5 Похожие OWise breast cancer

Breast cancer 1.0
If you want to know everything about prostatecancer,thisapplication will help you. There are many types ofcancer:skincancer,prostate cancer,pancreatic cancer,cervicalcancer,lungcancer,colon cancer,ovarian cancer,cancer de mama,...Just likemalaria,aids,ebola,...breast cancer is a pathology thathumanityfind it difficult to solve it. In this application,you willfindallthing about breast cancer:what is breast cancer,breastcancercauses,breast cancer symptoms. Make sure you will learn manythingsfrom this application. Please share this application withyourfriends if you care about their healths.
Breast Cancer Disease 1.0
Divya Narang
This apps given only detailsaboutbreastcancer..
Breast Cancer 2.0
Today the biggest fear of many women is breast cancer.Withstaggering statistics of over a million women being diagnosedeachyear, it is not hard to understand why there is this shadowofworry. Probably the most severe form of treatment andunfortunatelythe most common in years gone by is surgery. And anysurgery can bestressful, but breast surgery that may indicate aneed forfollow-up breast cancer treatment can be extremelystressful forany woman. Hypnosis for breast cancer focusesspecifically on thisextreme stress. The calmer you are in anysituation, the moreresources your body and mind have to healthemselves as quickly aspossible. Common sense, as well as researchdata, indicates thatrecovery from breast cancer is better if thepatient receivesemotional support during and after the treatment.This app isspecially designed to help you cope better with all theproblemsand issues that a woman undergone breast cancer treatmentmay have.The power of the subconscious mind can be a potent ally inhealingfrom surgery and recovering from breast cancer, for it isthesubconscious mind that controls automatic body processes,includingimmune function and pain perception. Additionally, thesubconsciousmind is the source of all emotions, which also makeshypnosis alogical choice for dealing with the emotional aspects ofbreastcancer diagnosis and treatment. •If breast cancer treatmentcreatesside effects, this app can help you minimize those sideeffects.•If breast cancer treatment has taken away your confidenceandself-esteem, this app can help you regain it. •If breastcancertreatment creates body image issues, this app can also helpyoufeel good about your body again. •If breast cancer treatmenthasmade you forget that you are alive, beautiful, wanted andactive,this app can help you remember it. •If breast cancertreatment hasmade you believe that all the good things in your lifeare over,this app will prove you wrong. •If breast cancer made youthinkthat you are alone in this, this app will prove you wrong.Verbalinstructions and therapeutically soothing music will gentlyguideyou into a deeply relaxed state, uplifting your mind andspirit.Within moments, you will be eased into a state of mind thatis calmand peaceful. This guarantees an opportunity to resolveanyemotional problems you may have by creating for you atranquilenvironment in which to reflect, or to drift smoothly intoarevivifying sleep. Because trance is therapeutic by itself.Becausethe spirit is the foundation of the body, foundation of theway oflife we live.
ぐずピタ-赤ちゃん泣き止み音アプリ- 1.0.1
My Breast Cancer Journey 1.1.1
My Breast Cancer Journey, a part of theCancerJourney Apps series of apps, provides educational content tobreastcancer patients that is personalized to the individualsdiagnosis,treatment, clinical and emotional status. The content isupdatedthroughout the journey so that the patient has access to therightcontent at the right time.Patients can also engage with invited friends and familytocreate a private support network, where the patient can sharetheirpersonalized educational content, discuss the content, haveone onone conversations and engage in group discussions. Publicsupportnetworks are also available in the app.Patients can also record and graph medical tests, andrecordnon-cancer conditions that allow the creation of acomprehensiveclinical picture of the patient.General App Features:* Educational documents and videos customized to yourdiagnosis,treatment path and emotional status - provided at theright timeduring your journey - not all at once in anoverwhelmingmanner.* Create a private social network by inviting friends andfamilyto support you* Share pictures and have a 1:1 conversation or a generalgroupconversation.* Share educational documents with your private socialnetworkand control who see's what documents* Track and be motivated by watching your journey statuschangeas you go through your journey* Store and record medical test and graph them over time soyoucan track trends.