49 Похожие Kosher Recipes - Jewish dietar

Perx - feel rewarded 3.14.1-perx
Perx Health
Simple, better health
Dementia Guide Expert 2.0.0
University of Illinois
A resource for those persons confronting the challenges ofdementia.
Med reminder & pill tracker 2.3.0
Z-len Appz
Offline medication reminder to remember your meds, pills,refill& appointments
Legacy Journal - Family Share
Legacy of Love, Inc
Turn memories into visual stories that you can keep, share,andtreasure forever
Lakewood Church 3.0.257
Joel Osteen Ministries
Join Lakewood Church for inspiring worship and live messagesfromJoel Osteen.
Craving To Quit! 6.11.0
MindSciences Inc
Craving To Quit is a 21-day program for smoking cessation
ProtectWell 25.1.0
ProtectWell™ uses scientific and health expertise,withsimpleapp-based symptom checking and impactful actions, toensureyou areconnected to the right support. ProtectWell™ enablesyou tostoreimages of your CDC COVID-19 vaccination record card andsaveyourvaccine dose information. You can also access COVID-19casedataand find information on telehealth and otherCOVID-19resources.ProtectWell™ is intended only as an informationaltool tohelpusers manage their own information regarding COVID-19screeningandvaccinations. ProtectWell™ is not designed or intendedtoreplacecare from a user’s health care provider. ProtectWell™doesnotprovide any therapeutic services to individuals.Usersshouldreceive care from their own health care providers,andshouldcontact their own health care provider withquestionsregardingdiagnosis, treatment or medication. If you thinkyouareexperiencing a medical emergency, call your doctor ordial9-1-1immediately.
Shabbat.com 2.0.38
Shabbat and Shabbat.com - the worlds largest Jewish Community
Medicalog for Families 2.05
Do you wish you could track your family's health?
CredibleMeds Mobile 3.6.2
Azcert Inc
Lists of drugs that prolong the QT interval & increase riskofheart arrhythmia
Nebraska Medicine 2.3.3
Nebraska Medicine
Manage your health all in one place with the Nebraska Medicine app.
BELONG Beating Cancer Together 5.19.5
Belong.life - The world’s largest social network for cancerpatients&caregivers
Innersource Journal - Your Pla 1.4.0
Mindfulness diary app that'll help you to reflect on youreverydayemotions.
Today In Jewish History 15
Chabad.org Jewish Apps
Read about each date's significance on the Jewish calendar.
InPen: Diabetes Management App
Companion Medical
Looking for an easier way to manage multiple daily injections?
Beat the Microbead 3.2.0
Plastic Soup Foundation
With this app you can check if your cosmetics containplasticingredients.
QuitGuide 2.1.4
ICF International
QuitGuide is a free smartphone app thatcanhelp you quit smoking. You can track your cigarette cravingsandmoods, monitor your progress toward achieving smokefreemilestones,discover your reasons for quitting smoking, identifysmokingtriggers and develop strategies to deal with them, getexpertguidance on how to quit smoking and address nicotinewithdrawal,and access a variety of other strategies to help yousuccessfullybecome and stay smokefree.QuitGuide provides tips to use during cravings. Use these tipstohelp you manage your mood and stay smokefree. QuitGuide alsogivesyou the ability to track cravings by time of day and location,soyou can receive support when and where you need it. To getmoretips and support, you can also visit thesmokefree.govwebsite.QuitGuide is a product of Smokefree.gov (SfG)—a smokingcessationresource created by the Tobacco Control Research Branch attheNational Cancer Institute in collaboration with tobaccocontrolprofessionals and smoking cessation experts and with inputfromex-smokers.
Leonard Ravenhill Sermons 8.01
Hundreds of Sermons by Leonard Ravenhill. Categorized into30topics. Add Notes.
Today's Hope Recovery Sharings 1.1
Best Day Ever Designs
Daily readings from The Forum, Recovery ReflectionsandQuote/Sayings
Untire: Beating cancer fatigue 3.6.2
Tired of Cancer B.V.
Untire helps cancer patients & survivors to overcomeextremefatigue together.
Calcium – Health Guide 1.355.0
Calcium LLC
Manage your health from one app. Collect and monitor medicaldata& conditions.
Shaarey Kedusha 2.7.1
Shaarey Kedusha
Official app of Moscow Jewish community "Shaarei Kedusha"
Stay Quit Coach 1.0.7
Stay Quit Coach is designed to help with quitting smoking.Itisintended to serve as a source of readily availablesupportandinformation for adults who are already in treatment toquitsmoking- to help them stay quit even after treatment ends. Theappguidesusers in creating a tailored plan that takes intoaccounttheirpersonal reasons for quitting. It providesinformationaboutsmoking and quitting, interactive tools to helpusers copewithurges to smoke, and motivational messages and supportcontactstohelp users stay smoke-free. Stay Quit Coach is based onthesmokingtreatment manual “Integrated Care for SmokingCessation:Treatmentfor Veterans with PTSD,” which was written byMiles McFallandAndrew Saxon in collaboration with David KalmanandTimothyCarmody. This treatment is based onevidence-basedclinicalpractices, and has been shown to double quitrates ofmilitaryveterans with PTSD. Stay Quit Coach was the resultofacollaborative effort among the Department of VeteransAffairs(VA)National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD), the VA Sierra Pacific(VISN21)Mental Illness Research, Education, and ClinicalCenter(MIRECC),VA Clinical Public Health Group (CPH) and theDepartmentof DefenseNational Center for Telehealth & Technology(T2).Additionalpartners include the VA Puget Sound Health CareSystemandNorthwest (VISN 20) MIRECC, and VA Mid-Atlantic (VISN 6)MIRECC.
TakeYourPills Pill Reminder 2.2.8
Take Your Pills
Don’t forget to Take Your Pills with our pill reminder&medication tracker app
One Medical 4.26.0
1Life Healthcare, Inc.
Fall in love with your doctor’s office.
STEPtember 4.0.10
Cerebral Palsy Alliance
The Official App for STEPtember 2019 Get active. Feel good.Dogood.Those steps to your car or office. Those hours at the gymorin thepool or at yoga. That stroll with your friends. Allthatmovementcounts even more when you join a team a movewithSTEPtember. Run byCerebral Palsy Alliance ResearchFoundation,STEPtember is a charityevent challenging people to take10,000steps a day (or theequivalent) for 28 straight days fromSeptember3 – 30, 2019. Withthis app, you can: - Track your stepsand otheractivities duringSTEPtember. - Ask your friends and familytodonate. - Track yourdonations nad your fundraising progress. -Getupdates when yourteammates log steps. - Receive alerts whenyourteam reachesmilestones. - Share your involvement on socialmedia.
EveryDose: Medication Reminder 3.2.13
Groove Health
The easiest way to manage your medications and learn aboutyourhealth!
Medication Reminder & Tracker 9.6
Take, track & refill your pills with this easyreliablemedication reminder app!
SuperBetter 1.1.5
SuperBetter, LLC
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
Med Helper Pro Pill Reminder
Med Helper keeps track of your prescriptions - Alarms remindyouwhenmedication needs to be taken, when Doctors appointmentsarescheduledand when meds are running low or are about to expire.MedHelper alsotracks your vital signs and PRN /take-as-neededmedication. You canlog and export or print detailedreports foryour Doctor, Nurse orCaregiver Multiple profiles letyou manageothers in your care.Whether you’re self managing ortaking care ofyour loved ones, MedHelper’s features will help youdeal withanything from simple shortterm situations to prolongedcomplexchronic conditions by making iteasy to maintainprescription andmedical regime compliance /adherence. It’s likehaving your veryown Mobile HealthcareAssistant. Med Helper isconsistently rankedas one of the topapplications of its kind inthe Medical appfield. For information,suggestions or help contactus at:info@medhelperapp.com Friend us onFacebookat:https://www.facebook.com/MedHelper?ref=hl Med HelperProFeaturesinclude: Ads Free Phone / Tablet compatiblePrescriptionlist -Name - Medication Alias - RX Number -Instructions - Reason-Description - Side Effects Schedule - Startdate - End date-Schedule pattern - Reminder Times / Alarm set -Snooze - TakenatInventory - Refills Remaining - Current inventory -ExpirationDateContact - Doctor - Pharmacy Daily Schedule - Time ofDay -Dosage -Calendar view Take as needed (PRN) - Amount taken -Timetaken -Last 10 doses / 24/hr Med Log - Daily view - Calendarview-Ability to manage Vitals Tracked - Part of day -Exercise-Temperature - Weight - Pulse - Glucose - HbA1c - Painlevels-Blood Pressure - Oxygen Exportable and Printable ReportsPeopleuseMed Helper as a: Medication/Prescription tracker-Pillsalarm/reminder/organizer/calendar - Vitals tracker -DoctororPharmacist - appointment manager - RX reminder -Medicationreportstracker - Medicine reminder/scheduler - virtualPillbox -Symptomtracker - Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer aswell as away toshare information with their caregivers. How everyou chooseto useMed Helper we hope it helps make your life a littlebiteasier. MedHelper is being designed by people just like you.Overthe past twoyears we've received thousands of emailswithsuggestions, commentsand reviews. People let us know what theylike- what they want andsometimes what they don't like. We listenanddesign accordingly.Our belief is that Better HealthcareNeedsBetter Tools... andbetter tools are best designed by those whousethem. Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help ofanykind please contactus at: info@medhelperapp.com See ourwebsiteat:www.medhelperapp.com We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
Heal: Telehealth & House Calls 5.19.1
Heal is the leading provider of in-home primarycare,usingtechnology to re-humanize the practice of medicineanddeliverbetter outcomes for patients. Heal offers omni-modalcarethatincludes: - DOCTOR HOUSE CALLS: We bring everything weneedtoprovide excellent primary care to the comfort andconvenienceofyour living room - VIRTUAL TELEMEDICINE VISITS: Ourprovidersareavailable to discuss your health concerns over phone orvideochat,365 days a year - REMOTE MONITORING: Rest easy knowingyourdoctorhas access to your most up to date health information,thankstoour Heal Hub monitoring service. Patients canscheduleatelemedicine or in-home visit with ahighly-vetted,board-certifiedand licensed provider, 365 days ayear. Note thatHeal does nottreat emergencies. PRICING ANDINSURANCE: Heal isin-network withMedicare and most major MedicareAdvantage plans,including Humana,Wellcare, Aetna, VillageCare,Clover, Healthfirst,UnitedHealthcare, and EmblemHealth. House callsare covered bymostinsurance plans and the copay is typically thesame as anofficevisit to a primary care provider. Telemedicinecalls arecovered bymost insurance plans at no cost or a very lowco-pay tomembers.You would just pay your applicable co-pay. UseGoogle Payto payquickly and securely. SERVICE AREAS: Heal isavailable to80million Americans in Illinois, Louisiana, New York,NewJersey,North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, andWashingtonState.Search the full list of cities where Heal housecallsareavailable: heal.com/cities HOW THE APP WORKS: - Tellusaboutyourself: enter your address and create your patientprofile.Finda time that works with your schedule. - Checkyourinsuranceeligibility and see applicable copay amountsupfront,before youbook. - Select your primary care provider: seethe samedoctor ornurse practitioner, again and again. - Accessyourhealthinformation in one centralized location LEARN MORE: NewYorkTimes— "Bringing back old-school techniques withnew-schooltechnology."USA Today — "Heal will bring a well qualifieddoctorright to yourown house — no months-long waiting for anappointmentor germywaiting rooms needed." QUESTIONS?Heal.com/help-center |(844)644-HEAL | Chat in the app FOLLOW HEAL:-LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/healapp/-Twitter:https://twitter.com/HealApp-Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/heal/-Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/heal/ Please refertowww.heal.com if youneed an ADA compliant way to accessthisinformation.
Foody - Food & Symptom Tracker 1.3.1
Martin Stemmle
Understand your symptoms you experience from foods by keepingtrackof them.
MyMSK 3.3.0
MyMSK makes it easier for patients at MSKCC to manage aspectsoftheir care.
CHI Health Virtual Care
CHI Health
Get care now via phone or video chat! Access minor medicalcare24/7from the comfort of home for $35. Licensed healthcareprovidersassess symptoms and diagnose minor illnesses/injuriesinminutes, soyou can feel better faster. CHI Health Virtual Careisfor: • Colds,sore throat, flu, cough • Allergies, sinussymptoms,asthma • Backpain, ear pain, headache • Pink eye, othereye issues• Shingles,rashes, dermatitis, hives • Nausea, vomiting,diarrhea,constipation• Yeast infections, urinary tract infections•Sprains, scrapes,bruises • Burns, cuts, insect bites, • Otherminormedical concernsStop guessing. Start healing. Why wait foranappointment or sit ina doctor’s office? Great care is justclicksaway from wherever youare. Use the CHI Health Virtual Careapp todescribe your symptoms,indicate treatment preferences andconsent,provide your credit cardinformation and confirm yourinformation. •Within 30 minutes, alicensed health care providerwill contact youvia phone, mobiledevice or computer. • Thelicensed health careprovider will assessand diagnose yourcondition, prescribemedications and discuss atreatment plan withyou. • After thevirtual visit, a personalizedtreatment summarywill be posted to asecure web portal for youraccess only. Virtualvisits are typicallya qualified expense for aFlexible SpendingAccount (FSA), HealthSavings Account (HAS) orHealth ReimbursementAccount (HRA). Justcheck with your accountadministrator forreimbursement of the visitfee. Due to regulatoryrestrictions, wecannot provide a virtualvisit to individualscovered under agovernment insurance program(Medicare, MedicareAdvantage,Medicaid, Tricare).
Prayer Rope for Android 1.2
Saint Alexis Press
Praying with prayer ropes is one of the oldest waysofsayingprayers, and is still used today by both monks and laymenintheEastern Orthodox Church. This practice inspired us tocreatePrayerRope for Android. The app's interface is designed tobeasunobtrusive as possible while still being functional. Tocounttheprayers are they are said, simply swipe a finger acrossthescreen,or tap the beads. Both visual and tactile feedbackareprovided.The app will highlight the next "bead", show thecurrentprayercount, and, optionally, vibrate the device. Bothphones andtabletsare supported. • Select from a variety of prayers,inEnglish,Greek, and Russian • Choose the virtual length ofyourprayer rope• Track your prayer count Available Prayers: LordJesusChrist,have mercy on me. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, havemercyon me.Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, asinner.LordJesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me,asinner.Lord have mercy. Kyrie Eleison. Κύριε Ελέησον. ΚύριεΙησουΧριστέελέησόν με. Κύριε Ιησου Χριστέ, Υιε του Θεου, ελέησόνμετοναμαρτωλόν. Господи, помилуй. Господи, Иисусе Христе,помилуймя.Господи, Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй мя грешнаго.LordIbelieve, help my unbelief. Lord, make haste to help me.Lord,makespeed to save me. God, be merciful to me, a sinner.MostHolyMother of God, save me, a sinner. Most Holy Theotokos, saveme,asinner. Υπεραγία Θεοτόκε, σώσον ημάς. ПресвятаяБогородице,спасинас. Holy Saint _____, pray to God for me, asinner. HolyGuardianAngel, pray to God for me, a sinner. Lord JesusChrist,have mercyon Thy servant(s) _____. Lord Jesus Christ, giverest toThyservant(s) _____.
Amion - Physician Calendar
Doximity, Inc.
Stay on top of your upcoming shifts· View your schedule at a glance, right from the homepage· Receive schedule change alerts and notifications· View your shift schedule in calendar formatCustomize your calendar· Customize your calendar view with easy color coding· View schedules by week or monthSend and receive HIPAA-Secure Text Messages· Text anyone in your schedule through theHIPAA-secureplatform· Keep your text messages confidential even when you’re awayfromyour phone with secure notifications· Read receipts let you know when your text message has beensentand received· Keep everyone in the loop with group text messaging· View your colleagues’ Doximity profile to look up faxnumbers,back lines, and emailsManage your logins, groups and on-call team· Check who else is on call· See and add your colleagues’ scheduleStay connected· Send pages to your colleagues within Amion· Calendar data remains easily accessible offline· Manage your profile and career opportunitiesAmion has partnered with Doximity, the professional networkforphysicians, to build the Amion mobile app.We would love your feedback! Please send comments, ideas orissuesto support@doximity.com.
DrBerg 12.9
Eric Berg
Welcome to the Dr. Berg’s app. Now you will be able to accessallofDr. Berg’s knowledge all in one place. See videos,audioversions ofhis videos, not to mention having access to hismanydocuments (inpdf format). Each week you will get valuableupdates,new videos andaudios to keep abreast of Dr. Berg's wealthofknowledge on health.Dr. Eric Berg DC is a bestsellingauthor,Health Educator, developerof the Body Type System of WeightLoss.He has spent over 25 yearsworking with 40,000 people gainingtheexperience to help peopleunderstand the deepercause-effectrelationship of health problems.Dr. Berg’s style ofteaching ishighly understandable, helping youto get it at a simpleandpractical level. Dr. Berg’s strategy ishealthy weight loss,whichby the way tends to be the fastest way tolose weight – it’sgethealthy to lose weight, not lose weight toget healthy. Dr.Berguses various indicators to analyze what bodytype (adrenal,liver,thyroid and ovary) a person has. And based onone’s primarybodytype, tailor-made actions can be aligned toaddress the rootcauseor a weight situation.
Muhdo 3.1.96
MUHDO Health Ltd
Take control of your DNA! View your DNA profile 24/7 throughtheapp.
SimplePractice for Clinicians 9.6.4
Practice Management Software
Popit Smart Med Reminder 1.0.38
Popit MedTech
Stop missing meds and stay on track with your treatment
Pill Reminder App : Track Medication, Water & Diet 2.0.2
Nextscrum Apps
This Pill Reminder App makes it easy for individuals to followtheirmedication plans as well as track daily water intake and dietplan.✓ Enhances medication compliance for patients with acrazy-busylife. The simple user interface makes it a great tooleven for thosenot so familiar with modern technology. ✓ This appis perfect forpatients of all ages. Particularly for seniors toeliminate missinga dose. ✓ It enables you to schedule variousmedications withmultiple doses at different times of day. ✓ ItOffers simple, modernand clean user interface. ✓ Website accessavailable athttps://web.pillreminderapp.com ✓ It securely storesyour medicationhistory and you can generate weekly, monthly, oryearly reports tohelp your specialist with the progress. The appcomprises 5 majorsections: 💢 Medication Reminder 💢 NewMeasurements 💢 Doctor Visit 💢Vaccine Reminders 💢 Water intake& Diet Tracker Here’s what eachsection does: MEDICATIONREMINDER This is where you manage all ofyour medications. Here youset reminders for each medication toavoid missing doses.Notifications remind you to follow yourmedication regimen. To setreminders, you will first need toindicate whether you are takingpills, syrups, or injections. Youcan set reminders on themcollectively or separately, depending onhow you use them. Dailyreminders, weekly reminders, monthlyreminders, and yearlyreminders are all available. Another greatfeature of this sectionis Inventory Setting. Here you can enter thenumber of medicationsleft in your medical box and tell it to sendan alert when you areleft with a certain number. The app willnotify that ‘You arerunning out of medication’ as soon as you reachthat amount. NEWMEASUREMENTS This section lets you store varioushealthmeasurements such as ✓ blood pressure readings, ✓ heartbeatrate, ✓sugar level, etc. It contains standard measurements for eachhealthproblem and matches them with the readings you take to see ifyouare doing well. For example, the normal blood pressure readingis120/80. Also, this section creates a timeline of each reading onadaily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Using this timeline,yourphysician can easily monitor your results. DOCTOR VISITS Thisis agreat feature that helps you to set reminders in order tokeeptrack of upcoming doctor appointments. First thing you willneed todo is to add the doctor to the Pill Tracker App. Next, youwillenter the date and time at which the visit will occur. 💢 Anawesomething about this section is that it lets you record theaudio ofthe entire conversation between you and doctor by theirconsent.Doctors often give you a lot of information quickly. Thiswill helpyou keep record of the doctor’s advice and replay asnecessary toconfirm your understanding. Also, the Important Notefeature inthis section helps you take written notes of everythingthat thedoctor says. VACCINE REMINDERS Timely vaccinations areimportant toensure healthy growth of your child. To make thingseasier, use theVaccine Reminder feature of our app. Here you willfind numerousvaccination schedule templates. The section has twofeatures:✓Active Vaccines ✓Schedule Vaccines In Active Vaccines,there is alist of vaccines that you can select from to indicate theones yourchild has already received. It has built-in templatesforvaccinations like measles, polio, severe hack we call itwhoopingcough, and others. Here you can set reminders to ensureyour childreceives timely immunizations. Diet & Water IntakeReminder: Asa part of 1.1.5+ version, you can also track your dailywaterintake, track your breakfast, track your lunch & dinnerand anycustom diet plan. Getting timely water reminders helps youkeephydrated throughout the day.
Bartender's Choice Vol.2 1.2.1
Fancy Free, LLC
A cocktail guide from the crew behind Attaboy, Milk & HoneyNYCand Diamond Reef
Psalms for Worship
The Book of Psalms For Worship isthenewest American psalter. It offers many familiar tunes andnewarrangements with language that is easily understood by the21stcentury Christian, while remaining faithful to theHebrewtext.This version for Android devices includes:- Searchable index of all the psalms- Sheet music*, audio, text, and tune info for each psalm- A method to mark favorites- A single, moveable bookmark for marking progressinfamily/personal devotionsFuture updates will include:- Play the triad and initial note that a presenter normallysingsbefore starting the psalm- Interface improvements for tablets- (if possible) Play audio for individual parts- Night mode for campfire viewing- More search options- Much more...If you have any suggestions for additional features, oranyproblems with this version, please email me.The text and audio for this app are:© 2009 Crown & Covenant Publications.(http://www.crownandcovenant.com/)Used with permission.*Sheet music is unavailable for a short list of tunes forwhichC&C does not have digital distribution rights: 19C, 26A,41A,93B, 106B, 112B, 134A, 150D.
A Starting Point 2.0.21
A Starting Point LLC
ASP is a civic engagement app helping voters betterunderstandcurrent issues.
Grace Community Church 1.13
The Official App for Grace Community Church
Phosphorus Foods Diet Guide 2.2
A nutrition diet guide of low phosphorus foods for healthy lifeandfitness.
Pure Air 1.2.10-1124
App for connected Air Purifier
Accredo 2.29.1
Accredo Health Group, Inc
Manage your Accredo specialty medications on the go
Felt: Relationship Advice 2.3.2
The Feelings Company
Connect with emotional wellness experts and community!