6 Похожие Solitario Estrella

Solitaire 1.2.4
Jose Varela
If you like classic Solitaire, you're going to love this!
Simple Forty Thieves Solitaire 1.2
Classic Forty Thieves Solitaire.Very simple style.HOW TO PLAY:Click on the left stack to get new card.Place a card on another card if it's higher.Empty column can be filled by any card.Move card to build the foundations up in suit from Ace to King.
Solitaire 2.1.2
The most realistic game of Klondike Solitaire Play Store.Immediateand exciting, this Klondike Solitaire will be your bestfriend inyour spare time. Immediate departure, very small size, GUIelegantand realistic. The game of Klondike Solitaire offers a 8googleonline leaderboards, challenge your friends and compare yourscoreswith them and with all users of the web. The KlondikeSolitairefeatures are: - Leaderboard of the overall scores. Theranking ofthe most avid players of solitaire; - Leaderboard thehighest scorefor the match; - Leaderboard of the best time. Thefastest playersin the end a lot; - Leaderboard of the matches endedwith thefewest number of moves. The ranking of the professionals.This newKlondike Solitaire is completely free, simple andaddictive. Whatare you waiting for. Download now KlondikeSolitaire! SolitaireGoogle is new realistic card game.
Kitty In The Corner - Free Solitaire Card Game -
It is a unique card game that's especially recommended forSolitairelovers!
Solitario juego de cartas 3.0.0
Nerta Labs
Si has jugado al solitarioclásico(solitaire)en tu ordenador disfrutarás de nuestra aplicacióngratispara tusmarphone.CARACTERISTICAS:★ La aplicación ocupa pocos megas★ Se puede mover a la targeta Sd★ Modo de juego solitario clasico★ Modo solitario por tiempo, supera tu record personal!★ Diseño agradable y atractivo★ Toca el icono ayuda por si te quedas atascado★ Puedes dehacer tus últimos movimientos★ Optimizado para móviles y tabletas★ Contenido totalmente gratuitoCÓMO JUGAR:El juego de cartas solitario clásico como se intuye ensunombreestá pensado para jugar por un solo jugador. Se poneenprácticacon una baraja de cartas o naipes de 52 cartas. Estejuegodecartas clásico es ideal para los jugadores que quierenpasarunrato entretenido pero sin contrincantes. Sus reglassonbastantefáciles, incluso los niños pueden jugar alsolitarioclásico.Incluso puede ser educativo ya que los ayuda aaprender losnúmerosy poner en práctica su orden ascendente ydescendente.El primer paso es repartir las cartas en sietecolumnas.Lascartas sobrantes del mazo se colocan en una esquinabocaabajo.Las cartas se reparten de esta manera: La primera cartaseponeboca arriba y las seis siguientes boca abajo.En segunda columna se pone una carta boca arriba ylascincosiguientes boca abajo. De este modo hay que continuarhastaque enla séptima fila sólo queda una carta boca arriba.La finalidad del juego es ir moviendo las cartas de unafilaaotra y ordenar las cartas de forma descendente yalternandoloscolores rojo y negro.El orden que las cartas debe seguir es el siguiente: K, Q,J,10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, y 2.Cuando ya no puedas hacer más movimientos puedes cogercartasdelmazo que colocaste boca abajo para intentar acabar elorden delasecuencia.If you'veplayedtheclassic solitaire (solitaire) on your computer you willenjoyourfree application for your smarphone.FEATURES:★ The application takes a few megs★ You can move to the Blast Sd★ classic solitaire game mode★ solo mode for time, beat your personal record!★ nice and attractive design★ Touch the icon help if you get stuck★ you can dehacer your last movements★ Optimized for phones and tablets★ completely free ContentHOW TO PLAY:The classic solitaire card game as deduced from thenameisthought to play by a single player. It is implemented withadeckof cards or cards of 52 cards. This classic card game isidealforplayers who want to have fun without opponents while. Itsrulesarefairly simple, even children can play the classicsolitaire. Itcaneven be educational as it helps to learn numbersand implementitsascending and descending order.The first step is to distribute the cards in sevencolumns.Theremaining cards in the deck are placed face down inacorner.The cards are dealt in this way: The first card faceupandface down the following six sets.In second column he gets one card face up and facedownfive.This must continue until the seventh row is only onecardfaceup.The purpose of the game is to move the cards from onerowtoanother and sort the cards in descending order andalternatingredand black colors.The order that letters should follow is the following: K,Q,J,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2.When you can no longer make more moves you can takecardsfromthe deck you placed upside down to try to endthesequenceorder.
Golf Solitaire - Free Solitaire Card Game - 1.0.0
In Golf Solitaire, you can choose between different sets ofrules,each with its own difficulty level. This app offers threesets ofrules, allowing everyone from beginners to experts to get inon thefun. Whether you're up a quick game on your break, or feellikesitting down for a long and challenging session, GolfSolitaireoffers entertainment that fits your mood. [ Sets of Rules] 1. Both2's and K's can be put on A's, and both A's and Q's can beput onK's. 2. Only 2's can be put on A's, and only Q's can be puton K's.3. Only 2's can be put on A's. No cards can be put on K's. [How toPlay ] When you start the game, you'll see a grid of cards onthetop left with five cards per column and seven cards per row.Theremaining cards are stored face-down in a deck on the bottomright.At the beginning, one card will be flipped over from the deckonthe bottom right, and placed into a pile left of it. If thenumberof that card is one higher or one lower than the number ofany cardat the very bottom of the columns (closest to you), you cantap andmove the card from the columns to the pile. You can continuetheprocess of moving cards from column to pile as long as thesameconditions are met. Card movement isn't restricted bysuit(spades,hearts, clubs, diamonds), but you can confirm andchange the rulesconcerning the numbers from the Settings button onthe titlescreen. When you can't move anymore cards, tap the deckofface-down cards in the bottom right to flip over a new one,andthen see if you can move any cards to it. Clear all sevencolumnsto beat the game! [ Extras ] The app supports rankingsandachievements. You may compare your time and number of winswithother players, or check how far you are into completingchallengeslike "win the game within 10 minutes" and "win the game10 times."[ Licenses & Credits ] Cards designed byMauricioDuque(http://www.snap2objects.com/) / CC BY 4.0 (C)2016Softrance.All Rights Reserved.