17 Похожие Total Fitness Exercises

Stark Dumbbell 2.3.0
Virtual Trainer
Optimize your results with Stark Dumbbell!
Dumbbell Muscle Workout Plan P 1.2.7
From Bodybuilding-Apps.com: DumbbellMuscleWorkout Plan Pro! Short on equipment? Stuck at home and onlyhavedumbbells? Maybe you're in a rut and want to trysomethingdifferent? No worries! This dumbbell only workout can beused athome or in the gym for building muscle mass. You can alsouse thisas a muscle shock workout to mix things up.The dumbbell only home or gym full body workout focuses ontheuse of heavy compound lifts, and allows you to maximizemusclegains with minimal equipment.We've got nothing against barbells, but dumbbells offer alotmore versatility. You don't need much space, and you can findthemanywhere—from the dinkiest hotel fitness center to youruncle'sgarage. We've put together the ultimate dumbbell-onlyroutine—oneyou can do with just a few pairs of weights.Using dumbbells allows you to train one side of your body atatime, which is great for curing any strength imbalancesyou'vedeveloped. And because each limb moves independently, yourcore hasto brace harder to prevent you from tipping to one side.Hello,six-pack!Grab a pair of dumbbells and build the body of your dreams!!
Dumbbell Fitness Training Pro - Strength Exercises
Daily Fitness Yoga Exercise Apps
A simple way to get strong and fit using strength training forallskill levels!
Dumbbell Fitness Training: Wor Challenges
Daily Fitness Yoga Exercise Apps
A simple way to get healthy and fit using strength fitnesstrainingand workouts
Dumbbell Exercises and Workout 1.6
ibrahim köknar
Get results and attractive body quickly.Whileother exercise plans call for up to two hours of your day,thishigh-intensity workout app only ask for 7 minutes to melt theextraweight right off.High-intensity interval and intermittent training is the workoutofthe future. Research has shown that short bursts of exercisearemore effective in weight loss than other aerobic activities.Inaddition, these anaerobic exercises improve your glucosemetabolism(for better digestion) and increase athletic condition(for bothyour health and looking better). Essentially, by pushingyourselffor short periods of times, instead of pacing over severalhours,your body prepares itself for more intense exercise and getsyou inshape faster.Our 7 min Apps:7 min Butt Workout7 min Abs Workout7 min Chest/Push-Ups Workout7 min Fat Burning Workout7 min Arms Workout7 min Cardio Warm-Up Workout7 min Legs Workout7 min Stretching Workout7 min Full Body Workout7 min Legs Abs Butt Workout7 min Calisthenics Workout7 min Plank Workout7 min Skipping Rope Workout7 min Kettlebell Workout7 min Band Workout7 min Dumbbell Workout7 min Barbell Workout7 min Medicine Ball Workout7 min TRX Workout7 min Partner WorkoutYou may not have enough time to train for a marathon, or benchpress350, but you surely have 7 minutes to stay in shape or losesomeextra pounds. This simple app guides you with instruction andkeepstrack of your workout so you can do it anywhere. Workoutbefore yourmorning shower, at your lunch break at work, or whiledinner iscooking in the evening. No longer will you have toschedule aworkout, for this app can be used flexibly with yourschedule. Fromnow on, whenever you find yourself saying “I have afew minutes” or“I’m bored” you can use that time to get inshape!Sure, you can join a costly gym and pay for a trainer to consultandmake a workout plan for you. But if you’re like us, you aretryingto burn fat, not your money! Exercise shouldn’t break thebank, andyou shouldn’t have to drive out of your way to go and doit. Thisapp is your own personal trainer who is always with you.All youneed to cut that annoying fat off your body is the app, alittlespace, and the motivation to become the athlete you’ve beentryingto be!Your ambition is your greatest strength and you can harnessiteasily with the tools we will provide you. Happy fatburningeveryone.841304f35d
Dumbbells Workout 2.0
You can do over 100 functional exerciseswiththe PowerBlock dumbbells in combination with an adjustablebench. Aworkout of just under 20 minutes can be adequate to buildstrengthand size in just six weeks. Perform this workout twice perweek,spaced out to allow several days in between workoutsFor many years, serious athletes and bodybuilders have knownthatfree weights build muscle size, strength, and power faster thananyother form of resistance training. Today's smart bodybuildersknowthat, by using dumbbells (because they do require balance),thewhole process happens more quickly than with machines orevenfree-weight barbells. Nearly all serious bodybuildersusefree-weight barbells and dumbbells almost exclusively.Research has shown that a free-weight, all-PowerBlockdumbbellprogram produces high levels of strength and size. Theseresultscan be accomplished even with high-intensity workouts asshort as12-30 minutes. Perhaps the best thing about dumbbells isthat theycan easily be incorporated into a home gym.* Disclaimer *I do not own any of the pictures or videos used in this app theyareall credited due to their rightful ownersNO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
Dumbbell Workout 1.1.0
Best Free Sport Apps
Dumbbell exercises form an integral partofmost strength training programs. They can be used to developthevarious different elements of strength such asmaximalstrength,muscle mass, explosive power and strengthendurance.By making use of the exercises provided you'll have thefollowingadvantages:-The dumbbell will not allow for strength imbalances betweenyourarms. You won’t be able to use your dominant arm to assist whenyouaren’t strong enough to lift the weight with your weaker arm.Thiswill help to eradicate any strength imbalances that youmayhave.-The compact nature of the dumbbell makes it a good choicefordynamic, power-based movements.-Having a different weight in each hand allows you toperformvarious combinations of bilateral and unilateralmovements.-Dumbbells can provide a more comfortable range of motion formanyindividuals.-It can be easier to dump the dumbbells when a lift goeswrong,making them a great option when training alone.
Pregnancy Ultra Sound Prank 1.1
Smart New Free Apps
Are you looking for Pregnancy UltraSoundPrank? Trick your friends by this ultrasound scanner app byshowingthem that your phone has ultrasound scanning capability.This is acomplete fun gag free ultrasound app which will shock yourfriendsfor sure, the main thing is that you can trick yourgirlfriend thatshe is pregnant by showing her that your phone cando pregnancytest and you have ultrasound scanner installed in yourphone , doultrasound scanning in quick steps and show her that shegot apregnant ultrasound report!!Don’t show these ultrasound pranks in public you friends mightgetembarrassed. Let the fun begin with this ultrasound pregnancytest.count one more in your ultrasound app list with awesomepregnantscanner. Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby of your pregnant girlfriend! There is this app isjust a funapp, because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwith aSmartphone.To use this just hold it to above their abdomen and movethisultrasound app over it and show them their kidneyultrasound,abdomen ultrasound etc , the main thing is that you cantrick yourgirlfriend that she is pregnant by showing her that yourphone cando pregnancy test and you have ultrasound scannerinstalled in yourphone , do ultrasound scanning in quick steps andshow her that shegot a pregnant ultrasound report !! Make anultrasound with yourmobile phone and watch the baby of yourpregnant girlfriend! Thereis this app is just a fun app, because itis technically notpossible to ultrasound with a Smartphone. Butthis didn’t know yourfriends, so you can trick them with this freeapp.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test or forultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecando real ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprank only , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app!!
Track Pregnancy week by week: 6.61
Pregnancy due date calculator, pregnancy calendar and much more!
MuscleMatics 3.13
At MuscleMatics, our goal is to provide simple and beautifulvisualrepresentations of the human anatomy when performing variousformsof exercise, with emphasis on technique and muscles utilized.SAVETIME Enjoy more time focused on your workouts. No moresearchingfor exercise videos only to have to wait dreadfullythrough ads,promos, and requests to sign up, subscribe, share,like, tweet,etc. KEEP FOCUSED Get what you need when you need it.Use simplefilters to find the exercises you need. Save them to yourfavoritesfor quick access to your mostly used exercises forfuturereference. DISCOVER PROPER MUSCLE-MOVEMENT SYNTHESIS Seeyourmuscles in action. These state-of-the-art animations illustratetheactivated muscles, while multiple angles demonstrate exactly howtoperform the movements. Watch them looping continuouslywithoutinterruption. AVOID INJURY Imagine yourself succeeding.Byfollowing correct form and activating the right muscles, youwillreduce injuries and progressively see quicker results. SELECTFROMA VARIETY OF EXERCISES Have some fun! Choose exercises fromourunique database containing isolated movementstofull-body-activation movements. Science has proven thatvarietypromotes adherence, so browse, choose, and FOLLOW THEMOVEMENT!
Dumbbells Training Program 8.2.1
LOYAL Health & Fitness
Complete training program that ONLY utilizes dumbbells!
MovesDb - Calisthenics 1.5.0
Touré Holder
Moves DB is designed to give you the resources andmotivationyouneed to exercise regularly and develop yourcalisthenics andstreetworkout skills. Train and track: - Workoutlog for dynamicandisometric exercises - Automatic rest timer -Stopwatcheswithcountdowns and alarms - Interval Training Timer -Great forHIIT,Tabata etc. - Attach YouTube videos and descriptionstoyourexercises, routines and projects Build routines:-Traditionalroutines - Supersets - Routines in cycles / circuits-Intervaltraining routines Get motivated: - Takeapp-generatedchallenges! -Create fitness projects with step-by-stepevaluationbased on yourresults! - Share your workouts - Downloadcommunitycreatedroutines and fitness projects! - Join communitygroups andmeetother users!
Bodybuilding Dumbbell Guide 2.0
A pair of adjustable dumbbells can helpyoutokeep your bodybuilding workouts going in the comfort ofyourhomewhen life gets hectic and it's hard to make it to the gym.With a safe pair of adjustable dumbbells, you have alloftheequipment you need for a variety of bodybuildingexercises.Fromyour shoulders to your calves, you can build goodmuscle.Well, if you are now interested in knowing what arethebestdumbbell moves that you can start with then this app isheretohelp you.Yes, here you will be getting a set ofexclusivedumbbellexercises that you can incorporate to boost upyourbodybuildingprogram. Just download the app free.Here is the sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:Dumbbell exercises allow complicit muscles to developinstrengthtogether and prevent muscle groups fromdevelopingindependently andout of sync.You can learn dumbbell exercises for bodybuilding asgivenhere;which helps you to boost up your bodybuilding goal.Hurry up!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout bodybuilding dumbbell.
Pré-Natal Digital 21.0
Louise Saúde Digital
Esse aplicativo tem o objetivo deinformarafutura mamãe tudo sobre sua gravidez como odesenvolvimento dobebêe da mãe, tipos de exames realizados no prénatal, direitosdagestante, vacinas, tipos de parto,humanização,violênciaobstétrica, fotos reais, plano de parto,doula, entreoutros. É oapp mais completo sobre gestação comassuntos que nenhumoutro tem.Feito por profissionais de saúde.O que contém no app:- Direitos da gestante: Os direitos reservadosparaasgestantes- Crescimento do bebê: Todas as semanas de gestaçãoexplicandooque acontece com o bebê- Desenvolvimento da mãe: Como o corpo da mãe se modificacomagravidez- Exames: Os exames mais comuns realizados no pré-natal- Vacinas: As vacinas que precisam ser tomadas- Doenças: Os sintomas e doenças mais comuns na gravidez,comumalerta do Zika Vírus- Parto prematuro: Sinais e riscos de parto prematuro paraqueamamãe saiba identificar- Alimentação: Alimentação adequada e os tiposdevitaminasnecessários para uma gravidez saudável- Exercícios: Os exercícios mais indicados na gravidez- Sexo na gravidez: dúvidas sobre a sexualidade nessa faseeasmelhores posições- Moda e beleza: Dicas de moda e beleza- Enxoval do bebê: Para ajudar as mamães sobre o quecomprarparao enxoval do bebê- Plano de parto: Dicas do que solicitar que façam noseupartoseja ele normal ou cesárea- Doula: ensinando o que é, seu trabalho e benefíciosnoparto- Preparação para o parto: Ensinando massagemnoperíneo,identificar os primeiros sinais de trabalho de partoesuasfases- Alívio da dor no parto: Métodos paliativos paraajudaraamenizar a dor do parto- Posições para o parto: Ensinando várias outras posiçõesquenãosó aquela que conhecemos deitada na cama- Tipos de parto: Variações do parto vaginal além da cesárea- Violência obstétrica: Informações para que a gestantesaibaoque é e se previna desse tipo de ato- Mala da maternidade: Dicas do que levar paramaternidadetantopara o bebê quanto para a mamãe- Humanização: Para que a gestante entenda como humanizaroseuparto normal ou cesárea e descobrir se seu médicoécesarista- Mitos e verdades: Muitas crendices nós levamos conoscodesdeotempo de nossos avós e agora você vai ver se é verdadeoumito.Fora os mitos da gravidez sobre a necessidade departocesárea- Dicas: Dicas gerais, curiosidades- Fotos reais: Fotos reais de parto- Livros: Livros mais indicados para você se empoderarsobrepartonormal- YouTube: Alguns vídeos do YouTube- Mural da gestante: Nesse mural vocês poderão secomunicarentresi e trocar ideiasEnfim um aplicativo completo diferente de tudo quevocêjáviu.This applicationaimstoinform the expectant mother all about her pregnancyandthedevelopment of the baby and the mother, types ofexaminationsinprenatal, pregnant woman's rights, vaccines,deliverytypes,humanization, obstetric violence, actual photos,planchildbirth,doula, among others. It is the most complete appaboutpregnancywith issues that no one else has. Made byhealthprofessionals.What's in the app:- Pregnant women's rights: The copyright for pregnant women- Baby Growth: Every week of gestation explaining whathappenstothe baby- Mother Development: As the mother's bodychangeswithpregnancy- Investigations: The most common tests performed prenatally- Vaccines: Vaccines need to be taken- Diseases: The most common symptoms and diseasesinpregnancy,with a warning of Zika virus- Premature birth Signs and preterm birth risk that momknowhowto identify- Food: Adequate food and the types of vitamins neededforahealthy pregnancy- Exercises: The exercises most suitable in pregnancy- Sex in pregnancy: questions about sexuality at thisstageandthe best positions- Fashion and Beauty: fashion and beauty tips- Baby Layette: To help moms on what to buy forthebabylayette- Birth Plan: Tips than ask them to do in your birth beitnormalor caesarian- Doula: teaching is that their work andbenefitsinchildbirth- Preparation for childbirth: Teaching massagetheperineum,identify early labor signs and phases- Pain relief in labor: palliative methods to help easethepainof childbirth- Positions for delivery: Teaching several otherpositionsthatnot only that we know lying in bed- Delivery types: vaginal delivery variations beyondcesarean- Obstetric Violence: Information for the pregnant womanknowwhatit is and prevent this type of act- Maternity Bag: Tips of what to take for maternity bothforthebaby and for mom- Humanization: For the mother understands how tohumanizeyournormal delivery or cesarean section and find out ifyour doctorisCaesarist- Myths and Facts: Many beliefs we carry with us from thetimeofour grandparents and now you will see whether it is trueormyth.Outside the myths of pregnancy on the need forcesareansection- Tips: General tips, trivia- Real Photos: actual delivery Photos- Books: most suitable books for you to empoweraboutnormaldelivery- YouTube: Some YouTube videos- Wall of pregnant women: this wall you can communicatewitheachother and exchange ideasFinally a complete application unlike anythingyou'veeverseen.
Bodybuilding Dumbbell Guide 2.0
A pair of adjustable dumbbells can helpyoutokeep your bodybuilding workouts going in the comfort ofyourhomewhen life gets hectic and it's hard to make it to the gym.With a safe pair of adjustable dumbbells, you have alloftheequipment you need for a variety of bodybuildingexercises.Fromyour shoulders to your calves, you can build goodmuscle.Well, if you are now interested in knowing what arethebestdumbbell moves that you can start with then this app isheretohelp you.Yes, here you will be getting a set ofexclusivedumbbellexercises that you can incorporate to boost upyourbodybuildingprogram. Just download the app free.Here is the sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:The primary advantage to using dumbbell exercises as apartofyour workout schedules is that on top of exercisingthemainmuscles, dumbbell exercises will also require theinputfromvarious stabilizing muscles as well.Dumbbell exercises allow complicit muscles to developinstrengthtogether and prevent muscle groups fromdevelopingindependentlyand out of sync. You can learn dumbbellexercises forbodybuildingas given here; which helps you to boost upyourbodybuildinggoal.Download now!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout bodybuilding dumbbell.
Bodybuilding workout tutorial 31.6.9
Free App To Watch And ListenTobodybuildingworkout tutorialbodybuilding workout tutorial learning free is thebestcompanionfor tutorials. this app most popular home step bysteplearningideas videos.All bodybuilding workout tutorial are taken from videosareofthey respected owner, we only show them on this app forabettervisibility. Please email us if you have copyrightissues.we will be happy to Help!!★You can learn about with EASY TUTORIAL TRAINING WORKOUTSSTEPBYSTEP WITH VIDEOS★★Features★♬ Very easy to Play videos and learn!!!♬ Easy to learn video tutorials Step by Step♬ Beautiful graphics and adorable characters♬ Kid-friendly interface♬ Download tutorials Just 1 time, you can enjoytheshowanytime,anywhere! even on the plane!♬ Includes more than 100 tutorials favorite ideas* This app support both mobile phone and Tablet Mode.Free App To Watch And Listen Tobodybuildingworkouttutorial0) Teen Beginners Bodybuilding Training - Upper Body -Chest,Arms,Shoulders1) 8 Muscle Building Exercises for Beginners2) Day 1 Starting Measurements: Ultimate 30 Day BeginnersGuideToFitness3) Bodybuilding Step by Step Workout Guide4) Arnold Schwarzenegger Posing Routine Bodybuilding5) How to Make your Own Workout Schedule:BeginnerBodybuildingBasics Part 56) Jim Stoppani's Six-Week Shortcut To Shred Workout-Chest,Triceps, Abs - Bodybuilding7) 10 Min Home Dumbbell Workout8) How To Clean and Press9) TEEN MUSCLE BEGINNING BODY BUILDING WORKOUT TUTORIAL HOWTO10) 14 Intermediate Ring Exercises for StrengthTraining/Gymnastics/Bodybuilding - 195 lbs11) Women's Bodybuilding Posing Tutorial12) Fitness & Bodybuilding Over 40: Richard SullivanLateralDelt/ Shoulder Tutorial13) Workout Routines: Beautiful Malena Morgan Workouts14) Bodybuilding - Jay Cutler - Awesome Posing Routine15) Suspension Straps Training Outdoor Workout Tutorial(Notabodybuilding tool)16) Post Workout Bodybuilding Meal TutorialHighProteinPreparation17) Personal trainer Davide Didonatobodybuilding,pettorali,bicipiti, tutorial, fitness...18) [TRAIN] Body Weight Workout With Muscle Up Tutorial19) Bodybuilding Training - Bankdrücken,Kniebeugen,Kreuzheben21) BODYBUILDING POSING TIPS, ALL DONE FITNESS (IFBB PRO)22) Suspension Straps Indoor Workout Tutorial (Notabodybuildingtool)23) Workout Routines: Sample BUTI Sculpt Workout24) Workout W/ Kai Greene Jeff Seid & AlonGabbay(FullVideo)25) Workout Routines: Sexy Fitness Workout for Pitbull-KatalinJasztrab26) Teen Bodybuilding27) Meal Prep 101 - Joey Hornyak Fitness28) Sexy Girls Doing Workout at Gym29) Why Natural Bodybuilding Is The Shyt30) ULISSES JR POSING MASTERCLASS31) Was dich stark macht annabolika muskel bodybuildingfitnessstudio workout tutorial training hantel32) Six Pack Easy Workout Natural Home Bodybuilding Tutorial33) Full Body Dumbbell Home Workout + Six Pack Abs Routine34) Teenage Bodybuilding: Back Biceps Workout Motivation (4)35) Kai Greene Back Workout - Mr. Olympia 201536) Epic 1 year Steroid Transformation37) Yoga For Body Building - Workout Regime For Healthy&FitBody38) Fitness and Bodybuilding Over 40: RichardSullivanShoulderUpright Row39) 30 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout - Bipasha Basu BreakfreeFullRoutine - Full Body Workout40) Intense Push-Up Workout (Natural Bodybuilding Tutorial)and more...An all in one collection of educationalbodybuildingworkouttutorial activities and videos, including thefamousalphabet songin a vivid interactive and high qualityproduction.Thisapplication provides the perfect place to learnbasic conceptssuchand numbers, colors and more.Have a magical experience with BEST EASY LEARN HOWTOTRAININGWORKOUTS TUTORIAL STEP BY STEP FREE!
Am I Pregnant 1.0
There are early symptoms of pregnancythatmaypoint to the possibility. Every woman is different. Soareherexperiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the samesymptomsoreven the same symptoms from one pregnancy to thenext.Also,because the early symptoms of pregnancy are often likewhathappensright before and during menstruation, those symptomsaren'talwaysrecognized.