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Messages Improved 4.3.7-Prod-Mei-Messages-Improved
Messages + AI
Enjoy the most complete messaging app on Android. Whereeverythingis free and you can even save money on your mobile bill.Brought toyou in part by your mobile operator. Our app is anupgrade to thedefault SMS app that came with your phone. Inaddition to texting(SMS/MMS), we offer secure end-to-end encryptedRCS (RichCommunication Services) messaging with other users,similar to whatiMessage offers to iPhones. You get all the bestmessagingfeatures, and the next generation of messaging toolsunique to ourapp. If the person you’re texting is also a user of anapp in ourpartner network, and connected to the internet, messageswill beexchanged as RCS. RCS is the upgrade to SMS which makes itpossibleto send large videos, higher quality pictures and GIFs toother appusers using WIFI or internet data. In addition, our RCSisend-to-end encrypted, making your conversations with otheruserssecure. When you engage with ads in our app, you will earncreditswhich can be used to redeem for additional airtime with yourmobileoperator. In addition, we offer an optional community and AItomatch you with services and product that you’re lookingfor,potentially saving on your mobile bill and even enabling youtoearn extra money! Key Messaging Features: - Folders andcustomlabels to organize your chats - Fully customizable withcolorthemes, backgrounds and bubble styles - Encrypted RCS chatforsecure and free international messaging - Schedule messagesorcancel them before they send - Audio / Voice messages THESTREAM(COMING SOON): Once enabled, there is a “stream” attached toeachconversation. The stream combines the best of social media andtheinternet, where you are given recommendations for content,answersand information related to your conversation, but in aseparatescreen so it’s not annoying. Just swipe left to access it.Want tosublet your apartment, sell some of your things or havespare timeto teach or earn extra cash? Why just ask your friendsand family?Open it up to our user network via campaigns. Whenothers textabout something that matches your campaign, they couldsee yourcampaign in their stream. Create a campaign just by tappingthe“ask others” option in your message. Or go to the “Campaign”taband tap the “+” sign in the bottom right corner. When youengagewith campaigns, you're rewarded with credits that can be usedtoadd data from your mobile service plan. No personal informationiscollected by us aside from your telephone number, which isneededfor user authentication and to send/receive messages. Our appiscompatible with MightyText, Pushbullet and mySMS for desktopandweb access (our own desktop version is coming soon). Our appsyncswith any Android smartwatch, watch or wearable. Our twoapps,Messages Improved and Mei, are clones sharing many of thesamefeatures. Mei has more of a focus on personal relationshipsandexchanging ideas/opinions. Messages Improved has more ofacommercial focus, where we can experiment with ads andconnectingusers with products and services they want.