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EEG reader 4 NeuroSky Mindwave Nov2018
Billy Wookyoung Hong
Light weight and solid. Shows connectionandsignals as is from device. I found this I can addressconnectionproblem more easily. Also it reads attention andmeditation numberin 0-10 scale by user selected time. Thanks totext-to-speechtechnology. So I can concentrate on my meditationwithout lookinginto screen.now user can track progress. Stores attention & meditationreadinto local database. These attention & meditation read canbeposted into facebook personal wall or dedicated group. Pleaseenteryour read on our group "EEG reader 4 NeuroSky Mindwave"
AlphaTrainer 1.02
The Mobile Software Company
AlphaTrainer enables neurofeedbacktrainingbyproviding a real time feedback on its users alphabrainwaveactivity (~ 8-12 Hz). Alpha brain waves arecorrelatedwithrelaxation and the ability to de-stress and has, forexample,beenobserved to increase during meditation.Conversely,stressmanifests itself as a so-called "alpha blocking"i.e. theinabilityto increase alpha activity.Alpha feedback training is a well documented scientificmethodforincreasing alpha level and it is used clinically instresstreatment.AlphaTrainer was built to comply with thesignalprocessing describedin the neurofeedback literature. It isthefirst and currently theonly mobile application whichperformsindividual calibration of thealpha frequency and alphalevel whichis described in the literatureas extremely important inorder forthe neuro feedback training'sefficacy.Currently, AlphaTrainer only supports the NeuroSkyMindWaveMobileEEG headset, but we plan to add support for otherBCIs asthey arereleased. The app contains a "dummy headset" whichenablesplayingwith the application without the need for anactualBCI.AlphaTrainer was initially developed by Pelle KrøgholtandMartinPoulsen during the M.Sc thesis. For details abouttheAlphaTrainerdesign, implementation and the theoreticalfoundation,pleaseconsult the thesishere:http://alphatrainer.github.io/mscthesis
Puzzlebox Bloom 1.0.1
The Puzzlebox Bloom is designed to helpyoulearn mental relaxation through meditation and/orpracticeconcentration skills as measured by an EEG headset. Colorschangeduring active use to reflect your progress, and the flowerdesignslowly opens as you approach your goals. Position thePuzzleboxBloom on your desk, in your kitchen, or on the nightstand–wherever you feel it will best remind you to keep up your routine!When finished, all of the data collected during your sessioncanbe exported to a CSV file for charting in popularspreadsheetsoftware such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, andLibreOfficeCalc by sharing to cloud services such as Dropbox,Google Drive,Box, or email.Supported EEG Headsets:- NeuroSky MindWave Mobile EEG- InterAxon MuseEvery aspect of the Puzzlebox Bloom is made availablecompletelyfree for download. From the 3D models, to the circuitboardsinside, to the firmware and mobile applications, the Bloom isyoursto customize as you see fit.For more information, please visit http://puzzlebox.io/bloom
Brainwave Monitor System 1.3.4
BrainwaveMonitorSystem透過您的大腦狀況即時將腦波數據於折線圖顯現出來,即時監看的腦波數據包含:專注力、放鬆值、Theta、Delta、HighAlpha、LowAlpha、HighBeta、LowBeta、HighGamma和LowGamma。只要使用勝宏精密有限公司所提供之mindwaveMOBILE腦波儀透過藍牙連接至智慧型手機即可。本App系統可以讓使用者自行調整監看時間,在監看結束後本系統也提供各個腦波平均數據讓使用者進行參考分析。您可以分別進行各式各樣的活動來即時觀看當下的腦波數據,活動可以是靜態也可以是動態的,靜態方面您可以嘗試聽音樂或看書,感受當接收不同的音樂或書籍的刺激會如何顯現在BrainwaveMonitorSystem的圖表上;動態方面可透過射擊遊戲的遊玩監看自己的專注力是否維持在一定之水準,藉此進而達到遊戲分數的提高。BrainwaveMonitorSystem需要搭配勝宏精密科技有限公司所提供之MindWaveMOBILE腦波儀透過藍牙連接。BrainwaveMonitorSystemstatus through your brain EEG data immediately appearin thelinechart out immediate monitoring brainwavedataincludes:concentration, relaxation value, Theta, Delta, HighAlpha,LowAlpha, High Beta, Low Beta, High Gamma and Low Gamma.Justusemindwave MOBILE electroencephalogram provided WinnerPrecisionCo.,Ltd. through a Bluetooth connection to yoursmartphonecan.The App allows users to self-adjust the system to monitorthetime,the system also provides various brainwave averagedataanalysisallows the user to perform a reference monitorend.You can perform a variety of activities were to instantlywatchvideoEEG data, activity can be static or dynamic, andstaticaspects thatyou can try to listen to music or read a bookand feelwhen receivingdifferent music or books stimulation HowBrainwaveMonitor Systemappear on a chart; dynamic aspects can bemonitoredwhether tomaintain their attention to some of thestandards, andthen to takethe game by shooting scores improvedgame play.Brainwave Monitor System needs withMindWaveMOBILEelectroencephalogram provided wins Hong PrecisionTechnologyCo.,Ltd. through a Bluetooth connection.
EEG Profile 1.3
Similar in concept to a neural " fingerprint ", a profile ofaverageEEG frequencies, particularly resting state EEG, isfrequentlycorrelated with various mental states as well asneurologicalconditions such as autism and schizophrenia. UtilizesNeuroskyMindWave Mobile to record and view real-time runningaverages of EEGdata (sample number length adjustable from 5 to200). Optional voicenotification when EEG deviates from benchmarkaverage (firstn-length samples) with adjustable similarity.
neuromore 1.1.4
neuromore co
change your state of mind, on demand
FocusBand Brain Training 2.2.0
T 2 Green
Effortless brain training to a calmer state of mind.
BrainPrint 2.0
Understand and improve yourself with research-gradebrainwaveanalysis
Quiet Focus: in the ZONE 1.1
Train yourself to quickly get in the peak mental state obtainedbyelite athletes and performers often referred to as the 'Zone.'Thisapp provides visual and audio feedback from data received viaaBluetooth® paired NeuroSky® Mindwave Mobile headset. Focus: Theredfocus circle shrinks and brightens as focus increases and thelowfrequency sound will get softer and disappear as thefocusthreshold is reached. Quiet: Small white squares will decreaseinnumber and disappear as mental quiet is achieved and thehighfrequency sound will get softer and disappear as thequietthreshold is reached. Adjustable settings: -Mental FocusThreshold-Mental Quiet Threshold -Volume Levels -Hide VisualFeedback Appincludes step by step instructions with a recommendedtrainingprocedure. **This app requires a Bluetooth® pairedNeuroSky®Mindwave Mobile headset.** Quiet Focus: in the ZONE usesNeuroSky®Mindewave Mobile’s eSense™ meters to evaluate mentalfocus(attention) and mental quiet (meditation). The eSense™algorithmsare proprietary and are dynamically learning. They areadaptive andadjust to natural fluctuations and trends for eachuser. Use the inapp threshold settings to compensate for thesefluctuations.
Muse: EEG Meditation & Sleep 29.1
InteraXon Inc.
Muse: Meditation & Sleep Assistant - Brain Sensing Headband
BioTracks 2.0.6
BioTracks is a app based on MyTracks project.In this version we add features:1) A tab with breathing pacer2) Neurosky and Mindset support3) Polar H6 and H7 support
Lucid Scribe ThinkGear EEG 1.0
Lucid Scribe is a performance monitorforyourSelf.The ThinkGear EEG plugin monitors the EEG datafromNeuroSkyThinkGear compatible devices such as the MindWave.Andplays audiotracks when eye movements are detected behindclosedeyelids -during a vivid dream, for example. Logs arestillunderdevelopment...
EEG Screenlock 1.0
This app is supposed to be used to treattheattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by only allowingtouse the device if the concentration stays high.This app only works with "MindWave Mobile" - no support forotherEEG devices (I don't have them).The idea behind the app is that the kid have to learn tocontrolhis attention. It shouldn't matter too much what he trainson - beit youtube videos, games or any other activities. Theactivity hasto be interesting though - i.e. kid has to activelywant using it,but this program doesn't quite allows him to.Usage:1) Mindwave Mobile device should be already paired and poweredon(single blue blinks of the device LED)2) This app has to be in "AutoLock" mode.3) Once average concentration goes above the 'unlock'threshold(upper yellow bar) - the app will fold itself down, butstay inbackground continuing to monitor attention.4) If average concentration goes below the 'lock' threshold(loweryellow bar) - the app will pop up to foreground, pausingwhateverother app was running at the time.HOW TO TURN IT OFF:Just power off the Mindwave Mobile.
Pocket Clarity: Mindfulness 0.8.16
Three Pound
Tried meditation but wanted to getabettersense for what is really going on inside your head?Want to gain more awareness as to how your brain is reactingtoyourmeditations?Want a better way to maintain your meditation practice andtrackyourprogress?Try Pocket Clarity, a system that pairsmindfulnessmeditationexercises with a brainwave sensing headset toshow youyour mentalstates in real time. With a compatible headset,you seeyour levelof relaxation and focus throughout each session.Gaindeeperinsight into how your mind is reacting and take yourpracticeto anew level!Pocket Clarity now features Exhale, a mindfulness gamethattakesa new approach to integrating mindfulnesspracticeanywhere,anytime. Rounds of focused attention start at just8seconds!People are turning to mindfulness based stress reduction,orMBSR,for a number of reasons: high stress, chronicpain,failedrelationships, high anxiety and more. Start taking thestepstotake control of your life with Pocket Clarity.With Pocket Clarity, your practice goes to the nextlevelwithreal time mental state tracking with acompatibleheadset.Supported headset available forpurchaseatPocketClarity.com:Neurosky Mindwave MobileB3Band by B-BridgeOther Compatible Headsets:BrainBandXL by MyndplayTracking real progress is hard - do you feel better today?Isitbecause you meditated or because it is sunny outside?Whatifinstead of guessing, you looked at your digital journal-whichincludes your meditation entries, mood entries,andbiofeedbackresults - to determine the answer at a glance? Thisiswhat theClarity System does for you. With every meditationsittingyouget:- Guided audio exercises for various meditation types- Feedback from a brainwave sensing device- Free space to journal your thoughts- Multiple mood tracking optionsAll of this data is saved in your personal journal. Withit,youcan stop guessing on your progress and see your trends.Theheadsetis a passive bluetooth enabled sensor that tracks yourlevelofrelaxation and focus while you meditate. It does sobyanalyzingyour alpha and beta waves (and a few other features).Usetheheadset to develop your awareness of your mental states-withpractice you can learn to control them!Pocket Clarity: Your Brain on Meditation.Be More Aware.Become More Awesome.Train your mind with our guided exercises andtransformyourlife!Find peace. Become more calm. Get relaxed. Findfocus.Findequanimity. Find You.The headsets read your brainwaves usingelectroencephalogram,orEEG. Learn more on our website,ThreePound.com!New to meditation? Join the millions ofotherspracticingmindfulness meditation and see the benefits.Mindfulnesshas beenfound to help:Improve Response to StressImprove Pain ManagementImprove Attitude and MoodImprove Empathy & RelationshipsReduce ImpulsivenessReduce Negative ThinkingImprove Working MemoryFind balance, and get centered with meditation.
This app gives the user the ability totypewords and select phrases by blinking. It has an easy touseinterface, and does not require knowledge of Morse Code, oranyother code schemes. Once a phrase is "blink-typed"or"blink-selected", the user can blink on a command to havethemobile device speak the phrase via the mobile device'saudiospeaker.The purpose of this app is to enable people to communicatethatdon't have the use of their limbs, and don't have the abilitytovocalize speech. With all of the recent attention on ALS(LouGehrig's Disease), this app was written as an answer to aninternalchallenge to provide something with the potential to helpexistingand future ALS patients, as well as other people withdisabilitiesthat don't have enough manual dexterity for touch-basedapps andthey also don't have the ability to vocalize. Other systemsthatuse eye-tracking are very costly by comparison to thecombinationof this app and an affordable NeuroSky MindWave Mobileheadset.The app can also be used to educate able-bodied peopleregardingcertain challenges facing those with a combinationofparalysis/muscle control combined with the loss of speech.The app requires the use of a NeuroSky MindWave MobileBluetoothenabled headset. http://NeuroSky.com