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Milkshake Recipes 1.0
real cool apps
Milkshake is a sweet, cold beveragewhichisusually made from milk, ice cream, or iced milk, andflavoringsorsweeteners such as butterscotch, caramel sauce,chocolate sauce,orfruit syrup. Outside the United States,milkshakes using icecreamor iced milk are sometimes called a thickmilkshake or thickshake;in New England, the term frappe may be usedto differentiateitfrom thinner forms of flavored milk.some of the famous healthy recipes areVanilla MilkshakeIcy Banana MilkshakeCappuccino CoolerYummy Strawberry ShakeChocolate Mug MilkshakeCold Cocoa SmoothieApple MilkshakeBananerberry SmoothieHere we are added the most easiest and famous Milkshakerecipesfromall around the world. Feel free to download the milkshakerecipesapp to explore more Recipes
Pottery Making 1.0
dan baker
With internet dating on the rise,datingmethodshave continued to change over the years. As the waycouplesconnecthas broadened over the years, so have activitiesthatcouples engagein on dates. Dinner and a movie is no longerthestandard dateactivity. One creative way to enjoy a date is tomakepotterytogether. The good thing is that there are so many artandpotteryoptions, from earthenware clay to ceramics, to meettheindividualstyles and tastes of any couple.Many couples have found that painting potterytogether,especiallyon the more nerve racking first dates, offers acommonvariable fromwhich a comfortable, natural conversation canensue.While applyingdry glazes to a piece of pottery, couples cantalkabout everythingfrom politics to work to family without thestressof staring acrossone another at the dinner table and tryingtomake conversation.Drape molds are a great way to make apersonalpottery piece on afirst date. The particular drape, humpand slumpmold can be used tomade a variety of letters, forms andnumberswith slabs of clay.Couples can make a mold with theirinitials ortogether work onletters to form one of their favoritewords, suchas LOVE, PEACE orJOY. Looking through any currentdesign magazine,you will find thepopularity of such inspirations,which allow yourfavorite sentimentsto reside within the home.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application,andfindout many luxurious idea of pottery making design.Justdownload thisapplication of pottery making design ideas andfindmany wonderfulthings for making your pottery. You can save allthepictures intoyour card and make it as your phone wallpaper.Moreover, you canshare all the pictures to your friends that havethesame purpose asyou; to find the most amazing and stylish designofpottery makingdesign idea and to make it.Enjoy and makes your imagination come true!
Pottery Making Ideas 1.4
Pottery making ideas, with internet datingonthe rise, dating methods have continued to change over theyears.As the way couples connect has broadened over the years, sohaveactivities that couples engage in on dates. Dinner and a movieisno longer the standard date activity. One creative way to enjoyadate is to make pottery together. The good thing is that thereareso many art and pottery options, from earthenware clay toceramics,to meet the individual styles and tastes of anycouple.-Many couples have found that painting pottery together,especiallyon the more nerve racking first dates, offers a commonvariablefrom which a comfortable, natural conversation can ensue.Whileapplying dry glazes to a piece of pottery, couples can talkabouteverything from politics to work to family without the stressofstaring across one another at the dinner table and trying tomakeconversation.-Drape molds are a great way to make a personal pottery piece onafirst date. The particular drape, hump and slump mold can beusedto made a variety of letters, forms and numbers with slabs ofclay.Couples can make a mold with their initials or together workonletters to form one of their favorite words, such as LOVE, PEACEorJOY. Looking through any current design magazine, you will findthepopularity of such inspirations, which allow yourfavoritesentiments to reside within the home.-What your future partner decides to create can also reveal partsoftheir personality that they might not be comfortable sharing onafirst date. Painting a plate for a beloved grandmother or acoffeecup to get in with the boss, these are just a few thingsthat mighttell you a little more about a potential mate andmore.-You don't usually think that the creating a plate comesbeforedinner, but make it a first. Another creative idea forpotterymaking is to design plates together and then make dinnertogether.You can use the plates that you painted and/or deigned andthen usethat as a springboard for dinner conversation over youpenne pastaand Caesar salad or whatever other culinary delight youcreatetogether. It has been said over the years that the couple whodinestogether stays together. Perhaps, the same could be true forthepottery making couples of the world. Much like the internet, itiscertainly one of the modern ways of connecting.So make a date with pottery, whether you chose to usedrapemolds, dry glazes or earthenware clay. With the wide rangeofproducts available through American Art Clay Company (AMACO)therehad never been a better time to make the first date amemorableone.
Pottery Making Ideas 1.0
carmen masci
With internet dating on the rise,datingmethodshave continued to change over the years. As the waycouplesconnecthas broadened over the years, so have activitiesthatcouples engagein on dates. Dinner and a movie is no longerthestandard dateactivity. One creative way to enjoy a date is tomakepotterytogether. The good thing is that there are so many artandpotteryoptions, from earthenware clay to ceramics, to meettheindividualstyles and tastes of any couple.Many couples have found that painting potterytogether,especiallyon the more nerve racking first dates, offers acommonvariable fromwhich a comfortable, natural conversation canensue.While applyingdry glazes to a piece of pottery, couples cantalkabout everythingfrom politics to work to family without thestressof staring acrossone another at the dinner table and tryingtomake conversation.Drape molds are a great way to make apersonalpottery piece on afirst date. The particular drape, humpand slumpmold can be used tomade a variety of letters, forms andnumberswith slabs of clay.Couples can make a mold with theirinitials ortogether work onletters to form one of their favoritewords, suchas LOVE, PEACE orJOY. Looking through any currentdesign magazine,you will find thepopularity of such inspirations,which allow yourfavorite sentimentsto reside within the home.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application,andfindout many luxurious idea of pottery making design.Justdownload thisapplication of pottery making design ideas andfindmany wonderfulthings for making your pottery. You can save allthepictures intoyour card and make it as your phone wallpaper.Moreover, you canshare all the pictures to your friends that havethesame purpose asyou; to find the most amazing and stylish designofpottery makingdesign idea and to make it.Enjoy and makes your imagination come true!
Hindi Recipes 1.39
Urva Apps
Welcome to Hindi Recipes App Include All Indian 1000+ VegandNon-veg Recipes
Pottery Making Idea 1.4
Pottery is made by forming a claybodyintoobjects of a required shape and heating them tohightemperaturesin a kiln which removes all the water from theclay,which inducesreactions that lead to permanent changesincludingincreasing theirstrength and hardening and setting theirshape. Aclay body can bedecorated before or after firing. Prior tosomeshaping processes,clay must be prepared. Kneading helps toensurean even moisturecontent throughout the body. Air trappedwithin theclay body needsto be removed. This is called de-airingand can beaccomplished bya machine called a vacuum pug or manuallybywedging. Wedging canalso help produce an even moisturecontent.Once a clay body hasbeen kneaded and de-aired or wedged, itisshaped by a variety oftechniques. After shaping it is driedandthen fired.Making things with your hands can be incredibly fulfilling.Itcanreally bring out your creativity, and teach youthingsaboutyourself. Often, the best hands-on hobbies to getinvolved inarethose that are related to some of your other hobbiesorinterests.In the case of those who collect figurines andotherceramics,signing up for pottery making classes can be agreatidea!There are some tips to pottery making:1. Go to pottery making classes. Everyone has tolearnsomehow.Although it can be comforting to learn on your own itwillbe muchmore fun with others. In addition your skills willimprovemuchquicker!2. Don't be put off by the terminology! Pottery makingusessomestrange and quirky terms. It wont be long before youknowgreenware from biscuit ware.3. Be prepared to get dirty - you can tell a potter by hishandsandshoes! Even with an apron it is impossible to stay cleanwhenmakingpottery. Your hands and shoes will get dirty! Treat itaspart ofthe fun so dress appropriately.4. Enjoy the experience - even if it goes wrong! It goeswrongforeveryone including the experts so don't be afraidtoexperiment.Remember that your designs are unique and you havethechance toexpress your own creativity.5. Read some simple pottery making books. Lots of potterybooksareavailable so choose books with simple descriptions andpicturestoget you started. Books,however, are no substitute forclassesbutthey should reinforce your learning.6. Ask questions. Asking questions aids memory so youlearnquicker.Don't be embarrassed to ask even the most simpleofquestions.Remember you are probably only saying what manyothersarethinking!7. Practise then practise some more! This probably shouldbemynumber 1 tip on the list. As with most things in life, themoreyoupractise the more skilled you become and the more enjoyablewillbethe experience.So what are you waiting? More information andothertechnicalarticles on pottery and ceramics can be found atourapp,Discovering stunning design of POTTERY MAKING IDEAS here!Therearemany stunning ideasof pottery making. You can easilyfindanddownload our app for the best experience!
Pottery Making Ideas 1.0
Margaret A Brennan
With internet dating on the rise,datingmethodshave continued to change over the years. As the waycouplesconnecthas broadened over the years, so have activitiesthatcouples engagein on dates. Dinner and a movie is no longerthestandard dateactivity. One creative way to enjoy a date is tomakepotterytogether. The good thing is that there are so many artandpotteryoptions, from earthenware clay to ceramics, to meettheindividualstyles and tastes of any couple.Many couples have found that painting potterytogether,especiallyon the more nerve racking first dates, offers acommonvariable fromwhich a comfortable, natural conversation canensue.While applyingdry glazes to a piece of pottery, couples cantalkabout everythingfrom politics to work to family without thestressof staring acrossone another at the dinner table and tryingtomake conversation.Drape molds are a great way to make apersonalpottery piece on afirst date. The particular drape, humpand slumpmold can be used tomade a variety of letters, forms andnumberswith slabs of clay.Couples can make a mold with theirinitials ortogether work onletters to form one of their favoritewords, suchas LOVE, PEACE orJOY. Looking through any currentdesign magazine,you will find thepopularity of such inspirations,which allow yourfavorite sentimentsto reside within the home.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application,andfindout many luxurious idea of pottery making design.Justdownload thisapplication of pottery making design ideas andfindmany wonderfulthings for making your pottery. You can save allthepictures intoyour card and make it as your phone wallpaper.Moreover, you canshare all the pictures to your friends that havethesame purpose asyou; to find the most amazing and stylish designofpottery makingdesign idea and to make it.Enjoy and makes your imagination come true!
Ice Cream Recipes BooK 1.0.5
Ocean technology
Are you looking for easy and delicious Ice Cream Recipes? YOUFOUNDIT!! This awesome Ice Cream Recipe app has all the recipes youwillneed...and it's FREE for a limited time! Not only will youfindalmost 89 delicious Ice Cream recipes, but they are brokendowninto convenient categories according to the type of Ice Creamyouwant to make. Video recipes will show you exactly what to do,andDaily Recipes will give you brand new recipes EVERY DAY!!Here'sjust a little taste of what you'll get: * Vanilla * Chocolate*Fruity * Others * Video Recipes ...and lots more. Now you cansavea lot of time and effort and find that perfect recipe you'vebeenlooking for! No more need to flip through dozens of cookbookormagazine pages. Everything you need is right here inthiseasy-to-use app. These recipes are tested and true and won'tletyou down. Easy and tasty Ice Cream Recipes are just a FREEdownloadaway! This app is going to be free for a limited time somake sureto... Grab the FREE copy of the Ice Cream Recipe apptoday!
Artist - William Braddock
William Braddock
As a HS student I was interested in alltypesofart, I took photography, pottery, drawing and flowermaking. Ijoinedthe US Navy after high school and began my careeras aphotographer.I trained in Pensacola, FL. I served 4yrs andalmostdecided to makeit a career. At that point I received anacceptanceletter from asmall photography/modeling school calledArtography.After a fewmonths, for personal reasons I rejoined theUS Navy andtrained as acinema photographer and then was stationedon the USSConstellationCV-64. I was a trainer of about 30photographers. Iwas selected forthis job because of my technicalskills and beingable to get alongwith the men so well. I traveledmany times toJapan, Philippines,Singapore and Kenya. After that Iwas stationedin the Philippines atSubic Bay Naval Air Station. Thetown outsidethe based is namedOlongapo. I was discharged from theNavy andreturn to San DiegoCalifornia and opened a photographystudio witha partner DavidRiggs. After 2 years we parted companyand Ireturned to the SanFernando Valley in the Los Angeles area.Iworked in a coupledifferent labs and discovered personalcomputerswere beginning tomake their entrance to Americanhouseholds.I changed careers to computer retail sales, I work for aboutafewdifferent retailers during the next few years. I learnedtheinsand out of PC and MAC's. I could build a PC fromcomponentsandtrain anyone to use a PC or a MAC.After a few years of doing that I took a job inadvertisingsales.This proved to be very interesting to me so Istarted my ownsmalladvertising company. This ended up with me inSacramentoCaliforniawhere I met John Harvey. He was with AdvancedGlobalMarketing. Inthis job I was able to utilize my skills incomputersand training.After about a year John started a smallcompany inHawaii where wesold high-end computers. They wereInteractive VoiceResponse PC.There were used to do consumersurveys. Our primarycustomers weremortgage brokers.Thus began my mortgage career, I was a loan officer and atrainerofloan officers. After 4 years I left the mortgage businessandagainpursued my own business. I started promotingindividualperformanceartist and designing websites. During thistime I metBen Berg, hewas a great encouragement to get back in tocreatingart. So I havetoday combined my interests in art,photography,computer skills inweb design and sales/marketing topursue what Iam interested intoday.I hope some of you will enjoy my art well enough to want tohangapiece in your home, office or both. My friends love myartenoughto want a piece for themselves.At the present time I am experimenting with all mediums. Iamtryingarcylic, charcoal, pencil both BW & color, I donotthink I willget in to oils as I am told that that take too longtosetcompletely. At present I have digital art and colored pencilinmyportfolio. I will even be creating 3D art with individualpiecestocreate one. So you will be able to see the progression. Imayeventry my hand at pottery & woodcraft again. This siteseemdmostsuited for flat art but I will see what I can do.Thanks and as the Hawaiians say MahaloWilliam Braddock808-450-1050
DIY Arts and Crafts 2.0
Arts and crafts is a whole group ofactivitiesand hobbies that are related to making various things outof one'sown hands and skills. The arts and crafts skills can befurther subdivided into traditional crafts, also known as thehandicrafts andthe rest of the skills. Traditional crafts and manyother craftshave been practiced since ages, while new skill andcrafts keepcoming with the growing time.Modern era has seen the popularization of the traditionalcraftsand skills, which are widely popular among the masses. Thetermarts and crafts also refer to the design movement known as artsandcraft movement propagated by William Morries and EdwinLutyens.They strove to emulate the medieval craftsmen, whoexperiencedgreat joy in the quality of their work.These crafts can be learned by virtually anyone withminimalskills, but to gain expertise and be a professionalcraftsman, itrequires a combination of skill and talent. Variouscommunitycenters and schools run part time or vocational coursesandworkshops that offer to teach the basic levels of this skillwithina short period of time.The products of artistic production or creation that requireahigh degree of tacit knowledge, and technical skills are alsoknownas crafts. These crafts require specialized equipment andareconstructed from materials with histories that exceedtheboundaries of western art history. These materialsincludeceramics, glass, textiles, metal and wood. Often thesecrafts areproduced by a specific community. Generally there is avariation ofthe basic design of these crafts when produced bydifferentcommunities.Lastly this wide term also includes the useful rural craftsofthe agricultural countryside. Thus the term "arts andcrafts"encompasses a whole gamut of various skills and the productofthese varied skills and craftsmanship.
Pottery Making Ideas 1.0
Roberto Baldwin
Pottery could be defined often. Itmightreferto the pad employed to make such potterywaresasearthenware,stoneware, and porcelain. In addition, it refers totheplace wheresuch merchandise is made or to the art ofmanufacturingthosewares.For the purposes, pottery is an object created fromclayrightinto a chosen shape, then heated in an oven termed as akilnbeforeobject continues to be completely dehydrated.Textured pottery is something that you may look for or haveinyourpersonal pottery collection. Those appealing texturescanbecreated in a variety of ways. You may be interested inknowinghowthe variety of textures is achieved through the variousstepsofthe creative process.During the forming process, texture can be applied to thepotoncethe general shape and rim have been created. Rouletteisatechnique which creates texture using a gear or similar toolonthesurface of the pot while the wheel is turning. Once theprocessofRoulette is completed the pot can be pushed out andreshapedbyusing a tool to apply pressure from the inside.Chattering creates a texture on a completely formed anddryerpot.This method uses a flexible metal tool. The appearance ofthefinalproduct is determined by the speed of the wheel andthepressureplaced on the tool. A slow speed on the wheel increasesthespacingbetween the lines created, the faster the speed of thewheelthecloser the marks.So what are you waiting? More information andothertechnicalarticles on pottery and ceramics can be found atourapp,Discovering stunning design of POTTERY MAKING IDEAS here!Therearemany stunning ideasof pottery making. You can easilyfindanddownload our app for the best experience!
No Frills Freezer Meals 2.0
No Frills
This app contains a variety offreezermealrecipes. The majority of recipes are designed to use aslowcookeror Crockpot and cook all day while the family is away atworkandschool. Short and simple ingredients lists are a lifesaverforbusy cooks.
Rangoli Designs 1.10
Urva Apps
Rangoli Designs application contains Beautiful 500+RangoliCollections. 100% Free and Offline app. - Diwali RangoliDesigns -Navratri Rangoli Designs - Ganesha Rangoli Designs -NationalRangoli Designs - Peacocks Rangoli Designs - Dot RangoliRangoliDesigns
Marathi Recipes 1.33
Urva Apps
Welcome to world of Marathi Recipes ,App Include 1000+ VegandNon-veg Recipes
Recipes Book 1.20
Urva Apps
Welcome to world of Indian Recipes Book App Include 1500+ Veg&Non-veg Recipes
Cupcakes Ideas & Recipes 1.4
Apps iMod
Cupcakes Ideas & Recipes featuresdeliciouscupcake recipes and cute cupcake decorating ideas forspecialoccasions such as birthdays and holidays like St. Paddy'sDay orEaster(coming up..)! In addition, we have also included alittlegame to entertain you.. :)A cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person, which maybebaked in a thin paper or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes,icingand other cake decorations, such as candy, may beapplied.The first mention of the cupcake can be traced as far back as1796.In the early 19th century, there were two different uses forthename cup cake or cupcake. In previous centuries, before muffintinswere widely available, the cakes were often baked inindividualpottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name fromthe cupsthey were baked in. This is the use of the name that hasremained,and the name of 'cupcake' is now given to any small cakethat isabout the size of a teacup. While English fairy cakes varyin sizemore than American cupcakes, they are traditionally smallerand arerarely topped with elaborate icing.The other kind of 'cup cake' referred to a cake whoseingredientswere measured by volume, using a standard-sized cup,instead ofbeing weighed. Recipes whose ingredients were measuredusing astandard sized cup could also be baked in cups; however,they weremore commonly baked in tins as layers or loaves. In lateryears,when the use of volume measurements was firmly established inhomekitchens, these recipes became known as 1234 cakes orquartercakes, so called because they are made up of fouringredients: onecup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups offlour, and foureggs. They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat lessrich and lessexpensive than pound cake, due to using about half asmuch butterand eggs compared to pound cake. The names of these twomajorclasses of cakes were intended to signal the method to thebaker;'cup cake' uses a volume measurement and 'pound cake' uses aweightmeasurement.A standard cupcake uses the same basic ingredients asstandard-sizedcakes: butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Nearly anyrecipe that issuitable for a layer cake can be used to bakecupcakes. The cakebatter used for cupcakes may be flavored or haveother ingredientsstirred in, such as berries, nuts, or chocolate.Because their smallsize is more efficient for heat conduction,cupcakes bake muchfaster than a normal layered cake.Cupcakes may be topped with frosting or other cake decorations.Theymay be filled with frosting, fruit, or pastry cream. Forbakersmaking a small number of filled cupcakes, this isusuallyaccomplished by using a spoon or knife to scoop a small holein thetop of the cupcake. Another method is to just insert thepastry bagin the middle of the cupcake. In commercial bakeries, thefillingmay be injected using a syringe. Elaborately decoratedcupcakes maybe made for special occasions.Our Cupcakes Ideas & Recipes app is a collection of some ofthemost beautiful cupcake designs, ideas and recipes of 2016!!Havefun baking and.. enjoy!!!