15 Похожие إختبار الحمل بالبصمة Prank

اختبار الحمل - Prank 1.0
هل يراودك الشك بأنك حامل ؟هل أنت حامل ؟هل تريدين التعرف على جنسية طفلك ؟ ولد أو بنت ؟اكتشفي عزيزتي برنامج كاشف الحمل عن طريق البصمة مجانا بدون الذهابعندالطبيب.كاشف اختبار الحمل بالبصمة هو ​​تطبيق مزحةprankيمكنكي من معرفة اذا كنت حاملا أو لا باستخدام بصماتالأصابع.هذااختبار بصمة الحمل هو في الحقيقة التطبيق عبارة عن مزحةسوف تقومباضهار نتائج الحمل وهمية الخاص بك وبشكل خاص صمم أيضا لأولئكالذينيريدون فقط للعب والمزح و خدع الآخرين و الأصدقا. هذا التطبيقاختبارالحمل يعمل عن طريق الماسحات الضوئية وضع خصيصا بطريقة أوبأخرىللنساء و النسوة الحاملين أو في شهرهم الأول .!This is a Prank, Jock, Fake application Just for funالبرنامج للتسليه مع اﻻصدقاء فقط.Warning: of course this app is made to make funny jokes toyourfriends! It does not charge your batteryIs Iraodk doubt thatyouare pregnant?are you pregnant ?Do you want to identify the nationality of the child? boy orgirl?Discover Dear detector pregnancy program through fingerprintfreewithout going when the doctor.Fingerprint detector pregnancy test is the application ofajokeprankAmkinka know if you are pregnant or not usingfingerprintsAlosaba.hma test imprint pregnancy is in fact theapplication is ajoke will Badhar the results of your fake pregnancyand isparticularly well designed for those who just want to playandpranks and deceived others and Alosedka. This applicationpregnancytest works by scanners specially developed one way oranother forwomen and women living with or in the first Chehrhm.! This is a Prank, Jock, Fake application Just for funThe program for entertainment with friends only.Warning: of course this app is made to make funny jokes toyourfriends! It does not charge your battery
الكشف عن الحمل بالبصمة Prank 1.1
Arab Mobily
هل قمت بالبحث عن تطبيق يقوم بـ فحص و كشفجنسالطفل الموجود في بطن المرأة الحامل و لم تجد أي نتيجة ؟هل مللت البحث عن برنامج كشف عن الحمل بالبصمة ؟هل تبحث عن برنامج يقوم بـ فحص الحمل و الكشف عن هوية الطفلبدونانترنت ؟قم الان بالكشف عن الحمل بالبصمة مجانا و على هاتفك.إدا كانت إجابتك بنعم فأنت في المكان الصحيح لاننا سنقدم لككشفهوية الطفل مجانا.لن تبحث بعد الان عن تطبيق اخر غير هذا لان تطبيقنا سيلبي لككلطلباتك في اكتشاف جنس طفلك و معرفة أيضا منذ متى و أنت حامل وهذهالخاصية هي التي نمتاز بها في تطبيقنا لان العديد منالتطبيقاتالموجودة في المتجد لا تتوفر عليها.مزايا تطبيقنا :سهولة في الإستخدام و الفحص يكون عن طريق البصمة فقطالفحص يتم بسهولة تامة و لن تأخد منك الطريقة سوى ثواني قليلة.التطبيق مجرب على أكثر من هاتف و يعمل بشكل جيد و بدون مشاكل.لا يؤتر على كفاءة الهاتف و لايؤتر على البطارية.نتمنى أن تستمتع بالتطبيق و أن ينل إعجابك.لا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق عن طريق الضغط على زر شير الموحودفيالبرنامج و لا تنسى تقييم التطبيق لان تقييمك يهمنا.التطبيق عبارة عن خدعة فقط تمكنك من عمل مقالب لعائلتك.Its just Prank.Are you searching fortheapplication to examine and reveal the sex of the child found inthebelly of a pregnant woman and did not find any result?Tired Find detect pregnancy fingerprint program?Are you looking for a program for the pregnancy test anddetectthe identity of the child without the Internet?Now, detects pregnancy and fingerprint free on your phone.Ida was your answer is yes then you are in the rightplacebecause we we will give you free reveal the child'sidentity.Not looking anymore for an application other than thisbecauseour application will meet all your requests you to discoverthe sexof your child and also to know how long ago and you arepregnantand this property is that privileged position in ourapplicationbecause many existing applications are not available intherenewable them.The advantages of our application:Ease of use and inspection is done by fingerprint onlyExamination is quite easily and will not be the way you thingfortaking only a few seconds.Fitter application on more than one phone and works wellandwithout problems.Aatr not on the phone and efficiency of Aaatr on thebattery.We hope you enjoy the application and been given tolikethat.Do not forget to post the application by pressing the buttonSherMoahud in the program and do not forget to assess theapplicationbecause your assessment concerns us.The application is only trick dumps enables you to work foryourfamily.Its just Prank.
Pregnancy Test App Prank 1
A pregnancy test attempts to determinewhethera woman is pregnant or not. Feeling some early pregnancysymptoms?Pregnancy tests are designed to tell if your urine orbloodcontains a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).Thishormone is produced right after a fertilized egg attaches tothewall of a woman's uterus.But how about an easy way to do it while chilling in your sofa!Yesyou can with this prank magic app just put your finger onthefinger print button on the screen and wait for 5 seconds theappwill tell you if you are pregnant or not.using your finger on your smartphone you have the opportunitytoprank your mom, friends, and girlfriend.Note: This application is for fun only, andentertainmentpurposes, the results are not real, prank your friendsand tellthem the truth later
Pregnancy Scanner Finger Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you feeling someearlyPregnancySymptoms?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy,Sodon'tworry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy fromyourcellphone.Pregnancy Scanner Finger is a Prank application forfunpurposes.This is a very fine way to prank your friends andfamily.If youare a prankster so this is the perfect app for youtoprankeveryone. Pregnancy Scanner calculates your falsePregnancy.Now with the help of this application it is very easytocalculateyour Pregnancy. You don't need any Pregnancy strip oranyothermedical devices to calculate your Pregnancy.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eatingsomethingorchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detectyourpregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or anymedicalinstrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanningpad forsomeseconds and find out either you are pregnant ornot.Pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you canshareyourpregnancy with your friends, family members and evenwithyourdoctor.If you like this application then don't forget to rate us.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Note:Pregnancy scanner finger is not a real medical instrumenttocheckpregnancy it is a prank application for fun andentertainment.Sojust download this application and have fun.
إكتشف عمرعقلك الحقيقي (prank) 1.0
Tofix Game
و الآن نضع بين أيديكم التطبيق اليابانيالشهيرلإختبار سن عقلك الحقيقي لا تضيع هاته الفرصة لتعرف هل أنت ناضجكماتضن أم لا يزال عقلك حبيس الطفولة و المراهقة ، ترى ما هو سنعقلكالحقيقي ؟ هل هو أكبر منك أم لا زال صغير بالمقارنة مع سنك؟- هل عقلك أكبر منك ؟- هل عقلك أصغر منك ؟- هل سن عقلك هو نفس سنك ؟- ألا تتوفر على عقل ؟- تطبيق ممتع يمكنك أن تشارك النتائج مع أصدقائك- إختبار خفيف و ضريف للتسلية.- وأخيرا نتمنى أن يروقكم هذا التطبيق ولا تبخلو علينا بخمسةنجوملمساعدتنا على تحسين التطبيق وشكرا لكم مسبقا إخواني .And now we presentyouwith the famous Japanese application to test the real age ofyourmind not to waste the opportunity to know these circumstancesAreyou mature as Tdhan or your mind is still locked into childhoodandadolescence, see what is the real age of your mind? Are you oristhe largest still small compared with age?- Is your mind largest you?- Is your mind younger than you?- Is your brain age is the same age?- Not available on the mind?- Fun application you can share results with your friends- Light Test and Darif for entertainment.- Finally, we hope that this application does not Aroukkm Tbouklousfive-star to help us improve the application and thank youinadvance my brothers.
اختبار كاشف الحمل - prank 1.0
اكتشفي عزيزتي برنامج كاشف الحمل عن طريقالبصمةمجانا بدون الذهاب عند الطبيب.كاشف اختبار الحمل بالبصمة هو ​​تطبيق مزحة prankيمكنكي من معرفة اذا كنت حاملا أو لا باستخدام بصماتالأصابع.هذااختبار بصمة الحمل هو في الحقيقة التطبيق عبارة عن مزحةسوف تقومباضهار نتائج الحمل وهمية الخاص بك وبشكل خاص صمم أيضا لأولئكالذينيريدون فقط للعب والمزح و خدع الآخرين و الأصدقا.!This is a Prank, Jock, Fake application Just for funالبرنامج للتسليه مع اﻻصدقاء فقط.Warning: of course this app is made to make funny jokes toyourfriends! It does not charge your batteryDiscover Deardetectorpregnancy program through fingerprint free without goingwhen thedoctor.Fingerprint detector pregnancy test is the application of ajokeprankAmkinka know if you are pregnant or not usingfingerprintsAlosaba.hma test imprint pregnancy is in fact theapplication is ajoke will Badhar the results of your fake pregnancyand isparticularly well designed for those who just want to playandpranks and deceived others and Alosedka.! This is a Prank, Jock, Fake application Just for funThe program for entertainment with friends only.Warning: of course this app is made to make funny jokes toyourfriends! It does not charge your battery
اختبر قوة بصرك 2.0
يبدو ان لديك نظرة سريعة الى الاشياء , نظركقويلكنك تفتقد الى التركيز في الامور البسيطة.يمكنك الان فحص قوة بصرك وسوف تعلم اذا كنت تعانى من عمىالالوانبطريقة تقريبية من خلال هذا الاختبار البسيط.فى نهاية الإختباروبعدالإجابة على جميع الأسئلة ستظهر نتيجتك مجموع الإجاباتالصحيحةIt seems that you haveaquick look at things, strong your opinion, but you lacked focusinsimple things.You can now examine the power of your gaze will learn if yousufferfrom color blindness approximate manner through thistestAlbesat.vy end of the test and after answering all thequestionswill appear the total score of correct answers
الكشف عن الحمل بالبصمة Prank 1.6
Pro Apps Games
هل قمت بالبحث عن تطبيق يقوم بـ فحص وكشفجنسالطفل الموجود في بطن المرأة الحامل و لم تجد أي نتيجة ؟هل مللت البحث عن برنامج كشف عن الحمل بالبصمة ؟هل تبحث عن برنامج يقوم بـ فحص الحمل و الكشف عن هويةالطفلبدونانترنت ؟قم الان بالكشف عن الحمل بالبصمة مجانا و على هاتفك.إدا كانت إجابتك بنعم فأنت في المكان الصحيح لاننا سنقدم لككشفهويةالطفل مجانا.لن تبحث بعد الان عن تطبيق اخر غير هذا لان تطبيقنا سيلبيلككلطلباتك في اكتشاف جنس طفلك و معرفة أيضا منذ متى و أنت حاملوهذهالخاصية هي التي نمتاز بها في تطبيقنا لان العديدمنالتطبيقاتالموجودة في المتجد لا تتوفر عليها.مزايا تطبيقنا :سهولة في الإستخدام و الفحص يكون عن طريق البصمة فقطالفحص يتم بسهولة تامة و لن تأخد منك الطريقة سوى ثواني قليلة.التطبيق مجرب على أكثر من هاتف و يعمل بشكل جيد و بدون مشاكل.لا يؤتر على كفاءة الهاتف و لايؤتر على البطارية.نتمنى أن تستمتع بالتطبيق و أن ينل إعجابك.لا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق عن طريق الضغط على زر شيرالموحودفيالبرنامج و لا تنسى تقييم التطبيق لان تقييمك يهمنا.التطبيق عبارة عن خدعة فقط تمكنك من عمل مقالب لعائلتك.Are you searchingfortheapplication to examine and reveal the sex of the child foundinthebelly of a pregnant woman and did not find any result?Tired Find detect pregnancy fingerprint program?Are you looking for a program that for a pregnancytestanddisclose the identity of the child without the Internet?Now, detects pregnancy fingerprint free and on your phone.Ida your answer is yes, you're in the right place, becausewegiveyou free reveal the child's identity.Not looking anymore for an application other than thisbecauseourapplication will meet you with all your requests todiscoverthe sexof your baby and also knowing how long ago, and youarepregnant andthis property is that privileged position inourapplication becausemany existing applications are not availableinthe renewablethem.The advantages of our application:Ease of use and inspection is done by fingerprint onlyExamination are quite easily and will not be the way youthingfortaking only a few seconds.Fitter application on more than one phone and workswellandwithout problems.Aatr not on the phone, and the efficiency of Aaatronthebattery.We hope you enjoy the application and be disliked.Do not forget to post the application by pressing thebuttonSherMoahud in the program and do not forget to evaluatetheapplicationbecause your assessment matters.The application is only a trick enables you to workforyourfamily dumps.
Finger Pregnancy Test Prank 1.2
An awesome creative app that we bring forisFinger Pregnancy Test Prank, is our latest creation byourdesigners team, on the market today about your smartphones,”FingerPregnancy Test” Would want to have some understanding abouthealthstate concern pregnancy or searching a ”Pregnancy Test App”totallyfree in order to test yourself emotions ?! This is a newemployingfun and entertainment to take into account benefitfromtechnologies. It's easy to download the approval fromPregnancyTest, and live beautiful moments joke between friendsorfamily.This fingerprint free pregnancy test scanner serves as a prankappwill calculate your fake pregnancy results and it's alsoalsosuitable for individuals who want to play pranks on others aswellas showcase the strength of their latest android device. Itispreferable have prank application still was developed stages.Thisfree pregnancy test scanner created in wherein particularwho'spossibly not tuned in to android cannot get should it be aprankapplication or real. This pregnancy test scan free also testedonvarious android devices android tablets and android basedmobilesphones.The different actions can be achieved effortlessly withoutneedingconfusion always ask a medical expert about any any questionaboutyour pregnancy. Pregnancy Test Scanner Prank can be definedasprank app that lets you understand how much you're pregnantusingfingerprint. when you are able sometimes be referred to asaprankster you could potentially appreciate that app. Check itoutfor your own benefit and suggest it for all your friends tosimplyaccept the exam, and then make probably the most for yourmaxprofit! People would think because it is often a completepregnancytest scanner however it's not, this is sometimes a prankapp withfalse results.This pregnancy test scanners app made in wherein particularwho'scertainly not conscious of android can't ever get maybe it'saprank application or real. Prank she could are aware that itismerely an electronic digital digital Prank. This app may beverylittle real phone pregnancy test to speak with your little one100% free and also to see might it be a woman or boy.Youshoulddefinitely provide an aid having a five start, as well asleave aremark bellow fore our company support to generate anyextrafeatures. Many thanks, Many individuals with your friends willmostlikely be surprised with strange outcomes offered PregnancyTestPrank App particularly if be sure you start out with friendsendresult is positive this joke is ridiculous to undertake aPregnantman, so what on earth about another case of woman thathappen to behappy about carrying a child but after
Pregnancy Test Prank 1.0
alidroid inc
Pregnancy Test Prank is just for Funappandshould be used for entertainment purposes only. Consult adoctorincase of real pregnancy.Pregnancy Test Prank is a funny application that gives youanumberof random information about pregnancy. If you like havingfunwithyour friends and family then you would definitelylikethisapplication.This app will give you the following information:• whether you are pregnant or not,• if you are pregnant then how many months pregnant,• whether you will be having a boy or a girl, twin boy, twingirlsorboth.Enjoy this fun app, spread joy and have funny momentswithyourfamily especially your girl, your womanKeep them happy.If you like our application Pregnancy Test Prank, Don’tforgettorate and comment.
blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.2
An outstanding prank application"Bloodpressurechecker Prank", increases the feeling that yourparticularappexamine your high blood pressure. Actually it isactually aprank appto have things interesting purpose. Low bloodpressurechecker appgive numerous laughter amongst the friends..Fingerprint ScannerSimulator enables you to prank yourfamilymembers. This is a greatmethod of obtaining enjoyment andfun.Would like to know thatwhenever you happen to be pregnantwhichincludes a boy or possibly agirl? Fingerprint BloodPressurechecker prank increases the feelingthat your particularappcalculates your Blood pressure level checkerapp is undoubtedlyanawesome prank app! play pranks on others aswell as showcasethepotency of their latest android device to keepthingsinterestingresults. It's coded in a manner that no-one thatwillaware it'sactually a prank blood pressure levels machine. Thisappwillprovide you with getting pregnant Test that you choosetowontforget. fingerprint Scan low blood pressure levelscalculatorisknown as a prank and pretend application.It is actuallysimplytokeep things interesting. It's not necessarily tobeutilizedthroughout the health care field or medicalpurposes.BloodPressure Levels checker Prank is only a prank appwhichdon'tdisplay accurate BP readings. for any fun moment youarelookingfor It will be really such an amazing prankapplication"BloodPressure", it works with BP Scanner app isincrediblysimpleHey friend for more awesome apps please support our amazingteambygiving as five stars and leave a comment formoreinformations.Thank you.
Scanner Pregnant X-ray Prank 3.1
X-ray scanner pregnant - it's a game jokeappinwhich you can do an ultrasound and find out the girlwaspregnant ornot! Be careful of the girl can be a shock! It'sveryfunny becauseit was a joke. Make uzi rengen your girlfriendandsee if there is achild. It's always interesting and fun.Thecamera connectsavtomticheski then move on belly girl andclickstart scan, afterwhich you will give real picture rengen uzi!Thisis not a realX-ray, and a joke!This application does not bear any harm, and it means you candoanX-ray photos as you want!Attention! This application was created to jokes anddraw!Practicebefore play your friends and loved ones! Download thegameiscompletely free now and use anywhere withoutaninternetconnection!Thank you for playing with us.Are you looking for ultrasound pranks? Trick your friendsbythisultrasound scanner app by showing them that yourphonehasultrasound scanning capability . To use this just hold ittoabovetheir abdomen and move this ultrasound app over it andshowthemtheir kidney ultrasound, abdomen ultrasound etc , themainthing isthat you can trick your girlfriend that she is pregnantbyshowingher that your phone can do pregnancy test and youhaveultrasoundscanner installed in your phone , do ultrasoundscanningin quicksteps and show her that she got a pregnantultrasoundreport !!Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby ofyour pregnant girlfriend! There is this app is justa funapp,because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwithaSmartphone. But this didn’t know your friends, so youcantrickthem with this free app.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test orforultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer : This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecandoreal ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprankonly , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app !!
Pregnancy Test Simulator 1.0
Pregnancy Test Simulator helps you toprankyour friends!. It is a great source of fun and enjoyment. Wanttoknow that if you are pregnant with a boy or a girl? This appwillgive you a pregnancy Test that you wont forget. For all thosegirlswho want to prank their other friends of being pregnant.!Pregnancy Test gives you a very real feeling because of itsgreatlayout. You can feel and convince anyone for they arepregnant!. Areyou curious and wonder that if you are going througha pregnancyperiod, make yourself sure with this fantasticapplication. This isa best simulator and gives you a ver realfeeling.Get a pregnancy check now, works as a simulator. DownloadthisPregnancy Test App Prank Now!!!
Finger Pregnancy Test Prank 1.5
GranXeal Labs
Want to have some fun!!! or just wanttofoolaround with your friends. This PRANK app will dothetrick.This app will make surely make you laugh. This appisspeciallydesigned for those who love pranks.Just put your finger on the finger print and see the magic happen.Features:Fun to haveFriendly User interfaceSimple to useHow To use:Put Your finger on the print for a few seconds. You will seethetextchanging to scanning. after a few seconds you willbeautomaticallyshown the results.Enjoy this free app :)Disclaimer: This is a prank app and should only be usedforfunand should not be taken seriouslyDo provide your feedback :)
المعجم العربي 1.0
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