is not sufficiently accurate to beconsideredlegal evidence. The calculations are averages, and manyvariablescould affect an individual’s BAC level.Food in the stomach, medications, health andpsychologicalconditions are influencing factors and manyestablishments servealcohol in portions larger than the standarddrink size. Do not usethe R-U- Buzzed app to determine whether youshould operate a motorvehicle or other heavy equipment. It is neversafe to drive afterany amount of alcohol. You can be arrested forimpaired driving ifyour driving ability is affected to even theslightest degree.R-U- Buzzed is provided by the Colorado DepartmentofTransportation (CDOT).